How Do I Not Cheat?

I'm a virgin (by choice, not religious), 20, and in a relationship that is practically perfect. I really do think I'm in love with my boyfriend, and he's practically perfect.

The only thing is, recently the idea of cheating on him after we're married has become really appealing, to the point that I think it might be a fetish for me. I'm practically demisexual, so the idea of having sex with anyone other my life partner is practically foreign, but when I think of cheating on him, it's starting to sound appealing.

I'm legitimately afraid of this, of this being a fetish and of these urges not only not going away, but getting stronger over time. I don't want to cheat on him, he doesn't deserve that, and I would never forgive myself if I did cheat. It legitimately makes me feel kind of sick that I might do something like that.

How do I keep myself from cheating on him? I don't want to hurt him, and I know for a fact that it's the one thing I could ever do that would make him leave me. How can I keep these urges under control or get rid of them?

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Why does this turn you on?

Just wanting to experience more people, maybe? Or just the thrill of it, the taboo. I don't really know.

Marry a cuck. That sounds perfect for you. Don't turn anyone into a cuck though. Find someone who already is.

As bad as this is going to sound, I've actually thought of that. The thing is, I'm not really interested in anyone else and the cuck lifestyle/personality type is really not what I want in life. I want a monogamous and loyal relationship, hence why I want to try and control or curb myself rather than go for that, which would probably be easier in a lot of ways.

then don't cheat stupid. not every urge is worth pursuing, or even should be pursued. integrate and control your shadow or cheat, hurt and lose your boyfriend and see where that takes you.

Write a story where someone cheats to explore the idea, maybe you will tire of it. Sometimes I really want a shitty mcdonalds cheeseburger because I haven't had one in a few years. I'm not committing myself to a life of mcdonalds cheeseburgers by eating one, I'm just removing the novelty from the experience again.

I don't really think you get what I mean. It's not "oh hey this would be pretty cool I want to try that", it's "I literally can't get off today unless this is what I think about." It's more than a passive kink, there are times when it's a legitimate fetish and I have a hard time really thinking about anything else. It's getting worse over time and my concern is that at some point, and it may be years from now, I might not be able to keep myself from doing it.
If it was just a matter of "yeah don't do that", I wouldn't be here. I'm asking for some kind of advice or tools to help control myself.

I think this is a really good idea, generally when I get the urge I do my best to ignore it. I'll try writing something out.

Just think of it as a carrot on a stick dangling in front of you. If you lose sight of the bigger picture and chase the carrot, you risk falling into a hole.
I'd just think about the media you're consuming. If you watch a certain type of porn it can poison your mind and send you down a dark path of fetishes where normal sex simply isn't enough anymore. Try to think if there's an outside source that might be subliminally suggesting infidelity, as crazy as it sounds, with divorce rates as high as they are today and cuck porn being at an all time high, the subliminal suggestions for women to cheat are out there everywhere.

If you really believe what you say then you will need to seek out counseling with a sex therapist. That may help. Otherwise you'll just destroy some man's world one day because you had to scratch that itch that you apparently don't even understand.

You're awfully sure that you two will end up married. You're young, barely an adult, and not giving your bf a healthy sex life. Practically a recipe for a relationship that will not last.

I don't watch a lot of porn, though I imagine being immersed in a lot of the shitposty parts of the internet, "cuck" is definitely on my mind a lot. You might be on to something with that, surprisingly. If this continues to get worse, I'll see if cutting memeshit out of my life helps it.

I'll also consider this.

We've been in a relationship for a while, we communicate well, our dreams and opinions of pretty much perfectly align, and we naturally fulfill each other's needs without much effort on either person's part. I see no reason why we wouldn't end up married.
Also, he's a virgin abstaining for religious reasons, both of us are demisexual, and he's not that concerned about sex in general.

Take a crash course or watch a video on psychology, it will blow your fucking mind how subliminally the brain works.
Mental manipulation is very real and surprisingly easy.

Ayo guys. I figured it out. Women DO want to be fucked, but only by men they view as significantly superior to them.

>How Do I Not Cheat?
Is this.... are you... is this a real... I dont. please stop. Stop asking these questions. Its making me question humanity.

Don't be low IQ, helps a lot.

Not making it up, Google it. Low IQ potatoes cheat, they can't defer gratification. Bet you are chubby too

Kys, hope he finds someone better

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>"I literally can't get off today unless this is what I think about."
>has to 'get off' every day like it's some kind of obligation

Everything about you sounds like human garbage. Can you just like... stop posting?

>Everything about you sounds like human garbage.
I'm assuming you just generally don't understand how people or fetishes work.

Unironically meditate. Some breathing techniques plus really thinking through the topic while in deep relaxation helps explore our own psyche. It provably wont solve your problem, but it should help in some extent. Also meditation shorter than 20 mins is not meditation, you should do it 5 times a week or more for at least 3 months

well you seem to know everything at 20 years old lol

You should have married a proper beta buxx. He would have allowed you to cuck him.

>"I literally can't get off today unless this
Muh pussy

Ground breaking stuff there

Not too late for OP

Get a therapist

you have the mental condition known as a prime breeding age female

you need a provider for your spawn
and you want the best genetic father for your spawn
those two people arent always the same person and for hundreds of thousands of years if was perfectly normal for women like you to sneak off and get knocked up by a chad before you snuck back to the bed of the beta provider who feeds you every day.

its very very simple
when a man who isnt your husband tries to kiss you, gropr you or otherwise initiate sexual relations you say
>i am married or engaged
>go away please
now, i know this might seem complicated at first but just try it and youll find its actually extremely easy to do.

The alternative is having a cliteroctomy like you probably deserve


I'm not, you should read too.

I do actually meditate when I have the time, and I earnestly recommend it to everyone regardless.

pic related

Oh my god can you go back to r/incels please?

Avoiding the cliteroctomy because everyone on Earth who isn't you or a Muslim can see the problem with that, read.

thanks for reminding me why i’m mgtow. bitches and whores

>Oh my god can you go back to r/incels please?

implying i havent been the chad women have snuck off to in the night ever since i hit the age of 17. God only knows how many bastards i have out there, in addition to my own wife and legitimate children of course.

>How do I not cheat?
Well breaking up for one.
Suicide is also another option, but that would hurt the people around you.

>Avoiding the cliteroctomy because everyone on Earth who isn't you or a Muslim can see the problem with that, read.
t'was a joke m'lady
a mere jest at the notion of you being unable to control your libido

I know Jow Forums isn't exactly a place where normal or even mildly literate people tend to congregate, but how many of you do I have to tell to actually read?
You're MGTOW because there's something wrong with you or the things you do or the "type" of women you like, and you've never heard the phrase "When the whole world is wrong, right yourself."

t. a fag who just confirmed themselves for incel


I'm sorry for that, then. And I'm not actually a super sexual person, my libido isn't the issue here.

>I'm sorry for that, then. And I'm not actually a super sexual person, my libido isn't the issue here.
Then what, exactly, is?
>the idea of cheating on my husband is very arousing to me
>ie it strongly resonates with my sexuality
>but im not very sexual
do you not see the contradiction?
The only reason you have (or have given) for wanting to cheat is that "it might be a fetish" and, yet, if you arent sexual then this shouldnt be an issue.

I read it all. You want to cheat, so your relationship will not survive and probably isn't worth saving anyway.

Something being arousing doesn't mean it resonates with your entire sexuality, and not having a high libido doesn't mean you're not sexual at *all*.
It's a growing idea that is becoming harder and harder to ignore, to the point where I'm pretty sure it might be a fetish for me. Fetishes can be explained similar to addictions - it's an actual NEED, albiet normal addictions are chemical in nature and I'm not sure what causes fetishes to be so extreme.

I clearly am trying to prevent the cheating as it's not something I actually want to do.

>not something I actually want to do.
No. It's something you (rightly) know you shouldn't do but definitely want to. You shouldn't have relationships. I know Jow Forums hates on promiscuity, but you need to stick to hookups without emotional investment.

Before I got married, a married friend told me to just masturbate whenever I thought about cheating. Must only work for guys, though.

I never said it was your entire sexuality. If fetishes were some binary thing then the word strongly wouldnt serve a purpose there.
It is not a "need". A man will not die if he never spanks a lady's bum. A paedophile can manage to survive without nonsing. It is a desire.
Again, if you cant resist this desire then, this was the joke, you ought to have a cliteroctomy. Frankly, it might be liberating to be free from most sexual pleasures. Someone who cannot taste, as an analogy, is unlikely to be fat or overconsume sugar and whatnot arent they?
The only answer to your, frankly absurd, question is, as has been given multiple times, to resist these urges else find a pathetic ""man"" who will indulge them. The solution to not wanting to cheat on your spouse is to simply not do it.

I fucking hate hook-ups, I hate hook-up culture, the whole idea of it is fucking sick to me. I'm still a virgin because that's the kind of thing I hate. I DO NOT want to cheat on my boyfriend, and I hate myself for fact that there's some part of me that wants to. It's actually kind of really stressful?? Which is why I want to get rid of it. Outside of a relationship I literally don't care about sex, the fetish comes into play when I think of getting married to him and then cheating *while* in a relationship. If we broke up it would go away again. Does that make sense? Because it doesn't to me but that's exactly how it feels. Now you tell me how this makes in any way at all.

You said that it resonates with my sexuality, with it doesn't. It's not something I've ever thought about before, it's not something I would want under normal circumstances, and it's something that I DO NOT WANT.
It is a need in a metaphorical sense, a drug addict does not "need" a drug either. Sure withdrawals suck, but you can stop cold turkey and technically live. It's a "need" by most people's standards though.
A cliteroctomy is a horrible and fucking retarded procedure that keeps people from feeling sexual pleasure at all. What's actually wrong with you to suggest that? Do you think it would be reasonable to burn the nerve endings in your dick because you don't want to cheat on your wife? That is in no way liberating or "free".
The answer is not to find a cuck, I don't want a cuck, I want my boyfriend. There are several people who have given actual answers to this question, thank you.


Why ? What ? I dont... is this... are you.. am I... please. Stop. Just control yourself and dont be a bitch. Is it that hard ? If you have a good guy, why throw it away. I dont understand.

That has nothing to do with me reading shit. It has something to do with you taking responsibility for your actions like an adult.

>I DO NOT want to cheat on my boyfriend, and I hate myself for fact that there's some part of me that wants to.
You just contradicted yourself. Look if hookups aren't for you, and you want to cheat on your boyfriend then maybe you're better off alone.
I do have to point out though, maybe you want to cheat because you're not having sex. Literally just fuck your bf and see if you still want to cheat.

stop being religious

find someone who won't mind a non-traditional life style

don't deny yourself or you'll make a series of shitty decisions all because you couldn't be honest about who you really are.

humans aren't naturally monogamous or non monogamous, different things work for different people at different times.

>I'm practically demisexual, so the idea of having sex with anyone other my life partner is practically foreign, but when I think of cheating on him, it's starting to sound appealing.

oh fuck thats so wrong. I just googled demisexual and its supposed to mean you like to fuck people you already know. Why even invent a word for this shit ?

Clearly, youre not "demisexual" since you want to fuck others.

But desu WTH are you on about OP if you didnt even fuck your boyfriend and already want to fuck strangers ? What is this shit ? Is this bait ?

You are a guy, though. We all know.

Girls are whores but not that whory

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What a compelling argument, wow.

I love cheating now.

if hes a guy, hes raping his own brain by using the "word" demisexual. oh god, hes doing it to me again. fuck.

You can't muster the willpower to not fuck other men? This is ridiculous. You are a slave to your own desires.

Ask him for threesome

I told you to read because if you did, you'd realize this is an actual problem and not just "don't do it".

I don't. Want. Sex. Right now. Just think of a completely asexual person who only becomes sexual after they get married, ok? That's not an exact but it's as close as I can probably explain to you. I literally don't want sex with anyone else or care, I could have literally the most attractive man on the planet, this instant, trying to fuck me and I would have actually zero interest. Me, as a person, right now, logically, I do not want to cheat on my boyfriend. There are times, when I don't feel like myself, when it becomes a fetish for me and it's an urge I feel the need to fulfill, but EVEN IN THOSE MOMENTS I feel bad for it.
It's not a contradiction - I do, but I really fucking don't.

I'm not religious, I said that. I, myself, WANT a traditional lifestyle not because of a religion or how my parents raised me, but because that's just what I want out of life. It's what works for me. The issue I have is that my desire to cheat is literally going to destroy the life that I want, who I "really am" is the antithesis of these feelings.

"A demisexual is a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone. "
Please read some of my other comments.

You're actually an idiot user.

My concern is that I will tun out of willpower. At which point, yes, I would be a slave to that desire. Which is why I'm asking for help before that happens.


OP you either want a traditional life style or you want to slut it up.

you can try and find a compromise, but if you try and brush it all under the rug you're gonna have a bad time.

the idea that you're only sexual after marriage raises some very interesting questions about how you're supposed to find an affair partner

If you can't pinpoint a specific psychological reason for these urges and squash it, this will probably be the only situation in which I will ever advocate a virgin girl just fucking manwhores.
>I don't want to cheat on him, he doesn't deserve that, and I would never forgive myself if I did cheat
And this is exactly why you should not be with someone who has more moral capacity than you. While I absolutely emphasize going to a psychologist and/or therapist (preferably one with faith-based connections, not for religious reasons, but because they won't give you modern "sexuality is good" claptrap--there are unironically therapists who say that adultery makes couples stronger, avoid those), if you try and still can't get resolution on this issue, the right thing to do would be to spare your bf the agony of having the person closest to him betray him.

>"A demisexual is a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone. "
That's basically just a woman.

Anyway, don't let the usual degenerates tell you otherwise, your decision to avoid fornication is a laudable one.
Think of me what you will, but if you have questions about specific things, I'll do what I can to answer them.

Literally I do not want to be a slut. I detest that, that's not the kind of person I am. I want to get rid of the idea in the first place.

He doesn't have more moral capacity than me, that implies that I actualy want to be some kind of a slut. I'm trying to get rid of this in the first place, it would only be a matter of morals if I thought it was ok and embraced it.

>He doesn't have more moral capacity than me
I think you misunderstand. I'm not saying your conscious morals are inferior. I even praised you for them in the post. I am saying (and you recognized) that your ability to fulfill them is suspect.

For example, suppose there is a man who is gentle and kind, and does his utmost every day to help those who need it with a positive attitude. However, this man is also an undiagnosed bipolar, and while he tries to hold himself back, he sometimes explodes in uncontrollable bouts of rage, and when he snaps out of episodes like that, he risks severe anguish if he ever hurt someone in the process. Knowing this, the logical course of action for a man who sincerely wishes no harm on people is to either treat the problem, or in the case where he can't solve it, avoid putting other people at risk.

I'm not doubting your motives--either in terms of sincerity or in quality--but I am pointing out that it's not a good idea to put your bf in a situation where your disturbing fantasies could translate to reality.

OP you are lying to yourself about who you are and what you want

you will end up unhappy if you do not figure out how to address these internal contradictions

you don't just "get rid" of these feelings. they don't just go away.

you need to figure out how to get this out of your system or reevaluate what is truly important to you

do you value the way you were brought up because you liked the way you turned out? or is it just a matter of liking the idea of what you already know?

>I know Jow Forums hates on promiscuity
What the fuck are you smoking? I wish. Even supposed "conservatives" on Jow Forums are total degenerates.

It's true.

All boards condemn non monogamy . pol is either trad or red pill/ mgtow from what i see.

>non monogamy
That's not the only thing constituting promiscuity.
Serial monogamy is just as bad and is near-universally accepted.

>red pill/ mgtow
These are 'people' who aspire to be manwhores

The only real advice we can offer you is to control yourself. If you can't then talk to someone like a parent or sibling.
But if you know you have no integrity and will absolutely cheat on him at SOME POINT in your entire life after marriage then just call things off and spare him the trouble, he'll find a more worthy woman.

Not the original poster.

Your looking at a group of individuals who have given up on dating because the social / political climate is fucked, and saying they are wrong.

By your own statement you cant just write off larger or growing groups. But your saying they are wrong in their ideology.

Enjot getting divorce raped, or taken for huge amounts of child support while your ex wife or ex girlfriend turns your kids against you, jumps states, and ruins them beyond repair.

Except thats not mgtows goal at all but continue spreading bullshit.

just have sex with your bf now. then figure out if he does it for you or if you want to experience other people. I know sex feels like its a big deal and its scary, but its not.
i was a virgin till 18 (female) and I thought sex was a big deal but also was secretly into the idea of experiencing lots of different dudes like you are. I had a bf of 3 months, and I bought a dildo so I could kinda stretch myself out in preparation, got on birth control, and just went for it and fucked him. It was awesome and not painful or a big deal.

but then later in the relationship I wanted to experience other guys. So we broke up after 6 months and I have had lots and lots of sex with 2 different guys in my other relationships since then.

ur just horny and you want sex and you want to figure out what kind of sex you like and with which people. which is what you do when you start having sex.. :D

Their "lock and key" analogy is a staple talking point.
Are there some who simply swear off dating and sex in general? I don't doubt it. But that's not the typical case, from what I've seen.

>just have sex with your bf now.
Off yourself, degenerate. Just because you're human garbage doesn't mean others should be, too.
>Bivariate results suggested that delaying sexual involvement was associated with higher relationship quality across several dimensions. The multivariate results indicated that the speed of entry into sexual relationships was negatively associated with marital quality, but only among women."
>"I find that premarital sex or premarital cohabitation that is limited to a woman's husband is not associated with an elevated risk of marital disruption. However, women who have more than one intimate premarital relationship have an increased risk of marital dissolution."
>"Both structural equation and group comparison analyses demonstrated that sexual restraint was associated with better relationship outcomes, even when controlling for education, the number of sexual partners, religiosity, and relationship length."

what is so good about chastity?

like what makes it actually valuable?

what makes having sex with only one partner morally superior to having sex with multiple partners over a life time?

>completely ignores post above him
Actual loyalty and commitment, self-discipline, increased stability in relationships for raising a family, greater happiness and overall health.
>"measures of subjective well-being indicate that women's happiness has declined both absolutely and relative to men. The paradox of women's declining relative well-being is found across various datasets, measures of subjective well-being, and is pervasive across demographic groups and industrialized countries. Relative declines in female happiness have eroded a gender gap in happiness in which women in the 1970s typically reported higher subjective well-being than did men."

>"Social and legal changes have given people more autonomy over individual and family decision making, including rights over marriage, children born out of wedlock, the use of birth control, abortion, and divorce (Stevenson and Wolfers, 2007). Once again, men may have been able to disproportionately benefit from these increased opportunities: Akerlof, Yellen, and Katz (1996) argue that sexual freedom offered by the birth control pill benefited men by increasing the pressure on women to have sex outside of marriage"
>" The results of these investigations suggest that romantic love and sexual desire are governed by functionally independent social-behavioral systems that evolved for different reasons and that involve different neurochemical substrates.
>" Controlling for demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, the death rate for people who were unmarried was significantly higher than it was for those who were married and living with their spouses. Although the effect was significant for all categories of unmarried, it was strongest for those who had never married. The never married effect was seen for both sexes, and was significantly stronger for men than for women."

throwing a bunch of vaguely related quotes from academic journals doesn't answer my questions.

not everybody wants a family, and you can have amazing self discipline in some areas of your life and still be a cheating asshole.

none of the traits you mentioned are inherently linked to chastity, and even on the self discipline end, it's a moot point because it's not something that's hard to avoid unlike food or booze or sedentary lifestyle. It takes very little self discipline to avoid situations in which you might have sex whereas avoiding junk food requires infinitely more discipline.

You've not provided a single philosophical or scientific reason that chastity is preferable.

>not everybody wants a family
Those who don't are biologically defective. Granted, it's for the best that leftists and hedonists don't reproduce, but their mind virus is a form of reproduction when they ruin the lives off others by convincing them to partake in degeneracy.
>you can have amazing self discipline in some areas of your life and still be a cheating asshole.
This is irrelevant to the point that controlling lust is a core component of discipline.

>none of the traits you mentioned are inherently linked to chastity
Chastity is by definition loyalty to your spouse. I know you'll say "but you can be committed in any relationship", however this is wrong. Modern relationships are transient and can be ended unilaterally at any time, the link is solely to the person and has no intrinsic value. Chastity, by contrast, represents a commitment not only to your partner you marry, but also to the idea and bond of marriage itself. This obviously strengthens the relationship because the ideal of commitment is given real value.

I won't even bother dignifying the others, because the sources address exactly that--those who are chaste have far greater relational stability, increased happiness (women in particular), and a lower death rate (men in particular), both from suicide and other causes.

> It takes very little self discipline to avoid situations in which you might have sex
And yet 95% of people can't bring themselves to do it, despite all the evidence and centuries of lived experience saying why it's a bad thing to whore around.

>You've not provided a single philosophical or scientific reason that chastity is preferable.
"Preferable" to what end? If you want a scientific proof of faith, you're not going to get it from an autistic shitposter like me. But if you talk about specific goals and values, like more stable and happy individuals and societies, then there is great scientific reason to remain chaste.

>Chastity is by definition loyalty to your spouse. I know you'll say "but you can be committed in any relationship", however this is wrong. Modern relationships are transient and can be ended unilaterally at any time, the link is solely to the person and has no intrinsic value. Chastity, by contrast, represents a commitment not only to your partner you marry, but also to the idea and bond of marriage itself. This obviously strengthens the relationship because the ideal of commitment is given real value.

the moral basis for all of this comes from a religious text, not a scientific one.

if you can find me a real argument that isn't rooted in your fairytale belief system that would be a great start.

all of the value you're placing in matrimony is rooted in old world religious texts, not contemporary philosophical arguments.

your values system isn't based on anything tangible and yet you want to presuppose that your ideas of happiness and stability somehow have merit?

the basis for your entire argument is a strawman in the form of hypothetical modern relationships from which you only have second hand account of.

your idea of a happy relationship is one in which no party has the agency to decide when and where the relationship will take place, it's essentially emotional slavery.

Don't try to argue with the mentally ill. He is completely immune to facts. All you're doing is show his inane garbage to those of us who have him filtered.

ok so she could stay with one guy, marry him, and fuck only him for a statistical advantage in the quality of her marriage and her loyalty.

but what is her priority: does she value having a statistical advantage for a loving marriage, or does she want sexual gratification and adventure, but have faith that she will be able to commit and work hard for a healthy marriage without that statistical advantage

>the moral basis for all of this comes from a religious text, not a scientific one
I'm not religious, but to think that science has intrinsic morals is itself a dogmatic belief.

And in any case, you do realize that you're bashing the concept that developed independently among basically every civilization, right? Chastity until marriage (loyalty to a relationship on top of to the individual) is not unique to Abrahamic faiths, it can also be found among Buddhists, Confucians, Hindus, and others.

>yet you want to presuppose that your ideas of happiness and stability somehow have merit?
Define "merit". This is babby's first nihilism. Go ahead, propose what you think society should be organized around, or if you really believe that nothing matters, then give me an objective reason why, for example, I shouldn't kill you if I ever met you personally. Ultimately that's all you can appeal to--"goals are arbitrary, so I won't accept your goals, and because you don't have goals I accept, you can't use data".
>your idea of a happy relationship is one in which no party has the agency to decide when and where the relationship will take place, it's essentially emotional slavery.
Wrong, pic related.
>accuses me of strawmanning (even though I have a multitude of sources to my points
>strawmans by calling loyalty "emotional slavery"

>He is completely immune to facts
I am at a loss as to how a fuckwit like you can say this without an ounce of irony, when I am literally dumping sources only to be confronted with fallacies and ad hominem for months on end. You don't even have facts, you have never brought them, and somehow you feel it's appropriate to accuse me of being "immune" to them.

Attached: Relationships.png (1050x626, 49K)

>so she could stay with one guy, marry him, and fuck only him for a statistical advantage in the quality of her marriage and her loyalty.
It's almost like you can meet multiple people before deciding to spend the rest of your life with one. Wow.

>does she want sexual gratification and adventure, but have faith that she will be able to commit and work hard for a healthy marriage without that statistical advantage
If she wants to be a hedonist, fine, but saying this behavior is good for society as a whole or encouraging it in any way is stupid--the net effect of making such actions acceptable in society (and note I am not proposing turning people into slaves so that such actions are impossible--even Victorian England had prostitutes running around) is going to result in degradation of conditions for everyone, and one of my sources shows that women have already reported significant declines in overall happiness in the past few decades. Am I saying that's solely because of fornication, of course not, but given the other sources it certainly plays a part.

And I find it rather funny how you can't contain your fedora tipping vitriol for religion (despite me being nonreligious and not using any faith-based arguments), but then whip around and say it's somehow better for someone to have "faith" in something that is demonstrably detrimental to several indicators of well-being.

just wondering what you opinion would be on a girl having sex with 10 people in her life. 1 her eventual husband, 5 guys she dated, then 3 hookups. how is this hurting society specifically

>How do I keep myself from cheating on him? I don't want to hurt him

Yes you do, because he wont hurt you. Tell him to fulfill your rape fantasies and to get some of your dads cologne and these feelings will go away you fucking whore

>He thinks people who decide to spend the rest of their life together will never divorce

ok that was bad math but like still jw

On an individual level, it's inconsequential to society as a whole. But then again, so is voting.
What matters are broad rates and standards of societal morality. My primary concern is not, in fact, whether all people adhere to a set moral standard, but rather than they be judged according to it by society as a whole.

If everyone sees voting as pointless (and individually, they are correct that their respective votes will never change a thing), you have a recipe for a collapsing democracy. Similarly, if everyone sees promiscuity as permissible (or even worse, desirable), then you will be in effect increasing the incidence of promiscuity, along with its negative effects on happiness, relational stability, etc.
People should be able to be degenerates if they wish. But they should be condemned by society as a whole, to limit the degeneracy to those who truly wish to engage in it. What we have now is an attitude of either permissiveness or outright hedonism that condemns people who DON'T engage in mindless sex.

I would also like to note that body count is almost completely irrelevant to my thinking. That is a silly and arbitrary metric to use, specifically because it's unenforceable in any way. You can't have premarital sex within a set "acceptable" partner count unless you're willing to abstain once you hit that number--and if you can abstain then, it's far better statistically to do so in the first place.

kek, didn't even notice. Nice digits.

If you look at divorce statistics, those who wait (yes, even controlling for religiosity) have far better chances of remaining together than those who don't. In those unfortunate cases where a marriage simply falls apart (with proper precautions, a very rare occurrence), then I don't consider it immoral to separate nor to seek another partner. Although it is also perfectly reasonable to not want to date divorcees.

It's hurting him because people having sex makes him angry. Like a typical incel.

Given your proud display of having no self-awareness, I'd imagine you have me filtered.

But for sake of argument, say all of your attacks on my character are true--I am an incel. And not just any incel, THE incel who got the whole thing started, creating MGTOW and r/Redpill on one drunken night of woman-hating, and even birthing RooshV out of my distended asshole. I weigh 400 lbs, have horrible acne, bad breath, and have no social skills whatsoever. I catcall women and openly greet any females, from 5-year-olds to grandmas, with the words "suck my dick, whore". Then I spend all my waking hours on Jow Forums on a digital soapbox because I have no self-esteem and cry myself to sleep every night wondering why nobody will fuck me.

Assuming all of those things are true, please explain to us how that means the sources I post or the arguments I make are invalid. I'm genuinely interested to know how.

Do you fear intimacy? Maybe you fear that if you marry your current partner you'll be compelled to have more intimacy with him, something that you could be subconsciously avoiding. In a way those ideas about cheating could be yourself setting up for failure, allowing you to avoid entering that relationship and thus avoiding intimacy.

>"A demisexual is a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone. "
yeah, thats what i said, only in straight language.

>I told you to read because if you did, you'd realize this is an actual problem and not just "don't do it".
And if you understood that you have responsibility for your actions, you would find a fucking solution for yourself and understand that you cant have everything while still fucking everything up.

Its your responsibility. You have the control over your mind, noone else. I can advise you to meditate, be aware of things(awareness approach), and DECIDE what you want and then ACT on that. Your prefrontal cortex in the left hemisphere will grow and your monkey brain thinking mode will become less active. Maybe women have less self control due to men having a high testosterone level. But that is why you need to train to control your desires in order to do the right thing, so that your decision is acted out in the real world. Probably youre more into leftist ideology than science, thats why you dont know these things. But Im not a political guy, I hate political categories, im a man of science.

Is there anything else ?

ok im sorry op i realize that youre trying to control your urges now.

But srsly, demisexual ? that triggered me.

> "suck my dick, whore"
is this you?

Attached: unbenannt33.png (565x379, 172K)

hey hitler, nice essay. keked at RooshV

>I'm afraid I'll cheat on my husband because I can't control my sexual urges
Lmao imagine some guy going "I'm afraid I'll rape a child because I can't control my sexual urges".

You just want to fuck other dudes, but won't admit it to yourself so you come up with this bullshit reason. Your only problem is that you're not honest with yourself. If you really didn't want to cheat having a fetish like that wouldn't have been a reason for worry, most people have some sort of fucked up fetish, but they're not scared one day they just "won't have enough willpower to resist it". What kind of fucking drama do you think you're living? Not cheating is the easiest thing in the world, if you don't want to cheat.

You're just making up an excuse for yourself for when you inevitably cheat. "Oh, I didn't really want to do this, but I had this darn fetish that just wouldn't let me alone no matter what I do." Real bullshit hours

Your just a stupid bitch, islam is coming to the west. tick tock

>you have the mental condition known as a prime breeding age female
>you need a provider for your spawn
>and you want the best genetic father for your spawn
>those two people arent always the same person and for hundreds of thousands of years if was perfectly normal for women like you to sneak off and get knocked up by a chad before you snuck back to the bed of the beta provider who feeds you every day.

in spite of OP hating this answer its actually true.

Well it can't even spell so I think we'll be fine for a while.

Just dump him, if you actually loved him the thought of cheating on him would revolt you.

The other way around, the western world is coming to islam. Islamic countries are becoming more degenerate each day.

You are a shit gf OP. Leave him before you cheat and break his heart. Disgusting fucking mentality fetishizing cheating. Don't you dare marry this innocent man.

Someone already gave you the right advice and you labeled him as an incel. It's natural for a woman to want to be sexually involved with a dominating man and it's also natural to want to be taken care of as a woman, both emotionally and financially. Your current boyfriend gives you the latter, but not the former. You must break up with him and find a more dominating man, it's simple as that. The guilt you're feeling when thinking of cheating is your cognition fighting your natural impulses. You need to integrate both of those and find another man. Good luck

Look, this might sound kinda far out, but hear me out. Ideas are alive, in a sense.
You know how you can get super excited when you get that REALLY cool new idea? Like a drawing, or a short story, or maybe a new color for the walls in the living room, getting chinese for dinner, whatever. It's like becoming possessed, and the idea is pushing you to fulfilling it. But not all ideas are worth pursuing, some have to be ignored. Like buying fast food for dinner even though you already have all you need in the fridge at home. Or cheating.

As a guy (for me anyway), sexual ideas can be fucking torture, since I might get over the idea of calling that hot ex, or fapping in the bathroom at work, sooner or later biology will enforce a new idea. It might be as innocent as checking instagram for cute pictures when I'm supposed to vacuum. But I don't give in to them, I man the fuck up and power through it.

Just realize that this idea of yours is all that it is, an idea. How much you let it develop is up to you.
The good thing about most ideas is that they get boring after a while, especially sexual ones (unless there is something REALLY wrong with the relationship).
Maybe fantasize for a bit? Let the idea play out in your head in its entirety, imagining, not acting on it.

You find a candidate, you flirt with him for weeks, maybe months on tinder/text/whatever. You even start to do sexting in secret with the boyfriend present in the room. The thrill!
Finally you act on it. Maybe it's very exciting and a good time.
So there is a second time, and a third. You keep it up for years even.

Then sooner or later it comes out. Think out all of the different consequences this could have.
How would your boyfriend react? What would your family think? Your workplace? Your friends? How would YOU feel with all this? Can you still honestly find any self respect?
Does the idea still sound more appealing than the relationship you're currently in?

Are you sure this is about cheating or that you don't really want to wait until marriage, you're ready maybe. Think about it and talk to him.

>or that you don't really want to wait until marriage, you're ready maybe.
Do you have a single source to back that up?
This is almost unconditionally terrible "advice", purely based on your own degenerate conceptions of relationships and upbringing.

>How not to teach?
You follow these steps
> 1- Notice the urge to teach
> 2- go to nearest wares shop
> 3- buy a rope
> 4- go back and firmly tie your arms, legs, head, cunt and each tit. THIS IS VITAL.
> 5- brace yourself as the cosmic unstoppable power that forces you to get up of where you are, find a dude and actively shag his shack instead of continuing to not do that
> 6- clean the bloody aftermath

May God be with you.

Do it, he shouldn't have gone into the relationship not expecting you to cheat. He should break it off as soon as he finds out naturally, but if he's surprised it's his fault.

listen to this user, hes on to something

dude are you autistic or something? life is more than statistics and when you would've spent some time off the computer you would have realized that everybody has his own ideals when it comes to love and sex. Love and sex are probably the playing field where people can express themselves the best and in their own way. You know there are gay people and stuff and they are happy. Hell there are hippies living in open relationships and shit and they are happy, so whatever. Some people don't even have sex and they are happy. A friend of mine likes to gets girls numbers but doesn't actually want anything to do with them and he's happy.

What do these statistics give you anyways? Confidence in your quest for that pure 3D waifu that will save you from..what exactly?