Are breast implants worth it? I am a small-chested girl and I feel insecure about being flat-chested
Are breast implants worth it? I am a small-chested girl and I feel insecure about being flat-chested
Would them make you happy and brave enough to get a bf? Then yes.
I hope you will embrace your current form. You are perfect. It seems everyone wants what they don’t have. It’s hard not to get caught up in what society pushes as “beautiful”.
Fake breasts both look at feel "off". You are better without.
>get fat
>have surgeon transplant fat from your belly to your breasts
>profit off alimony
just date ass men
That would be unwise.
Now come out and say who belongs to the low IQ groups
show chest
Well considering it's a dumb meme I made to annoy my friends, I'm gonna decline.
Uneducated Southerners and dumb ass hicks
Show that fucking chest you insecure chestlet. You make me sick, you skinny ass introverted bitch. I bet you moan and bitch under your breath and then when you can't take it you try to swing your fist with your stick arms. You fucking Peter Pan look alike.
I'm sorry you were saying?
Go back to Disney. OP wants advice for the real world.
Dear god no, please just love yourself for who you are. Flat chests are goddamn wonderful and an international treasure
The real world where I reject girls with big breasts?
No, stop being insecure.
Dont get a fucking surgery just so you can have bigger boobs, jesus christ
I prefer small chests after growing up with a g cup mother. I got tired of hearing about the back issues and bullshit. Smaller tits are cute, yet hot at the same time.
Actually it will make you more assertive towards other women.
Do squats until you're a braphog. fake tits look awful and butts are better anyway
get someone to massage and suck on them. They should grow. Implants is a last resort
Gayfag detected.
Please, listen to me
As a man I am attracted to two thing
1) Natural beauty
2) Small breasts
I hate fakes
Pls dont
Smaller breasts are much better than bigger ones
I am an artist so take it from me
I swear as long as you can sqeeze them I'll love them.
Small boobs are better than weird floppy ones
Shape and perkiness are most important
fake tits are ugly
yeah, and be a blank, featureless board with two lumps of artificial fat attached to your chest.
Fuck me, how do you think it will ever look good?
I'm also flat like a table but having implants would look like shit. Think about it.
When you get pregnant you'll get bewbs I went from flat as a ten year old to Cs in a few months
As a transhumanist, my two cents is that a person should feel free to modify their own bodies in any way that makes them happier (as long as you can afford them, and are a mentally sound, healthy, functioning member of society AND that the body modification doesn't alter that about yourself nor harm anybody else).
I love big ole "augmented" titties. Go for it if you can afford it, and if you think it will make you happier. But be aware that breast implants may have to be replaced with newer implants every once in a while (maybe once a decade or two). So, you may be looking at multiple surgeries if you want to keep nice breast implants. The FDA says that about 20% of women will need their implants replaced or repaired within the first 10 years.
Uneducated Southerners and dumb ass hicks
These people actively refuse education
Lots of men like smaller chests. And, regardless of what the internet and your friends may tell you, there are men who will love you no matter what size your tits are.
Don't let the media make you feel like shit. Good luck on your travels through life.
Hell no, pls don't. I hope you will learn to accept and love yourself.
no stop, your breasts are fine.
flat a best.
your implants will make u look fake as fuck and the scars will make it obvious
I support people fixing/changing/altering their bodies as well. Our bodies are the only thing we truly own. Even then, it's only for a while
The problem is that our methods are still very invasive and crude, and include much risk
I look forward to the day when we can just make new bodies from scratch
Nothing wrong with small breasts
The only situation where breast implants aren't a terrible idea is if you're both fat and with small breasts.
Small a cute.
Flat a best.
You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it.
Small tits are the best tits everyone's just too afraid to admit it.
Yup. Nobody wants to be called a pedo
I mean, you can't everyone is gay just because you are.
*can't assume everyone
Auto correct deleted that word for some reason.
all that matters is face, ass and weight
Being natural is better than implant 10/10 times. Don't do this to yourself. Medium to small is proffered for me, and I'll take natural small breasts everything without fail over big implants. Be confident about your own body.
small boobs are cute and adorable
big boobs are also cute and adorable
all boobs are wonderful besides silicone boobs and man boobs
As a hetero male I say boob size don't matter as long as they are the same size.
That being said, do it only because you won't have to think about it anymore.
no you just end up looking like a bimbo
i dont even care about boob size that much. im an ass man
I see you are a man of fine tastes as well.
Squats ....boys like breasts MEN are more into cheecks and legs strong bodies are so much more attractive
>im an ass man
fake breasts feel and look not right and does this not open you up for infections and your tits not working when you have children?
Flat is justice
I drink too much coffee and am wide awake at 1 AM.
small tits are fine. they are better than fake tits. small titted and big titted women are both hot.
you know you are putting in chunks of silicone inside your body its like skin baloons and when you have a baby they grow and small tits now mean they will not sag as much
its very crude its literally shoving in silicone and plastic under the skin and removing skin then stitching the remaining skin together or swapping two skin patches so you have some hair on your head
> (as long as you can afford them, and are a mentally sound, healthy, functioning member of society AND that the body modification doesn't alter that about yourself nor harm anybody else).
so most of them that actually take them should not take them
As a man breast implants doesn't feel good in hand unless you have a thing for bimbo fetish.
Find a man who loves your breasts as it is.
>all these replies by faggots missing the point completely and deluding themselves into thinking that wimin think about men when it comes to their bodies
Talk to a fucking therapist first. Maybe getting a bump will be the last piece and maybe you're so much of an insecure fag, that "fixing" one problem will just make you focus on something else.
injecting pic related would take weeks, but it works
hey op don't get surgery but there's another way if they are really flat.
gain some weight. they will get bigger. then transfer some fat from your thighs. there is no synthetic material in your body, and they will change size with your weight. and dont try to increase more than one size. you have to be careful because implants are damaging, this is the preferred method.
I say only do this if you really feel insecure with your naked self, if not you can wear two bras under your clothes.
I didnt read anyone's response but personally I enjoy small breasts. Every single gf I've ever had has had small breasts and I would never wish for any of them to ever have them larger. Find a guy who enjoys smaller and he will make you feel happy about them. I've had sex with a few girls who had fake breasts and they aren't the worst but it's just a lot less fun. Plus people usually go over board with then but that's a little besides the point
Dont they deflate and turn into pancakes afterwards?
Yea definitely not worth the risk. Some guys like small ones...
Any more than a handful is a waste.
Sometimes, not always.
My roomie's friend got implants less than a yar ago. She already needs to have them fixed. They looked okay although oddly square-ish shaped at first, but then they flattened out and sagged a bit. I don't think the scarring and discomfort are worth it. Personally, I would only get them if I had to have my real boobs removed due to cancer or something.
Mine did :(
Solution: date a guy into lactation and stay milky forever
Real galaxybrain strats