GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest

Gonna put it here. Will vent later.

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Am hungry

What time is it for you? Why don’t you eat something?

9am I am in the middle of a calculus class

It's annoying when others keep telling me its easy for me to get a job since I study software engineering

I just want a full day off during the week from my toddler to recharge. Weekends aren't enough because her dad insists on having me come with them on little adventures so I'm still basically the one having to keep up with her. If I don't go something stupid always happens. Mondays are the best because he at least does enough to give me a little break and then fucks off. His parents live right down the street but are more interested in my nephews and unwilling to take her for a bloody few hours a week despite both me and her dad talking to them about it. I don't want her to grow up seeing they favor her cousins either.

I miss you. Please come home ASAP.

J every moment of my day is spent thinking about you. If I could only ask for one last wish in my entire life it would be to see you one more time even for only a moment so I could hold you and not let go L

T, when you come back I want you to be a better man. I will improve too to be a better woman. Together we will save up and gtfo of here. This is going to hurt to be alone again, but I will be strong and hold the fort down. I love you.

How is it that in this age of excess, people still have to work their asses off instead of just being able to live freely

Sadly that isn't possible. I am sorry, our chapter is over and a new one began over three years ago.
t. J

yes me too lets fuck

You won't get laid by your oneitis latping in the designated BAAAW and LARP thread. Ding-a-lings.

What time is it where you are?
I think you have me confused for someone else.

Because people want everything. They want to live in the nice side of town, drive a newish car, get a new iPhone every year, wear the freshest fashions, eat from the best of restaurants several times per week, go out to bars on the weekends. Not to mention the complete failure to make choices that are conducive to a good future; for example having children when you can barely hold a minimum wage job, or spending through all your money and taking high interest rate loans and maxing out credit cards. If you're struggling in the west, it's likely partially your own fault

My crush doesn't like me and it's breaking my heart.

Kinda tripping over my supervisor adding me on IG today. On one hand I'm sure she's cool, and it's not like I ever call out or anything (plus she tells me when she's planning on calling out all the time), but it's still an odd feeling. I can't tell if I'm paranoid or if it's a gut feeling.

I think noporn is managing some magic on me. I've been really flirty lately with good results, but now I'm starting to think it might get me into some trouble soon. In both a good and bad way.

I agree. It's rude. Some people just want to write things they can't tell anyone and someone else writes a mean reply, it hurts the person just trying to feel better. Don't assume you know anyone. People can have the same initials and similar situations.

I'm having a panic attack.

Almost noon.

Nope. Next time make your own post and stay away from mine. I already have such a difficult life and I don't need my feelings hurt everywhere I go.

A guy I dated and lived with for years relapsed (heroin) without me knowing, and one day I found his hidden paraphernalia. He had been clean the entire time we dated to my knowledge. When I found out I booked a flight back to my hometown. He was 'upset' and borrowed my phone to make a call. Came back without the phone. Admitted to trading it in for heroin. I was hysterically sad and he shot me up in the back of the knee while I was on the ground crying. I ODd instantly, turned blue and he set my body outside the house with my ID on top of me. He took my belongings (laptop, anything of value), destroyed the apartment somehow (broken furniture everywhere), and ran away to another state leaving the cat unfed.

I didn't have him arrested because 'I felt bad for him' or whatever. My only regret. Now he tries to message me and add me on facebook, years later. My family has offered to have him 'taken care of', but I didn't want to resort to that (at the time). A part of me knows there was more to what happened.

Joseph Slattery, if you see this, I'm not your friend. Disappear.

Yep... still love you. Every day I wake hoping my feelings change and every day you make me love you more.

>tfw I want to have sex with my coworker but he's not gay

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Haha same here. Oops. The worst part is I hardly even knew him or even see him.

I'm in a long term relationship but started falling for a coworker who ended up moving away. We hung out a few times and I never mentioned the fact that I have a live in boyfriend. He's coming back in November for thanksgiving and wants to hang out. I realize what an incredibly slippery slope I'm on through no fault but my own. Me and this guy havent actually done anything but Its the kind of thing I might not necessarily mind if he made a move.
My justification of course is at the beginning of our relationship, my bf cheated a lot and right now lives with me basically rent free. I know I'm most likely leading both of them on and just wish there was a way to have the best of both.

I never saw myself as this type of person but I have to realize how shitty I am.

im insignificant and no one would miss me

Yes I do. What makes you think I don't?

>former friend follows me everywhere on social media
>used to talk, but she started to ignore me or talk down to me so I decided fuck that
>we haven't talked in a year
>when we did talk, she told me she's depressed and suicidal, so I can't just block her
I don't know what else to do to get her to stop following me, I don't want anything to do with this person anymore

We all been there. You will find your place, the world is not that small.

Show off another woman in front of her

shit man my bad wasnt very rad of me dude. Take a chill pill brosef. Im gonna pop this treflip homeslice. Pizza yeah bro

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Oddly enough, she's married with 2 kids. Maybe she lusts after me as a "what could have been"

I never see him in person

I finally realize what it is you’re so full of: disdain. Instead of being attuned to your needs and handling them in a healthy way, you prefer to give up and be safely unhappy. And so, you disdain anyone and everyone who diesn’t give up as you do, because that makes you feel shame. I deserved love and appreciation, but when I wanted to love and appreciate you, you only gave me disdain. You convinced yourself my needs were pathetic and desperate, because that’s the only way you can justify yourself in pretending you need nothing. If you pretend you need nothing, you can’t be hurt. The only way out is to need, even if it’s scary. Either that, or the safe hell you’ve built for yourself.

Either way, I don’t really need your disdain anymore. You’re your own problem now. I guess you got what you wanted, but does that lead to where you needed to be, or only to where you feel safe?

I promise I'll take care of you. It was so nice to see you smile from talking to me.

sorry but I am going to project his ghost onto you.

Because you avoid me and you weren't there when I need you the most and you still aren't here when I need you now.

Fuck off

What do you want from me?

It was nice to see your stupid smug face too. Lol. How can one man be so fucking smug? But I don't think you can handle me, and you would be happier taking care of someone who isn't high maintenance like I am.

I don't know myself. What can we even do at this point? Hope, I guess.

Oh, I'm a woman but uhhh
Dude just dump him. Find a way to break his heart. Fuck that guy he sucks and was probably shagging three other women


Why do you see needing someone as a horrible thing instead of as a part of humanity?

This, though. I hate it when people just think a guy has "bad intentions" when he hangs out with a girl because he wants to date her. Like how the fuck are you supposed to look for a girl otherwise?

You could have made/could make a move as well, you know.

It's not shitty... it's human.

Promises are broken, no one keeps them. hope you make them happy.

I wamt you dumb bitches at the office to keep fucking me over like you have been for the past 4-5 weeks. Keep doing it. It adds fuel to the fire for me to get a new job. I'd be out now in a heartbeat but have to make sure finances are caught up before doing anything ballsy. Come Oct. 27 when I move into my new place, you guys are fucked. Putting in an application for a plumbing apprenticeship ASAP and won't hesitate to call in saying I fucking quit if they need me ASAP. Keep fucking pushing me, counts. Keep pushing me.

P, you fucked me last week and now won't give me so much a kiss yet still wanna act like a cute, cuddely GF. I'm not playing that game, bitch. I gave up a fertility goddess and a twink for you. If you make shit weird like you did last Saturday, we're going to talk. If you don't wanna talk and/or you're playing bait and switch with your pussy I will drop your ass right then and there. Ain't got no time for this shit. Also, I fucking hate both your dogs.

P, you fucked me 2 weeks ago*

I tried so fucking hard.
No, I try. I try so fucking hard, every time, every new person, I try, but nobody ever stays, nobody ever even says what's so fundamentally wrong with me that they so easily fade away.

I'd get it if we were straight up incompatible, but I don't get the feeling we are. It's like people spontaneously decide they don't want to be associated with me anymore and I don't know why.

Hating yourself and self-harm is just weakness and narcissism. It is self-indulgence. It is driven by the ego and even if it is entirely negative you are still obsessing over yourself when you could be moving onto fixing what you have broken. Muhammad was a psychotic pedophile but he got this one thing right that literally every other philosophy gets wrong.
There is nothing noble about hating yourself. In fact it is one of the most selfish things you can do.

I've realized that my self destructive behaviors are cued by loneliness. It's like, I can't go just a few moments alone without getting sad and then attempting to distract myself and feel a rush without even being self aware.
But I guess noticing this is the first step, and I'm going to learn to be comfortable with being alone.

Everything you want to give and nothing more.

"She's really nice, but I don't want to take advantage of that."

Telling me this says alot about you. This is why I've chosen not to be around you. Not from a moral standpoint, it's from the standpoint of not even giving you the opportunity to abuse me. You haven't spoken to me all summer and now that the semester has started, you're suddenly talking to me and flirting with me. You're telling me how your new classes aren't the same without me in there and heavily implying that you want to study together. Things would be much different if we spoke anywhere near regularly over the summer, but that hasn't been the case. Out of the blue, you're into me and the timing is way too convenient.

That isn't the only issue. Last spring, when I was around you, you made me feel uneasy. Not in the "butterflies in my gut" sense, the sense that something about you isn't right. Even when we studied together back then (and I made it clear that I wasn't going to do any assignment for you) I couldn't help but wonder about your motives because of that gut feeling I had. Yeah, you helped me as well, but there's something about you that is unsettling. Combine that feeling with the comment you let slip, then it's time to distance myself from you. I feel like a horrible person for doing this, but I need to trust my instincts about you.

You always seem to be in a weird mood, too. It's like you're constantly pissed off at the world until you see me. You're seething with anger whenever you're not around me. When we work together, you're either hiding it well or I'm calming you down, both of which are disturbing to me.

I've never had to cut ties with anyone before, and I feel horrible for doing this, but I have to. It sucks losing you as a friend, but you'd cut my throat if it would benefit you.


You can’t outrun yourself. You’ll eventually crash. Wouldn’t you rather have that happen while there are still people who care about you?

God you're annoying.

So are you. :^)

how? aha I knew it!

YES. A couple weeks ago, I talked with this professional recruiter who asked me why I've been having such a hard time getting a full-time job, and I told him it's because there are no companies around here that are interested in hiring IT specialists who are fresh out of college; they all want you to have at least two years of experience in some bullshit obscure IT field before they'll even consider calling you in for an interview. Do you know what his response was? "I wouldn't take that to the bank."
He has since agreed to help me find a job and, two weeks later, he has asked several contacts if they might have any positions open for me and has so far come up with nothing.
Still waiting to hear an apology from him.

I just found my old screenshots of all these great conversations I had on Yik Yak.
I miss that fun little app. It's a shame no one in my area uses any of its replacements.

Like ugh just breed me already

I'm not the dude you want cause I'm not a dude.

No one cares like you literally don't have to respond

The hat. The song. What I was snacking on a few days before that. Can't be coincidence.

Just got back from a special place... Where me and her danced. And I looked into her longing eyes... We had never known a love like this
Now that special place is as empty as my heart

I'm fucked in the head. I think I disregard other people's feelings and do selfish things because my mother was distant and my father was fucking crazy. I watched him hold a knife to my mothers throat. And then when my mother remarried, I was stuck with a step father who made me feel like absolute trash while I was already struggling with depression and making horrible choices.
I do terrible things. I distort my own reality to justify my shitty actions. I want to start over. I want to be good. But it seems that when I am good, awful things happen to me. I become a total doormat and let people run all over me. It feels like I have to hurt others and lie to myself to keep them in their place. Fucking hell. People should stay 100 feet away from me, because this behavior isn't okay. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Almost 30yo kv. I will die alone if the only girls I like want me dead or date my friends instead. They think that I’m a player but I’m too ashamed to tell the truth about my inexperience

What kind of dance was it? What kind of place is it? Tell us more.

I will serve my time after I turn myself in and be back to you a better man. Wait for me. I will think of your smile every day to make it through this loneliness. Tomorrow is going to break my heart, I will hug you one last time for a long time, but I won't want to let you go even though I have to. We are one flesh so ripping you away from me for this might kill me. I will risk this death for you.

Hit it off great with a girl in class today. She's a bit unconventional and not someone I would think I be into but I instantly grew interested in her. We seem alike in personalities, and she reminds me a lot of a close friend I used to have.
Hopefully I'm not just being lonely and grasping for attention.

This is good user keep at it, unconventional?

I'm usually into nerdy, bookish girls. Not the more normalish types with piercings.

hope it works out between you two.

A slow dance to never tear us apart in a moonlit field

And the moon was full tonight

Thanks. A lot of ifs though. She may not be interested in me/have a boyfriend, and I may not be into her as much after really getting to know her.

even if she's not at least you tried

> Cute boy at my school who’s in my major
> He’s incredibly talented and I start to catch feels
> I find out he used to be friends with my friends but they’re not close anymore
> I tell him the story about how I didn’t know he was that friend, and he laughs his ass off and we converse for a bit
> I initiate conversation a few times
> I’m always initiating conversation
> Today I try to get his attention for someone else while he has headphones
> He snappily replies, “What?”
> Well I guess it’s time to give up

he coulda jusst been having a bad day.

don't let your imagination get ahead of yourself!

keep trying user? he shouldn't have done that, that rude of him.

Maybe I was in the wrong

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Wrong in what?

I completely understand your viewpoints and reasons. I know you truly tried what you think was the best and you deserve forgiveness. But you still were an overall shit mother and played a big part in ruining my life when your only job was to raise me in a way I can function like a normal person. Instead, you used me as your emotional cushion and punching bag and treated me like I only existed for that alone. And now you sit there and wonder why I have no drive, no ambition and no true willpower. Of course it's not because you spent years making sure I don't ever form my own opinion or self-confidence and be my own person. No, it's simply because you spoiled me too much. I'm fucked up because you were too nice to me. You were just too much of a great mother. It's all my fault, from the moment I left your body. I know you will never admit to what you've done, I'm not even sure you're able to do that. I know and yet I'm angry about it.

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I guess this is goodbye even though we never got to actually meet.

Ask him out on a date. Or if you did already, sorry.

I hope it was just a bad day. Maybe I should ask him out for lunch. But if he thinks I’m a nuisance that may be awkward, I barely know the guy. He could have a gf for all I know.

remember when I was somewhat positive about this? Like it was part of a show that was ending and when I got out I would be doing interviews and meeting famous people and the like?

Remember when you guys put it in my head that Bree was an agent and she was the one that was going to accompany me throughout introducing me to the real world. Like how she was actually a little bit really into me and that part of my mystique was having pretty ladies.

You guys thought I was nervous to be around famous people but I really don't give two fucks about how famous someone is, just the work they can produce. How hard they worked was more interesting than anything else. I said I would be a deer in headlights and one of you responded "Who do you think you have been talking to on here this entire time?"

But now all of that shit is dead and you've killed me on the inside and are working on killing me on the out as well. I don't know why, but you are. You should have ended it back then... you really should have. Things would have been so much better. So so so much better.

I theorized that it's not a show, just a way to inspire or control popular culture since all these celebs and politicians are so incredibly out of touch with regular people. You have people like me to use for inspiration and spying. For intelligence gathering on what real people feel and live their lives so you can manipulate them with stories, songs, and the like.

I've always said that once you become famous, once everything is going amazing for you that you just don't really have much to write about. And once you're famous no one cares what heartbreak you're feeling or about fucking anything. Eminem complains about not being able to go fucking bestbuy like that's a problem. Like as if anyone can relate.

And if no one can relate than his entertainment value and influence go severely down. He becomes useless to you. Because you don't give fame just to anyonen for free, it comes at a price.

you have to have them push agenda or use them for political messages or use them as distractions. And once they can't do that... they are no use to the guild. You're not out to make people's dreams come true, you're out to use them and part of that means giving them money and fame.

You use all kinds of means to control them. They step out of line and you give them a controversy. You blacklist them from working on anything. You have a public shaming.

But you faggots can suck my fat fucking dick. You might as well fucking kill me because you will never, ever have control over me.

And I swear to fucking god I will kill every single fucking one of you. my empire will choke out the light as your little guilds become engulfed by it's shadow.

My agenda is my own.

All of me vs all of you.

you fuckers don't get to decide who can or cannot be happy anymore. You fuckers don't get to decide who can find success and who can't. That's not how things should be. If you work hard you should be able to earn your keep.

But that's not the way things work anymore because a bunch of old pieces of shit think they know what's best for everyone else.

Things are going to change.

Sounds juicy user, go on.

I wish I could drop my feelings for her, but I keep sinking deeper and deeper. I find myself reading into things, and wanting to be with you.
I've known you for ten years though. I feel the ship sailed long ago. So I can't imagine you feeling the same about me.
Or at the least, I don't want you to settle for me.
I want to meet someone else to move on from this, because to act on these feelings is to risk the group dynamic and ruin our own friendship.
But at the same time, I want to keep pushing slowly in the hopes that we can finally give it a shot and move from friends to dating.

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>that shift from third person to first person

Sorry for the confusion. It's all about one girl though.

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we can just make a promise then.

That whoever it is that's left, we can watch the movie together, in person. So, just wait. Don't watch it on your own.

It is one of my favorite movies but holy shit is watching movies difficult when I'm by myself.

I don't know if you did it on purpose or what, but I thank you for not making it private, and allowing me to finally put an end to this thing which has been eating at me since I found out.
no hard feelings,
no reproaches.
and I wish you all the best with him.

I wish I could end it completely. I don't deserve anything after being a bad person in my past. I can't move forward at all and I still fall behind in total failure and lack of motivation.

Does anyone want to make an ‘ask out your crush’ pact?

lol what shit propaganda. He's fucking fine, you faggots just have a hate boner for kids doing anything remotely fun.

It's so god damn obvious.

to whom is this for and whom from

No idea what you're talking about. Kbye