Fat girl here

fat girl here
5'3 and 268 pounds
how do people only eat 2k calories per day
listening to my stomach and eating when i get hungry brings to me to about 3k or 4k calories per day

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I don't know either, I guess you just get used to it over time.

Dang I need to start counting calories again

And that's why you're 268
Eat less and perhaps be more active outdoors, it will probably get easier with time to eat less

how do you eat so much?
I struggle to eat a decent amount. Heck, eating at all requires a decent amount of effort. Ive got to buy food, cook food, clean up the kitchen and clean all,the plates. Its a tremendous chore.
Do other people cook for you? Are you a princess or something? If not, just deny yourself snacks and limit yourself to meals and you'll manage to eat like a normal person easily (though, I suppose the average american is obese so youre already doing that desu).
If you havent the will to stop snacking then stop buying them so you cant. Its a lot easier to resist temptation for 2 minutes in the supermarket than it is constantly at home.

Eating just takes too much effort desu.

By not buying junk food. Also by keeping myself busy so I forget to eat.

Start cooking your own meals never buy more than what you need and try doing something else to forget about being hungry pretty much this

121kg with 160cm? Damn girl the only thing that will help you at this point are amphetamines. Not even joking.

No man will ever want you at that size. Better slim down land whale. Handshake

Well there are things you can do to make it easier. When you do your groceries don't buy unhealthy shit. Only keep the kind of stuff you should be eating in your house. Don't eat out. Plan your groceries and meals. Cook all of your meals, try to never eat something that isn't raw or cooked by you.Try to stick to 2 or 3 meals a day and eat no snacks. Set a goal to lose weight. And of course, physical exercise also helps, not only with burning calories but also with your mental health, which will make it easier to keep from eating. Considering your weight you might want to start with some light cardio, the kind of stuff you can do at home.

But at the end of the day it will all go down the window when you're craving something really bad. You'll forget about all of this. And for that there's no trick that will help you go around it. It's a matter of will and determination. You have to take this seriously and promise yourself you're going to do your best, otherwise you'll keep failing and giving in the "temptation". You'll most likely misstep a few times anyway, that's just natural but you have to keep trying.

I also recommend intermittent fasting, where one day you eat and the next you don't anything at all. If you have that clear of an objective it's easier to at least know when you fuck up. Cus usually what happens is you'll just trick yourself into thinking "eating this thing won't make a difference". And you have to get used to the hunger and the stomach rumbling and all that. It will get easier if you keep at it, but especially at first you have to deal with that.

The thing is you know what you have to do.

You know you have to eat healthier and you know you have to eat less and you know you should start getting Jow Forums

It’s up to you to actually discipline yourself to do these things. CONSTANTLY. Not just do good for one week then fuck away with everything the next, you have to CONSTANTLY do it.

That’s literally it. Turning health into a habit and not turning away.

Don’t do this.
It’s actually harder to lose fat this way as your body kicks into survival mode to store as much fat as it can

Im 1.6 and 77 Kg, still fat but trying my best here. What I am doing right now is just cut carbs and sugars in general and do A LOT of exercise (mostly cardio). Im one of those that even eating healthy (no junk food, but lots of vegetables and some protein) I can still gain weight if I dont exercise. Still I think you are going to NEED lots of self-control to lose all that weight. Go to a nutricionist and move.

This ^^^

This is the only girl incels can get!

le falsified may may
>i-if you eat nothing then your body just gets energy from the ether
>y-you magically get fatter!

Make your own meals as much as possible and get used to more "bland" tasting food. Avoid soda and fried food especially.

Use myFitnessPal to track you calories and weight and weigh yourself every morning after you wake up.

Give it time and you will adjust to eating less and eating better food. Since you are tracking your progress you can "zoom out" every week and see if you are loosing weight or not. If not, make an adjustment.

calories don't really matter. don't count calories. i know fit and thin people who eat a lot of calories. cut out sugar and reduce carbs, you'll lose weight naturally, at least that's what happened to me. but you really must be strict and stop eating sugary stuff, if you do. oh, btw, your stomach rumbling doesn't necessarily mean your body needs food, it just means your stomach is used to get food at a certain hour, and will activate digestion around that hour. you can fill yourself up with vegetables and your stomach will be quiet again. also, when cutting out sugar, you WILL have cravings, but once you resist and get used to eating less crap, everything will be smoother. again, don't count calories!!
AND MOST IMPORTANTLY : FASTING IS NOT BAD. IT IS ONLY BAD IF YOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH FAT IN YOUR BODY. if you happen to fast, your body will adjust and it will burn fat.
last but not least: DON'T eat too many times a day. three meals are enough and more than enough.

Because you fill up on calorie dense foods
Eat more vegetables that aren't covered in animal fat

n-no insulin isnt real
fasting j-just makes you lose muscle
you a-actually get more fat
s-survival mode
carbs are a-actually really good
theyre a, um, f-free food

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>how do people only eat 2k calories per day
I don't either, but I walk everywhere and work a physically intense job so I eat about 4000 calories a day on average and weight 140lbs

There's a lot of fucking shit advice in this thread.

You likely ingest a lot of carb-heavy food that is fucking with your blood sugar levels which makes it store more energy instead of using it, basically making you feel hungry again since the energy decided to be stored for later, so you'll eat again and rinse and repeat until next thing you know you're a fat fuck.

Real advice from someone that dropped a bunch of weight once he got a fucking clue about food:

Limit your carbs to 100ish - 150ish a day. You'll feel less hungry and more satisfied longer.

Watch the documentary: Fat Head. It's on youtube.

You don't have to work out and train like you're going for the Olympics, but a bit of exercise will speed the process along. You gotta want it.

Ignore anyone that says I'm full of shit because they're automatically fucking wrong.

Hi, im 5'11 130 lbs and struggling to gain weight, i dont understand how having too much access to food is a problem for you. Dont think you have any right to complain

you're still a lardass piece of shit and you know it

>5'11 130 lbs and struggling to gain weight

Drink a gallon of water a day and workout.

not them but im in a similar place
eating is just too much effort. If i werent affluent enough to eat out regularly id die

Miss...why do you do this to yourself? You're going to get torn apart by advertising that you're fat. They're going to scream names at you and tell you to diet/exercise. You already knew that, though. You knew it was going to be difficult or else everyone would be thin.

Please stop letting them beat you up.

I don't eat regularly because I'm pathologically lazy and too anxious to go to a restaurant or accept a delivery, but I view my low body fat percentage as a silver lining and not a problem.

>miz (sori if i mizgenr u) y du u wan 2 be helthy???? be pride of youre fat

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I'm currently in the same boat. I'm 6'5", 320lbs. I used to be about 20 pounds heavier two months ago but I've been steadily whittling down.

The key for me has been knowing when to listen to my body and knowing when not to. Like most Americans I got my energy mostly from carbs. For many years I was retarded and thought that eating rice as a staple with every meal was fine. Once I cut down the carbs I immediately got light headed, hungry, nauseous and pretty low energy every day but eventually once my body started getting used to my diet I found myself with an incredibly amount of energy and not being hungry throughout the day like I used to. I've come to believe that half my hunger was actual hunger and the other half was just habit. I got used to eating things whenever I wanted in whatever portions I wanted so I trained my stomach a certain way. Right now I'm peaking at about 1400 calories a day and I feel perfectly fine and energized every day. I eat a shit ton of protein and healthy fats with less than 60 grams of carbs every day. I'm barely exercising (45 minute hikes every day/every other day depending on work schedule) and the pounds are coming off.

You have to train your stomach. YOUR BODY DOESNT NEED 4000 CALORIES A DAY. Once you've internalized that you'll be able to push yourself in the right direction.

>I view my low body fat percentage as a silver lining and not a problem.
How skeleton are you though? If youre not /ottermode/ its not attractive. Being skinnyfat normie mode is better than being a bag of bones.
Im at the point now where Im liable to waste away and atrophy if i dont eat - my bodyfat is very low. Id like to build muscle but without eating its impossible.

I felt a tremendous clown going to restaurants alone at first and there are times ive been clearly unwelcome as a solo-diner (usually at more casual bar esque places) but Ive come to enjoy it. Sometimes I imagine im a food reviewer as autistic as that sounds. Ive thought about getting tinder or something just so im not dining alone but id probably have to stop having starters and deserts if I were to do that and stay in budget.

I can loose 10 lbs in a week and I'm skinny, shut the fuck up with your pseudoscienctific advice you mountain of human shit

Just dont fucking eat, is it so hard?
I weigh 60 kg at 177 cm, used to fast once a week, used to be on 16/8, fasted 3, 5 days in a row.
People who are fat disgust me.

Fasting wont help at that weight but it will give a drop the first few days.

Id suggest cutting to 300-500 cal breakfast 200-500 cal lunch and 4
500-800 cal diner daily.
If you snack over the entire day this works well leaving you at barely over 1800cal. More you snack the less you should eat each meal.

I don't know if you were aware of this but everybody's body is different. Not one diet or regimen works for everyone. I'm just sharing what has worked for me. Nothing I said even resembled a scientific claim. Not sure why you're so angry but ok.

That's completely false. When you have a lot of sugar in your body (which almost all fat people do) increasing amounts of insulin are created in order to regulate it. Problem is, insulin also makes your cells absorb more glucose, fatty acids and create more glycogen and triglycerides. So it makes you fat.

Usually insulin levels are reduced simply by consuming less carbs and as much protein as you need ( if it's too much it turns into sugar in your body), but fat people tend to develop insulin resistance, which is basically your cells not being able to use it effectively to regulate the sugar in your blood. So your body will create more and more insulin which will make you even fatter and reducing the amount of carbs you consume will have a lower effect on your insulin than it should. The thing about sugar, you need very little of it in your blood. If you drink a cup of soda that's already WAY more than you need in a day. And there's sugar in a lot of things (like vegetables!) and your body can and will produce it from other things as well.

So even a small quantity of food can spike your insulin levels up if you developed an insulin resistance. That's one reason why fasting helps with weight loss from a hormonal perspective and there are others that I'm too lazy to type out. Your body won't turn to "starvation mode" when you have fat to last you for a year. You'll just feel hungry.

Of course, our genetic makeup is different and things like this can affect us differently, but for most people fasting has positive effects. I suggest everyone who struggles with weight loss look into fasting and the effects hormones have on weight. It's not really as simple as calories in/calories out. That's only a part of the story, what your body does with those calories you ingest is more important.

im the guy whose struggling to gain weight. Just to let you know i did actually gain 15 lbs which put me at 130 by just going to the city pizza every day and eating like a retard. 4 eggs for breakfast is also good and extremely easy to make even for me and im a dumbass when it comes to cooking

Do swimming, you will be losing weight very fast, also you can keep eating a lot of calories and burning them really fast.

>Fasting wont help at that weight but it will give a drop the first few days.
>snack over the entire day this works well

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wait wait wait, you're trying to gain weight and you only eat 4 eggs for breakfast?

Serious question, is eating five dozen eggs a good idea? That's how much Gaston says he eats in Beauty and the Beast.

Nobody eats eggs like Gaston

You have to eat all the eggs

i dont wanna kill my liver bro

Are your eggs impregnated with vodka?

No, it probably isnt
You should strive for variety in your diet. Not to a meme degree but eating so much of 1 food is never going to be good. Certainly, if I were to do it I wouldnt pick eggs because theyre contentious and its always better to err on the safe side.
Its less a matter of the cooking itself for I dont mind cooking and eating is, at least, preferable to doing nothing. Rather, its the whole affair of organising ahead of time what I want to eat and buying it, preparing it all and cleaning up. Oh, lord, cleaning up is torturous.

eggs aren't hard on your liver. I don't know who told you that but they we're insane or lying or both

At no point did I suggest that. Are you slow? I was advising op to not allow herself to be berated needlessly.

No, I think youre the one who is slow
hence the silly wojack
ponder why slow user and maybe you might go up a gear

Mmmhm. Right.

stop eating snacks, it's insane how much energy sugar and fat combos give. 1 Package cookies, 800 calories and you won't be satisfied.

There is a nervebundle on top of your stomache and when your stomache is full you get the full feeling.

Cook for yourself, veggies, meat, healthy fats. It takes time and eating a fucking half a kale is hard and won't have that much calories.

It's not gonna be easy and you will have to restructure your life and keep that lifestyle for ~2 years
Start to slowly cut added sugar and fats, it's ridicilous how much shit companies put in their snacks.
When you have a reasonable nutrition, you can have cheat days but you won't even want the shitty food anymore and it will make you sick.
Eat food that's high in density and low in calories, if you go to a supermarket and buy food that you have to actually cook and prepare that will be super easy.
Good luck.

Ok you have to stay occupied and hydrated water that's it black coffee in the morning and drop that down to 1500 cal no starches black eyed peas help with the carb and starch pains. And do something active sports or hiking shit like that , until you get a habit developed then hit a gym and if your gonna reward yourself when a goal is hit NOT FOOD
I went from 400 back to service weight 0f 250 in a year

Forgot fat friends and family ....lose them you are the people you spend your time with

unless you're physically activate to a degree that the majority of people are not, you're not supposed to be eating 2k calories a day either.

Ignore this ignoramous. If you wake up and don't eat (literally zero calories or sugar-substitutes through your lips until at least noon), it just feels easier. I'm not saying it's easy, but it's easier to not eat if you don't have the taste of something in your mouth or bubbling in your stomach already. Fasting is literally cheatmode.

OP, are you American? 'Cause here's the skinny, yanks fill everything they eat with sugar. Even the fucking bread has sugar in it. You need to be eating whole foods with healthy levels of fibre. Don't entirely cut out empty carbs, reduce them back, ketosis is a shit meme for people that want sewer breath. Try to increase complex carbs with more vegetables. Fruits aren't as good due to their naturally high fructose levels.

In all seriousness, you are so fat you're at the stage where you'll require specialist help to lose weight. You need to do water resistance exercises (such as a treadmill in a swimming pool). You exceed the weight limit of most exercise machines, and if you try to run your ankles will probably break from pressure stress.

Good luck user. Seek help soon.

Fat girl here too

Im 4'11 165 lbs
To lose weight I need to eat only 1300 calories a day how the fuck am I supposed to do this. Just having 3 reasonable meals a day has me eating roughly 2k a day. Because I am so fat exercising leaves my knees and hips in terrible pain + I live in fucking Florida, its like Satan's balls down here


drink more water, cut out soda and sweets altogether, drink only black coffee, avoid meals heavy in bread, rice, or pasta

I would look into intermittent fasting, once you have that down, start counting your calories, then once you've got that down try something like Keto or something else low carb, then once you're used to that gradually increase your activity levels.

you'll be able to shed a ton of weight if you are able to take these steps.

Sup fat femanon

See However, you don't exceed the weight limit for most exercise equipment. You can use exercise bikes or those stair walker things only women use at the gym. Rowing is also a valid option. You're also not s fat that swimming is out of the question.

Not much just watched It Happened One Night, genuinely good movie


Based and fatpilled

Your body gets used to more... Keep in mind hunger isn't necessarily a signal that your body needs food, you feel that sensation even if you're perfectly fine. If you fight the feeling for some time (and don't use food as an emotional crutch) you will probably stop feeling unnecessary hunger pains.

Also hate to be that pervert but man your ratios sound hot. I love short, fat girls *_*

Learn to swim

I too love short fat girls
But i feel guilty and still encourage them to lose weight for their health. Its cruel.

So don't listen to your stomach, it is full of shit.

Your stomach rumbling is just the body and muscles working to get the food moving inside your body.
Feeling hungry is different than feeling bored/depressed/emotional.
Eating 2k cals is the norm for a 6'3, 200 lbs, slightly active male.
120 is already quite overweight to a 6'3 male.

Get active and busy so you forget to eat. Feeling "hungry" is not actual hunger unril you have slight pains from hunger or feel physically empty.
You sound like you have a bad case of boredom eating and emotional eating. Fix that shit, fill the holes in your life with stuff besides food, and get active.

>120 is already quite overweight to a 6'3 male.
>t. Mr. Skeltal

Lmao i meant 120 kg. Thats 240 lbs.

I'm 5'2 and a year ago I used to be 180 lbs. Now I'm 146 with my busts at 38 inches , and hips at 37 and waist at 30 almost 29. The first few months of my weightless I ate only meat and some vegan icecream (lactose intolerate ), also went to the gym 3x a week . I then stayed the same weight for 2-3 months because I wasn't consistent with my diet but slowly started to lose weight. A month ago I was 148 lbs for a whole month and wasn't losing weight , but when I was measuring my waist I noticed I had lose an inch. Now I'm back to eating only meat , and my goal atm is to have a waist of about 29 -28 inches and be atleast 140 lbs. It takes consistency and change, and really wanting to be healthy and making a change to your life style.

I thought giving measurements was a meme from shitty anime

Hey man just thought you should know that in my many years here you are the first person I have ever filtered.

Good, it means it's working

hey I am 5'2" 118 lb girl. but I used to binge eat and be about 125.
to be honest big weightloss is mostly diet related and just includes incorporating SOME type of exercise into your life. its calories in vs calories burned. adding in a little exercise (like walking 1 hr a day) gives you about 200 extra calories to eat which is good if you are used to eating a lot.

to tone up I started pole dancing and eating "keto". theres a subreddit for the keto diet. basically you stop eating carbs and this decreases your hunger and makes it easier to eat the right amount of calories to lose weight.

keto is nice because within the first 3 days of starting it you lose all your water weight, like 3-7 lbs of it. you feel so much less bloated and so lean. its a nice "kick start" that makes you stick with it.
also keto works best for people at a very high weight with lots of weight to lose.
I would look into eating keto if I were you! especially if you could see yourself being happy eating mainly veggies, cheese, meat, ranch, pickles, peanut butter, hot sauce. anything except fruit or pasta or grain products.

>to tone up I started pole dancing

you sound really cute

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>i lost 7 lbs
this is your mind on x chromosomes

Just put up with feeling hungry. The average American doesn't realise what little consequence feeling hungry actually is.

Drink more water

>100ish - 150ish
Wtf? You can eat a hundred different carbs a day? Wait how are carbs measuree

In grammes.
100g of carbs is quite a lot though.
Carbs are tasty and theyre a good source of energy but if youre losing weight theres no reason to eat them. You want to be getting all the nutrients, minerals and essential fats you need while minimising everything else. Carbs are unessential so you should aim for 0 but this is hard for most people. Its the exact same as sugar.

count calories
you'll probably feel a little hungry a lot of the time. a little hunger is good for you. it sharpens your senses.
after your stomach shrinks, it gets easier.

Do people actually count calories? Do they seriously weigh out like 40g of cereal exactly and write down how many calories were in it? This sounds like a great way to lose weight desu because it would completely make me never want to eat to avoid the utter tedium and pain it must be
or do they have some app and they say "yeah, it was probably like 40g of cereal" and the app has a guess at whats in that?

Just fucking stop snacking and cut sugar. I would be amazed if you still couldnt lose weight. If cutting carbs ontop of that isnt enough then you must eat like 30 sausages a day.

lol losing 7 lbs removed any traces of cellulite from my body and gave me abs. at 5'2" 5-10 lbs is a lot






>you lose all your water weight, like 3-7 lbs of it
it was all water weight, potentially.

Assuming you are them, if it is just "calories in vs calories out" like you saidthen going from 207lbs to 200lbs would be the same (assuming it isnt water) as going from 125 to 118. So either you admit to having very little experience or you admit that your post had misinformation (or youre someone else) for 7lbs of fat is the same whoever it is on (inb4 mub tdee. 7lbs of fat is still near nothing)
The reality is that its the latter. Humans arent some sort of consistent engine. The metabolic process is very complicated. Calories in vs calories out is a loose approximation to things and is servicable but the fact that insulin does what insulin does poo pooes it pretty much out of hand.

ok I'm 118 now when I eat carbs, 115 when I am not eating carbs. I didn't mean to brag that my weightless of 7 pounds was an astounding amount. I just was able to reach my goal easily because I chose a diet that reduced my hunger and for me keto made sticking to my eating plan easier.

and yeah to clarify I was saying your body loses water weight temporarily at the beginning of keto. that weight will come back as soon as you eat carbs. But for people new to dieting, it can be really encouraging to see and feel immediate results when starting an attempt at weightloss.

Yeah I'm 6'2" and 115kg and pretty tubby. I'm thick tight solid etc at 105 and ripped at 95. I weight trained for 6 years but haven't touched a barbel for 3 now. Calorie limits are ez. Just build meals around them. You might not like chicken and brocoli, but with moderate activity it is almost impossible to get fat on.

Holy fuck. I do strength training and I wish I could eat that much without forcing myself. You could work out I guess - calories in calories out. fucking fatty.

Not that guy but you sound like a white knighting loser

I have a hard time eating even 2k. How do you even think about food when you have things to do?


Serious post here. You don't, you have to gradually go down on your calories if you stop eating you will only rebound. Go to a professional who makes you a good dietary plan that gradually change your eating habits, maybe cutting 1000 kcal, or ingesting a lot of volume with less kcal.

Don't cut carbs just reduce them, try to cut fat instead. If you can try to go almost full vegetarian with fish and non fatty meat cuts.

Your weight is really unhealthy (and your lifestyle too) and should be in the hands of a pro.

When you're active and not sitting around the pasture all day you won't crave food so much. I'll only eat an apple and a sandwich and work 12 hours of hard manual labor because you have more energy when there isn't a pile of shit in your stomach. You'd know this if you tried it but you will probably continue being fat and lazy anyway

There's so much wrong here.
100g is roughly 2.5 slices of bread. Not a lot.
Carbs are more than just bread/rice. They're also a key component in foods that aren't fat or protein, like vegetables, and fruit. Things we can't really consider 'unessential'.

This is close to smart. Cutting down fat content can help greatly because fat is the most calorically dense type of food. If you can, try to reduce simple carbs (such as rice and bread) for complex carbs such as vegetables. This can simply be done by readjusting the proportions of your food.

Note that, rice is better for weight loss than bread or potato. There are a few reasons. Washed rice contains less starch, and also takes on more water than bread or potato. This allows you to eat less and still feel full. Brown rice is especially good because it has higher fibre content.

Bruh the "I'm so lazy I can't be bothered to consume food" diet is honestly the best.

This! But you don't have to be a "real man" working blue collar real labor, either. I'm just a white collar code monkey and if I get really into my work I can go half a day without a bite easily.

Distract your mind and you won't eat out of boredom.

Maybe divide your 2k meals into smaller meals, so you’ll be able to bite as often, just less along the day.

I am a woman that went from 265lbs to 175lbs atm. My best advice to you is to make small changes and take one day at a time. There is no winning or losing, this is your life, you didn't get fat in one day and you won't defat yourself in one day month or even year. It takes time to get used to eating smaller portions and to control that "eat eat eat" instinct when you are bored/thirsty/just feeling that compulsion for no reason.

Your best friend is consistency second to knowledge. At first I felt restricted by counting my calories but now I feel more in control of myself and free-er than ever because I KNOW what I am putting in my body and if I want to budget for some pizza or wine I do so without feeling guilty. I probably could have been at a healthy weight by now if I was more serious about my weight loss, it has taken me 1.5 years to lose this weight so far because I am making a permanent lifestyle change, not a diet.

You can do it too, OP, you making this post in the first place shows you are on the track to doing it. Don't give up on yourself, try to log even on the "bad days", it's a process and you need to continually forgive yourself and keep going if you ever want to achieve your goals.

>fat girl here