What do men with average looks/genetics have to do to get laid without paying for an escort?
What do men with average looks/genetics have to do to get laid without paying for an escort?
No clue.
Do something stupid and counter-productive like hold a gun to her head
Be a better more productive human being
most men have average looks, and they overwhelmingly get laid.
Stay fit and lift
Dress with fitting clothes
Make eye contact
Exude confidence
Get hobbies outside video games
Bonus: high salary/security/status (but not necessary)
focus on how awful they are on the inside probably.
the average guy here looks good
maybe you just live in an ugly inbred country or are an american
Be funny.
Be extremely interesting and be a decent person
Get fit. Literally that's all it takes. You can be a fucking douchebag who beats women, a drug user, a lowlife criminal, or autistic as fuck but as long as you're fit you CAN land women.
Unless you're sub-4/10 then (as others have said) being fit, taking care of yourself, and not being overtly autistic makes your chances pretty good. If you add to that a stable career and having $$$ then it shouldn't be a problem AT ALL. You can compensate for that with a high charisma stat but if you're on this board chances are you're more of a neurotic type.
this, getting a partner is not something you get spoonfed
What everyone here of course is not saying is that given all the qualities they stipulate, it is no problem to get laid with a fat nasty slampig who expects commitment.
Don't expect to ever have casual sex from an attractive woman unless you pay lots for an escort, their experimentation days were reserved for high school and college.
stand out, be open to new experiences, become somebody that other people want to know and be around.
Be funny.
why is there this expectation of being able to sleep with a hot girl when you're exceedingly average?
The standards people set for themselves are completely unrealistic and actively prevent them from finding their best possible partners
why do people have such an incredibly warped view of what average is?
do you know what happens to an average man when he gets fit, well dressed, confident, experienced, interesting as a person, and a high stable income?
they're sure as shit not fucking average
the standards people set for themselves are required to achieve a standing erection
Get an average looking gf or a hot girl with low self esteem
i'm this guy literally, just an average dude. my gf is incredibly beautiful, but i had to work my ass off to be somebody she'd want to be with in the long term, i got in shape, i graduated from school and got my career in order, i pursued my passion in music and joined a couple of bands that have had some local success
but that was work, lots of it. I didn't deserve her by virtue of exiting, i earned her affection the hard way
Those sound like some mediocre ass achievements that make you pretty average. Where's the hard work that separates you from others? What exactly makes you special?
Step 1: stop going on Jow Forums.
Step 2: leave the cancerous incel cult.
Step 3: sex.
Be rich or be funny or be interesting or be really good at something and someone will fuck you. If you build it they will come.
Have everything, including good looks and it actually doesn't fucking matter. If you have your own opinion and don't follow the mainstream, you are pretty much an outcast and therefor uninteresting.
Be a somewhat non horrible person. Take some care of your appearance. Go outside from time to time.
Getting laid takes minimal effort if you're not a complete waste of oxygen. And if you are, as the frogposting suggests, take a hard look at yourself and see what you can do about it.
Literally all you need to do is be normal. I'm not the best looking guy, but I lift and I'm also funny and engaging. I can talk to anyone about anything. Women love that.
talk to girls with average looks and genetics.
I do all of these things but apparently I am an oxygen thief. How do I fix myself?
Be funny and interessting
>How do I fix myself?
Self reflection yo. And it's not as easy as it sounds since people are horrible at noticing own flaws, even if they genuinely try; so take your time. Of course there is also a chance to you just live in some shithole with minimal amounts of potential mates too.
I don't know if Scandinavia counts as a shithole, but according to Jow Forums it seems in 2018 it does. I haven't had an actual conversation with a woman my age in years, though.
Jow Forums incel brainlets are not the whole of Jow Forums.
Assuming you don't live in some tiny village, the location shouldn't be a factor then.
Nevertheless, I don't meet women at all so it's mostly an issue of circumstance. All the soul searching in the world won't help me find my flaws when I don't even know what is expected of me.
If you're average and can't find someone, then you're not average. You're probably way less attractive than you think you are
>I don't even know what is expected of me
Nothing noteworthy. Basically the same stuff someone with your qualities could reasonably expect from another partner and outside of the basics, it just depends on chemistry.
>can others look at you without the desire to distance themselves or laugh
>can others stand next to you without the desire to hold their nose
>can you hold a conversation
If you passed these, you're at like 50% already and above incels, frogposters and the likes.
Afterwards there is:
>can others enjoy spending time with you
>do you NOT annoy others with your quirks too much
If you passed these too, it's down to individual preferences which vary vastly.
This is all very encouraging, but I still don't know how to put any of this to the test.