How do I get out of Canada? I can't take being constantly vilified by the media and country at large anymore.
I feel like the world and the country hates me for being a young man and I don't know what to do.
How do I get out of Canada? I can't take being constantly vilified by the media and country at large anymore.
I feel like the world and the country hates me for being a young man and I don't know what to do.
Move to America land of the free home of the brave.
I can't get a visa, trump is about to kill NAFTA so I won't be able to get a job there.
I'm trapped and feel completely alone.
>I feel like the world and the country hates me for being a young man
>I can't take being constantly vilified for being a young man
that's 100% in your head and there is no escape
Every time I turn on the media it feels like I'm hated for being a young white man
you want to be a victim so bad. You want to use that as an excuse as to why you have no friends, no romantic interests, and no financial success. You're pathetic.
Not him but my dude, the government in Canada has grants and subsidies that are explicitly biased against men. For example it's $2000 cheaper to hire a female co-op student than a male one.
so you have a harder time getting a extremely low wage position invented to exploit poor young people? cry me a river
But it's true, see
I feel like my country hates me.
I have a harder time getting the required work experience to earn my P.Eng so I can actually get an engineering job in this country, yes.
t. not canadian
normal people arent like that but the tv is
I'm 27, white, Canadian and I've never felt like this.
The only "media" in Canada is CBC and that hasn't been a reputable news organization since 1995. And the godawful mess of an "organization" that Rebel Media turned out to be.
Grow up and fix your own shit before you blame everything else.
I'm an engineer and in exactly the same position
2 years no work
>The only "media" in Canada is CBC and that hasn't been a reputable news organization since 1995. And the godawful mess of an "organization" that Rebel Media turned out to be.
Find a place to live off grid, the country or woods. Large cities suffer the most from corruption, immigration and biases.
There are literally hundreds of jobs in the prairies and northern provinces. You're just too much of a pansy to leave the 100 square kilometres radius around the major cities like 80% of the rest of this country.
>I have a harder time getting the required work experience to earn my P.Eng
Most of your competitors that are getting the jobs are men and you're whining that you'd be 20% better off if you were a woman. Crunch the numbers nerd, the problem is you
You can legally live off of Crown Land for 21 days. Then you move your tent or trailer 30 feet to the left and you're good for another 21 days.
>government discrimination is acceptable as long as it only benefits a tiny minority
I'm sorry what?
that and the entire law regarding things like child custody and workplace incidents. Oh and universities lets not forget them.
If you live in the real world its not an issue but dont pretend its impossible to understand why someone would feel this way.
discriminating who needs help with something and who is just not worth the effort is literally the government's job. That's what you pay taxes for, someone more knowledgeable and probably smarter than you to make those decisions.
I just want to be an American ;_;
I fundamentally disagree with the idea that corporate or government discrimination based on sex, race, or sexuality can ever be remotely just. I also disagree with the notion that women in biomedical engineering are in need of any assistance.
Most Americans don't want to actually be Americans though. They're just stuck here because they don't have the resources to go anywhere or do anything.
interns aren't "in" biomedical engineering or any other field, they're students
Where is better?
canada is right there, most of europe, a few countries in asia
Feels good to be an American and sucks for you
Rude desu
Don’t plan on going to the United States because the SJWs here will call you racist and harass anyone who is white and male. It’s disgusting that I can’t sit how I want out in public. If your a woman great you will love it in the United States.
Rake yourself, leaf
You're even worse, you need gas
Very rude Mr. Hitler.
>Every time I turn on the media
Are you sure you're not 67 years old with a touch of dementia when you turn on the media with your computer box or pocket phone
This is veru true the other day some feminazis blocked me from the games section of best buy and they pulled my pants down while chantinf WHITE PENIS WHITE PENIS and made me walk home that way
go to bangladesh
Vancouver here, and there are worse things than that my friend.
>shit companies
>shit wages
>stupid high rent prices
>stupid high real estate prices
>stupid high gas prices
>night life is shit and expensive
>big drug problem
>expensive flights
>no decent mainstream technology or hobby stores (this goes for almost anything)
>expensive and shit quality postal service
With rampant and blatant blue collar crimes being committed and not enforced, it's getting worse. The faster you move out the better, because if this trend continues, and by the sounds of it and everything going down in NA right now it will, it's going to get harder to do it. The future is us being stuck here and homeless. Doctors can't even afford to live here anymore. The younger generations blamed for calling out their shit on top of shit and our struggles trying to make it in what's becoming a Hong Kong-esque city is just the shit cherry on top of the pile of shit.
Me, I'm a software engineer with a shit job and could get paid far more in the US. I'm stuck here because my SO needs to stay here. I may have break up just to leave this shitty place.
I'm stuck in Vancouver too.
I have to get out.
I have to get out.
I'm a software guy but couldn't even get a job here. How do I get hired overseas.
Just apply my dude.
When you talk about moving to another country the world is your oyster. But there's a lot in the world. What do you want from it?
I personally suggest working at WD Thailand if money isn't a big deal. I worked there for 4 months as an intern and the culture there is just so fun. Work is laid back and fulfilling. Everyone respects and is happy with one another. They can speak English well compared to other countries there, and Thai language is pretty awesome too. Vietnam may be a cool choice too, even as an English teacher. But I'm biased. If you're really keen, you could try Singapore, but it's much stricter than other places.
Again personally, I imagine Germany would be an awesome place to work. They get over a month total of mandatory paid vacation/stat holidays, everyone there seems technically proficient, good and cheap schooling for kids if you want that. It may be competitive but I don't really know. I've never actually gone or tried to go there but I kind of want to lately.
If you get hired at WD Thailand, please stay in contact with me. I could use more ins there if I am able to go back one day.
>constantly vilified by the media and country at large anymore.
>I feel like the world and the country hates me for being a young man and I
Uhm are you on the news? What did ya do
I only have 1 year of internships 2 years ago and a rapidly failing startup I have been creating on my resume, do you think international companies would even want to hire me?
The culture here, a place mostly filled with rich people, aged slightly over middle aged and up, see us as just general shitheads because it's becoming harder to live here and blame it on us. This was the beginning of becoming the scapegoat for many other things and just generally ignored.
Man, it's perfect. I'm from UVic and they had international listings in the co-op pages. Since you're in engineering it's likely that you go to a decent school with international hookups. It's very likely people at your university are staffed solely for international co-ops like UVic has.
Apply to all the international listings you're interested in there. Less people apply for international ones too, so it's more likely for you.
No I graduated 2 years ago from ubc
I have not had a job since, internships are for people in school. I graduated and had the pigheaded idea of doing a startup and it isn't going well.
I just need someone to give me a chance based on 2 years of strartup experience + the internships, but IDK how that's viewed overseas.
>do you think international companies would even want to hire me?
I don't know shit about startups, but I do know basically every successful person have had many failed businesses. It shows experience, initiative, and passion. Don't talk about the failures, talk about what you learned from it. That's great man.
The company I got hired for didn't even remember my resume in the interview. I was hired to them before the interview began as well. Non-English countries are a good bet for getting hired too because nearly every company wants English speakers.
I'd say it's likely for them to consider you, especially considering they're less competitive.
Ah so you graduated already. It is harder to get a full-time position in other countries for sure, but I wouldn't see the startup failure as something bad. It's accelerated experience isn't it?
Pretty much. I've learnt a ton. I'm contemplating starting something else or spamming America with resumes, but who knows what is happening with NAFTA.
Nowhere else really seems to pay like America though.
NAFTA is a tariff thing isn't it? Even so, new rules are not in place yet. Even so, I highly highly doubt that would get in the way of Canadians legally working in USA. It'll all change in a few years as well anyways. Spam and see what happens.
Other countries that pay similarly would be Singapore, and places in Europe but Europe would be hardest to get in I imagine.
>I highly highly doubt that would get in the way of Canadians legally working in USA.
We'll build a second wall if we have to
Major US based companies are already preparing to move out or focus headquarters work in other places my dude. Your country alone can't keep up with the skill that your corporations demand.
NAFTA is also the visas.
But we shall see how it goes, I'll apply anyway.
Good luck friend. UBC's name should help too
Is UBC actually that well known?