Good evening anonymous, I hope you're having a good week so far

Good evening anonymous, I hope you're having a good week so far.

For those of you returning, welcome back to the Lunar threads! Let's pick things up where we left off last time.

As for any of you newcomers, here's a quick rundown:

We're a bunch of anons dedicated towards trying to help other anons become better versions of themselves.
Towards this end, we meet here on Jow Forums periodically to discuss any particular issue, hang-ups, difficulty, or struggle life may throw at you.
Sometimes it's something relatively trivial and all you might need is to 'get-it-off-your-chest'. Other times, it might take some more strategizing.
In either case, regular check-ins are important to gauge progress; hence the periodic nature of these threads.

So, that being said, if you feel you can benefit from these kinds of threads or simply wish to serve as good company, join in on the conversation!
You're always welcomed here.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Good evening everyone! Please, come in and just stay for a bit.

How's everyone doing tonight?

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I'm new to this. Anyone have a plan for good incremental steps to overcome social anxiety and talk to girls?

Kill yourself

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And good evening to you both, thank you for showing up.

We could certainly come up with one together. When it comes to improving your anxiety, the best thing you can do for yourself is exposure. A first good incremental step is to organize a bit of an outing with your existing friend. Can this be arranged soon, user?

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Hiya~ Good to see you tonight, Mantis. How's it been going?

Well! Heya. I think a good first step is to, figure out why you such an anxiety. Do you have any idea why?

Good to be back in the threads, honestly.

How long has this been going on? Is getting progressively worse? It might be time to call in a professional therapist.
Otherwise, it's all about being confident in yourself. And by confidence, I do not mean arrogance. It's not about being an asshole. It's about being relaxed and comfortable in your own skin.

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About 2 years.
I can't afford a therapist
I have a few friends, and went out with them this weekend, but it's always the same people so no new exposure.
I think it came with 2 years of isolation after graduation from University and failing to get a job (still failing).

as before i think i'll observe this thread as long as it's around. it tends to be interesting.

Hi dc!
I'm doing really good! Hbu?
Start with the smile and nod. When you're out, you'll probably inadvertently make eye contact with some females. When you do, smile and nod. Then just keep going about your business. I think that would be a good place to start.

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hi mantis.

That's a great first step, getting out there to begin with. Okay, so what kind of places are you frequenting with these friends of yours?

I also noticed in your response towards Roll that you were isolated for two years. What is it that you mean by that? Also, I feel for you, it's tough to find employment these days. What kind of work are you looking to get into?

Without schooling or work providing a means to socialize, several people see their skills decline. There's some comfort to be had, in knowing that this problem isn't unique to you. I think finding employment will go a long ways in helping you overcome your anxiety. At the very least it'd expand your options of where you can socialize.

Hey DC. What level are you in Paladins now?

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Ouch. 'm sorry about that... Mm, sounds rough... What did you go for though, if I may ask?

Heya DC

Ahhh, that's good to hear. I'm doing okay. What's got you feeling good though?

I still get anxiety posting here. I'll try to help out if I can.

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This thread is overly nice. It makes me suspect you all of taking hrt. The knowing each other compounds it.
Nonetheless, it does, at least, pertain to Jow Forums and may well be useful.

What I lack is motivation. I am, lamentably, by my nature, a servant. Not to be arrogant but I'm neither stupid nor feeble and I'm socially competent. However, without a whip at my back I fall into laxity and idleness.
My personal goals of working out, reading and learning skills invariably end botched and in failure.
So, my quandary should seem obvious, how can I self motivate or, failing that where can I find external motivation?

And we are glad to have you here!
A good night's sleep, and a really good meal, for starters!

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Evening Jack. Have you been playing more Ash these days? Or did you take the plunge and start leveling up your Skye? Last time we played together you took a liking to her.

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Electrical Engineering.
I feel I need to learn to socialize before I'll be able to get employment in my country..
Ok, I'll try that with a few girls next time I am out of the house!

uuuuuhhhhmm, apparently i'm 19.. seris 14, moji 9, janos 7. i had to go check..


that's alright jack.

Hello and welcome!
For external motivation, I leave the house! It's a simple thing. But very effective. I have a very nice local library. They have all sorts of programs and classes going on. Community events are posted there. The Wi-Fi is really good.
They also have a ton of books to read.
Just getting my ass out of the house and going there means I have to take a shower, put on clean clothes, ect.
My point is, sitting around at home can be very comfy. But I need to get up and out. That's the first step.

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I don't see what HRT has to do with anything, but alright.

If you're finding motivation towards your goals is lacking, then perhaps it's time to re-evaluate and take stock of why it is exactly you're striving for these things. You mentioned working out; okay, why is it that you're working out? Reading and learning new are you failing towards these ends?

Do you have any experience in either academic research or industry in electrical engineering? If not, and you're finding it difficult to find employment in the field, then I suggest you look into internships and co-ops. Tons of companies offer them for people with zero experience, recent grads, and students still in school.

You didn't answer my question though; what kinds of places are you going with these friends? Also, are any of them what you would consider extroverted?

Moji? You really took a liking to her, huh?

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Just a restaurant.
Usually that's about it, once a month.

Thank you. I'm happy to be here.
I play ash when I need to tank. I still use your loadout. I also like jenos for heals and skye for flank. I'm trying to find a damage one I like but I don't who to pick. I was thinking maybe sha lin?

Restaurants are nice places to go.

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Heya Jack~ Mm, I know what you mean. How're you doing though?

Heh.... You know, I figured a good meal must've been a part of that. You always post the yummiest foods. What was it tonight?

Not everyone of us is on hrt you know :v

Mm I do get what you mean though. I have to ask then... Why do you think you don't have the motivation?

Huh... Something as in demand as that, should nab you something... I wonder why no one's biting though. Is it the area you think?

How're you doing tonight?

You might want to consider suggesting doing more. I'm not certain at all what your city or town has to offer, but since you're comfortable going to the restaurant with your friends, it's time to push that comfort boundary just a little bit. I'd suggest escalating to going window shopping at a mall, visiting an arcade, bowling alley, going for karaoke, attending concerts. Summer is over, but autumn-themed fairs should be cropping up shortly. The point is, you need to start going to places where there are more strangers, less familiar settings, and hence more opportunity to engage with others.

Sha Lin is absolutely broken if you can make a loadout capitalizing off of his plant ability. Provided you can land your shots.

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i can assure you i do not take hrt and don't see any reason i would consider it; not really sure why you would. we are familiar with one another to an extent.

do you have any interest or ambition. is there any goal worth reaching toward or thing that you want? you mentioned working out, schedule it, chose a time you won't be bothered by others and make sure you can do it consistently... you mentioned reading, what sort of things do you like to read? someone might be able to recommend something but like working out it's a matter of deciding to do it and sticking with it i think.

as far as true motivation, or otherwise inspiration you can use quite yet, i am not sure what would appeal to you most.

moji is fun but i never really know what maps to use her on. aside from the archives. also some of her skills have odd limitations on them. really it seems that no skill can have its duration increased for her..

tonight's alright, today was alright too. i think i'm starting to finally wake up.


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I'm doing okay. I'm just trying to get through my usual anxiety. How are you doing tonight?
I didn't realize his plant ability was broken. It seems a bit unwieldy especially against some of the faster characters. I'll watch some gameplay footage of it.

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She used to be very annoying not too long ago. Thank goodness she got nerfed.

And I wouldn't worry too much about what map to use her on. That's something snipers and Terminus have to worry themselves with. With Moji, just focus on targeting the enemy healer and harassing.

FrostFangs did a video not too long ago featuring him

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Hey, all right is pretty good to hear too! Though... I feel ya on the "finally starting to wake up" stuff. That was me earlier. Been feeling really tired lately.

Oh, my, god... That really, honestly looks so good.

I want it ;-;

It's been too long since I've had proper italian food...!

Mm, anxiety is always a challenge right? I gotcha there... I'm doing, good enough tonight though. Hasn't been bad.

I think you misunderstand what motivation is for surely your advoce requires it and does not provide it.
I recognise that your advice is commonly true for most anons but I already leave the house every day and for most of the day. What on earth would I do at home for 16 hours?
>I don't see what HRT has to do with anything
Because youre all terribly nice. Dryly, I imagine taking feminine hormones makes someone of a more feminine disposition and naturally every user is male but it was more a jibe from the other direction.
(this comment seems to have caused something of a stir. I havent the faintest who any of you are but its not important)

>why is it that you're working out?
Why is it that anybody works out? Id like to say its entirely for health purposes and to be strong but, truth be told, a large part of it is to look good. Im no different to the commonality of people who work out.
I suppose its hard to give a concrete reason as to why I would read. It is, after all, supposed to be recreational. Paradoxically, I do enjoy it but finding the energy to do it can be difficult. It falls, as well, much into the category of learning for reading proper books naturally improves someone's own composition and ideas. Erudite is a compliment for a reason, after all.
>learning new skills
For practical application. I learn a language to speak that language. Why else would someone learn a skill?
>how are you failing towards these ends?
By not doing the activities.

Any goal these activites pertain to can only be, by their nature, an arbitrary point of progress. Being able to lift 200lbs instead of 190 is not somehow magically more meaningful than going from 175 to 190; were we to measure in kg then the milestones would be different demonstrating their superficiality.
The same can be said of almost anything. These things are, in isolation, trivial. The purpose of them is to better myself as a whole: to become stronger, more intelligent and more able.