How much does money and intelligence in a guy matter to women?

How much does money and intelligence in a guy matter to women?

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bout tree fiddy

It depends on the guy and the woman, but generally speaking women will never date down in either.

It depends on the woman


met tons of girls smarter than me who are tryna fuck

Charm is much more valuable than either one, and good looks help but aren't vital.

Long term, most women would want their man to be at least their intellectual and financial equal.

>16 y/o bounty hunting mandolorian queen that's also part of the rebel alliance
Fuck you, fuck the horse you came in on, and fuck (((disney)))

If he's dumb and broke he better be an exceptionally selfless lover or I'll apologize to his girlfriend.

>generally speaking
I'm not referring to unironic whores.

(Not OP) Lets say he gives alot. Super romantic.
not book smart but street smart

Girl definitely smarter than me

If that makes sense


your ability to relate and talk to women is way more important than the other check boxes in the big picture

it just so happens that most charming people are well adjusted and have active interests that help them form a likable personality

It doesn't really matter unless they plan to spend their money on the chick

both of the recent ones just finished grad school, one for architecture and the other for urban planning.

these were not dumb women.

on the other end i barely graduated college

>these were not dumb women.
You seem to be missing the point.
Dating =/= sex. If they're degenerates (who by the way are ultimately harming themselves), reason goes out the window, hence why you still have coalburners despite 90%+ of them becoming single moms.

degeneracy is a made up term to keep incels from ever taking responsibilities for their lack of fuckability

try again dipshit

Incels are degenerates, you normal. They are exactly the same as most whores and manwhores, but they simply fail to engage in the activity. They have the same desires and motivations.

Degeneracy is properly defined as an act which contributes to the moral degradation of a society, which in turn is something counterproductive to stability and general happiness. Casual sex fits all of those criteria--its participants are demonstrably less happy, have less stable marriages, and erode societal morality such that others are indirectly affected by their behavior.

>made up term
Every single word of the English language is "made up", that doesn't mean we need to go back to grunting.

wow that's a really fucking long way to say we live in a society you fucking pseudo intellectual poser

Money not so much as long as you have a stable job and can support yourself without scraping by. Intelligence is overrated...for me it's whatever, as long as you aren't a complete dumbass.

When speaking with people who have no conception of morality and an inability to respond in anything more than irrelevant one-liners, I have to be thorough.
I corrected your perceptions about "degeneracy" and took issue with flinging around the word "incel" where it isn't relevant. If there is something relating to your first post I didn't address, by all means tell me.

ur really owning me with logic and facts wow

doesn't stop you from being a wannabe smart guy who is using flawed arguments to attempt bolster their incredibly arbitrary and easily debunked appeal to morality.

>ur really owning me with logic and facts
Careful, kiddo, or I'll bring in Ben Shapiro.
>flawed arguments
Point them out. I can and did point out yours, like the unsupported assertion that degeneracy as a term was invented by incels, and the further unsupported assumption as to the mental state of the group you called "incels".

> arbitrary and easily debunked appeal to morality.
On some level, there is going to be an arbitrary decision, but it's not the moral one. You should distinguish between morals and principles--the latter being arbitrary if you don't believe in God or a higher power. The former are all simply results of the latter--for example, the NAP would consider assault morally wrong.

If you think that there are more important things than stability and happiness, do elaborate and give your own thoughts. But simply flinging shit without risking anything of your own or even giving specific criticisms is just stupid and cowardly.

>tripfag bad, me insult tripfag

lmao you're the most joyless pedantic shit head i've met on Jow Forums in a bit


have fun with those values you stole from a book written via decades of a game of telephone

and here's the thing bucko, i'm not going to go down the rabbit hole of earnestly arguing with you, you'll derail at every point and default to a position in which you're unwilling to concede to the same set of facts.

i'm not interested in a game of stump the pedant, i'm more interested in making you look like the boring soul less cretin that you are

>have fun with those values you stole from a book
Thanks! You actually believe I read!
>i'm not interested in a game of stump the pedant
There's nothing pedantic about telling you that a given statement is just false.
>i'm more interested in making you look like the boring soul less cretin that you are
Sure, I might be, but that's not an argument.
You are an ass hat.