What's more important, being true to who you are or your career ?
What's more important, being true to who you are or your career ?
career/life goals*
whats the point in a career if thats literally it? my career is just to pay for other shit it doesnt make me happy itself
Depends. How much do you value authenticity?
If it's your dream, such as being a successful actor for example
What's more important?
doesnt that overlap with being true to who you are then?
Or do you mean if someone became an actor but had to somehow do major damage to theatre as an art overall in order to get there?
Either your career fuels your other things or it is part of them. You cant really chop up a person into such neat boxes.
cover your ass monetarily at all costs.
Just bee urself!
I worry my sexual orientation will affect my career prospects/life goals being marginalized, less opportunities so I wonder if I should just stay in the closet for my career goals.
So what's more important?
ah so youre a straight actor then.
Or are you bolywood?
Without knowing what career I couldnt say. If its politics you owe it to the people to be transparent and honest. If its... um, what other careers are fags marginalised in today? (You could probably make a career out of sueing people for not letting you work) Maybe rap music or someting? Do you live in a brown or slavic country?
Ugh you fuckers won't help me
yout career should involve being true to who you are. why wouldn't it?
>Won't give details
>Complains about lack of help
>what's more important, being urself :^) (tm) or being a wageslave?
I did tho.
I'm LGBT and worry if that will affect my goals being an actor or becoming a director in the movie industry. I wonder if I should be myself, which includes the risk of less opportunities (it's already hard to get into the business as it is), and possible discrimination, or I should just stay in the closet to help ensure my career success.
most actors are faggots so you'll be in good company
Most actors aren't transgender
I'm just going to stay in the closet.
I feel fortunate that I've got a job that lets me do both.
are you mtf or ftm?
Maturity lies in finding a balance between the two
mtf but I have a very good chance at passing plus more with body and face
realistically you have no chance as an actor unless you play mtf characters only. for however progressive hollywood is, it's still run by men who write stories primarily from the male perspective which means most female characters are either sex appeal or damsel in distress. no sane producer would hire a mtf for either role
as a director you could definitely succeed, just look at the wachowskis
>as a director you could definitely succeed, just look at the wachowskis
Even if it's male dominated? (I have no problem with men dominating it, im not a sjw shithead, Im just worried about possible less opportunities due to my status and discrimination.) I'm not the type to go advertising my trans-ness either.
The Wachowskis though, they got in before transitioning.
I just want to make movies.
You really need to stop worrying. With the current political climate, even if you never make it to the big leagues you'll do well just to get your name out there.
First and foremost you should focus on your work more than your sexuality. Not that I'm saying it isn't an important factor, but the material you put out will say more about you than anything else.
>true to who you
Is a meme based on tons of memes, and a variable fucking mess, basically not worth caring about too much. You can't be not true to you either way.
>your career
One way to get extra money out of tons of options. Nothing worth caring about too much either.
With the times slowly changing being a tranny might not be that much of a negative factor in the future. If you can handle it, I'd try to establish a career before transitioning. Hell, your career will even profit from the media buzz over it, if you get relevant enough. Although what's with the range? Actors and directors do vastly different jobs that are barely related.
>I have no problem with men dominating it
>worried about possible less opportunities due to my status and discrimination
It's like you're still in denial, nigga.
mtfs always do better than women in male-dominated fields, don't worry
you'll always be biologically male and therefore be valued over most women
You’re asking if being gay in Hollywood/ Film industry will hurt your career? I’m pretty sure 90% of the population there is gay.
Everything will affect your career in film. Being white, black, having a big nose, small one, being tall or short, etc. At the end of the day it all matters what roles you can fit yourself into. If you’re a flamboyant gay that can’t help but being that way then the parts you’ll receive will reflect that.
My advice is not to put so much enfaces on your sexuality and just let it be what it is. You don’t need to go around letting everybody know you’re gay. Somebody asks, then tell them. Life isn’t about sex.
Shit question
>First and foremost you should focus on your work more than your sexuality.
That's exactly what i want to do. I don't want people asking questions about my status
>>I have no problem with men dominating it
>>worried about possible less opportunities due to my status and discrimination
>It's like you're still in denial, nigga.
Ummm... the two aren't necessarily mutual
But ill transition now because older ones can't pass
im not gay