ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything

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And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>I'm an insecure/suicidal/anxious person who doesn't leave home
Fuck off, this is an Ask The Opposite Gender Anything thread, not your personal blog

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

>Why am I the only one who makes these threads?
Quit your bitching, no one's holding a gun to your head.

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Okay so I was dating a girl before she left for uni, for about a month, we had sex once, was going great but between us there was always a fear it wasn't going to work because of her being busy. Well a week into it, where she's been really slow at replying and everything as you'd expect, she finally came out with the text that crushed my hopes.

She basically said in the message that she really enjoys talking to me (I think this is how she says she likes me) but that her life is too hectic and she's not ready to commit, and that she wants the best for both of us.

Now in a way i'm glad to have some kind of partial closure, but i'm not really sure what to do with the situation now. Is it a case of just waiting for her situation to calm down or should I get back on the dating horse? My instincts tell me it would take a lot to get this one to work out so I should try to move on, but there's obviously something there.

Girls: how long do you want sex(penetration)to last on average?
I feel like maybe I go on a little long

To women and men I guess, since both are pretty capable of an answer - are there such things as "dominant women", or is it at least realistic? It's not about sex or a fetish, I just am a guy and I am really shy and anxious, however I am able to break through it. I do so all the time and people who speak to me don't think I am socially inept/autistic, at least in my opinion. I think I have a decent personality, so it's not like I am just shy with nothing else. It's just very intense and draining for me to speak with strangers/people I don't know very well, and the same in the case of if I am nervous/unsure about asking or saying something and it would be my luck if I ended up dating someone like me. Absolutely nothing would happen. I know in life, everyone gets thrown out of their comfort zone a lot and that is just life, but I don't think a relationship with a woman who expected the man to be able to do everything on his own would last or even be fair to the woman, who would either leave or would love me enough to wait.

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Long or short hair on guys?

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when a girl sees you as a close friend and really values the friendship, is not wanting to "take the next step" usually out of the question due to not actually finding that friend attractive in that sense, or just because you really do love/care for them, don't want to lose them, and would rather date them when you're more ready to marry?

for the record im not asking this to try to "hold onto feelings" for a girl that rejected me already. i've kinda gone from oneitis to oneitis my whole life so for the past little while i've been experimenting with girls and relationships. im in an open relationship right now and have a couple of close female friends that i've made the past little bit and its clear to me that there's something there, but they both "dont want to lose me". my current gf says that it's because they cant see themselves being able to be friends with me if we were to cuddle and/or hookup and then have feelings involved in some way or another.

I know it's a case-by-case basis but I was curious what the general consensus would be. For me I'm only interested in open relationships but these 2 girls in question are girls I could see myself being serious with down the road if life context were to change, but that being said i'd be completely okay with hooking up with them for the time being without committing feelings.

I wanna know just so that i can be more sensitive to these feelings but it just feels like an invasive question to ask them

This one goes out to my fellow guys
Ok so how do you guys deal with it when a woman says something really stupid or says something judgemental to a "noun" that you like?
Do I just keep that too my self or do I put up the debatable dukes?

There are but it comes with a streak of starting shit that is unnessary. Like a girl will look for things to make something into an issue. People like this will often also be over criticle of you too. Best for you to find a place where you enjoy doing something in public. I found a bar that has a standup arcade and pinball and man my game is amazing. It was perfect for me. The key is to keep your shoulders down, back straight, neck high an tall to where all this is comfortable. Never be opinionated because girls Generalize a lot, so ask them their opinions on things.
Keep your answers short when talking about yourself. Women hate it when you pretty much do what they do.

Just had a second date with a girl and at the end she kissed me on the cheek. Thats a good sign right? We are seeing each other again in a few days for all that matters. I'm very new to dating.

male here but- you can both still enjoy talking to each other but yeah go out and see other girls for now. It'd put a bunch of strain on the two of you to be heavily committed to only one person when serious relationships shouldn't be the #1 priorities in your lives

casual dating is also a part of the selection process. It's best not to get too attached to any one girl at this time in your life. There's a lot of people out there for you to meet.

If there's any sort of relationship the two of you have, it'd be more of a casual one, or like a good friendship. You never know what will happen down the road, but if you only stick around with her subconsciously telling yourself that you're eventually going to get with her, instead of just genuinely appreciating the fact that she's in your life and still getting a meaningful relationship out of it anyways, it'll blow up in your face really bad down the road. Trust me, it's not a lesson you want to learn the hard way.

It depends a lot on what the noun is, who the girl is etc need more details to answer any better senpai

anywhere from like 5 - 30 min i guess? iunno. hard to put a number on it.

typically short. certain guys can pull off long hair but they're def the minority.

Guy here, I'd take it as a good sign. Kiss her on the lips next time

Much appreciated user, thats pretty much how I was feeling, I guess the issue in this case is that we're more likely to stop contact with eachother, not through lack of wanting to on my end, but if she doesn't initiate contact, its not fair on her or beneficial to my state to be messaging her first all the time.

I think you're right about casual dating and not getting too attached, as I think thats where I am right now. Unfortunately I kind of lucked into dating this girl anyway and I don't really get the opportunity to meet new girls a lot.

Its difficult when you think you meet someone and there's really the chance it could go somewhere, only for a big life event to get in the way, it feels worse than getting rejected in the typical ways to me. But thanks again user, much appreciated.

>but there's obviously something there.
There actually isn’t. She rejected you. It’s over. “Working out” with her would be waiting 5-10 years and hoping she winds up in the same place as you after graduating. She’ll have had dozens of Chad cocks in the interim, maybe more (given she fucked you in a month of dating).
>partial closure
What’s partial here? It’s over. She told you she doesn’t have time (and won’t make time) for you. This speaks volumes about her actual desires. If she was in love with you, she’d make time. College is not that hard or time-consuming. Did you know most people are in class less than 20 hours a week? People not in the hard sciences or engineering are probably in class less than 16 hours a week on average. In high school you were there probably 35 hours a week. The workload is not substantially more either.
>Is it a case of just waiting for her situation to calm down or should I get back on the dating horse?
Move on. You can spend a few days to a week (two at the most) sulking, but you need to go meet new people as soon as you’re stable. Not even for dating; literally get out there and make new friends.

I think you’re looking for an extroverted woman. For people into the MBTI autism (as my very dominant ex was) you’re talking ENTJ types. She took the reins, guided me in sex, helped push me in my career, etc. But in her case, and frankly I expect it’s the same with most of these types, she had a lot of neuroticism and was quite unstable. Her neuroticism is what made me break up with her in the end.

After that first relationship though, I’m feeling a lot more comfortable with dating normal girls.

Harsh words but fair user, I accept what you say is probably true but even so I still think there is more context I didn't go into that matters, she's (honestly) not the kind of girl that has sex with lots of guys, although maybe that will change now shes moved to uni and is in that kind of environment.

>This speaks volumes about her actual desires. If she was in love with you, she’d make time.

This was the big thing for me, which is why I wanted to know what her thoughts were and why i'm glad she sent me the message she did. At least that way I can get over the situation and not dwell on it, or try not to anyway. But to be honest I've heard people on here before say how their experience of university was especially time consuming and draining, especially if youre working, so its different for everyone. But yeah on the whole I agree with what you are saying.

>Move on. You can spend a few days to a week (two at the most) sulking, but you need to go meet new people as soon as you’re stable. Not even for dating; literally get out there and make new friends.

Appreciate it user

>But to be honest I've heard people on here before say how their experience of university was especially time consuming and draining, especially if youre working, so its different for everyone.
Yeah those people by and large have depression and can’t handle college. What I’m telling you about the time commitment, that it’s usually less than 20 hours of classroom time per week, is an objective fact. One credit hour of lecture/discussion means one hour per week; it differs for lab courses in that a credit hour of lab is more like 2 hours per week. That’s just how university works. Yes, you need to study outside of class, but that’s still not gonna be more time than you spent in class in high school.

Like even if you have a PT job in college, most of those are less than 20 hrs/wk (all of the on-campus work study ones are, I think by law, 20 hours or less, usually quite a bit less). Even if she’s working 15 hours on average and taking 15 credits, and studying 15 hours outside of class... that’s 45 hours, which is slightly more than a FT job. That’s MORE than enough time to date someone if you really like them. I know guys in big law firms working 60, 70 hours a week that have time for love lives and families.

So don’t mindfuck yourself thinking this girl genuinely does love you but her situation makes it impossible. If she really liked you that much she would make time.

I kinda kissed her on the cheek too after she did it. Was pretty awkward. Not sure if I should go straight for the lips when we greet each other next time.

Sex can't really take too long in my opinion.

But penetration just needs to scratch that itch. Just 5 minutes is enough for that, then I'd be perfectly fine with some tongue action afterwards.

I've tried and failed to go on for long when I am "in charge" of the motions, and I can't do it for more than 15 minutes before it starts to hurt and make the whole thing less enjoyable. But if the guy can keep pounding for an hour on top of that, I most likely wouldn't mind. Longest I've tried was a total penetration of a solid 45 minutes, and I could definitely have gone for more, it was super good. He was about 4,5 inches though, not sure if his small size is why I never became sore or uncomfortable.

Okay user, thats fair, you know i'm just trying to find something to cling on to right? Which is why i'm disputing what you say. But I am with you, if she really, really was in to me she'd try to make it work. That isn't to say that at one stage she didn't like me though, she did make that clear, and that she enjoys my company and talking to me. Time to move on.

Play it by ear when you see her. If she seems excited to see you then do it and if it's a little awkward just be like "I just needed to get that out of the way" or something like that. If she likes you she'll be stoked that you manned up. If you puss out when you first see her try and at least do it at the end.

Yes it’s good. I don’t have the courage to kiss a guy on the mouth no matter how much I like him but I will kiss him on the cheek to show that I’m interested.

Definitely good sign, she meant it like "I had a nice time with you"

I ask because my last LTR mentioned at the end of the relationship that she wasn’t that into sex. This was after 4 years of 3 hours of sex every other day, I just keep going because I had thought she liked it. I wanna find out what the average time people continue to enjoy intercourse

Good advice. I'll definitely try to get physical this time. Wish this followed some clear structured rules for autists like me.
Okay that makes me feel better. Should I go for the mouth next time around when I greet her? Or is that too forward and should be left for the end.

I would leave it for the end, or just whenever the moment feels right really. You should be half spontaneous about it, that’s romantic.

>I wanna find out what the average time people continue to enjoy intercourse
You don't ask strangers on the internet about this. You ask your partner. If you two can't communicate such basic things as "this takes too long", then you likely had a wealth of other unsaid issues between you.

Sex is super important to be open and talkative about. Not "dirty talk", but boundaries and limits needs to be set, and wishes needs to be mentioned.

I know
I’m not on some “save my relationship” factfinding mission. It’s already over
I’m just curious at this point

>This was after 4 years of 3 hours of sex every other day
Sounds neat.

But I can understand why some might not like spending that much time having sex. My first boyfriend was annoyed that I wanted sex every day, because it took too much of his free time away, and he said his peen felt sore when we kept doing it that often.

Ladies how do deal with friends whom are just obsessed with equality? When do stop them and say its not about equality any more penis envy?


I generally feel talks of equality inevitably ends up with someone talking about decidedly unequal opinions they think should exist, so I mostly avoid it. But I am not quite sure what you mean by that last part.

desu I would have just preferred 45 minutes at the most
But probably could have bent 30 minutes in either direction

It took like an hour total, including the quick shower afterwards.

I just think he sometimes wished he could just jerk off and be done with it, instead of having to deal with me every time. It wasnt even that hard for him, he got off twice during sex almost every time, and I usually got off during penetration as well, so it wasnt like he needed to sit and give me oral for 20 minutes after he was already done. I just think he would have preferred to not spend that much time every day doing it.

He was just a bit too irresistible to me. He couldn't even find someone else, so it definitely wasn't cheating either, poor guy has become borderline Incel after I refused him when he came crawling back half a year after dumping me.

Ok how bout this question then.
Do you listen to your friends advice when talking about a guy you are interested in and she uses feminist wording like misogynistic? Even when she isnt dating any one or is known to be a hot head?

I’m in love with my guy friend but he has a girlfriend and it’s getting to be painful to be around him and talk to him every day. I have tried cutting down on our contact but he takes it personally and gets upset, says I’m his best friend and that he talks to me more than anyone. Every time he talks about his girlfriend or says he’s meeting up with her I imagine them kissing and fucking and I legit want to kill myself. It’s been like this for over a year and I’m a mess, I cry almost every day.

He knows I’m in love with him. He’s told me he has feelings for me too but that nothing can happen between us as long as he’s with his girlfriend and that he doesn’t want to lead me on. I respect that. But then he contiues texting me every day and asking to hang out and talking as if we might be together “one day”, which I know is probably bullshit. I don’t think he realizes just how hard it is for me.

How do I forget that I’m in love with him and just learn to be satisfied with being his friend?

>Do you listen to your friends advice when she uses feminist wording

Doesn't matter what context, dropping feminist wording is always a warning signal, and I avoid those kinds of conversations, and people who try to force them.

Feminists rarely want equality, at least not the vocal ones.

You need new friends, simple as that. You don’t necessarily need to abandon his friendship, but you can’t continue being his best friend or anything like that. You need more people in your life so you can think about something else.

Also, you’re his fallback girl at best. At worst he’s just afraid of losing your friendship if he definitively rejects you. There will never be a satisfying relationship with him. Ever.

College was filled with them.

He told me he thinks about me when he has sex with her when he was drunk once, it’s really fucked up. :(

And yeah. he described it as keeping me on the backburner and said he knows I don’t deserve that. But any time I mention talking to other guys or the possibility of dating he’ll get annoyed and say something like “I thought you love me?”

I guess you’re right, I just have to start spending more time with other people instead of him. It’s really hard though, he’s pretty much the only person I talk to on a regular basis.

Okay, as a guy, I’m telling you right now that he’s lying. Flat out lying. He’s stringing you along either because he wants you as a fallback or because he gets some kind of sick pleasure out of it.

We don’t “think about other women” when we’re fucking someone. At least not in the way you are probably imagining. It just doesn’t work that way.

This guy is not a friend at all.

>It’s really hard though, he’s pretty much the only person I talk to on a regular basis.
That’s what he’s preying on. I’m really sorry you’re going through this.

I'll just go ahead and tell you there are other guys out there, that will treat you better both as friend and a partner.

I think about my ex while I fuck girls sometimes, that doesn’t sound that weird to me.

I could sorta see it with exes. I can’t see it at all with a girl you’ve never been with. And even then, I don’t think it’d be to the point that you’re literally imagining that you’re fucking your ex. It’s more that she invaded your thoughts.

He also told me that he thinks about me every time he masturbates. Do you think that’s a lie too? He did ask me out before he had a girlfriend, years ago, but I rejected him back then. More than once. So he found someone else. But now he claims he never fully got over those feelings. That he still loves me, still feels the same. What’s the point of lying?

How do you feel about dating a guy who has a minimum wage job and is looking for a new job? My self I have dreams and aspirations but i have to be real here and getting a decent job is tough.

I’ve definitely fantasized about girls I’ve never been with. I think about fucking my girl’s best friend sometimes, close my eyes and picture her face instead.

Yeah he’s lying. I can’t say for sure given he’s obviously warped, but he might think he’s getting revenge on you for rejecting him.

not who you’re replying to, but how can you say with such certainty that he’s lying?

Any guy who says he ONLY thinks about one person when he masturbates for any significant period of time is lying. Usually it’s a white lie; a lot of women don’t get that it’s not cheating when we watch porn and jerk off. But in this case, the guy’s using it manipulatively, and it’s 100% obvious from the context of what she’s saying.

>Any guy who says he ONLY thinks about one person when he masturbates for any significant period of time is lying.

Nah, I bet there are some psychos out there that think about the same girl every time. Def not “normal” but that doesn’t mean it could never happen.

That's why I barely got friends from college.

Don't really care.

I have my own job and can support myself. As long as you do the same, I'm good.

i’ve thought about only one girl every time i masturbate for the past like.. 3 years. i don’t watch porn either, i just look at her selfies. is this really that weird?


huh.. well, since i do it, i think it’s possible that guy isn’t lying when he says that. either way he definitely has issues.

had first coffee date, she asked me for it, everything was going smooth, she hugged me and at the end well see each other again

asked for second date to get together and she starts saying shes busy and cant cause her parents keep her busy also less then a week from now shes going to college(as am I) and its a big change

so then I got suspicious that shes was just trying to let me down easy, so i directly asked her if well still see each other again and she replied yes we will, but shes showing all these mixed signals now I know shes very shy and structured has very strict parents which i might suspect they know whats going on and are purposely keeping her busy

now if she was trying to let me down easy she would probably just say that we wont but I dont know, she immediately responds to my texts but never initiates it herself

Or you turned her off by being a suspicious and mistrustful guy, and she isn't feeling the same spark she did at first, because you are already acting annoying.

Nothing wrong with inquiring, but when you get suspicious and start questioning stuff like this, it makes a guy super unattractive. If you are like this now, after 1 date, how would you be in a relationship? Because all I imagine when a guy does this, is
>Why did it take you 24 minutes to get home from work? You wrote 16:06 that you were leaving, but it should only have taken you 18 minutes. Were you talking with someone?
Even if you likely aren't that neurotic, that's how you come off when you show signs that early.

Drop him.
Anyone who treats you like that doesn't care about you in the slightest. He's being selfish.

>He was about 4,5 inches though
So was it just necessary to go that long because of his size? I assume there was clit play involved as well to get you off?

Do girls have any problems with the fact that I have a lot of female friends?

Some will, some won't.
I personally would prefer a guy with mostly male friends or little friends in general, but would be fine with one who has a lot of female friends if he proved himself to be trustworthy.

this was over text and yes the spark cant be present over text, i only asked one question if well still see each other and thats it from there the convo continues about our common interests and college stuff (well be going into same college city)

I make sure I dont come off as needy dont text every day only on 2-3 days, she did say well still see each other so im assuming im still in the game, probably over-analyzing this

>Small dick angst
Come on now.
>Clit action
Nope. Got off from penetration alone. He was good at hitting my G-spot I guess. He is the only guy who could consistently get me off like that as well. Often took a lot less time, that 45 marathon was just the longest we have gone, and I got off 3 times

I'm a completely slut, admittedly, but my very varied experiences with both different guys and different size toys, is that it matters a lot more how it is used, than the size of it. My best toy is a 4 inches vibrator, and the best sex I've ever had was with aforementioned 4,5 incher.

A 7 incher is the biggest I've had, and it was okay. It gives a different sense of being filled up and really stretched to the limit, especially when it *just* touches the cervix without ramming into it, but it wasn't really better, especially because some positions became awkward due to said smashing against my cervix.

It was more fun to fondle and suck though.

For girls:
I’ve been doing a study on sex sounds(academically and also personally) and I’ve been wondering if the different gasps, moans, “hiccups” and grunts are all derived from pleasure? Or if some of the sounds come from reactions to internal pressure/overwhelming impact feelings etc

How do I stop a girl from hurting herself? I'm pretty sure this friend of mine is cutting her wrists, and I feel like I should intervene. I don't wanna look like a concerned parent or something, but at the same time I don't want my approach to be seen as dull , or be taken lightly as yet another piece of advice that she probably already heard from someone else. I figured girls might be able to answer this best, but if you're a guy and went trough something similar feel free to share your experience.

In a follow up question: do you feel pleasure on initial insertion or is it just a novel sensation

You cant fix broken glass
Next question

Just tell her that if she needs to talk you are there for her. Self harm occurs when the desire to open up and connect with another person begins to fight the innate fear and social anxiety. If you provide them an outlet for healthy socialization and the opportunity to express their feelings they won't have such a strong desire to inflict self harm. It becomes dangerous when they have made the harm into a habit and will default to that instead of more healthy means of expression.

How to stop it will vary depending on why she’s doing it in the first place. I cut and self injured myself from age 11 until i was about 25. If you were to ask me what got me to stop? I guess I just learned better coping mechanisms as I got older. Also I stopped hating myself as intensely.

C'mon now, I actually want to help her. There's gotta be a way of doing it.

I appreciate your answer, that seems like the best way of doing this.

Did you ever listen to any advice someone gave you concerning this? Or there wasn't any?

I mean.. I got it fixed once I started having sex, for whatever reason.

But I started doing it because my parents mercilessly beat me, but in a way that left very few visible marks, despite hurting like hell. So i went from smashing myself into things to create blue marks and bruises, to cutting myself to make it more obvious. I didn't stop afterwards (it had kinda become a way to feel like I was in control of myself, and not being beaten by someone else, and somehow made me feel safe). After I found this guy who would "fix me" and we had sex, I kinda just... Stopped. I am still not sure why, I guess it sort of gave me the same feeling of being in control of what I wanted.

But word of advice here: my first boyfriend couldn't deal with my crazy. And trust me, if a girl cuts herself, she is insane. You have no idea what kind of pandoras box you are opening here. If you think her only issue is self harm, you will be sorely mistaken. So if you insist on trying to help her, give her physical attention. Sex, hugs, whatever. Be close as often as possible, and getting her naked is another good way to encourage her to stop the self mutilation (it looks really ugly most of the time, and it's impossible to hide while naked), and focus more on that than the mental side. trust me, you can't fix that. That will need a proper professional.

An above all else, dont sacrifice your own mental health for her sake. She will not appreciate it.

You’re in a good place
You’re a side chick, you should treat yourself better and go for a more decent guy. He will break hearts and wind up a mess because of it.

This prostitute told me that all girls like bad boys who treat them badly. ;_;
Tell me this isn't true.

It's probably true for prostitutes, but why would you care what prostitutes want?

Girls don't want a guy who treats them badly. They may 'accept' a guy who does, settling because they feel they can't do better, but they never WANT one.


My wife always wants to eat the same 4-5 things all the time, and my tastes are a little different. What’s the best way to ask for a compromise so we can eat things that I like too?

Cook and eat two different things?

I'm a veggie, admittedly, but I don't care if he has steak with fries at the same time I am eating a good ratatouille. It also makes it easier to cook together, instead of one person doing all the work.

How is cooking 2 seperate meals easier, that literally makes twice as much work. This is why the word needs men.

Most girls do like “bad boys”
Most girls don’t genuinely want to be treated poorly - but they definitely DONT want to be worshipped and waited on hand and foot like betas do.

>It was more fun to fondle and suck though.
What does this even mean? Are big dicks like the equivalent of big tits or something?

Sort of yes. Aggressive and commandeering women exist, I’d say I’m one of them. I’ve been the chaser as much as I’ve been chased, I don’t like to pussy foot around and try to hint at a dude to make a move for ages - i wouldn’t even know how to, due to autism.
Ever since I was very little I’ve just had a really aggressive personality. My digit ratio is more masculine than the average for men - so I assume this + my autism (hyper masculinized brain theory) is related to testosterone exposure in the womb.

The problem is that this isn’t good or helpful to you. In my experience other women like myself still want dominent men, and their own assertiveness just makes them feel even less patience and interest in men who are weaker and pansier than they are. It’s sort of like
>if I, a tiny girl, can do this shit why the fuck are you so pathetic?
It’s a harsh response but the immediate one. I cannot stand simpering or feminine men. The only women I’ve met who enjoy effeminate guys tend to be very neurotic and female females (not necessarily feminine in the traditional sense though). Tumblr is filled with these women. I’m not making any remark on politics here concerning them being on Tumblr, they just are, though I’ve also noticed left wing women tend to be more okay with wimpy guys. If you’re left wing that’s good news for you, if not I’m sorry.

Depends on the dude, but generally short
If she says she doesn’t want to date you then the chances she will ever have romantic interest in you are near 0.
It’s not
>she’s not attracted to me
>she just wants to date later

>she definitely doesn’t want to date me ever at all, and the reason is I’m not attractive to her either because of my appearance or because my personality just does nothing for her

>I don't think a relationship with a woman who expected the man to be able to do everything on his own would last or even be fair to the woman
Nigga, what? If you can't do everything on your own, you aren't relationship material, whether you're a guy, girl or helicopter.


Depends on the context. If it's dumb shit like media, I just call her a retard and explain why. If it's something worth talking about seriously, I'd do that.

>I have tried cutting down on our contact but he takes it personally and gets upset
Who cares? Why does it all have to be about him. If it's painful to do something for you, then don't fucking do it.
>I’m a mess
Sounds like it, and goes far beyond this faggotory. You sound too young for any choice to really matter but ideally just cut contact. He sounds like a manipulative dick.

Insecure ones obviously do. It's a good filter for them.

String her along to seek professional help. This shit is far beyond you.

Very good sign, that’s her signalling to you her continued interest and that you’ve been doing well

I would assume so.

I don’t make friends with people who are obsessive over topics I disagree with them on desu

I’m a virgin so my answer is worth little but -
I can’t imagine having penetrative sex for more than half an hour, I would be so tired and sweaty and after that long I’m not sure the good feeling of being penetrated would still be good to me anymore or just dull.

That would generally be a sign she might be seeing problems where they don’t exist and offering advice tailored to match these non existent problems. Wouldn’t take her advice on anything relationship related desu

He’s treat you horribly keeping you emotionally hostage and telling you about his gf while also hinting that maybe it’ll be your turn one day

He doesn’t love you. Stop being friends with this guy, he’s not a good friend either. Cut him out and move on

He’s just keeping you around as an emotional waste bin and so that he can get the thrill of having a female hanging onto him, also as a backup
He’s emotionally manipulating you hardcore.

If he’s under 25 it doesn’t matter to me where he’s working as long as he is desu

It would feel very weird to me. Either because I’d be jealous of them or think you’re too effeminate

It’s easier than trying to change her tastes or find dishes they can share without one being bored or the other disliking it

Serious question, what's a good catalyst to meet QUALITY girls? All the girls in my college course I wouldn't touch with a 10ft pole. The ones are work are nice but I don't want to fuck up my work life. I do some sports but there's little social opportunity there. Dating apps are dumpster fire tier.

5 minutes? Wtf?

What do you mean by "quality girls"?