What can I start doing right now that would get me to be less awkward, shy and help me get a girlfriend in the future.
Answers other than "work out" are welcome
What can I start doing right now that would get me to be less awkward, shy and help me get a girlfriend in the future
Work out.
Good things come to those who wait, or so they say. Dying alone is pretty cool too I guess
I'm 19 I've waited long enough I need some straight up improvements
Lower your standards. Talk to more women. Ask them out and put yourself out there. Get rejected alot. Eventually some of your advances will stick. You won't do any of this because you're a pussy afraid of getting his fee fees hurt.
First I need to improve myself, you need to offer something in return in a relationship
You're severely overestimating what women bring to the table other than their vagina.
Gtfo incel, they are people too.
Didn't say they weren't, douchebag. You're just overestimating things thinking you need to bring all this shit to a relationship when the overwhelming majority of people are actually boring and mundane as fuck. Your sense of inferiority is misplaced. Fuck you.
No I genuinely have nothing going for me. Why would someone be with me? The only good thing I can say about myself is that I'm not fat and that I'm smart ( latter is subjective )
>women are people
wew lad
Honestly... Read a lot of high quality books. Helps increase your knowledge on the world and the way things work not just generally but mentally too. I use to have massive social anxiety and after a short-moderate amount of reading I realized how little I should really give a shit and just do what makes me happy. People respond well to you knowing what you want and just doing whatever makes you have a good time. It was almost stupid how for 19 years no one even batted an eye in my direction and then after 2 years of working on myself I have non stop attention from girls to the point where I had to slow down and take a break from them all
Congrats, maybe someday I'll make it to that point
Find a social hobby. Take phenibut.
Thanks, honestly working on yourself and becoming very head strong solves so much it's incredibly worth it. The hardest part is finding the motivation to start and where to start and my tip is books. Good luck!
The thing is with social things there's a huge variety of them and they just happen as a part of normal life. I would do whatever the next step is to take your life forward (A to the very distant B), so you get into the normal social situations (like career stuff) faster and you leave more room for opportunities like parties to arise.
>they just happen as a part of normal life
No they don't.
I'd say more traditional life. Going to school potentially gets you invited to parties. Being at a job gets you invited to work events. Going to a local event with a friend. They happen in idk like 70% of people's lives. Unfortunately not all tho I agree
Yeah but you have 1 shot at life so how do you maximize those chances?
Don't be scared to do things. Its hard to get any exposure if you don't just say why not to shit that makes you uncomfortable. I went on a trip about 2 months ago alone. I would never do that ever but I had an opportunity and just said why not. I even wanted to back out last minute but said fuck it and went on a trip far from home for 3 and half weeks and I had an amazing time and met a ridiculous amount of people and got 3 job offers. I'm planning on moving there next year
Don't have money to travel, my only chances are in the city I'm in as of right now, it's a small city ( 150k ) so everyone already knows everyone and has their own groups.
Give it some time and save up? But that's beside the point. I live in a heavily populated city so maybe my advice isnt valid since everywhere I go I've never seen anyone before ever
>everywhere I go I've never seen anyone before ever
This, here you can't go out without seeing a bunch of people you know