Everyone on here knows that we have to go back to a more spiritually fulfilled and united society. As we kicked the Christians out, because they became unbearable and their beliefs do not fit our Pagan roots, we should go back to our Pagan roots. I have come up with a plan for us to be able to restore our home lands ethnic composition. This plan has been enshrined by me in a new Pagan holy text. If you like and or appreciate me coming up with this plan, please buy the holy text, you can find it on Amazon (search term: 'Sturmsegel'). That book also contains the information for where to find a billion jobs world wide. But to make things happen faster, I am going to disclose the bare fundamentals of the plan.
Long story short: we will build up a right wing political social system (enough jobs for all our people). That way we can leave our workplaces if the employer wants to force us to work with people we dislike. >Invaders cant find jobs We will have the economic advantage, so we will be able to buy back our home lands. >Invaders will have a very tough time to find housing within 2 generations, because the speed of buying back will kumultatively increase. 20% of the population are enough to enable us to get rid of the invaders!
Arguing about different strands of paganism is only going to divide us. It's not a problem to have the very old historic Pagan lores from the past as historical teachings. There will be a more enlightened form of Paganism growing via this movement anyway.
Why I have made a religious holy text out of this: Religions are protected under our constitutions. Banks and employers are not allowed to discriminate against us this way. I always have been a Pagan too and I want to help my Pagan frens. >Many Pagans may not have a clue of what is happening and could get attacked by muslims and antifa, if you see someone wearing Mjölnir please talk to him, warn him and tell him to spread the word!
Tasks: -Subvert your family and others, spread the word (most important, we need a good amount of people quite fast) -Stick to the plan -Find more job opportunities for the social system (Im not fond of the dough pockets tbf, but I already provided 4 different kinds of jobs, see second title of my book) -Get a fucking job -Provide jobs for the social system (give a couple of hours of gardening time to a manager, eat 1 or 2 portions of dough pockets per week) -Build up website -Post Pagan art for new breads
Jobs for the social system: -Gardening (for low trust members) -> generates a base load of work -Dough pockets (ONLY for high trust members) -> can be used to generate a variable amount of jobs
They had this sovngard thing based on valhalla or some shit. I remember that there was relay fucking cool music in this mission
Ethan Cox
Well every male here played skyrim, so if thats the stereotype, its correct
Julian Ortiz
Just gift us the text OP, we don't have the money
just GIFT us the text!
Eli Foster
dude its possible that i will have to hire security personell soon, 1 armed person costs 40 k ... also: part of the plan is already for free.
Matthew Anderson
why did every polish male play the game? it was developed by a polish developing team, right?
Aaron Cruz
Wow dude, what's going on? I hope you're ok
Still, just spread the "plan" among us, just GIFT us the text user!
Noah Barnes
No it wasnt, and i dont know why, but everyone did
Dominic Lewis
well, i assume that this is going to be streisanded by the media soon and i live in a leftist shithole... there was a bomb attack on the afd... in other PAG/'s i have disclosed a little bit more of the plan, you can fish for that info if you want.
Samuel Hernandez
ok, the thing with the polish developing team must be a different game then, similar enough to skyrim. i dunno, not into that genre of game.
Landon Watson
I'm not anti-Christian but why do I lot of Christians get really triggered by old European pagan stories? Some of these pagan religions and their stories go back earlier than Jesus, possibly even futher than the stories in the old testament.
Like, they often say they're not promoting Jewish culture but then they hate on old European paganism that European men and women believed in before Jesus was even born, back when only tribal Judaism existed where birth into the tribe was the only thing that mattered.
well, the first video in (part 2) tells you that the jews came to us pagans and ideologically subverted us with christianity, so pagans basically were the first enemies of the christian faith. and all ideologues despise other ideologues unless they are being told to be tolerant. its tribalism in action, all ideologues are tribal in that way.
thats a difficult question... i know we know that there were first only RNA based selfreplicating bioms, but the RNA was later subjugated by DNA, so that RNA now is just a 'slave' to DNA. how the RNA based bioms came about is not of my knowledge.
Carson Lopez
it's a projection of your own conscience
Logan Murphy
right, the witcher. well as i said, not an expert in the field ^^
Isaiah Brown
> What bothered the statistician in Crick was the absolute improbability of even a single fully assembled protein made up of a long chain of amino acids emerging as a result of chance – no matter how nutritious the prebiotic soup or how many billions of years the ingredients were allowed to stew. Based on an average protein about 200 amino acids in length (others are much bigger), he calculated the odds of this happening as just one chance in a 1 followed by 260 zeros. To provide some sort of benchmark, all the atoms in the entire visible universe (not just our own galaxy) amount to a 1 followed by 80 zeros – quite a paltry number by comparison with the odds against the chance assembly of a single protein. How much less likely would it be, therefore, that life itself – which even at the bacterial level calls for complex cellular mechanisms and makes use of many proteins – could have got started through the chance collision of molecules?
What I meant was where did the sum total of nature come from? The universe. How did it come into being, in the pagan worldview?
paganism is satanism in disguise. think Himmler's obsession with withcraft was pure coincidence? anything but Christianity to these people, even if that means going through the backdoor of a pagan relapse.
your quote is wrong. im a chemist and the assumptions in your quote are ridiculous. i personally stick to the scientific field in regards to that question. it is definitely possible that life emerged randomly via selfreplicating reactions.
Asher Watson
>satanism >himmler top kek
Jackson Gutierrez
> your quote is wrong Oh, where exactly? > im a chemist and the assumptions in your quote are ridiculous Oh, which ones and why?
> i personally stick to the scientific field in regards to that question Yes, I've had training in applied science too - that's why I've provided a quote about Francis Crick (co-discoverer of the structure of DNA molecules) on the probabilities of life beginning by chance. > it is definitely possible that life emerged randomly via selfreplicating reactions
For self-replication you need some initial structure. Show me that you haven't just completely ignored the odds involved and point out where the calculations in that quote are wrong and I'll believe your thesis over Crick's.
no you dont need an initial structure. litteral metal ions can be the first catalysts. the probability of a row of self replicating reactions in the assumed starting conditions is HIGH and not low. then you just need naturally occuring membranes (soap does that), and you have your first living biom, which can replicate. there will be a lot of variations of that first biom, which means the selective evolutionary pressure is FAST, which makes it more likely that it happened this way. this is simply why your quote is wrong, and the assumptions in the quote are ridiculous.
Carson Young
my holy text commands to shun national socialism, but not socialism. we arent going to himmler anything. thanks.
They hate it they ahte there own God's and they love a Jewish one
Leo Carter
Are you by any chance 50yrbold libertarian?
Kevin Gonzalez
marxists believe in white privilege, which is a racist concept. >You are just like the racist version of a Marxist. It's never that simple sure dude. also, my holy text is absolutely not left wing at all.
> the probability of a row of self replicating reactions in the assumed starting conditions is HIGH and not low. So high the probability is actually 1.
> then you just need naturally occuring membranes (soap does that), and you have your first living biom, which can replicate.
Happens often enough to be in the literature by now. /s
> which means the selective evolutionary pressure is FAST, True.
> which makes it more likely that it happened this way. For sure.
> this is simply why your quote is wrong, and the assumptions in the quote are ridiculous.
Here's the quote again. It's about the likelihood of the first amino acids organising themselves into the very first protein.
You need to be a single-celled organism to replicate. Do you know how many fully assembled proteins are in a single-celled organism?
> What bothered the statistician in Crick was the absolute improbability of even a single fully assembled protein made up of a long chain of amino acids emerging as a result of chance – no matter how nutritious the prebiotic soup or how many billions of years the ingredients were allowed to stew. Based on an average protein about 200 amino acids in length (others are much bigger), he calculated the odds of this happening as just one chance in a 1 followed by 260 zeros. To provide some sort of benchmark, all the atoms in the entire visible universe (not just our own galaxy) amount to a 1 followed by 80 zeros – quite a paltry number by comparison with the odds against the chance assembly of a single protein. How much less likely would it be, therefore, that life itself – which even at the bacterial level calls for complex cellular mechanisms and makes use of many proteins – could have got started through the chance collision of molecules?
Try reading the thing you're calling ridiculous, next time. Also that's the origin of life. I asked about the origin of nature (spacetime).
1 Timothy 4:1-2 KJV >Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; >Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
Looks like God predicted the Pagan bluepill.
Grayson Russell
Nah senpai. All ears.
Oliver Johnson
>Witchcraft does not equal satanism another clueless wikipedia dweller who hasn't read a single book from the middle ages. spirits, demons, magic = satan's world
Michael Rogers
where is your or his proove that it had to start with amino acids at all? false assumption. it is possible that the biom quite fast leaned to generate 3 to 4 of the same amino acid into and oligomer which then catalyzed a reaction more easily with a certain metal ion. the starting conditions were certainly not 'hurr durr 200 different amino acids were there and then life came to being, btw im totally not retarded'
Wyatt Hughes
there are literal nature deities. You can even read up on paganism or for example greek paganism they explain who created the earth and the creatures/humans/plants in them. How Prometheus stole fire from Zeus and so on.
Do you not understand that prior to your christcuck world view there was no "satan". Magic existed without having any attachment to your jewish garbage.
> Based on an average protein about 200 amino acids in length Granted there might have been simpler proteins at the dawn of life in this spacetime but you're still avoiding answering, where did spacetime come from, in the pagan worldview?
Charles Brown
Jewish control of the west requires banning all European symbology and a forced adherence to Jewish myth and Jewish symbols so that the people cannot remember or return to a life before Jews. This is why Christians are incapable of seeing they are brainwashed. They have been inundated with Jewish culture to the point they are actually physically scared and distressed about themselves or anyone else returning to European native culture
Brandon Roberts
> Prometheus stole fire from Zeus and so on. > Fire comes out of my lighter whenever > Quantum superposition fire
Satan is a semitic construct. You're taking myth and moral advice from a desert tribe that used to burn their children to death in fire pits
Blake Rivera
dude, our gods are archetypes we should strive toward, and one of our gods is odin, the god of wisdom (and death). so your question is a scientific question and odin is the god to ask. its possible that we will not be able to learn how it worked out. we have different temperature ranges, metal compositions, pressures, those distinct features might intermix and might have produced life. thats just the scientific answer i can give to you, which is therefore the pagan answer, as odin told us so far.
Brayden Torres
are you an atheist?
Landon Gonzalez
Because they know that paganism has more legitimacy. Judaism, Islam, even atheism they can tolerate to an extent, since they stand on equal ground. Paganism on the other hand is a step above, since it is the ancestral religion to everyone around the world, they're afraid to confront the truth that Christianity is an intrusive cult wherever it goes. And it makes them SO mad.
Jonathan Lewis
No. How was spacetime created, in the pagan cosmology?
prove the existence for a single one of these gods
Jack Brooks
Interesting quads.
> the questions you are asking are moronic.
Agreed but it's hard to interpret how you mean that.
Isaiah Bell
They're no less real than Yahweh.
Aiden Hall
I agree. Now stop larping
Colton Young
Would you prefer a Cultural Christian?
Caleb Gomez
id prefer neither pagan nor christian culture. hang yourself
Christian Young
the gods were immortal they held secret knowledge. The odin hung himself on the tree sacrificed himself for knowledge. Asclepius was mortal and learned the way of healing the secret knowledge of the gods became immortal started raising the dead pissing off Zeus. Do you understand? I'd rather not handhold.
Andrew Collins
Pagan cultural is european culture. Learn about your ancestors.
Lucas Adams
You don't get to choose that. You'll end up living in either one anyways (or Muslim if you're extra unlicky). All I want is to eradicate universalist cults.
Ethan Howard
Says nothing for the 11-dimensional universe or what drives time forward though (and Abrahamics even have an idea of Why). Do you understand? I'd rather not handhold.
Isaac Barnes
If you think there would be any chance that we would ever return to a "pagan" culture then you are beyond retarded. Neo-paganism is only an excuse for roasties and basedboys to act like absolute degenerates and nothing else. The right wing does no dominate the pagan-nigger sphere.
Ethan Lewis
>drives time forward time is an apriori condition of experience
Benjamin Perry
they are the archetypes of our race. those will never be manifested in black people, as we do not have a god of laziness and parasitism.
Matthew Walker
You think you're saying these are mutually exclusive, too.
All the knowledge is fucking lost! You are making shit up as you go. This shit would be considered fake even by ancient pagans! May as well become atheists, because you will go to hell anyway.
Carter Cook
/lkg/ Larping Kike General
Thomas Brooks
>Says nothing for the 11-dimensional universe or what drives time forward yes it does. >I'd rather not handhold. i say that because you should get the hint from what i've posted. >we would ever return to a "pagan" culture Yeah but you are living in it right now. Pagan culture did not just vanish into thin air. IF you remove the jewish coverings you'll find paganism has stuck around for much longer then you actually think. Lots of christcuck things you think is related to christcuckery isn't. Its just been co-oped by jewish subversive cunts.
>we dont actually believe in any of this non-sense, ofcourse. these are only idols of the BRAIN!!! you sound like jungian peterson faggot. might as well just follow Christianity then
time, space, and causality are apriori elements of the understanding. read a book then consider suicide
Landon Hall
dude, we know alot about the different strands of paganism, wth are you talking about?
Justin Murphy
christianity isnt based on our archetypes though.
Kayden Murphy
Being obsessed with the "one true version" of the religion is only a concern for monotheists
Luke Gomez
>isnt le based >only cryptic culture that we hardly understand can surely be le based kill all vargposters
Luis Jenkins
Is shitposting and being an internet warrior pleasing to Wotan? Will I go to Valhalla with this?
Adrian Edwards
> the gods were immortal they held secret knowledge. The odin hung himself on the tree sacrificed himself for knowledge. Asclepius was mortal and learned the way of healing the secret knowledge of the gods became immortal started raising the dead pissing off Zeus. Do you understand? I'd rather not handhold.
>> Says nothing for the 11-dimensional universe or what drives time forward > yes it does.
Oh. I guess it does then. I guess the collective of personified virtues is really a direct explanation of where all motive energy originally comes from.
That thing about the dead personification of a virtue hung on a tree in an allegory about a supposedly soulless mortal raising the dead really cleared up the tao of physics for me, user. Thanks. /s
Also if that supposedly soulless mortal really had a soul then where did that come from?
You're going to have to handhold us through "Where does spacetime come from, in the pagan cosmology?".
Lel there’s literally nothing kikes hate more than Christianity, and their post Jesus doctrines are dedicated to shitting on and undermining it. Nigger-tier paganism died for a reason and it was precisely because it held white populations back in niggerdom for centuries.
Joseph Gray
>Nigger-tier paganism died for a reason and it was precisely because it held white populations back in niggerdom for centuries >literally replies to a Pagan Roman Pepe.
Thomas Gonzalez
>Lel there’s literally nothing kikes hate more than Christianity yeah there is its called whites. Funny how you misdirect a race of people to a fucking religion. I wonder why they don't give a shit about all thousands of non-whites whom worship Jewsus. Yet they do against whites whom do anything? Its always a mock fight too they dont hate christcuckery cause of the religion its because it drives more retards like you into it. They do not want there jews to get infected.