>isnt le based
>only cryptic culture that we hardly understand can surely be le based
kill all vargposters
Pagan Awakening General - /PAG/ - Get in here, spread the word!
Is shitposting and being an internet warrior pleasing to Wotan? Will I go to Valhalla with this?
> the gods were immortal they held secret knowledge. The odin hung himself on the tree sacrificed himself for knowledge. Asclepius was mortal and learned the way of healing the secret knowledge of the gods became immortal started raising the dead pissing off Zeus. Do you understand? I'd rather not handhold.
>> Says nothing for the 11-dimensional universe or what drives time forward
> yes it does.
Oh. I guess it does then. I guess the collective of personified virtues is really a direct explanation of where all motive energy originally comes from.
That thing about the dead personification of a virtue hung on a tree in an allegory about a supposedly soulless mortal raising the dead really cleared up the tao of physics for me, user. Thanks. /s
Also if that supposedly soulless mortal really had a soul then where did that come from?
You're going to have to handhold us through "Where does spacetime come from, in the pagan cosmology?".
Lel there’s literally nothing kikes hate more than Christianity, and their post Jesus doctrines are dedicated to shitting on and undermining it.
Nigger-tier paganism died for a reason and it was precisely because it held white populations back in niggerdom for centuries.
>Nigger-tier paganism died for a reason and it was precisely because it held white populations back in niggerdom for centuries
>literally replies to a Pagan Roman Pepe.
>Lel there’s literally nothing kikes hate more than Christianity
yeah there is its called whites. Funny how you misdirect a race of people to a fucking religion. I wonder why they don't give a shit about all thousands of non-whites whom worship Jewsus. Yet they do against whites whom do anything? Its always a mock fight too they dont hate christcuckery cause of the religion its because it drives more retards like you into it. They do not want there jews to get infected.
>Lel there’s literally nothing kikes hate more than Christianity
Holy fuck.
>As we kicked the Christians out, because they became unbearable and their beliefs do not fit our Pagan roots, we should go back to our Pagan roots.
How are you so autistic holy shit. Literally a NEET with delusions of becoming king of the fucking vikings by shitposting on the internet.
but we have a holy text now. no more niggerdom, only our true spirituality.