I'm sick of forced diversity and racemixing being forced on me and my wife, I just want to live my life without being bombarded by anti-white propaganda. Where can I go?
Which homogeneous White Country should I go to?
Nowhere, it's all gone.
Im afraid my friend that, there is no place like that anymore. Even if you don't expect it, It would probably appear after some time.
Unless you wanna go to north korea.
But anyways; If you really hate it, just ignore it. Thats the only way.
Eastern europe or Russia. Stay there and don't come back to the west, we don't want you anymore.
What about Finland, Italy, the Czech Republic, Belarus, Poland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania and Esotnia?? Are they all like this too?
They are insular and don't want you
Believe it or not, the founding fathers actually foresaw this and wrote freedom of association into the constitution. This means that if you buy your own private land you can start a township and only allow whites into your town. If you shut out all media then you can prevent your children from being brainwashed. Good luck!
>homogeneous white country
China is very nationalistic and race-conscious. They'll make fun of how cucked your country is, but they'll respect you just for being white.
Who's gonna wanna do that? I won't have any citizens...
Have you tried making the same thread over and over again
China isn't a homogeneous White Country
>I'm sick of forced diversity and racemixing being forced on me and my wife,
you should call the police if people are raping you and your wife, regardless of their race
any rural area in any Western country is entirely white and doesn't want any change
You just had your thread deleted
What are you trying, exactly
Are you being forced to fuck someone of another race? Is your wife?
If not, then you are certainly free to go fuck yourself if you want to keep your gene pool completely "pure".
>my wife
You are a basement-dwelling kissless virgin. Take your shitty bait to Jow Forums.
>anyone who doesn't have my same political views is a boogeyman
why do normalfags do this?
Based and redpilled
NPCs btfo
There is no way someones an insecure manchild like you could ever even get a date, much less a wife.
>I'm going to make unverifiable statements about my opponent's character because I don't have an argument
cringe and bluepilled
>filthy GOY
Don't know about Norway/Finland/Denmark. But i think Norway/Finland is far enough away dunno about their policies.
And Denmark should have nice policies ? but to near to shit countries.
First of all, I'm not even OP. Second, why do you get so assblasted when you find someone with different political views. Can you not handle the fact that some people have different opinions and views than you?
Poland is predominantly white, still. Big cities have people of other ethnicities but smaller towns and villages are 99% white.
Like a typical Jow Forums virgin, you think "completely made up shit" means "different political views". The problem with retards like you is that you cannot be factual and objective. Your entire worldview is based on memes of other basement-dwellers like you.
Not a surprise that Jow Forums and Jow Forums have a high overlap. Both are full of incel NEETs.
>"completely made up"
Go ahead and explain how its a made up fact that European countries are importing 3rd worlders that bring over diseases and raise the crime rates.
data registry access
data not found
”user is not following hivemind protocol”
>The problem with retards like you is that you cannot be factual and objective.
You mean like the autistic screeching I get whenever I post sources about promiscuity?
>implying that other white countries have a different opinion just because they're filled with mostly white people
fuck off back to tumblr, and leave the suggestions to the adults.
>anti-white propaganda
What did he mean by this?
Poland is a shithole though. There are fewer foreigners because nobody wants to move there.
burgers import far more 3rd worlders than Europe and crime in Europe remains a fraction of what it's in burgerland but keep dreaming
The US is ground zero for every assault on Western nations, of course we're further along in the process.
It's not that bad.
I can't be bothered to create a picture of "what Elliot 2.0 thinks the world is like" and "what the world is really like". I just hope you won't kill anyone once you go full Elliot and will fail completely like he did and only end up killing yourself.
Shut up, bigot, and accept vibrant enrichment to your urban wildlife from the cultures of Africa. Poland might not want to change, but the New Poles are essential for the country to survive in a global, 21st century economy that puts people first.
It is pretty bad compared to western Europe. Maybe in one more generation you will slowly catch up to the west. For now you're still recovering from the soviet occupation.
But you are right in some respect. "Refugees" don't want to live there because Polish government doesn't support them. Germany or France for example are much more lenient and accommodating.
>asks what ant-white propaganda is
>is given examples of anti-white propaganda
>"You're le Supreme Gentleman"
Poland has a long way to go if they want to experience the culture of Pakistani rape gangs like more developed nations, but this is a transition they must make.
Jow Forums memes are government propaganda now? I thought you were supposed to be smart and factual... funny because you're an immigrant slavshit yourself.
Have you ever been to Poland? Or Europe?
It’s more like government propaganda is labeled a Jow Forums memes by NPCs who think cognitive dissonance is trendy
Can you post actual government anti-white propaganda, upside down satan?
>Pakistani rape gangs
...you do realize women enjoy being raped by Muslims right? Fear and rape are the #1 causes of orgasms with women.
Don't blame brown people you can't fuck your women right but we can
>government propaganda
Show me where OP said that the propaganda was only from the government. Even if he did, I gave you an example of that, too.
>funny because you're an immigrant slavshit yourself
Ad hominem irrelevant to the point, but I'll humor it.
This country was founded as a white ethnostate with farm equipment. While obviously each individual nationality in Europe should be defended, it's silly to claim that a Nigerian has just as much in common with a German as a Pole.
You eliminate diversity by breeding one Arabic Muslim master race ;)
But this is just another version of "experience is more important than statistics", which I've already gone over.
Rape isn't a viable way to structure families or society, nor should sexual arousal dictate the goals of society.
>muh dik
subhumans have no place among the civilized.
The US is going to be overtaken with a white/black/Asian mix, and the dominant culture is going to be traditional Latino culture.
North America is slowly getting Juan'd and Black's. Once we speak a common language with the rest of South America it's game over for the rest of the world.
Africa is going to remain untouched in the years to come, giving it plenty of time to develop without interference while Europe, China and the US fuck each other.
Israel is going to fall and its going to be disgustingz bloody and horrifying. Rapes and murders abound. The ones that see the writing on the wall will flee to central/south America and assimilate with Latino culture while brining their tech and high IQ.
Russia will endure.
Australia is going to become a part of China as will new Zealand.
Whites only hope for survival is to leave the US and retake Western Europe. The non-whites there can come to the new world, our whites can go to the old.
>Rape isn't a viable way to structure families or society,
Lol you sure about that? You destroy a civilization, you rape the women, you control the means of reproduction and the minds of children.
A grand civilization that can crumble because of a few horny Pakistani bois was never a grand civilization to begin with
Truly we've come full circle. This is the first time I've seen it suggested that women liking rape is actually a jewish lie.
Horny brown people are not the root cause of the problem, they are one of many angles of attack being used against the West.
Its the word of God m8
But nope you're wiser than the Most High yup keep tipping that gaytheist fedora and getting written permission from your pantsuit wife to drink her piss you degenerate infidel
Whatever is happening to whites now in the west is 1/16th to what they did to the rest of the world. History goes full circle.
Every one of your nations deserves much, much worse. The moment you set sail on those boats you sealed your fate.
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Centuries of rape, murder and enslavement was done onto us, and the exact same shall be done onto you.
Whites are a global minority. When your civilizations crumble that's when the real run begins.
Ok so why are we having full blown investigations into Kavanaugh if the woman he supposedly "raped" wanted to be raped?
>word of God
Jesus fucking christ, how fucking arrogant do you have to be to think some book written by some human kike can speak for God? You can't comprehend or even understand what God wants or thinks and yet an entire cult was formed that claims they alone hold the answers and insight into what an otherwordly being wants and says. You are a sacrilegious sheep doomed to follow your ancestors into a grave fighting for Israel
>hurrr durr every ancient text was written by some drunk dude with his dick hanging out God isn't real and when we die nothing happens
If I were you I'd try not to end up strung up on Heroin with your cuckold nihilistic screeching.
>God isn't real
You're the only retard who keeps putting that thought out there. Do you have any idea how many times the Bible has been translated and changed throughout the last 2000 years? If it's God's word then (((who))) is the one who decided they were worthy of translating and changing it?
The children of God are worthy obviously dipshit. Not your degenerate ass that's for sure.
>Children of God
OK so we're all worthy and even the inbred sub 50 IQ African is capable of changing the Bible
>Where can I go?
The after-life.
>"we are all children of God"
This is why white people need to stay the fuck away from Judaism and it's spinoffs
OHHHH Now I get it
You're a kike who actually think's he's god's chosen people.
Lmao you people are so eternally butthurt that Jesus fucking hated you disgusting kikes. Was it the fact that he called you the Synagogue of Satan that pissed you off?
>Whatever is happening to whites now in the west is 1/16th to what they did to the rest of the world.
To this day, natives in America and Canada are the only groups allowed to restrict membership and benefits by blood. In the US, there are blood quantum laws which dictate you must have a certain percentage of Native ancestry to qualify for tribal membership. Every university has a student union for whatever ethnic group you want, but try to make a white student union and they'll look for an excuse to expel you.
Whites who dare to say they want their nations to remain white are ostracized as "genocidal" or even imprisoned.
>Centuries of rape, murder and enslavement was done onto us
Nonwhites managed to do that to each other just fine, and Europeans did so to other Europeans. The difference is that Europeans stopped it far before anyone else.
When Cortes came across the Aztecs, they were still fighting wars just to capture human sacrifices. The Portuguese bought slaves from African kingdoms, and the last country to formally ban slavery was Mauritania, in 2007 (even though the evil French colonialists tried to a century before). The British even set up a blockade across the Atlantic to combat the slave trade, which African rulers gladly participated in.
And if it were up to nationalists, the whole of Africa would be quarantined, and Africans would be free to do whatever they wanted among themselves, no need for foreign intervention in their economies or dependency created by bleeding hearts undercutting local farmers through aid dumps.
I actually do hope dipshits start a full-scale war with whites, if only to wake up retards without racial consciousness.
I'd like for you to step away from your computer, look in the mirror and sincerely, genuinely contemplate the way you've decided to spend what little time you have here on the planet.
I think you mean nuked into oblivion. I used to want nonwhites to have their own places to live but from what I've seen all they want is to leech off the west. We can't allow them to live on their own anymore because they will just try to destroy us again and again
>predictable Africa for African, Asia for Asians, white countries for everybody copy pasta. Jpeg
Bots are getting smarter kids
now why would I do that? Because some Jewish cockroach told me to? Millions of men don't have foreskins anymore thanks to your "people's" disgusting influence so you kikes have A LOT to answer for
I don't want to put the other animal species there at risk.
I have that saved if you want it.
Lol you leeches off of us and it is you who will be destroyed.
Whites don't deserve rights at all, no you don't get your little university clubs and white power interest groups.
The men get killed, the women get raped and used to breed more brownings
This is your future. Escape to Europe now before the race war starts
Very edgy. I'm sure all of your collectible anime figurines would be very interested in hearing your thoughts on slaughtering millions of people.
>that's what it's all about
>anti-semitism and jew hate
>we mad u cut our dicks baww
Great thread
He probably posts about white supremacy and faps to Asian girls at night desu
>starting a race war against the most powerful, well equipped armies in the world
Lemme know how that works for you
You don't get to openly call for the mass replacement of whites and then call foul when they get sick of your shit
>gee why do the people whose societies we've subverted and deteriorated hate us so much
>lemme know how that works for you
You idiots will destroy yourselves before we get anywhere close to an all out combat
whiteness is an invention
>gee why do the people whose societies we've subverted and deteriorated hate us so much
>why do we feel inferior to people who are smarter and higher IQ than us and use them as scapegoats for all our own problems?
>they started the black plague!!! Totally wasn't us rolling around in our shit and jerking off rats and chickens nope it was the jews
Wait I thought you were going to destroy us? So now we're going to destroy ourselves? At least stay consistent nigger
>racist whites vs non-racist whites first
>blacks and non-whites outnumber and kill the remaining whites, we know the non-racists are going to lose
What is helter skelter
>blacks and non-whites outnumber and kill the remaining whites
>You don't get to openly call for the mass replacement of whites
I think its hilarious that people actually believe this. I think its hilarious that whites have grown so accustomed to unchecked destruction and domination that making room at the table feels like oppression. What a bunch of fucking pussies.
Lol you actually think the "non-racist whites" are going to fight anybody? They're the type of people who claim they have PTSD because they fired a gun for the first time. Lmao get real African's wouldn't have food or water if it wasn't for whites. You really want that taken away?
Why haven't you taken food and water away already? Why do you continue to "allow" Africans to impregnate your women?
I think it's hilarious that literal subhumans, who haven't ever built a productive society in millions of years, think they can walk into societies that "oppress" them and force the government to make people treat them better. America can never recover from the damage that was the Civil Right's Movement because now you self righteous niggers think anytime a white guy doesn't hire you, it has to do with your race instead of you(as an individual) being a waste of space with absolutely nothing redeemable about you.
You'd be surprised, user. Plenty of people would jump at a whites/asians only community.
I know this is bait but Faroe Islands
How tragic and hilarious would it be if this guy's son were to turn out gay on that homogenous country?
Because the only women being impregnated by darkies are white trash to begin with. Statistically whites are the race least likely to racemix out of any other race.
>Why haven't you taken food and water away already?
Not enough push yet. Please do continue to keep pushing though. Everyday more and more whites become more radicalized so it's only a matter of time before we reach the tipping point
So what was your childhood like? Not great, I'm assuming. Mental illness run in the family?
Keep trying m8
When you run out of things to argue about it's usually typical for the unintelligent to try to belittle their opponents because they have nothing to back up their emotions anymore.
I came from a normal white collar family who didn't have a racist thought in my head until you leftists went absolutely insane a couple years ago and doubled down on destroying anybody that challenged your authoritarian PC culture
It doesn't take a professional psychologists to understand that anyone so blindly violent and toxic as you are wasn't at all a mentally healthy person to begin with. You speak of my lack of intelligence and a cohesive retort yet seem perfectly fine to gloss over the fact that you've made no point nor displayed any intelligence yourself. All you've done so far is fling alt-right buzzwords, slurs and delusional ideology yet simultaneously proclaim that my refusal to logically dismantle your illogical ramblings is indicative of my lack of intelligence. You seem like the typical disillusioned, alt-right narcissist who spews garbage at people as aggressively as possible in the hopes that you can instigate a violent reaction that would confirm what you already believe. You blame your mental instability on leftists but I think we can all see you were bat-shit crazy before you started watching the news. You also didn't answer my question. The psychological profile of a shitty basement dwelling racist is pretty straight forward. Alcoholism? Anxiety? Depression? Which one is it?
Mental illnesses are for leftists that think they're not responsible for their own actions and need drugs to feel "normal". I didn't hate anybody until it became clear that anyone who doesn't fall into your narrow view of "diversity" is a Nazi. But yes keep painting me(and anyone else who disagrees with you) as a "basement dwelling racist". It just continues to show us that the people constantly preaching tolerance, are gigantic hypocrites who are complicit in killing off the race of people who are to thank for pulling retarded shitskins out of the mud and into the world of modern civilization.
Sure, you were just a perfectly normal, perfectly sane wypipo that suddenly became transformed into a hulking, enraged white warrior against the injustice of the leftists because of your extra strong morals and bravery. Of course, you had no choice but to become a racist shit-head because your ideals and strong sense of justice wouldn't allow it. Everyone else is crazy and YOU are the sane one because YOU see the truth and the rest of the functional world who sees you for the garbage you are are just mindless sheople, right? The delusion you people wade in on a daily basis is simply astonishing. Like I said, the psychological profile of a shitty basement dwelling racist is as predictable as they come. You are a joke that exists in one of the few places left in modern society where other jokes just like you can come and normalize each other's mental illness. God speed, brave white champion of peace and justice.