How do I fix my social anxiety? Don't give normalfag advice like just bee yourself or just go out there or some other similar bullshit please. Any other advice is appreciated, books or videos as well.
How do I fix my social anxiety...
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while it may seem normalfaggy, fuck it.
be yourself you fucking idiot.
might sound stupid and not complicated enough or not enough answers, but go fuck yourself and be yourself you fucking moron. I'm not your psychologist, I'm just a person on a board.
Be yourself faggot, or you're gonna die alone.
First, stop going on Jow Forums. You are literally spouting their incel memes. That place is poison for your mind.
Grounding work. When you see others who seem to feel at ease in social situations, their bodies seem to be relaxed, that is what people mean by "grounded out".
Lowenian therapy (Bioenergetics)
You have to figure it out yourself.
Also think about going to a psychologist and have a professional answer.
You really how to train your mind somehow. You have no control of your emotions. A strong minded person actually bends their life perspective into a favorable position and that's the exact opposite of what todays mentally ill are doing. Meditation is a straightforward way to train the mind. Endurance running. Cold showers. Even just developing a skill to the point where you enter a flow state will reduce anxiety. When you talk to people you are going to reflect your internal state somehow. If your brain is a mess because you haven't disciplined it you may give out unintended vibes that put a sense of discordance in people who have a more "middle ground" sense of self esteem. They fear being dragged to your level. A person with a strong sense of self worth can feasibly lift up a willing person with low self esteem without risking their own but many people are afraid to take that risk. Do as much legwork as you can and maybe someone will meet you halfway.
Spend some time thinking about the root behind some of your problems. Once you find the actual reasons behind your insecurities, the world cant hurt you
See a therapist. If your social anxiety is interfering with the quality of your life, then it's best to seek professional help. Jow Forums can only do so much.
>just go out or some bullshit.
Jesus dude.. "How do i hit a baseball. No bullshit answers like swing at the ball until you get it.". Practice. Thats how you learn basically anything.
The only thing id add is dont go to clubs id you arent a clubber, bars if you arent a drinker, or dungeons ans dragons if you arent a tabletop rpg gamer. You wont feel right where you dont belong ever. Other than that its just practice ya dunce.
I'm literally not fucking with you, being yourself is probably the most important aspect of living.
Stop trolling the guy please. Nobody can be himself because nobody really knows who is himself and most of people here hate themselves so they can't be themselves either. That advice is for level 1 of depression when you have your first problems in life, like when you are 15 or something. But no for grown adults.
fuck up. that's the only way. suffering is the key to growth. sort of like muscle tissue.
you can learn from butchered social interactions by actually thinking about what you did wrong and improving next time around.
>fix my social anxiety
First step is telling yourself anxiety is bull shit. Every human in the world has anxiety. The difference between you and them is they don't let their anxiety dictate their actions and stop them from doing basic day to day things
this. i talked to my crush 2 weeks ago and again today once i became more self-confident. the difference was crazy.
the first time i talked to her i was a stuttering bumbling mess of a human who couldn't put together a coherent thought. today on the other hand I was calm and collected and i made regular eye contact with her
Just be around people more. You need to grind the autism out of yourself.
I was a freak till i was like 20
that's literally how it goes
you need to put yourself out there and then be ready for it to not go well
eventually you'll learn how to be a human being and you'll be ok
Go to a psychiatrist and get medicated if you must. Im going to try to go get a mental eval and iq test myself, as Im either dumb as fuck or mentally ill.
I'm 25 and still a freak
But NEETdom doesn't give opportunities to grind
>get medicated
I fucking hate these people with this train of thought. MIND ALTERING DRUGS ARE NOT THE SOLUTION TO LIVING A NORMAL AND BALANCED LIFE
stop being a neet
Stop posting wojacks
Be normal.
Trying to give a serious answer. First see an specialist if you can, if your social anxiety is giving you real problems you should try the professional path and not what some anons tell you in a chinese image board.
Either way I'm going to contradict myself and give you advice. Start by doing your shopping and stuff like that, first religiously greet every cashier, attendant, etc. and when you leave or they help you say thank you. Then you can move up making small talk like "It's really hot/cold today isn't it?" and start stepping up your greetings from "Hello" to "Hello, How are you?" and your "Goodbye or Thanks" to "Thanks, I have you have a good day".
I had sever social anxiety when i was in High School (didn't want to go to school) and when I started doing the chores for my house because i was a neet for a year everything started to go away doing these little practice. Hope that it helps you someway and sorry for my english, is not my first language (long time lurker thou)
*"Thanks, I hope you have a good day"
Speaking as a robot, I literally brute-forced my way into normalfaggotry. You'll never learn to swim if you don't take the first dive.
>go out there
Where? I'm out at the very moment, just like every day but there's no sociallzation. I don't know where you guys live but here you need a reason to talk to strangers.
Do you already go to a gym? If not, start. I recommend going to classes too in the Gym. You'll more than likely find the same type of dude/girl on their journey to get over it. While over time slowly learning to give less of a shit.
Ok, here's the thing. It is true that there is no easy answer or any trick to become the chad you always dream to be. However there is an easy way to become more confident about yourself and being more proactive in life and that is learning to love yourself.
Sound retard but it actually works. Just look at it in this way, no matter if you end up with your dream girl, or you end up having kids and a big family that loves you and all that shit at the end the only living being who will be there for you your whole life is you, so why not being kind to yourself and treat you like only you deserve?
It's as simple as this: You feel like having an ice cream? Go buy yourself an ice cream, Wanna start building models? Go ahead, You don't like how messy and overgrown your front yard is? Get your hand on the dirt or pay someone to do it for you.
Don't think about it to much, do not worry if you often find yourself going out alone. Eventually you'll actually enjoy your own company. If you find hard to do this very often save some time during the week to be "your hour" or "your afternoon" where you will do all that things you always wanted to do but just make sure you only do things you REALLY want to do.
If you do it right you can actually become a complete person and you'll find that you don't need more people in your life to be happy. But that'a a hard goal so don't push yourself to that and just focus on making yourself happy. When you achieve that happines your whole anxiety and depression and all that bullshit will be long gone.
And btw try not to treat yourself with just food and masturbation. Although you can do it if you want to I bet you have many things in life that you'd like to do as well so try to change thing up from time to time (Unless the only thing you crave is to marturbate your whole life. In that case just masturbate till you're death).
Get to know yourself better and do things that make you happy.
How I love myself if I don't like myself?
Do you even know ehy you hate the normie faggotry advice?
>Just be yourself bruh
>You gotta put yourself out there
>Just talk more
>Watch some Youtube vids on psychology lol
Fuck this shit, this advice is the worst of the worst, because it brings nothing to the table.
Do it like this, i tell you, my advice (and all variations of it that has been posted by other anons) is the only valid:
Confidence comes from feeling safe and content in your own skin. This comes from being assured that you are a good person.
What is a good person? Succesful, healthy, good looking, smart, nice, etc...
What assures them of it? Accomplishments in life, relationships, work, etc....
So you gotta make yourself be this person. If you are a fat, dumb assshade of a person, you wont be happy. Maybe some people will be happy in their miserable state of life, but with your post you proved to be too smart for that user.
>Haha just improve yourself bruh
The only normie advice thats actually based.
Find what you lack, and do something against it.
It may take days, months, years, but you will get there. And while you are on the way, you buold confidence, because you know that you are accomplishing something.
Godspeed user
Loving oneself is the keay to happiness, but you said that you dont like yourself. So do like i said, and do make yourself the version of you that you want to be. Then you can start being yourself and loving yourself
Don't be yourself because you're a weak little faggot.
Watch some chad youtubers and be like them.
Name literally one.
Here's chad incarnate
Define, specifically for you, what makes you anxious in a social situation. What are you afraid of?
How is your self-esteem?
Yeah well I'm balding so I'll never look like him.
If you don't even like yourself how can you expect other people to like you?At the end of the day you still have to live with yourself. It's okay to recignize that you are flawed but you cannot progress unless you try to change what you can (attitude, mentalities, weight, hobbies, interests, etc.) accept what you can't (race, height, eye color, parents, birth circumstances, etc.)