Is there any way out of loneliness?

I am a 20 year old female. I don't have a single friend. My parents abandoned me and the little family I was raised by are completely distant. I still live with them but I feel like I am alone and I think I am losing my sanity. I'm delusional and hallucinating. I can go days without speaking a word. It hurts so bad to live like this. I need a friend to save my life. Is there any hope for me?

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>INB4 Bait
Have you tried going out to social events and places?

>Is there any hope for me?
Therapy and stop larping as female for (You)s

where do you live, how do you look?
>Is there any hope for me?
generally yes

If you are a girl just walk out the door and you get a bf

This thread is bait

I live in a rural, small town in Southern USA. There aren't social events that happen often. I work in an art gallery, so I go to the art openings and talk to people about art, but that's it. No more interaction after that. It's very difficult for me to socialize.

And I'm not bad looking! Maybe even above average, I don't know! I just can't fucking speak and behave like a normal person. I can't convince a guy to date me. He'll sure as hell fuck me, though.

>woks at art gallery in hickville
>wonders why there's nobody around

Maybe stop putting out so readily

Is it really wrong to have sex with a guy before you start dating? Does that make him not want to date?

Why haven't you explored online socialization like Discord etc

What are the prospects of you moving to a bigger city/town?

Yes it is. It makes you a one night stand not a gf.

I was gonna type a big ass post but it's just easier to call you stupid

>He'll sure as hell fuck me
Yup you can fuck right off. You have no idea what being lonely means.

>I just can't fucking speak and behave like a normal person. I can't convince a guy to date me. He'll sure as hell fuck me, though.
Get yourself a good-hearted sperg to date you.

Anyone less socially-fucked than you will just abandon you.

Begone thot

Yes, and it makes you a massive whore.
So while you might get dates, you don't deserve them, and you certainly don't deserve actual commitment.

>still live with them but I feel like I am alone and I think I am losing my sanity. I'm delusional and hallucinating. I can go days without speaking a word. It hurts so bad to live like this. I need a friend to save my life. Is there any hope for me?

Move to a city, create an Instagram and a tinder, take lots of butt pictures, and I guarantee you'll wake up the next morning in some lawyers high rise apartment as his sugar baby

TradCuck detected

No you're fine. We live by new rules. Literally Hitler is mad his blonde waifus fuck Tyrone instead of him so he larps on the internet as a nazi

At least you are a girl, a guy with your caracteristics is doomed to die virgin.. where by nature women are less confident and more shameful than men, so us as men are expecting that.
My guess is that you should make a tinder and clearly state that you are, like, really shy. Eventually when talking to people (do the effort and talk to people) you'll find someone who is 'a nice guy', which I assume would be the most suited for you. At least he'll have such patience to survive your loneliness.

I find that too many "traditionalists" turn a blind eye to male degeneracy, and thus allow the whole thing to go to shit just as it did before.
>No you're fine.
Demonstrably false. Not only is OP claming to be mentally ill from the outset, but there is also a huge amount of damage done by promiscuity.
>Bivariate results suggested that delaying sexual involvement was associated with higher relationship quality across several dimensions. The multivariate results indicated that the speed of entry into sexual relationships was negatively associated with marital quality, but only among women."
>"I find that premarital sex or premarital cohabitation that is limited to a woman's husband is not associated with an elevated risk of marital disruption. However, women who have more than one intimate premarital relationship have an increased risk of marital dissolution."
>"Both structural equation and group comparison analyses demonstrated that sexual restraint was associated with better relationship outcomes, even when controlling for education, the number of sexual partners, religiosity, and relationship length."

>Literally Hitler is mad his blonde waifus
Leaving aside the dull and repetitive ad hominem here, I actually find brown hair more attractive.

I've been there, could go days without talking to people, but i had nature all around me and i was busy with my studies.

People react best to positive, you have to "find yourself" before you attract people, that was the case for me anyway. Once you are happy people will like being around you.

You have add btw? I do and it really fucks up social life.

>Literally Hitler is mad his blonde waifus fuck Tyrone instead of him
That little psychopath has never had a relationship in his life. Its best to filter his trip and be done with it. He'll be banned again soon enough.

>He'll be banned again soon enough.
For what? Actually providing sources on this shithole of a board?