I just thought: should I livestream my suicide this weekend? I was thinking it’d be interesting for people to be able to see what jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge looked like in real time but it’s like literally a 4 second fall lol...
I just thought: should I livestream my suicide this weekend...
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Why do you want to kill yourself?
user please don't unless you're a pedophile or rapist. Even then you should get appropriate help.
The same reason anyone at 27 does. My life was shit and a waste, I’m trash, I have no friends, lost 15+ year struggle against untreated depression, NEET, family is garbage, I see no possible future where I can be happy, etc.
Oh, and I’m a repressing transgender since age 5 with a plethora of mental issues but am now old and have chad tier body structure. And I like guys. So basically I’m a fucking monstrosity that needs to die.
Sometimes I laugh myself to hysteria at how fucking unlucky I was to be so many disgusting pathetic useless things all at once.
Thats a nice thought but aren't you worried about how you will remembered by others thou?
Excluding the ending, that would be an intresting video, why not throw just the camera
No, because my life was so unremarkable that I’d be forgotten within a week. At least this way maybe they could use the footage to discourage others? I thought it’d be kinda interesting but maybe too morbid and shocking.
I know you're probably gonna hate me for saying this, but personally what I do to keep myself from "kyssing" is my faith in god, and the fact that suicide is a sin.
So I just keep going, and hope that the universe will one day take care of me, I know that's kind of a silly concept, but I believe. And it's that belief that keeps me going, even thought I'm too far gone
That’s not how this works. You don’t get to kill yourself after everything you’ve survived dickhead, not when there’s so many people that kill themselves for shit that matters. Get your bitch ass to therapy and if that don’t work then blow your head off with a shotgun it’s more expedient, if you jump off a bridge you stay conscious the whole time you don’t black out till right after you hit the water and it hurts like a bitch.
What he says. The faith in god thing is retarded but it will eventually get better especially if you’re a generally good person.
What's stopping you from seeing a psychiatrist?
No friends can be fixed
Depression can be fixed
Your body can be fixed
You can get new life goals
Dependes on the point of view, keep in mind that the camera, just like you, will break.
Anyways, do you know how to draw? It would be intresting to see the world through your eyes right now
We are your friends :,(
Hang in there my guy. Ultimately its your choice, but please rethink this
ahhahahahahaha, speak for yourself, nerdboi
That's not nice user. Through the most difficult times in my life, my online friends helped me. Having a social circle in the real world is hard for some people.
Hey OP I'm from SF too. Want to hang out this weekend instead.
you better have a good quality phone to do that with
What happened to you Jow Forums, do you even remember how post on this threads?
Sometimes i wonder why don't i leave this place, you can't have a conversation with someone if nobody in the room knows or remembers how to chat
Does English teach? Unless not English
I'm not certain what you're experiencing rn but really think about what you suggested. For what reason would you desire traumatizing your friends. I don't know, perhaps you're going through a rough time but most suicidal people don't share that part of their life with people. If you're going to off yourself try doing it in a way to cushion the blow as much as possible and if you haven't entirely given up yet which I'm guessing you haven't based on this post get some help. Tell 1 or 2 friends about what you're going through and if they're good friends they'll help you through it. Also counseling can help. If you still don't find some greater sense of happiness then jump away OP.
>I see no possible future where I can be happy
Why do depressed people always say this? We know you're irrationally miserable, of course you can't see something like that
symptom of depression. even though you know you are depressed it can overwhelm your thoughts and you are literally unable to have hope.
I also keep going because of some tiny bit of hope and faith in God, Jesus, Holy Spirt. He can use all of us for His will. I don't know how else I can keep going.
Ugh another shitty click bait thread. If you're actually going to end it all don't fucking live stream it. Your just gone end up on some gore website or worse, some shitty top ten countdown list of disturbing Jow Forums posts with chills narrating it.
No, user. Don't do it. I am sure you are amazing. There are people who love you.
If you think you're ready go kill yourself you might as well transition.
You're free to do anything now that you've resided yourself to never doing anything again. Might as well right?
Stop it. You giving up is not the answer. Your mind is wrong. Stay here. Please.
Don't do it user. Please don't do it. I'll be your friend if you need one.
Thank you.
I'll watch it, but can you blur out when your brains come out, thanks
N-no trash... hugs
Boring, there's a whole documentary about people doing it.
I don't know where you're getting your research from chief, but I'm pretty sure when your head hits concrete at a certain speed, nothing will hurt
I'm in love with you, user.
We're working on that, strengthen your faith and reach out for good things. It's alright, you're the best!
What kind of d would you like to suck?
They already made a full length documentary about it.
A man filmed the bridge every day for a year and caught on film something like 8 people jumping from the golden gate.
Its a cool movie, you should see it before you die.
Its free even...