How often do girls cheat?
How often do girls cheat?
According to surveys of American adults, about 2 in 5 people admit to cheating on a partner at some point, with no statistical difference between the genders.
Do you look like Hitler or do you just hate Jews?
a lot
Pretty regularly.
2/5 girls ADMIT to cheating. There is no real way to know the actual rate apart from spying on people.
I'd wager the rate is closer to 4/5 desu, with the 1/5 that don't cheat are just the ugly ones who don't have options aside from their partners
80%. It's just so easy for them to do it.
You know there are girls out there that aren't 1/10 that are monogamous.
These are usually the girls with enough self respect to not just open their legs for anyone.
Probably around 90% in all honesty. I’ve had 6 boyfriends and cheated on all of them multiple times. Never been caught
I believe it's a reference to retards on tumblr saying that people from Jow Forums are "literally Hitler".
There's no such thing as monogamy. I've literally banged my pastor's daughter.
I was monogamous til I was in my fourth or fifth relationship.
Found out all the previous boyfriends had cheated.
Dumped that one for cheating.
Now I don't know what to do.
If you're not a pathetic Jow Forums nerd who is so desperate and lonely that you scoop up any random BPD chick you can find with a glass eye and daddy issues its pretty easy to avoid cheating partners. Half of the threads around here sound something like "Help! My 19 year old bi-polar girlfriend who still showers with her parents and screams in terror every time I touch her cheated on me and she's not being cooperative with me wat do?" Its amazing how many dudes around here make terrible emotional investments but then want to come here and pool their fucking tears when the bat shit crazy women they decided to date fuck their best friends and set their cars on fire. I'm 32 years old and I've been cheated on one time; when I was 17. I date mentally sane women. I avoid people with intimacy issues. I terminate relationships when I sense they are fizzled out instead of waiting until one party does something drastic to sabotage it. The optics on this are so simple its ridiculous. The sooner you assholes stop pretending like shit in life just randomly happens to you and realize that your shitty choices perfectly line up with your shitty life you'll come to realize that avoiding a whole host of relationship problems is pretty easy. Long story short; cheating doesn't just happen to normal, awesome people in good relationships. That just isn't how it works. It isn't like getting struck by lightning. Pay attention to your life. It might teach you something.
more than beta males
>There's no such thing as monogamy.
That's just what degenerates say.
Monogamy began as a business arrangement. Also, this generation is statistically the least promiscuous generation since the 1920's. As attitudes concerning casual sex and sexual identity exploration have become more accepting teen pregnancy rates and rates of teenage sexual activity have decreased. These numbers come straight from the CDC. You can thank degeneracy for the drop in unwanted pregnancies and spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
I feel like men and women cheat about the same total, but women cheat more during long term relationships and men cheat more in the beginning/in short term relationships.
It's easy to blame everyone but yourself
Precisely. Its never good when someone rips your heart out but people are so caught up in blaming the person they never stop to contemplate what attracted them to invite such a toxic presence into their life to begin with. I firmly believe that Jow Forums users inherently lack the genetic components that make human introspection possible.
>I firmly believe that Jow Forums users inherently lack the genetic components that make human introspection possible
It's sadder than that, they possess the ability but they actively choose not to
As often as men do.
Would you consider yourself a whore?
Just run away from it all with me.
Stacy... I love you.
this generation is statistically the least promiscuous generation since the 1920's.
I don’t believe you.
Well I've only had one girlfriend and she cheated on me.
So in my life 100% of them do
>pathetic Jow Forums nerd
>32 years old on Jow Forums
Based und redpilled
Rising record breaking rates every year in regards to STDs says your full of shit.
You cant really cheat if shits not exclusive and in its infancy. One of those two is way worse, and its the side crushing people after sharing their life with them for years.