How to deal with my ugliness? I mean...

How to deal with my ugliness? I mean, everyday is more clear for me there's literally an inherent societal hierarchy based on your looks.
>Inb4 looks don't matter in a man.
I'm ignoring this opinion because it was what I used to think but now the too much.

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Stop being so ugly. You are clearly an angry, desperate man who gives off vibes of "stay away from me". Being ugly on the inside is reflected on the outside, but you can work on changing that.

What evidence? I see guys of all attractiveness levels with girlfriends

I think it is a two way street, being ugly on the outside makes people treat you in a specific way since your early days, so you become ugly on the inside. Also, I'm not paying attention to the opinion of women, since, no offense but they can't deal or understand this problem.

We’re anonymous. Women will give their opinions without you knowing

Just two posts in and already you sound like an insufferable prick.

>I'm going to invent a social hierarchy and then place myself at the bottom
I wonder if psychologists have studied this specific brand of narcissism.
>nobody has it worse than ME
>the world revolves around ME. it exists to make my life miserable
>its impossible for me to succeed. Everyone and everything is always against me.

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Google "ugly men with beautiful wives" and find another excuse

>Multimillionaire has hot wife.
Hurr durr find another excuse.

the social heirarchy based on facial aesthetics was most prominent in high school for me. maybe grow up.

Your attractiveness is for a very considerable portion a direct result of your lifestyle. Your body shape, hair, skin and style are all things that are largely under your control. This is done by working out, having a healthy diet, having good hygiene, wearing nice clothes and having a proper haircut. Usually when someone is ugly, it's not actually his/hers shitty genetics which make for the ugliness, it's his/hers shitty lifestyle.

So take a good, critical look at the way you take care of yourself OP. If you're still not convinced, post pics of yourself so we can judge.

Work out, I guarantee that you will become more attractive to the opposite sex. I used to be "friendzoned" by chicks in HS who tried to claw their way into my life after I started lifting around 300 lbs who I couldn't get rid of for the life of me. Trust me it is worth it, you can just toss them aside and say to them they never payed attention to the person you were on the inside. That alone is worth working out not considering the good women you will get.

this. deformities can be addressed by doctors, too. I had a severely assymetrical part of my face, and doctors fixed it.

Do you mean plastic surgery? How much did it cost?

most of those dudes either sell drugs or have a lot of money, if OP has any self respect and wants someone to love him genuinely for him I can see how it would be frustrating and demoralizing for someone who sees themselves as unattractive to try to find love.

Not OP but I've done all this and even picked my best photos for dating apps.

Doesn't improve your chances.

honestly everyone can look pretty good if they groom themselves, are clean, take care of their bodies and dress well. start doing these things. unless you have some kind of facial deformity, you're just lazy.

Next time read before posting.

Also this isn't about getting a gf in general. This is about getting an attractive gf who we all know have higher standards than ugly girls.

get plastic surgery if you're that hideos.

I don’t get why you think anyone would have sympathy or care if you just want an attractive girlfriend. You’re overlooking ugly girls the same way attractive girls overlook you

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He wants the validation.

I think the best way to deal with being ugly is do whatever you can to mitigate it. Get in shape, dress nicely, make money, focus on your progress, develop a good sense of humor but be serious in the right moments.

Or you could dwell on being ugly and give up, but doesn't that sound like it would suck? That would just make you ugly AND a loser.

Be comfortable with who you are. People will find your confidence in yourself something to like about you.