How should I behave in public?

How should I behave in public?

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Yes. Or you could be rebellious and smear poop on things for laughs. One time a friend of mine threw poop at an oncoming truck and it chased him into the woods but it was really funny.

Basically be polite and don't be rude to people, it's not that hard.

Be really obnoxious and mean to people. Be a really aggressive pervert who cant leave any women alone.


I just want people to respect me. I sometimes feel they see me as someone who is clumsy most of the time

Attached: van3.jpg (240x240, 6K)

pls some1


Act normal you sperg

Treat others how you'd want to be treated, id imagine that'd be loving and nurturing to their personality. Most people like a calm, reasonable person who still stands their grand on their opinions, not a push over. Don't compensate any insecurities with overly aggressinvess or tenderness

Stands their ground*

Be polite. Smile, say "hello", "thanks" and "bye" to cashiers and other service personnel. And whenever someone wants something from you, regardless of what it is, say "No, sorry." It's really not that hard.

It follows advice for completely autistic people who don't know how to human:
Look where you are going, not on the ground. Walk upright. Hold eye contact with passersby for one to two seconds, which is enough time to recognize people you know and shows you are not afraid or beta without getting creepy. Hold eye contact for three seconds to show interest.

But people are so mean sometimes. Idk if that would be a good idea

Say how you feel then, you just act like youre caring and loving and if you recognize abuse from that then take it away and deliver equal force to them.

"Fuck you"
->"fuck you too"

"You're a retard bro"
->"Go fuck yourself"

Listen to how they say it but don't let people try to play that game where they are trying to act like they are playing around but they are trying to demean you in front of a crowd. If they do then do the same back and abuse the crowd, make up random bullshit if you really don't care.

"Aren't you the dude who raped his sister? [Insert their name here] right?"

Note don't put a lot of pathos into it, if you want to seem reliable then act like it. Not an emotional sperg

i think thats not a good idea. why do i not ignore and dont speak to such people?

Guess that just depends on how you want to come off, if you just want to get by and don't give af how people treat you then act like it

The single most important thing is speaking out loudly and with zero shame about what you say. So basically work on your confidence and have interesting things to say/do


What kind of public are we talking about?

Like at the grocery store? The gym? A bar or club?

I typically just act polite when people are nice or friendly, and standoffish or disinterested when someone bothers me or my friends.

Often if people are being deliberately rude to you in public they either want money, they're insecure, or they're attempting to get a rise out of you and make you look like the smaller person.

Just be comfortable in your own skin.

The correct response to insults and mean behavior is acknowledging it and then ignoring it. I don't mean look away submissively, stand your ground, but don't respond or get angry. An insult does not work if you show to reaction to it besides maybe slight amusement. An insult is an invite to a game that you don't have to play. When you get angry then you have already lost, because there is no winning move in the game. Either it does not escalate and you gained nothing besides anger, or it does escalate and you get into unnecessary danger and potential harm to your body, your reputation or your freedom.

Only start a physical fight when it is absolutely necessary and trying to avoid it would be more dangerous. This again should be a conscious decision made without anger.

However you want.
Don't be an NPC.
Don't let others dictate how you should act.

I'm this guy , this guy has a good point if you are going down a safer more neutral route

i think these are the best advices to follow. thanks guys
True i think

Respect is something that is earned, not handed out to random strangers.

How do i earn respect?

like acknowledge it internally? wont they just keep up the insults then?

>pull your pants all the way down at the urinal
>throw a tantrum when your every whim isn't catered to the instant you THINK about it
>talk way too loudly about how great it was when the blue guys scored a sportsball and beat the red guys in the sportsball game last night
>have strong opinions about subjects you know next to nothing about and can't be bothered to research

Wowser a real non npc right here guise

>having such a poorly developed theory of mind that you buy into the NPC meme

Acknowledge that you heard the insult and that it had no effect. Usually eye contact is enough for that, but you can also literally acknowledge it verbally. For instance when you do not react and you get asked whether you are "deaf or stupid", then you can just say you understood and leave it like that.

Important is that you do not pretend to not have heard the insult, with your eyes directed at the floor, because that is a sign of submissiveness. Which in turn would empower the bully/aggressor and encourage further abuse.