Convince me that it isn't impossible for me to get a girlfriend.
Convince me that it isn't impossible for me to get a girlfriend
You're a conscious being.
Statistically speaking it's a non-zero probability.
>Statistically speaking it's a non-zero probability.
what statistics?
You can go for a disgusting hambeast
Not with that attitude. It isn't about ""getting"" a gf, it's about forming a deeper bond with someone else. You are capable of that if you are willing to put the time and effort it takes into cultivating relationships with other people.
It isn't impossible, it just takes hard work and effort which doesn't come easy for many.
No thanks
just go cum inside a stripper
Then it’s not impossible, you just don’t want one
Well some interpretations of quantum physics predict an infinitesimally small chance that a girlfriend will spontaneously appear in your house, so there's that.
How about you grow a fucking pair of balls and ask her you fucking coon? Is that so fucking hard to do?
Well, think like this.
Somewhere, there is your future partner sitting there, and thinking the same thing like you. Maybe she is thinking the exact same thing. But then, your randomly meet each other somewhere, talk a little, and trade phone numbers. First you see her as a weirdo random person, but is nice to talk to, but then it slowly evolves into a meaningful realtionship.
This is the side of relationships that doesn't get shown. It seems like most of the time there is just clubbing, making out, one night stands and stacys and chads. Well it ain't so. Genuine relationships aren't dead.
Nice fantasy, but how does one find said person?
Nah she's out there riding a dozen dicks while you sit here alone.
She'll come to leech off him later.
No one will convince you of anything, you'll either believe it if you won't
Hookers cost too much
Anywhere. Well, where do you meet people? In bars, clubs? Yeah sure, but i dont know if thats the type of woman that you want to meet.
I would recommened stopping to force to find a partner, it will come natural. You see someone that you like, talk to them. Maybe it is the one. Maybe not. Maybe she rode the fucking dick carousel, who knows ( ) I met my gf at a local farmers market while shopping for dinner (am european).
And no, she didn't ride carousel. I know women who did and have men now, but i think i have a good enoigh perception of people, and i can quickly tell if they are the slutty or shy and awkward type. (And every variant in between) I dont like pretentious people (insta hoes), where 90% of this stacys come from
>Is that so fucking hard to do?
based advice. It really is this simple, people overthink this way too much.