I'm 27 and never even touch touched a girl. Is it too late for me to get a gf?
I've a nice job and work out regularly, so I don't know what am I missing.
I'm 27 and never even touch touched a girl. Is it too late for me to get a gf?
Are you by chance a total sperglord
maybe u smell bad dude. u seem like a good catch. money and muscles. hell thats all you need to get laid, hell really all you need is money.
Why am I even asking? You're on Jow Forums asking how to pick up girls.
Got any friends? A little social circle? Anything?
Maybe it's time to stop masturbating to attractive busty anime girls.
If you're still breathing it's not too late. Question is do you really want someone and are actively making yourself available? Or do you just like the idea of having a of but no one has thrown themselves at you?
>work put regularly
That doesnt say anything.
Are you cut?
All you need to do is walk 10 minutes every day and you can claim you work out regularly.
>Are you by chance a total sperglord
Yeah absolutely. I've a few friends, but we only play vidya together.
It'd be nice to experience what does it feel like to have a gf. What do you mean by being available? I only go to work, to the gym and sometimes grocery shipping.
I'm quite skinny despite hitting the gym 3x a week.
so you dont work out and are just some nerd. okay.
By being available I mean do you ask out girls? Do you do anything that brings you into contact with women on a normal basis, like going to the bar, club, classes, parties, Bible studies, anything? Dog park? Most people who want to date but have no success for a couple of reasons
1. Low exposure to opposite sex
2. Inept or avoidant of taking the series of risks that involve meeting someone, asking them out or getting their contact, building rapport, etc
Spoilers: flesh is flesh. The only difference between touching a girl and a guy is that the girl has a vagina. If you want to know what those feel like just touch the inside of your cheek. Congratulations! You know what a vagina feels like and you can stop sulking about not touching a woman!
>By being available I mean do you ask out girls?
I've never asked a girl out before. I don't meet much women on a daily basis, and the few I do meet, I try to avoid because it's awkward to talk with them. So basically I should pick up some club activity, or classes and with more exposure to women it will get better?
Basically do the opposite of what you've been doing. Meet more women, more people in general, and don't avoid the few women you come across unless they want you to fuck off. It doesn't matter what kind of activities you do or how good of a job you have if you can't get comfortable with someone
If no girl found you attractive enough to even touch in all your 27 years of existence, it's over dude.
>t. incel
bud stfu.
Male criteria of attractiveness;
0-20 = either blessed little pussy slaying faggots or little brother type babyfaced virgins
20-30 = young man judged by physique, level of education and income.
30-40 = not fat with stable income
40-50= not fat with stable income.
50-60= not about to croak with stable income
60-death= not shitting the bed at night.
women criteria of attractiveness;
0-20= get anything if not horrifically ugly.
20-30= dont be a whore
30-Death= Loyal, nice Ass and/or nice titties, not horrible mug and not a whiny cunt.
You'll be fine
Do you have any female friends? Or any male friends even? Someone you could call up for a beer?
Likely you just don't speak to enough women to know what they like. It's possible there are plenty of girls that are around you that are physically attracted to you and you either don't speak to them, or fail to jump to opportunities that could lead to sex (a relationship is on a totally different level, learn to obtain consensual sex first).
It takes some serious mental gymnastics to change your mindset but just not being scared etc etc is the key. Just make friends and communicate with people
It totally matters how good of a job you have.
Male criteria of attractiveness;
0-20 = either blessed little pussy slaying faggots or little brother type babyfaced virgins
20-45 = young man judged by physique, level of education and income.
45-55= not fat with stable income.
50-60= not about to croak with stable income
60-death= not shitting the bed at night.
women criteria of attractiveness;
0-20= get anything if not horrifically ugly.
20-30= dont be a whore
30-Death= Loyal, nice Ass and/or nice titties, not horrible mug and not a whiny cunt.
>Do you have any female friends? Or any male friends even? Someone you could call up for a beer?
Never had any female friends. All of my male friends prefer spending their time with their girlfriends, I rarely get the opportunity to hang out with them.
Is this really true?
no, stinky brat poster