Good evening anonymous, I hope you're having a good week so far.
For those of you returning, welcome back to the Lunar threads! Let's pick things up where we left off last time.
As for any of you newcomers, here's a quick rundown:
We're a bunch of anons dedicated towards trying to help other anons become better versions of themselves. Towards this end, we meet here on Jow Forums periodically to discuss any particular issue, hang-ups, difficulty, or struggle life may throw at you. Sometimes it's something relatively trivial and all you might need is to 'get-it-off-your-chest'. Other times, it might take some more strategizing. In either case, regular check-ins are important to gauge progress; hence the periodic nature of these threads.
So, that being said, if you feel you can benefit from these kinds of threads or simply wish to serve as good company, join in on the conversation! You're always welcomed here.
Anime OP/EDs. That's one genre of music I cannot possibly be cynical about. I like to test out little choreographs with them too, if I'm particularly feeling them.
Kind of animals have you been watching, Hikari? Your typical cuddly types?
You realize you've given me an ice breaker to talk to you about, right? I'm all about anime OP/EDs, so I may request that you and I do the ol exchange of them at some point.
Today, mostly cute sheep videos. There was one where a runt grew up and turned into a really unsheeplike sheep.
You're certainly welcome here, even if you feel you shouldn't be here.
That does sound soothing.
Zachary Myers
i've been observing this thread, but i haven't been too attentive. i'll continue my observations with a little more focus.
oh nothing like that ^^ it's just late. and I have to wake up for work in 5 hours... heehee but I want to just hang out instead and I can let myself sleep in and be late for work once in a while ^^ I think.
I extended to you an invite to the server because, well, you're a semi-regular around here, so why not go full-circle?
Plus it's nice to have place where you can go to kill some time with some friendly conversation from time-to-time. Now I'm going to guarantee you that everyone will be your friend; you get what you put into it. If you engage in conversation enough and are cordial, there's no doubt in my mind that the others will take a liking to you.
Unfortunately, the invite is coming from me. And I'm not a very good representative sample of the type of people that hang around the server. They tend to be much more warm and attentive.
I'll post a favorite or two of mine in a sec here, provided you do the same.
Unsheeplike sheep. Now, I can either picture a God-like sheep among sheep, or the most unholy abomination to ever tread the Earth....
I'm feeling particularly sad and anxious today. And i feel like everyone i would usually talk to is either too busy or out having fun, and i dont want to worry or upset them.
My cat came over while i was crying in my bed, and that helped me feel better. Sometimes watching One Piece (trying to catch up rn) or other anime helps, other times i just sit by myself with these suffocating feelings of failure, loneliness and self-hatred until i fall asleep.
Its always at this time of year, too. This month, 5 years ago, my good friend killed herself after telling me she was gonna make something of herself. I've since joined the Army, made sergeant and have a really good career and family life (married, beautiful daughter). But every year, without fail, on this specific month, during this specific week, i become a literal mess.
I just dont know what to do. Im so fucking frustrated and just... sad.
Juan White
Seasonal Affective Disorder is a real thing. And that's what this sounds like. It's actually very common. You are not alone with this by any means. The best thing I can tell you is to see a doctor.
The problem there is it can affect my job if i go to see a doctor and they prescribe medication. Or even just seeing behavioral health coild effect my career.
Thank you, though. Maybe it is just SAD. Ill think about going in to see a doc, but Im hesitant to risk my daughters future
Robert Cruz
How can I learn how to cook? All I know how to do is boil noodles and pour cereal :(
Eli Gomez
Just trying to give you a hard time.
Happy as I am to have you here with us, I can't in good conscience let you be late for work. Promise me you'll get to bed not *too* late?
Oh...*wraps her arms around you tight* I know far too well how you feel, user. Having experienced the loss of people very close to me before, I totally understand what you're going through. Coincidentally, the Autumn tends to be the hardest for me, as even the...I don't know what you'd call it, the ambiance? The feeling in the air, it reminds me of who I've lost.
In truth, I'm not too sure if there's a remedy to these melancholic feelings. The best we can manage is to cope and not fall apart, it seems. From what you've told me, it sounds like you found a good enough coping strategy, keeping your spirits up with anime.
But I will say this: you need someone close to you, someone you can trust to talk about this kind of thing with. Do you have anyone like that in your life? Not to 'vent' to, necessarily, but to put some closure to lingering thoughts you might have about it.
There should be doctor patient confidentiality. Also, you would probably benefit greatly by seeing a professional therapist. A therapist would give you some tools to work this thing out.
My older sister is usually the person I go to. My husband is supportive in his own way, but he believes that I need to get over it. Hes not good with emotions.
Thanks for the hug. By the end of the week, i usually start feeling better. Its just a rough time until then, you know? I named my daughter after my friend (middle name). I like to think she has my friends spirit guiding her
Aiden Young
That's such a good ED. The lyrics are heartwarming, too. They remind of the kind of environment you're trying to create here in the thread. Very fitting~
Mine is an obvious choice, but also a good starting place.
Lately I've been very sad, because of a girl, and it's a little weird for me to having been struck like that. It even feels a little riddiculous, like being back in my teen days. But the truth is that I feel hollow of illusion, and that is real. I've been having a weird season of my life, in romantic terms. After getting out of a very abusive and traumatic relationship, I had some one night stands, all of them not precious to me because the moment I cum, I want to run. I despise the girls I can go to bed at night, whrn I drink and I get into this sort of "hunter" mode, feeling I know what to say at the right time and afterwards feeling repulsed by it. This goes followed by a couple of encounters, during parties in wich I wasn't acting like that, in wich I got to meet and kiss with really beautiful and wonderful women. It happened twice and twice those times O couldn't believe those girls were besides me, with their bright eyes staring at me, making me feel special. In all sadnes, both this moments were during parties, and both times those girls were into ecstasy. The following day, they just ignored me. So we got at one side the fact the only girls that made me feel engaged and made me feel special were only high, and at the other side this lustful side of me taking all control only to find myself afterwards disgusted by it. Never because i just didn't find beautiful the person I had sex with, but more about "i can't and I don't want to stay with this person, besides her or talking with her". This was destroying me from the inside, making m feel jaded.
I'll continue on the next post, I'm only halfway of this
Nicholas Rodriguez
Business as usual, sir. *salutes*
There's nothing more splendid than the bond between siblings. I'm very grateful that you have your older sister to turn to. I've often fantasized about having a little brother or sister to take out to lunch, after suffering heartbreak or something like that. Guess I'm a little strange in that regard.
Your husband is right, you do need to come to some kind of closure on the matter eventually. But he and I can only imagine how close you were to this individual, and never fully comprehend just what they meant towards you. It's simply one of those insurmountable gaps in understanding, you know?
I think that's really sweet that you named your daughter after her. It's sort of like...she's carrying on her legacy in some manner, even if it is only through name. I think that's a fine way to commemorate your friend.
Such an upbeat, light ED. I really like it, but that might be because I'm a sucker for artfully-used Engrish. GOGOGO, STEP, JUMP!
all I can really suggest, is buying a cook book of your favorite type of cuisine, and just trying and making what you think you would enjoy! at least that's where I started. for me it were WOK's. I was pretty bad at it at first, but then I got a handle of it and got much better eventually, to the point where I could make something for my guests! I was terrible at making pancakes too! I would always burn them, or they would tear. or not taste right... and I still am! I can make so many super awesome exotic dishes now, but I can't make proper pancakes even if my life depended on it. but once in a while, I still try, and I'm sure, someday I will get it right! one advice I can give you, is ask someone who's a good cook in your opinion, to give you some tips and advises. cookbooks cover most of things, but experience and trying a same dish over and over again bets it all ^^ I know I haven't said anything anyone else haven't told you already, but it's really not hard. making food just takes a long time. but it really is not hard ^^
it's already too late! you are responsible for this!~
Thanks user. I havent been back on Jow Forums in years, left when my career started taking off in the Army. But im relieved to know i still have a place to come back to when nights like these come up.
Thank you again.
Jeremiah Green
>It is. What's on your mind, user? I'm a (male) that likes girls but I also like boys, especially masculine boys. I am also very asocial and quiet so basically I've never had a girlfriend.
If I were to date a guy, how could I console myself on the fact that I'm basically settling for guy when I couldn't get a girl? I sometimes wish I was just born in a girl's body, or that I didn't like guys at all.
Sorry if that's not the kind of think you are used to people asking about.
It isn't abnormal for people who were once victimized to become perpetrators themselves, exacting revenge for what was done to them. This is only a hypothesis, but might it be the case that you began this 'hunter' lifestyle in response to your abusive relationship?
I think that it'd be prudent to moderate how much partying you're doing these days. Crazy nights like those can and will turn out to be the time of your life; I highly recommend you take advantage of it, in your youth. But at the same time, these feelings of sadness, remorse, disillusionment? It might be symptomatic that you're going too far. Ease back; re-establish your equilibrium. Excessive drinking, drug-use (you didn't say you took any, but I'm making an assumption), and lack of sleep can wreck all sorts of havoc on your emotional regulation.
[waiting for further elaboration]
I fully accept all responsibility. But who am I to answer to?
We've been operating for only a little while here, but I'm very glad that you've stopped by. Thanks for talking to us.
It looks to me like you simply have to come to terms with bisexuality. The people who are the most content in life that I see, are the ones who have a good sense of self acceptance.
sounds like daily occurrence in the Lunar. or even twice daily.
Jonathan Cook
That doesn't sound so unusual. I'm not really sure what the problem is.
Evan Hernandez
We talk about anything and everything here, so fret not on the subject matter.
Okay, so it's my understanding that you're bisexual. At least, that's how it appears to me. Why is it that you think you're "settling" for a guy? Just because you've never had a girlfriend before? Couldn't it just be the case that you like boys too?
Honestly, it's as if half of us are schoolchildren, having little crushes on each other.
Given the part where you feel like you're settling whenever you're thinking about a guy, it sounds more like you're bicurious and haven't truly discovered your sexuality yet. Because if you were certain, you probably wouldn't feel like you're settling for a guy.
There's no harm in experimenting to see whether you like men or not.
>Honestly, it's as if half of us are schoolchildren, having little crushes on each other.
No wonder why I feel so left out again!
Luis Jones
I'll try to help it out more today. Although, I don't really feel like I'm in the position to give advice but I'll try my best. I'm sorry I'm late. I feel the same way about my sexuality too. I'm sorry I can't give much advice about it I'm still trying to figure things out myself. But you're definitely not alone if that helps any.
I knew this girl, lets call her J, for over 5 years. We've been on and off, but pretty much we were at the background of all of it for each other. But this year, as if It were because of a spell, we hit it off instantly, we connected like it was meant to be, and we became closer friends. I always liked her, and getting to know her more didn't change that. But along that it grew a beautiful friendship. We both took care of eachother. At the time it all began she was dating a guy who abused her. I was besides her when she finally cut ties with him and during the slow process of getting rid of all his mental games. We got out, we had fun, we walked our dogs and went to the beach. One night we went home and we talked, I explained her my self confidence issues, how sometimes i felt weirdly inferior to other guys, my past getting beat by my father. She basically told me she always liked me and if it wasnt because she was always dating someone, we would have end up together. That same night we ended up having sex. Afterwards, we were like not wanting to make a huge deal out of it, maybe doing it again. I felt touched by her. But that was not what ultimately made my feelings for her grow (although up until the moment I told her such feelings I was just trying to ignore them, brushing them off out of fear) it was all the moments of intimacy. Watching a movie together at her house, cooking, sleeping and caressing her hair and knowing that night, after all those horrible abusive episodes she went through, she could finally sleep. I told her I liked her and I asked her out. She sounded unsure of what she was about to say, but said it nonetheless: she wanted to be alone after all that time with someone. She gave me the choice, if I wanted to have a sort of not serious sexual relationship with her. I made a statement saying I respected her decision, but that I wanted to be more than just another guy. We spended the rest of the day together, having fun and joking like a couple
Benjamin Wood
I need to find something to do with my life but don't know what at all. I feel the urge to make a change in my life and do something other than my dead end job. I just don't know what the fuck to do. I have no passions. I hardly enjoy the things I do to pass the time. I don't know what to do. I like computers and have a knack for them yet suck at math. I love cooking and would find culinary school so fun but I know that it's a shit field to go into. I used to think I was an extremely creative individual but that's fizzled out these past few years. I have no idea what to do with my life. But I have to do something because this boredom is starting to feel like complacency and depression.
I don't know how to come to terms with being a freak.
It doesn't sound like a coping mechanism to you?
I would be settling for a guy because it's much easier to get a date with a guy when you're someone like me.
I don't have experience with either though. What if I end up with a guy but in reality I'm mostly straight but never got to experience a straight relationship? :(
Have you ever gone on a date with a guy? I figure that that's probably the first step for me.
Yeah, turn out it ended up longer than just two parts. This is part 1: I don't know how to feel afterwards, OP. I don't know where I stand in this aftermath, other than the feeling of jadeness. Theres a small bright light in the future? Am I missing it because of my often crippling self confidence issues? Maybe things would go different if I suddently started believing in myself? Why do I unconsciously think to myself she will end up falling for some guy?
I can't stop thinking about how great and powerful I felt caressing her hair that night, knowing she was feeling safe with me, knowing she was alright I wanted to share this song, I guess I naturally recognize myself in the odd beauty of the dreadfullness of Death In June. I also wanted to feel I was sharing more than just my story:
I sort of know what comes now. I'll wake up tomorrow. Finally get a shave, go to work, try to eat something since I've spent the whole week only having dinner. But I don't know how to feel, what to think about all of this OP.
Chase Sullivan
I'm not a regular here, but can I vent here? I don't even need any replies really, I just want to scream because I have no where else to right now.
My situation with my boyfriend is very complicated at the moment to say the least. No cheating or anything, but he admitted he may have somewhat romantic feelings for this other girl, but he hardly has ever had any close friends and so his definition of 'close friendship' and 'romantic feelings' are blurred (his words, not even mine). He says he still wants to stay with me and cares about me but he also wants to know what this girl thinks of him, if she cares about him like he cares about her (in my view a close friendship kind of way because he's been so lacking in that; also this girl already has an SO anyway and is gay so she's off-limits that way too). Anyway, today he finally asks this girl what she thinks of him and she basically says that while she enjoys their conversations, she only considers herself close to her gf (she has autism, my bf does too). It wasn't an outright rejection on friendship, but bf went extra suicidal after hearing that, and I tried as hard as I could to say the right things and be supportive of him, not guilting him, etc. He did eventually calm down and realized he was relying too much on what this girl thinks of him and it is very unhealthy.
Now after this episode he said he needed space, but I got insecure and asked him if he still wants to be with me. He got angry and repeated he needed his space.
I'm just at a loss and hope he's going to be okay. I still care so much about him and worry constantly now that things are muddled because of this other girl situation. We've been together for 4 years and I don't want to lose him to anything, I love him. He's helped me through so much and we've been together through so much.
I tried to explain everything as well as I could within the character limit. Thanks for reading my venting.
Hudson Ross
There is nothing freakish or wrong about bisexuality.
Then you should try to experiment with both sides. If you end up with a guy, and you enjoy it, then there's nothing wrong with that. You're not a freak for your sexuality. It's just another facet of who you are.
Samuel Ross
Being a bisexual is the superior sexuality, you can enjoy every flavor. And I don't mean in a slut way, just a "wow everyone can be hot and the dating pool is huge" way. I absolutely love being biseuxal. Embrace it.
Asher Wilson
I'm sure it will not be me! ^^ the thread picked up and I don't think I can be of any helpful insights here. I think I will take this time to go ^^ it's nice to see so many people in here~
No user, it doesn't sound like a coping mechanism. You seem, perhaps a bit anxious but otherwise i think you're fine. I do agree with some of what others have said, it doesn't hurt to try "experiment with both sides". i do think you may be bisexual and there is nothing wrong with that.
Hudson Williams
There's a high probability that someone is crushing on you as we speak.
The important thing is that you made it. Good to have you, Jack.
For what it's worth, I commend you on your insistence in having a relationship more substantial than just sex with J. I think that's an expressly clear indication that you're developing beyond your crazy, party-going, fling-seeking lifestyle. And you're developing some self-respect in the process, by not settling to just be another option for someone else when THEY might feel lonely. Believe it or not, you're off to a good start, user, despite how you might feel.
Though, why don't you believe in yourself? You just refused a woman you were enamored with by virtue of higher principles. Give yourself a little more credit; you're a force to be reckoned with, and you can make good calls.
So, are you settling? Is that how you see it? It isn't simply because you're attracted to boys too? Be honest with yourself.
I'm glad to see you too. No sorry. I would if I could but as it stands I have pretty bad social anxiety and I struggle to make friends. Going on a date couldn't hurt if you believe that's the right first move.
And Mantis spotted it. Have you sought professional help yet?
You hinted that you're a creative type of person. What are you doing these days to ensure that you have an avenue to create? It's one of the worst things you could do to a person such as yourself: deprive them of creative endeavor.
Take care Sho! Thank you for stopping by, and I hope to see you again soon. Take good care of yourself, you hear?
I just wish I was a girl so I wouldn't feel ugly or feel guilty about wanting to date boys.
John Cox
I hear you ^^ take care of this person we know for me. I will be away for a week starting sunday. please have a good time ^^ this threads was very nice!
That is...that's a very delicate situation to find yourself in, user. It isn't hard to see why you'd feel alarmed.
The thing about romantic relationships is that they take two people. I think it's very right of you, to respect your boyfriend's wishes and give him his space. It'd be all too easy to be non-compliant and demand more from him, especially after what transpired. You're a very empathic and patient person for not giving into that impulse.
But...well, as I said before, it takes two. I'd wager he's taking this time to sort out where the two of you stand, whether or not he wants to continue the relationship. As such, it's time for you to contemplate that very real possibility that he may choose to end it, despite your wishes to remain together.
Your past history together, the two of you went through a fair amount. But by no means does that indicate that the two of you necessarily need to stick together forever. Painful as it might be, there might be a time that it comes that you two part ways.
Thank you. He's already sort of talking to me again which I guess is a good sign, I think his emotional state is just kind of a rollercoaster right now. I'm going to do my best to support him no matter what happens while trying to quell my own insecurities right now (I've always had a really bad low self-esteem/self-loathing problem). Even if that means he decides to part ways; though I think he may be too dependent on me to do that. On one hand a good thing if I want to stay with him, but maybe a double edged sword because it's not the healthiest mindset ever. Either way, it is very delicate, but I'll try to balance it.
Thank you for listening to me and taking the time to respond. I think I'll come back to these threads to help others when the time arises if I can; I'm a healthcare professional so maybe I can offer resources to others that way or something.
Kevin Perez
Hey, you're one of us. It's always a pleasure.
Have a good shift, Mantis! Take good care of yourself.
I don't think it's a settling matter, from what I'm hearing. This is guilt over being bisexual, from what I can tell. Can I ask you something? Would you feel better if you weren't a girl, but let's say an effeminate boy?
Of course. I adore that little rascal of our mutual acquaintance. Stay safe on your time away, and enjoy.
I would feel better if I was more effeminate, yes. Why do you ask?
Lucas Martinez
You're mixing up career and passions a little, I think. You can have a boring career but a lot of varied, interesting hobbies. For example, if you like computers, maybe you can check it out in your spare time. Programming is very doable without being a math wiz, I'm living proof.
Also, you could try cooking/baking fun things on the side, and for people too.
I'm the guy that was tired of those endless nights of fast love, the one in love of her friend J. I'll put on this name (i forgot how to make tripnames) so you know who am I
For one thing, I feel sort of happy for the reasons you mention. A couple of years ago I was in a similar situation, I was in love with a woman who didn't wanted to settle down and gave me the option to be just another guy. I did that in hopes of winning her, thinking that maybe she'll end up coming to her senses and settling down with me. That never happened and in the process i hurt myself. For one thing i'm content of being able to avoid that mistake. Of being able to state I wanted her. But for the moment I don't feel thats enough to take the blues out of me... I don't know why I have those self condidence issues. They're not as usual as they were years ago. They are there, in a little subconscious hideout, but I say I have more moments in wich I shine. Maybe its my past, my relationship with my father, the fact I am a very sensible person that gladly is starting to see how good that is. It alw ays feels like girls don't want a Helmut Newton, but some sort of Conan The Barbarian. Something, perhaps, that feels a little like a trophy to show. I don't know.... its like I assume she's gonna end up falling for other guy, I can't even put the enough energy on myself to not have such bad thought. It always happens, and besides she might atleast recognize what a toxic relationship might be, but at the same time she has a tendency on falling into them sometimes. I don't blame her of nothing. I'll still be at her side as the friend that loves me, even if it hurts me. I don't wanna be far from her side.
I just don't know what to do. Do I have a chance? Do I give up and become a celibate? Do I bet on a future besides her?
Jacob Gomez
Mm, I certainly see your concern. It isn't the healthiest mindset to have while in a relationship, being so dependent on your romantic partner (or liking that your romantic partner is so dependent of you) but in all honesty, there is no ideal relationship is there? Each and every relationship is going to have it's eccentricities and toxic elements.
But that's where what I would surmise 'true' love takes over. The willingness to work on those problems, rather than discarding the person because things have proven to be too difficult.
I hope things turn out for the best, user, I really do. Keep me updated, won't you? And I appreciate your willingness to help! Thank you so much.
Because I'd rather not have you go to the most extreme option and declare yourself trans. So, what kind of things are you doing to express your femininity?
>So, what kind of things are you doing to express your femininity? I crossdress frequently, sometimes I shave my whole body, but ultimately I'm just not young anymore. I've never even been on a date before and now it's probably too late :(
Carter Gomez
What can I do to stop fantasizing about being raped?
>I don't feel thats enough to take the blues out of me... You wouldn't want that anyway, user. These feelings of heartbreak that grip you? Consider them part of the experience. The experience of fully living a developed romantic life. It comes with the territory. Take heart in knowing that some people live their whole lives without ever really feeling what you're going through, mostly because of cowardice or some other self-limitation. You feel this sting, and know that it won't be the end of you. You're going to recover from this.
As for what women want? Well, it's no secret in my estimation: women are people too, and most people don't know what the Hell they want. So instead of trying to anticipate what she wants you to be, when she doesn't even know herself, is fruitless. Be as you are and strive to be the person you wish to be.
Practically-speaking, however, I recommend you take it easy for now. No more fast love, limit the amount of time you're spending concerning yourself with J. Develop other parts of your life. Put her on the proverbial backburner for the time being and let her feelings play out whichever way they might. Meanwhile, you do you.
It's a common fantasy/fetish to have. So long as it isn't causing you any harm, there's no reason to be alarmed.
This concludes the thread for tonight. I'll be back next Tuesday at the same time. If anyone would like to talk further, please feel free to reach out to me on Discord. My contact info is listed on a pic above.
A fantasy is a fantasy, unless you are taking some sort of steps to try to make that particular one a reality, i don't think it's much of a problem.
Joshua Ward
I'm still surprised You took a liking to him ^^ now I will go for sure. have to get at least 4 hours of rest (ó﹏ò。) have all the best, 2B! I hate to distract You from the thread with my chitchats. just realy wanted to talk to you!
Go away Lunar Lander, literally all of Jow Forums is here doing what you're doing.
You don't have confidence issues you have commitment issues. What she's going to do is end up fucking around until she finds another guy like you, because she won't be able to get over you, just like she did wi. You know what. Go, lover. I will never want to be just friends with you and you've obviously got issues
Hudson Allen
Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for your wisdom. For your insight. Maybe I had doubts, not on what do particularly but on what BE. As if I was subconciously asking myself "do I have to be more seductive now so she falls for me? Or more moderate?"you showed me, I just have to be myself. The same she always liked. Her feelings, the income, its not in ny hand isn't it? I stated what I want. I do life with her from time to time and just being who am I, wich results in life feeling a little easier for both of us. It's on her,I dont have to try hard....
Your first part of your response was enlighting. I do feel, after reading it, bitterly lucky. I say bitterly because still i'ma little sad of the outcome. Lucky because as you said, it was furtherproof that I love, and that is one thing people might not experience. It's bitter when you love and the outcome is so sudden, like those girls during summer whom I met through some crazy nights and whose eyes shined as they looked at mine. Dancing slowly with them, those feelings don't leave me.
It does't leave me the feeling I felt that night caressing J's hair. I felt for once like the man I've always wanted to be. Just there, making feel safe the one I love.
Leo Brooks
Plenty of people haven't dated at 24
Nathaniel Cooper
yeah like 2B because shes incapable of love
Ryan Thompson
2b is a literal psychopath without empathy who is using you for their own gain. avoid at all costs. look at the archive to see how she treats the suicidal and mentally ill. avoid.
Liam Rivera
that's pretty harsh user.
Luke Baker
except none of you are girls. girls dont talk like darth vader if he had asthma
Luis Rodriguez
yes it is harsh for her to treat suicidal anons like they are toys and not people like a psycho
Brayden Morgan
Honesty is not always gentle but can make a valuable difference. Only a fool would mistake the blunt honesty sometimes needed for lack of empathy or compassion.
Parker Diaz
one of you anons was having problems with their love interest deciding between you and someone else, did that ever get resolved?
Ryan Baker
I think I can, I think I can. I am a stay at home Dad with bad credit who is too lazy to sign up for welfare. What do you do when your wife works minimum wage but won't actually try to invest in anything but still sees no problem overpaying for fastfood. I get motivated one day only to be crushed by the reality that my son is only 2 and still needs constant care. in before y'all call me a princess. I feel I suffered enough for my younger self's actions. Death seems to elude me even though I'm sure I should have already been dead. It feels like I am stuck in purgatory. Please. Everyone I know is too poor to help me.
Lucas Young
I've given up on girls and pretty much everything. I can't even get my license. And I'm getting a prostitute today since it will be cheaper than going to the gym, buying new clothes which won't even guarantee you sex.