I just want an over 6ft guy who is funny and has a job he likes who is not a cheater or porn addict. Am I hoping for too much?
Is this unrealistic?
I just want an over 6ft guy who is funny and has a job he likes who is not a cheater or porn addict. Am I hoping for too much?
Is this unrealistic?
Depends on what you're like yourself.
Thank you for the valuable input.
Side question..
What kind of girls do these mysterious tall beings like?
I've known 1 tall man but he is an unconfirmed borderline pedophile so I blocked him...not going to take a risk there thanks.
Perhaps you should first ask yourself why you want a tall man. From there you will see what they want.
I find height very attractive. I'm instantly drawn in by a tall man.
Yeah? When i beat the shit out of you then you will want to fuck me too. Stupid bitch.
What a strange thing to say user.
I'm not really into bdsm but thank you for the offer nevertheless.
how much is 6ft in non retarded system?
>over 180cm
Depends where you live. In asia it is impossible. In europe pretty much everybody is taller than this.
It is proven fact that women smile and laught when in presence of attractive people. So you dont want funny guy, you want guy who you percieve as attractive.
>not a cheater
This is kinda hard. Aproximately 40% of populations are cheaters and almost everybody cheats at least once during their marriage.
>not porn addict
It is debatable about how much is porn addict. But i have read about one failed research about porn: they were looking for male candidates which havent been in contact with porn. And guess what: they didnt find anybody withing these criteria.
Swallow the hard truth: EVERY SINGLE MAN IS WATCHING PORN. Even the religion raised. They just hide the fact.
And now to the most impostant question: to how many boys have you given your phone number? Write your number on piece of paper, add symbol of heart and then gove it to boys you like. Maybe some of them will call or text you back :-)
pathetic "shy guy" trying to score
You will be
You say that's all you want, but it isn't. If you'd meet a guy like that, and he didn't have other qualities you want, you'd ditch him and rationalize it later. People aren't checklists you can just go through.
>It is proven fact that women smile and laught when in presence of attractive people. So you dont want funny guy, you want guy who you percieve as attractive.
I like comedic type guys.
>not a cheater
This is kinda hard. Aproximately 40% of populations are cheaters and almost everybody cheats at least once during their marriage.
I don't mind occasional porn but there are too many guys who depend on it to get off. I don't want a guy who watches porn all the time.
>And now to the most impostant question: to how many boys have you given your phone number?
Only 3 since my break up last year.
>Write your number on piece of paper, add symbol of heart and then gove it to boys you like. Maybe some of them will call or text you back :-)
This is cute. When I see the next over 6ft cutie I will do this. :) thank you user!!
Pls no rape.
LOL that's literally all I want. A nice happy tall man.
virgin freak
OP is gay or a tranny or bait.
I'm very female born and raised.
Why do you have this weird fetish for tall men? Do you also have a fetish for fat men? Or gingers?
I found one, it's not that unrealistic. Though he is exactly 6ft, not over, but I don't see why that would be a dealbreaker.
Given that you take selfies with snapchat filters and attention-whore on Jow Forums, your value is likely not high enough to attract a guy your type.
Well you’re as shallow as a faggot looking for a foot long dick and not content with anything less. Check yourself and check your standards.
Married to a 6'3 guy here.
Im 4'11, baby face, cute doe eyes, hourglass figure. This guy is pretty right tho Although honestly? Idk if your post is bait or not bc i was in a relationship 5'4 guy for quite some time. I dont really know if other women are so vain as to go all out with this "6+" tall required!!!!" Mentality.
Sure, when a guy is tall its a nice bonus. But it isnt a requirement. What if your soulmate was 5'11 3/4? Would you pass him just bc he didnt fit that exact standard? Do you go to dates with measuring tape?
No. Sorry user. I'm sure you'll find someone special though.
6ft isn't a dealbreaker but just a preference.
>tfw 5'11 3/4
You are married to 6'3 guy and you dare to speak about being vain? Fuck off womanlet
>Is this unrealistic?
Not at all, guys like that exist. But a lot depends on you, like how attractive you are (not only in appearance), if you happen to have compatible personality with a guy like that, share hobbies with them and so on. Obviously if you are a landwhale, a mental case or a butterface getting a guy like this isn't very realistic. They are in high demand usually.
I attract guys they just don't have these key characteristics. I'm just wondering if I'm being unrealistic. Pic is not mine it's a funny video a friend sent! I don't have Snapchat only KiK!
I do take selfies on occasion though.
Do tall guys have foot long dicks?! I did not know this. That would hurt...
I don't believe in romantic soulmates Femanon. I believe we can make special connections to multiple people. But if I really did have a soulmate, it is my best friend since I was 10. Being over 6ft is not a requirement and my previous bf was 5ft6, balding and had a 4inch penis. I'm not materialistic or shallow but if I had to choose my perfect man, this is what he would be.
Am I really being unrealistic? I didn't think I was...
I hope you are right user!
I'm 5'4 and not unattractive. I'm not a landwhale and I like conversation. Men will approach but I can also be painfully shy at the start!
You sound like an insufferable cunt. No wonder men only see you as good for pump and dump and nothing more.
Shut the fuck up jesus chrsit. MEN APROACH ME LOL IM WOMAN LOOK AT ME. You women are mistake.
You don't sound attractive, but that may be just the way you write. In any case, maybe try asking out/flirting with guys who meet your requirements?
They see me as more, which can be a problem. I like to take things slow and they usually want to become a boyfriend very quickly! I've only had sex with my ex for now and hoping to get out there a bit more.
LOL that's very funny user. I don't know if I'm attractive but that's what I get told. I am comfortable with myself though!
How do you know if you're attractive anyway?
Sorry :(
I thought that's what this board is for. You don't have to participate user. It's nice getting some insight on our delusions or expectations though, right? I hope you have a lovely day!
If you leave man who took your virginity then you are worthless whore. I hope you will die.
Usually when you get compliments from people who are not your mum, auntie or bestie, you can assume that you are attractive. What I meant is that you sound unattractive personality-wise, again something that may be cause by your writing style or just my own likes and dislikes.
Jesus Christ, i am so sorry 5'4 incels are screeching at you for them not being your type and making fun of you because theyre insecure. Honestly, your type isn't all that specific. 6ft, not cheating or porn addicts are kind of everywhere! but i would also say that no one is gonna be perfect and that you're gonna have to get used to it but yeah, you're good.
You sound foreign! Where are you from?
We will all die, so your hopes will come true one day!
im 5'11 and belive me i can dunk anyone over 6'. I have done it many times before. The bigger they are the better they fall. Tall people have shittest centre of gravity. No matter how tall they are they are unfit for survival. I dont know why girls like tall freaks when they cant outfight smaller men.
It's a fetish thing for her, she's short af herself
It's not fetish thing. She is just worthless whore who will hit 30 childless and then will wonder where are all good men. She will die like slut as god intended.
That does happen! I don't look at myself and say wow you are so attractive but I'm happy with what I see.
That's very interesting. I've never been attracted or not attracted to someone purely based on typing. Then again I only type to those I know irl...generally.
If I get to slut tier by 30, I will be so proud of myself and die happily!
Look at this whiteknighting lanklet virgin. You're so thirsty it's painful to read.
It's supposed to be the natural thing to want a strong man with a stable income who is not a cheater....but Ask yourself this : do you really deserve such a man ?
You should post nudes on /soc/ to get validation and a confidence boost.
Girls don't like tall men. They just say they do. The fact is that women don't know what they want in a man.
You will die childless on streets. Your old hand will reach out but none of your sons or daughters will be there to catch it. Worthless sluts like you are unfit for surival and future of manking.
I'm happy with what I see as well, but comparing myself with people who are thought to be beautiful (models, actors, celebs praised for their beauty) I can assess that I'm somewhere around average. That being said, being happy with who you are and how you look makes you more attractive. And your typing style is off because you needlessly abuse exclamation marks, it makes you sound fake and dismissive, as if you were using baby talk or wanted to sound passive-aggressive.
Based on looks? Sure. Based on personality? It depends what his expectations are and if he can meet mine too.
I always go for personality over looks but l I was asked what my dream guy would be, so it got me thinking.
I don't like that board.
user, I do.
>I only like tall men
>I've had exactly one bf and he was short
Not true, my type is tall + skinny combo with a baby face
Idk why
If not /soc/ then /b/. There are plenty of boards where you can post your nudes.
I have modeled and danced and yes! I think I try to mimic my talking tones and translate it via text. I do a lot of that now that you point it out.
/b/ moves too quickly! I never understood how people enjoyed that board.
Is the robots board still around? Are you a member of r9k?
Laught more slut. I will laugh last in next 30 years. Cool wine anut.
im ashamed it took me this long to recognize the bait
You also shouldn't be racist. Try to find love in your life. I know it's hard for brown people and history hasn't been kind but your other thread is very hateful user. Be kind. Isn't that what your culture teaches?
My culture teaches to rip out heart of all sluts. Maybe Americans should learn thing or two.
I'm not American...you must be an Israeli.
Where are you from then
Do you really think I am telling an angry racist stranger on a Tibetan image board where I am? The answer is no.
Here's a clue, very far away from you specifically in all realms of life and thereafter.
As you wish.
>think I try to mimic my talking tones and translate it via text
Must be really cringu if you speak like that irl
Opposed to monotone?
>A job he likes
This is highly unrealistic. Something like 11% of people in the entire world likes their job.
They're we go. Now he has to be happy too.
You do realise that when you speak you have more means to underline mood of your utterance? You don't have to exclaim all the time, there are things such as tone, accent and word stress as well
You're not allowed to post pics of yourself on Jow Forums unfortunately.
>tfw 1,85 cms
>tfw 16 dick
>tfw pretty attractive
>tfw nofap, noporn lifestyle
>tfw think cheating is disgusting
>tfw too autistic to pick women
All of my conversation points revolve around videogames AAAAAAAHHH
Do you read books or something? I'd try to woo you, but I'm not into vidya
Depnds how you look and if you're a roastie
180 centi I think
I'm not into video games but you can tell me all about it as long as I get to sit in your lap.
Op tall guys are hot as fuck and really get my attention when one is around.
The only normie thing I've read is Harry Potter, nowadays I only read obscure science fiction.
If I was with a girl I wouldn't force my endless explanation of bloodborne lore upon you. Tell you the truth if a woman would love me despite my autism I would be their fucking slave.
You remind me of a guy I used to talk to online. Does your name start with A?
>I've known 1 tall man but he is an unconfirmed borderline pedophile so I blocked him...not going to take a risk there thanks.
>LOL that's literally all I want
Looks like you lost your chance
No. I know many guys, and I'm like this myself. You're going to the wrong places.
If those are youre criteria for a man, i would never get with your ass.
Nope, F
Fucking hell adv, I thought you were better than this.
>everyone biting the bait
Lots of height-based bait threads today. Did a tall guy get cucked again?
yeah you're a shallow person, not hard to see.
manlet detected
Sounds like me 2bh.
Although i am anti social but you didnt mention that.
I have a steady full time job with a decent apartment, i am 186cm and hilarious.
I will get you into western europe if you marry me
I actually don't think OP is baiting. I don't get those vibes form her.
OP, your problem isn't about height or any of that. Your biggest obstacle in accomplishing this dream is your narcissism. Your narcissism is scaring people off, blinding you to facts, and distracting you. Narcissism is never a good thing and it's a problem that you should seriously consider working on.
Am I the only one who sees nothing wrong with her requests?
I like tall guys too, who doesn't?
>having 0 standards
There's nothing wrong with liking it. When it's your primary criterion for a partner, you have problems. Who wants love reduced to a measurment of a physical trait? Do you want guy to love you for just your tits and ass?
>implying guys don't care about a girl's figure at all
>implying you have reading comprehension
>implying you are able to get the bigger picture
>being a girl without choosing at least some characteristics when having to choose from an ocean of potential mates when "random encounter instant love based purely on chemistry" doesn't happen
>Is this unrealistic?
I think this thread indicates YES
Did you not read the thread?
Go back and read it properly.
Tall guys are almost always ideal anyway, if we are being honest.
They arent "potential mates"
A hot girl can get any guy, sure, but she will get fucked and dumped like anyone else. If you are too picky this will happen to you.
You should judge men based on how similar your life goals and values are too, not just physical traits. By doing so, you reducue both of you to sex objects.
>further proving his point
>not a cheater
no solution. if they were in the past they will again
>or porn addict
fuck your man, often. that simple