Ex Threw away my furniture

I was dating a guy when my apartment lease expired so I just moved in with him. I ended up meeting a better guy so I packed up my clothes and valuables and left one day while he was at work.

I texted him that we should see other people and that I'll be back in a week to move my furniture out. The day we were going to pick up my furniture, my ex says he threw it all away.

I demanded he replace my furniture or pay me to replace it or I'll sue him. He said he'll sue me for not paying rent. But I'm not on the lease and I never agreed to pay rent and he never asked for rent money when we were together.

Any suggestions what I should do? I have evidence of my furniture and him admitting he threw it away while he has no evidence that I agreed to pay rent. So it should be an easy court victory for me, no?

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Not a legal expert but it does sound like you're 100% in the right. Well, outside of ever dating an immature piece of shit.

>I was dating a guy when my apartment lease expired so I just moved in with him. I ended up meeting a better guy so I packed up my clothes and valuables and left one day while he was at work.
I'm not surprised he did that. It was wrong of him, but who the fuck do something like OP did? It's beyond cold and cruel

Killing yourself for being an ice cold bitch sounds accurate. Just in case this isn't bait

What else was I supposed to do? I mean, I just don't have it in me to look at guy in the eyes and tell him we're over. It feels like I'm killing him. A text is short and safe for both of us

I hope this is a bait, because I have hard time believing there are bitches out there like yourself. You used his resources and then dumped him when a better guy looked twice your way and didn't have the decency to break up with him like an adult person but just stole away when he was at work. I wish you the worst luck in life, doing something like this is the lowest low.

Given how the guy is clearly unstable, she obviously did the right thing.

He invited me to live with him. I didn't make him do anything.

You deserve what happened. A text is not short and safe for both, is terrible.
You fucked up OP, what you did was really stupid and you know it. You exposed yourself to the risk, what you did is the same than leaving your belongings with your worst enemy, except he wasn't at first, but you did transform him into it.
My advice is forget about this whole deal, admit your fault and the fact that loosing your furniture is punishment, and move on.
Also change the way you manage your relationships in the first place

But you accepted the invitation and lived there rent-free... wtf, do you have no decency at all?

The guy must be mad/desperate if he ended up dating a cold bitch like that, I bet red flags were all over the place. It's not like OP is stable, by the way

Breaking up with someone doesn't give you the right to destroy their property. If he wanted me to move my stuff out sooner he should have said so instead of just throwing it away

What indicates the OP being unstable outside of dating that guy; which might be down to shitty financial circumstances. Sure, you could accuse her of being cold but that's just an overly emotional way to call her pragmatic.

Also what's with the talk about decency, she literally doesn't owe him a thing. Telling him that they should see other people is just an obvious fact and doing it over text was obviously a safer choice given his reaction. Who knows what he'd did to her if they were alone.

So if someone invites me to a party and I accept and I put my phone down somewhere, they have the right to steal it? No, of course not.

Plus I'm not cold. I just don't like confrontation and do my best to avoid it...

>Breaking up with someone doesn't give you the right to destroy their property
Is not that you broke up with him, is HOW you broke up with him.
I don't think he wanted to move your stuff sooner, he just wanted to harm you, and with good reason.
Again, accept the punishment and move on. The alternative is someone doxing you to find your ex and feeding him legal advice on how to prove your fault on paying rent

He's unstable because he won't let his ex use his place as her personal warehouse?

No, but leaving your property at someone's home for a week gives them the right to destroy it.

Then he should've just told her to get the shit right away. No stable person would throw such a hissy fit over a break up not being delivered in a way they liked.

The period is WAY longer than that.

the phone example isn't even near of what you did, dumbass
guess what bitch, life is about confrontation, and breaking up with someone face to face doesn't necessarily have to be part of it. is the least sign of respect you can have with someone. I meant you lived with this guy for christ sake, and just out of the blue you are announcing you want to see other people (which is worst than just saying "is over")
OP I wish you are bait because you have made me angry reading your shitty attitude

You are cold and you are a coward, I hope life will fuck you over

That's just shitty, if she lived with him then I assume their relationship was serious. Basic decency and also being a mature human being would require having a normal conversation with him and breaking up in a normal way instead of just running away when he was at work. He disposed of her furniture most likely because she treated him like a trash provider who means absolutely nothing to her. If they were a serious couple then yes, she owned him something. Thats how relationships work.

>with good reason
Uh, no.

Uh, yeah
>nice argument

>I assume their relationship was serious.
It was serious enough to tolerate living with each other. Maybe there was more but how does it matter?
>being a mature human being would require having a normal conversation with him and breaking up in a normal way instead of just running away when he was at work
Ideally yes. And while she did sound immature initially, his reaction more than justifies her option. Throwing away her stuff is irrational behaviour from someone who lets emotion overrule their action, which can make a person dangerous. Can't blame anyone for wanting to avoid a confrontation with someone like that. Especially a female, given how often they end up on the victim side of domestic abuse.
>He disposed of her furniture most likely because she treated him like a trash provider who means absolutely nothing to her.
Feelz are irrelevant when we talk about stuff costing money. She could've called him a cuck lord with a micro dick, it still wouldn't justify his action.
>If they were a serious couple then yes, she owned him something. Thats how relationships work.
While they last. This one clearly ended. She announced the end. Maybe not in the best possible way but not in one that even remotely justifies him going cray on her shit.

>his reaction more than justifies her option
Are you retarded? She caused that reaction, you are telling things backwards. If she had talk to him and broke up in his eyes, she'd still have her furniture. Learn to logic, user.

>not in the best possible way but not in one that even remotely justifies him
Well this is where we disagree
Breaking up face to face cost $0. Breaking up by text is family violence, I think it may cost something like $500, which is probably the cost of all this bitch's furniture

Go fuck yourself for defending this piece of crap

Fucking Roastie your shit deserved to be tossed in the trash

>She caused that reaction
Nope, no and nah. She broke up with him, all she caused was the end of the relationshit. How he reacted towards it is 100% down to him.
>If she had talk to him and broke up in his eyes, she'd still have her furniture.
Or might be stuffed inside of it. Who knows.
>Breaking up by text is family violence
Negro what.
>Go fuck yourself for defending this piece of crap
Oh wow, someone else not in control of their emotion.

small claims court, though honestly was that shit even worth anything? your new bf broke or something and doesnt have furniture?

>She broke up with him, all she caused was the end of the relationshit

Again, learn to logic. She broke up with him BY TEXT MESSAGE.
Maybe there is something I haven't considered in this deal, maybe rules of the happening have changed and post events can become causes of previous events. Also now something can exists and not exists at the same time and circumstances, and a part of something can be bigger than the whole, who knows

The truth is, we don't know the guy. Was he violent, was OP scared of him? If no, then his emotional reaction was probably triggered by the fact that his guy found herself a new guy behind his back, didn't respect him enough to break up with him in a traditional way. In any case, I don't think her bf had any obligation to keep her stuff for a week. It was his place and she didn't pay the rent. I'm not sure how law works in this case so I may be wrong.

Op, did he even respond to your text and agreed to keep your stuff for that week?

His girl*

bait thread

>She broke up with him BY TEXT MESSAGE.
Still a break up. He's free to call her a cunt over text. Or send a picture of cumming on her mothers face. No kind of breakup justifies him destroying stuff he doesn't own.

>It was his place and she didn't pay the rent.
Pretty sure you are not allowed to destroy stuff someone left at your place in a fit of rage. It goes under involuntary bailment; but the time one is obliged to keep it depends on the local legislation, but generally one week sounds reasonable and actually pretty short. (Thought I'd tell her to eat a dick and pick up the shit right away; and we do not know how he responded)

5 sec of googling gave me: divorceattorneynyc.com/how-do-i-legally-get-his-stuff-removed-from-my-house/

>Still a break up
Honestly I don't know this is bait or you just don't have any practical life experience. Either case I am not going to argue with you about this: Breaking up by text or phone is one of the lowest forms of terminating a commitment, and speaks of a mentally ill person with serious emotional issues who might border the sociopathy.
If this justifies or not any further actions, we will never agree on it. I just thought you should take your head off your ass and seriously consider what OP did.

>Breaking up by text or phone is one of the lowest forms of terminating a commitment
>speaks of a mentally ill person with serious emotional issues who might border the sociopathy.
Nope. (Unless you have some data to prove this)
>and seriously consider what OP did
OP broke up with some immature idiot. Great call. Now she can even profit from him being an immature idiot and get money for new stuff.

>Sure, nope
I said I won't argue with you about this. It's laughable you ask for data: go outside, ask people, or involve in a relationship and terminate it by phone. Then see how it goes.
>Now she can even profit from him being an immature idiot and get money for new stuff.
Awwww I know what you are now, you little troll! You where doing good but here you just dropped your spaguetti. And to think I was considering you honestly thought what you were posting.
Good one, you have good baiting skills, you just lack a little bit, a hair of poker posting to perfection your habilities. But you are on the good road.

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sue him and you will win. check into small claims court


w o r s t b a i t e v e r

>you're not allowed to get mad at someone you thought you could trust but goes and pisses all over your entire life and treats you like a subhuman by cheating on you and breaking up like a coward
All shes missing is the preemptive restraining order to be as much of an asshole as she possibly could be.

Sounds like a guy who doesn't let people walk all over him. I'm sure his next girl will actually appreciate that.

>I was dating a guy when my apartment lease expired so I just moved in with him. I ended up meeting a better guy so I packed up my clothes and valuables and left one day while he was at work.

Bait detected

Fuck women, just want to use you
I ain't the one and neither was he
You got what you deserve you cheating whore

He is under no obligation to keep your stuff after you abandoned it