>match a girl
>get along
>she sends me this
What the fuck, Jow Forums? I thought that if I had a good personality and took care of my personal hygiene and image I wouldn't get shit for something that I couldn't change? How do I cope with this?
Match a girl
Move on. Shallow bitches care about height/money/status etc. Get someone that likes someone for your personality or its doomed from the beginning.
Protip: lie about it and fuck her once
Most girls only want tall men. You deal with it by accepting reality.
>women on dating apps are shallow
Wow more news at 10
Suck it up this shit happens
>using dating apps
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHa, I bet you paid money for the pro version too, HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
>Most girls only want tall men
But user I thought your external appearance wasn't that important for dating
Samething happened to me. She asked. Me after the fact we agreed to get together. Luckily I'm 6 ft tall so I don't have to worry about being rejected because of my height but still it was a scummy thing to ask and made me question if I still wanted to get together with her. How tall are you user?
>good personality
>spergs out over a simple question
As for her weight.
Short guys are not great to date. Sorry.
This, or ask her what her shoe size is or something
She’s shallow and rude.
>what’s your number?
>lolz that’s irrelevant how tall r u
>ranting on an anonymous board reflects your irl behavior
Would you date a girl who had alopecia??
Why should she settle for less? (Literally)
Don't even bother replying. If she's the type that thinks height is a deal breaker then she's not worth pursuing.
Obviously it does. For example it indicates that user is the type who'd rant online about a fucking tinder line, which is quite off-putting.
I'd probably pass on her but if you had to reply just say your on the shorter side. If she asks again just your 5'7 Ik it's lying but she's definitely not dating worthy so it doesn't matter.
Or maybe she's just testing how user reacts to dumb shit.
>Would you date a girl who had alopecia??
I would. What's your point?
>just say your on the shorter side
Sounds as faggy as "big boned". If he's going to answer, anything less than "I am pretty much a midget" is a waste of time.
kek, I see you can't handle being contradicted
Literally in my entire life I've never encountered a girl with that medical condition. I cannot answer your question because I've never gotten into that situation.
You're short bro. That means your genetic trash to most girls, sorry bro.
well? how tall are you?
I actually had that happen once, I told her I'm just under 6'2 but she seems like a shallow whore so I'll pass on meeting up. She called me an asshole
(I'm actually 5'10)
Good job
Those bitches need beating hard. Im 6'2 but if any girl would ever ask me this i would immediatelly punch her face with all my force. Even if they are joking.
Sounds like a perfect question to filter crazies and insecure manlets then.
You're probably gonna fuck up more chances with that question than filter any possible psycho.
You fucking women think they will tolerate you this. You are protected by beta fucks all your life you get everything you ask for. I had to suffer to get girl. My hands are the one of slave. You dare to ask any guy for their height. Well let me ask you for your weight then. Fucking slut.
*sucks black cock*
At the same time you'll get one step closer to quality mates who can handle a stupid question. Besides, it's not like women on dating sites are short of options.
Falseflaging is for fags, user.
I'd never ask someone their height unless we were discussing appearance. My ex was tall and I hate to admit, it was nice feeling so small in his arms.
This is more like female bingo. Females cant be lonely or virgins they are protected by everyone. Sheltered all their life.
>doubling down after being called out
This is getting silly, man.
Bait. This gets posted on several boards occasionally.
Epic meme man xD
You can’t possibly believe this
When you posted this last time, you said you are 5'7".
Whatever you think roasty toasty.
Oh yea waman? Have you ever been in fight for your life? Have you struggled to get partner? Or perhaps do you have such luxury to show weakness like i dont? You live life on easy mode compared to me who have hell difficulty in every aspect of life. Roasty
Reply with "what's your bra size?" Or "how much do you weigh?"
just lie you faggot.. you really think women know how to measure heights? i have a short friend and fucks left and right..
well, how tall are you?
Daily reminder that OP is baiting. Stop giving him (You)s. OP is in fact 6'3" and a virgin.
If baiting means how women really are then yes im baiting.
Kek you got me. Yes I got the photo out of r9k but I'm actually 5'5, and I've literally been told that "You're such a good guy, a shame you're so short"
Why don't you go back though?
That's life op. The short, fat and balding men and women come last.
user what the fuck were you doing on r9k?
Because it pleases me to show how worthless you women are. You are nothing. Now go fuck tall guys it will make your little ego feel better.
you guys are pathetic if you can't get bingo on this shit. Go outside and do something with your life for a change, damn
Eh, given how it's going to be the only time when women please you ... there should be some pity clause. Keep shitposting then. Hope it keeps you from offing yourself.
>ignoring the guy who contradicts your arguments
>having 10 fucking friends
>going to festivals
>wasting weekends for going out
>falling for the prom meme
>using spyware
No, thank you.
He's obviously a butt-blasted manlet and it probably showed before she got to his height.
>not fat not checked
Worry not toasty ill wait for you to hit 30 you will be childless because of all that cock you had you was unable to pick anyone. No no sweetie hope those tall guys will give you dick after you hit your expiration date.
diagonal counts r-right?
>virgin thinks he has the social credit to call out fatties
So close but no cigar.
Older women look better than younger girls these days. I prefer them anyway.
Yep. Congrats.
>went to roadtrip with friends
>went to concert with friends
>has 10+ friends
>goes out on weekends
>never tried recreational drugs
Are you a christfag or something?
Jokes on you roasty i dont care about worthless social credit. What even is social credit? Something you spend on clothes perhaps? Of course you are delusional.
Sure thing roasty
Stop communication. Asking about hight is like asking about the size of her tits. Sure she may be attracted to tall guys but it's shallow. Would you lose interest in a girl if she had small tits? If yes you are shallow too but there is nothing wrong with being shallow. The thing is that no one likes shallow people.
This went better than my calculations suggested.
I go to church at christmas, but nothing more than that.
I just don't see the appeal of drugs. I doubt they will get me more girlfriends.
If anything on that chart would, it would be to get in better shape.
>asking =/= being shallow =/= losing interest
Every question has an underlying reason to be asked. Don't be dishonest
You're just being overly sensitive faggots. Height and tit size are interesting things to know about; normally it happens organically either way but if it doesn't, why not just ask? I actually prefer tall girls with small tits but they are relatively rare, so obviously it's not a KO criterium, but better to know what the person offers right away.
Also how the fuck is being attracted to certain traits even shallow? I fucking love pale chicks, why would be not getting instant boners over the female cousin of the Argentinian negro be shallow? Or some fat chick? Her personality might be awesome, which is great and all but obviously it's not all and can't be all.
No one is saying that being shallow is bad but women will lie just to say they arent shallow they are very dishonest creatures. Cheat man once and he will spend his whole life to take you down.
But it's not necessary being shallow. Some traits are just off-putting to some people. Seeing a fat chick makes my dick shrink, why wouldn't some girl's pussy dry up over a 5'5 manlet? No one can be attractive for everyone.
Being fat is choice being small is not.
He's mad because height isn't an "attraction" thing. It's a qualifying thing. No matter how attractive a man's other qualities are, he has to meet a minimum height or none of his other traits will even be considered.
It's like meeting a girl with a really big nose. She can't help it but you're just not into it.
If your parents were idiots and let you get fat, getting in shape is ridiculously hard afterwards, especially if you're a poorfag in Murica. The lifestyles in the first world barely changed while motherfuckers got fatter and fatter because of the horrible food.
Besides, there are tons of unattractive traits that are even harder to control, whether it's skin colour, face shape, height, and whatever else. And twice as many things when it comes to personality, skills, achievements and so on. Whether it was a choice or not is irrelevant when it comes to finding something attractive or off-putting.
Who told you that can you read my mind? I wouldnt care if she has biggest jew nose in the world. Are you projecting your insecurities on me roasty? Seems like it.
So? If some dude is into big tits, a flat girl might have all the other qualities but she still won't be even considered either. Tall chicks don't have it too easy either. Big deal.
I would never date a girl with a really big nose so used that as example Jesus you really do have manlet syndrome
>how tall are you
>oh thank god/ohdamn/daddy/good
Literally the one thing I’m not self conscious about
You cant possibly think that any girl who asks man for height/money/possesions has any redeeming qualities
Toasty you can lie on internet all you want but i see throught your facade like god. Do you think any woman can cheat me? Im pro you stupid whoroslut.
That's not true at all though. Girls aren't rejected due to lack of tits. Dudes will fuck her small tittied body, and prowl for a girl with bigger tits tomorrow. If he can't find a girl with big tits, he'll go for a girl with small tits again. It's not a disqualifying factor, it's a preference. A girl would rather stay alone than accept the company of a guy who isn't tall enough.
It just hurts to know that no matter how good you get at something or improve yourself, it doesn't matter if you're short. That's all. No other agenda, no deeper meaning.
Visit Jow Forumsincels and cool off a bit. Seems you don’t even like women, why do you care who they date?
This guy is a nutbag
I dont care who they date but i care how they act. Like spoiled brats who get everything they ask for.
>Dudes will fuck her small tittied body, and prowl for a girl with bigger tits tomorrow.
If he's someone who cares about just fucking someone, and not desirable enough to have other choices. A quality dude who is into huge tits, is going to pass on a small tits girl and pick the cow tits one. So the small tits girl ends with rejects the other girls didn't want in this scenario, no matter how much she improves.
>no matter how good you get at something or improve yourself, it doesn't matter if you're short
You can replace short with any other fucking trait, it might be still a KO criteria for someone.
>pussy envy
Most girls on dating sites are looking for a trophy.
If they look like they could easily get a date then they probably dont need to meet with any dudes and still have dudes throw themselves at them so they can choose the cream of the crop.
How is that pussy envy. You are fucking brats. Do you even have any hobbies other than sucking cocks? Have you been interested in something? You live your life like mindless whores and the worst thing is that if someone looks bad at you they are imediatelly ostracized. Dont make me laught toasty. You are nothing but vagina without any creative thought.
Dude who's really really into big tits here, but they're definitely not equivalent to height. A girl can still be attractive if she literally has no visible breasts, but a fat chick with HHH cups is still a fat chick.
I genuinely can't tell whether this dude is serious or trolling anymore.
I wouldn’t date anyone with so little tact and such a sense of entitlement. I’ve met some pretty horrible women I really enjoyed talking to; there’s more to a successful relationship than blindly following your emotions.
Of course you cant. You just wait when someone else tell you if im trolling or not. Thats what you always do wait for people to tell you what to do.
You sure are seething mad. Posting all day about how you hate short men, to try to cope with you being tall and a virgin.
I was created primarily to suck my tall boyfriend's big cock all day, yes.
My life is on easy mode :)