Born in shitty small town

>born in shitty small town
>try to leave for years
>nothing works cant have a job because im trapped in the middle of nowhere
>finally find a way to make money and get enough saved up to leave
>as soon as I finally start figuring out how to leave
>I fuck up get arrested put on probation
>try to transfer probation
>find out because of the probation program im in I cant even try to transfer for a year

this is so fucked. nothing ever works im literally always going to be trapped here

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Your threads suck and are just bullshit venting. Why can't you be satisfied with just making these on Jow Forums?

You fucked up deal with it.

I got fucked over one tiny mistake and my area is the only place that punishes hard as fuck for that

Yeah I'm sure your area is the only one who punishes you for whatever you did. What did you do anyways?

its a dui its a misdemeanor everywhere else with barely any punishment but in my state its fucked up the ass long ass time probation felony bull shit its a scam

stop breakening the law, or at least stop getting caught

>drives under the influence endangering all other drivers on the road and himself
>gets caught
>omg this is such a scam its so unfair omg

You are trash

>you are trash
people who shit talk people asking for help because they’re anonymous and can’t be retalited against are trash.

yeah but now im fucked its already too late. I was gonna get famous and be rich as fuck now my entire life is ruined over nothing. might as well just keep getting arrested


Le delusional adv black man face

The only help this faggot needs is a harsh wake-up call. The fact that he thinks drunk driving is no big deal is completely ignorant. Drunk driving is negligent, idiotic and dangerous. It doesn't just risk the driver's own life, but the life of everyone else anywhere near the road that night. How completely narcissistic does one have to be to just decide that their life doesn't matter and the lives of all those around them doesn't matter? The only people who could possibly feel that way are certified, actual garbage.

You can dislike me all you want, but this fucker isn't here for advice, he's here for validation and a pity party.

I almost think his story isn’t real. People are so unbelievable sometimes.

its a misdemeanor everywhere else

Rather than debate if something is bait, I just reply to everything as though it were not bait. Maybe I've been baited, but it doesn't bother me because I'll never know for certain either way, no point in worrying about it.

How is it relevant what the government in the area decides to do about the law you've broken? You still broke the law. You do the crime, you serve the time. Maybe you should fucking THINK next time before you decide to do something so monumentally stupid.

I didn't want to live here. if I lived where I wanted to and I did that I wouldn't be punished or care about my punishment or where I live. or if I lived where I wanted to I could just get an uber and not be trapped out in this country ass shit forced to break laws

the entire world is against me is all it is and I have to die to not suffer anymore. fucking sucks I didn't just crash into a tree and die but that requires good luck so here I am

OP is a spammer, he posts multiple threads a day. He even spams this shit on other boards like Jow Forums or /x/
Don't waste your time on giving him Yous

>forced to break laws

No one is forcing you to go out and drink so much you can't drive home sober, faggot. Stop this pity party bullshit and fucking man the fuck up. What are you, some 12 year old girl? Crying like a little baby because you've got entitlement syndrome and the whole world owes you exactly what you want in life. News flash, fuck face, the world doesn't owe you shit. You aren't special, no one is. If you break the law, you're gonna get punished according to the laws of the land. You can't justify it, so stop trying and do the time. It's one more year, then you can move away. Spend the time saving up even more money so you've got a bigger cushion when you move, it'll be worth it in the end.

One of these days mods are gonna do something about your retarded posting

Kill yourself then nigger
Tired of reading your pity party bullshit. For once do something right and end your pathetic nigger life

I hope one day you do end up in jail so I can stop seeing your shitty threads

I have nothing to do but complain I live in a rural area theres no winning. if I could just guaranteed leave in a year sure I wouldn't give a shit id just sit here and sleep but the white man will find a way to deny me that too

Trips checked

If you're just going to give up then fuck off and kill yourself already. Goddamn you are the whiniest fuck I've ever seen. I bet despite a lovely, small town community you've got no friends at all, am I right?


or I could just leave and not have my life be hell...

that moment when OP solves his own problem and can now leave Jow Forums forever and kill himself somewhere else

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You could fucking read a book
You could get a fucking hobby
You can work more
You can not fucking drink and drive
You can stop making the same fucking threads every week expecting some kind of pity bullshit
You can stop trying to act like you're owed something
You can learn to stop complaining
You can kill yourself

I dont want to do that I want to get high every day and live in the city

Listen faggot, if you can't learn to be happy with yourself now, moving isn't going to fucking help you. If you want to leave, then fucking leave.
>wah I'm on probation
That's no one's fault but your own. So don't fucking bitch and moan like someone has wronged you. If you actually cared, you wouldn't have fucking done it. Do the crime, do the time retard. So stop fucking crying like a bitch and start working towards what you need to move.

Fucking pathetic

yes I will. los angeles is better than small towns. this isn't debatable and im not arguing on the subject anymore

>it's whiteys fault that I have equal rights now and chose to use those equal rights to be a piece of shit nigger
There's programs in place that'll give you a nice cushy home in Africa where you belong you fucking waste of space

I hope you come to LA so I can spit in your pathetic face. I hope you come here and realize it's not some fucking city on the hill. I can't wait for you to show up and live on the streets because of how fucking expensive shit is.

That's not how life in big cities looks like... unless you want to be a homeless bum

Don't bother
He's a fucking deadbeat who just wants to move to a big city so he won't be as big on the police's radar. Maybe he'll piss off some gangbanger when he stiffs him on money for drugs and end up dead in a dumpster

>Maybe he'll piss off some gangbanger when he stiffs him on money for drugs and end up dead in a dumpster

You really mean it!? I sure hope that happens one day!

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What city do you live in, and where do you want to move to, maybe I can help.

I have a pile of cash. if it wasn't for the world striking me down id have everything. if I had the same opportunity as the rest of the world without being disadvantaged in the country i'd be a millionaire by now I gurantee it

It won't happen because he will never leave his hick town. He will keep posting about leaving, ask how to prepare for it, how to find a job, a flat, a dealer there, but he won't actually move. He will keep posting the same threads on 3 or more boards every single week multiple times a day.

A pile of cash won't last long in LA.

theres nothing i can do because im in a legal system thats just out to fuck me and a small town that finds a way to trap me somehow

id literally rather live in a cardboard box in a ghetto if I could

I cant because im in legal trouvle nothing is my own fault. they'll just keep finding a way to fuck me

You got high and tried to drive, that's your fault

>wah it's not my fault, other people are doing this to me
>its not my fault I drove under the influence
If you choose to feel like a victim, then you will be one. Until you take some fucking responsibility like an adult, your life will never improve and you'll never leave.

>I cant because im in legal trouble
>nothing is my own fault
>I got caught driving under the influence because I chose to drink and then drive a motor vehicle

Well played OP, you've deluded yourself so much you can't even take responsibility for putting yourself into your own predicament. You're so far gone even a therapist would just tell you to kill yourself so they didn't have to talk to you anymore.

Pic related, it's how society will always view you

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Reminder to sage all posts

there's no way to leave my life is only rejection and hardship. this is whats going to happen

>oh hey you can transfer your case in a year and go to the city
>oh nvm now you cant transfer because of this reason

here's a great plan, just kill yourself instead. Now you don't have to wait a year for that let down and you don't have to stay in your "shitty little town" anymore. It's a perfect solution, no?

Then fucking wait to get off of probation. Try not to commit more fucking crimes you mouthbreathing retard
>my life is only rejection and hardship
Welcome to being alive. Grow up

not Jow Forums

What is your location? I need to know If I can help or not.

>giving handouts to dead beats
People like you are why niggers can't get off welfare
Plenty of people have helped this retard he doesn't want to help himself

He doesn't want help. He just wants to complain. Sometimes I'm not even sure he's real