I just started uni and now I'm surrounded by chads, nerdy asians and niggers...

I just started uni and now I'm surrounded by chads, nerdy asians and niggers. How do I meet a girlfriend who's (preferably) not a total slut?

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You cant. America suffers from so called overpopulation of men but they arent white. Women today act so cocky becasue they get asked out on daily basis by them. America is melting pot and will suffer the same fate as Brazil.

improve yourself. if you met a good girl, you’d just emotionally manipulate and selfishly extract things from her, since that’s our animal nature. considering all people around you beneath you is just a transparent way to bolster a fragile ego.


I'm in the uk m8

I'm trying to improve myself so thats a good start I suppose

>I'm in the uk

even worse. And if you are in London RIP

caring about more things in life than gash and the people around you could be good too. that’s another part of our animal ways.

Whats wrong with sluts? Enjoy your sluts

I know. I need Jow Forums

I do care about more things, part of the reason I'm at uni and not sitting at home wanking.

I get emotionally attached to sluts and thats bad because they're sluts

The best you can do is to make your own weapon and wait for inevitable war.

>I get emotionally attached to sluts and thats bad because they're sluts

well we have like an informal caste system. the lowers castes have a higher level of degenrates. if you want to raise your caste, get knowledge and money.

and, if you want people to be kind to you, be kind to them. humoring a girl so she sucks yo dick isn’t actually kindness. it doesn’t constitute something to become *too* emotionally attached over.

>not a total slut?
You just started uni, sluts are what you want. A girl you can have sex with but not get emotionally attached to until you have a better idea what type of girl you want.

Remember, men are most attractive to girls around 30. Figure out how women work, get used to it, then at 28 find your 18 year old future, non-slutty wife.

Meanwhile, sluts are fun.

Behold the mindset of western male. And you wonder how come it's all going into shit when you listen to slut brainwash.

So you're saying I'm missing out on fucking sluts? Within 3 days of being here some girl had me in her bed after getting wasted and she wanted to fuck, I was down until she told me she has a boyfriend who's literally in the same uni. You're telling me I should've fucked her anyway? I really fucking liked her as well until she told me that.


So where exactly is the good advice in this thread....

I'm in the same boat as you user (Uk fag first year). Based on the advice i've been given and what I've seen so far, you should join some clubs.
You're interested in finding a girl for the long term so you should focus on finding one with similar mindset and hobbies.

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Well thank you user, what uni if you don't mind me asking?

And some advice of my own, work on your image. You need to look (and act) like someone the girl can date. That means being clean and well dressed.

Well I'd prefer not to say, but its near Leicster. Wheres yours?

You pobably won't find one at the University. You should work on bettering yourself and get a useful degree. You might eventually run into a unicorn.

There is like a 5% chance

Head to a bar or club and chat up someone. In this day and age, college is the "last" place you want to try and pick up a chick.

What makes a bar better than a college campus?

We're still at a weird phase where showing even the "smallest" amount of interest in girls in a professional environment can be just cause for them to call you out on sexual harassment and attempted rape and could get you in a shit load of trouble. Bars are usually the designated location to go when you want to socialize freely and it's where women usually go when they're looking to date someone..