How do you maintain interest in your gf when there are so many hot insta girls out there. I see my frumpy ass gf of two
years and am repulsed, I’d rather jerk off to high maintenance instagram hoes.
How do you maintain interest in your gf when there are so many hot insta girls out there. I see my frumpy ass gf of two
Dump her
That’s not the problem, even the girl I posted, once I have fucked her 500 times I would feel the same way. I always want some new ass.
Stop masturbating and your gf might become more attractive.
Also realtionships are mroe about having a partner you can trust, if you just got with her to fuck and have nothing in common you should split up.
Sounds like you just want to get your dick wet right now
ur basic
Don't get into relationships, just keep fucking random bitches
Lol... I trust lots of people, relationships are about sex largely. Also stopping masturbating won’t help. I won’t suddenly find her attractive when she is doing the dishes in sweats and no make up, asking about what chores Inahve to do tomorrow. Sex has diminishing returns, after the 500th time it’s no different than masturbating. I like the co quest of new ass
>How do you maintain interest in your gf when there are so many hot insta girls out there
>relationships are about sex largely
>Also stopping masturbating won’t help. I won’t suddenly find her attractive
>I like the co quest of new ass
Man how old are you ? Break up with your girlfriend and go fuck some bitches, that's clearly what you want to do. Why cling to that relationship ?
>Relationships are about sex
Maybe for your sorry ass
>Sex has diminishing returns, after the 500th time it’s no different than masturbating
Then break up with your gf and go fuck around. What's stopping you?
Man ... when I was younger I was insatiable. I loved variety, chase, opportunity, taking risks, getting what I wanted, even when I didn't. This was because my sex drive was insane and clearly competitive and a need to validate myself in this way was crazy. I definitely treated women as objects because that is what they were, something to win, something to dick.
Over time and age I've realised that relationships are about way way more than sex. Love becomes this weird thing separated from lust that is about shared goals, mutual and complementary abilities and just living through shared live and having somebody there with you who has seen all that shit and been experiencing it with you and helping you out. Sometimes you don't want sex and that is super cool because you get to hang out and check in with somebody whose company you enjoy.
I imagine chicks feel like that from a much younger age because of low test. OP clearly you aren't ready to be in a relationship because you don't sound like you understand relationships. I didn't at first. I was good at playing at them because I could observe others and play at what I saw growing up, but in my head I totally did not get it.
Between these periods there were times when I understood it, but still had the drives and desires. At those points I had to be really careful and analyse what I truly wanted and ask myself tough questions about how I wanted to be seen and who I wanted to be in the world. How I wanted to interact with it. Did I want to throw away good things because of urges? Did I want to hurt others? Did I want a reputation for being a stand up guy or not?
It doesn't mean you don't dump a frumpy bitch to chase fresh pussy. But you've got to figure out if that is what you want to do and stand by your actions and do the right things even while getting what you want. Too many men self sabotage, hurt others, act like a prick and think this is ok because they lack strength to do what they want and do it right.
How exactly is that a rebuttal for dumping her?
You dont like long relationships so dont force yourself to be in one.
>>Relationships are about sex
Maybe for your sorry ass
No according to nature
I still like doing shit with my gf, she’s smart and interesting, I just don’t want to fuck her
>is about shared goals, mutual and complementary abilities and just living through shared live and having somebody there with you who has seen all that shit and been experiencing it with you and helping you out. Sometimes you don't want sex and that is super cool because you get to hang out and check in with somebody whose company you enjoy
I never said I don’t like those things, I do, if I didn’t I WOULD just break up
Nigger, what kinda advice do you want to get? "Cheat on her"?
You can't have a cookie and eat it too. Either stop looking at insta whores and spicy up things in bedroom with your girl, or break up with her and fuck thots. You can ask her to stay friends after breaking up, but don't count on that as it almost never happens. You can suggest an open relationship, but don't count on that either.
I remember that I'm repulsed by women that thirsty for validation
Having a mistress is one of life’s pleasures
According to nature, we have the ability to reason, so we can think past animalistic desires
>juggling two bitches and being morally compromised is a pleasure
Maybe in your world
it's easier to just break up and have causal relationships with as many chicks as you want. Now many girls are into casual sex so unless OP is really ugly and has no game he should be ok
Nothing wrong with cheating
lol you’re missing the point in that I still am stimulated by my girl in all other aspects of life, I just no longer have the urge to fuck her. I don’t like knowing the domestic side her.
Are you Mormon?
>Now many girls are into casual sex so unless OP
I’m into that, but still enjoy watching jeopardy with my girl
Break up & ask her to stay friends or wait till she breaks up with you...
Are you retarded? Morality isn't inherently connected with any religion.
Let her go. She can do better
No I don’t want to break up with her... I like to fuck her once in a blue moon when we she is dressed up. I want her and some brainless tart on the side how is this hard to understand?
>I like to fuck her once in a blue moon
Unless her libido is very low, she will dump you. Most young chicks like to fuck on regular
>I want her and some brainless tart on the side how is this hard to understand?
Then why do you play this whole what do masquerade? You'll find a lot of enablers here who will tell you to cheat. It's beyond shitty thing to do and you know it, but since you're a trash, you don't care. What kind of advice do you need?
Cheating is as old as’s a game
Relationships are archaic
If you're not having a harem with 3 women in 2018 you're fucking losing
Guaranteed your girl is cheating on you, or at least thinking the EXACT same thing as you are, but with men.
Ignore the cucks here. Fuck other girls and your girlfriend literally will never find out about it. Don't tell her, just get it out of your system.
Life does not reward the honorable.
I’m in the same boat as you OP. I know it’s wrong but I want to soo badly. I don’t want to break up, because she’s soo sweet and could 100% be the mother of my children, but man...
then you obviously aren't serious for her. dont waste your or her time.