Do girls think it's a deal breaker if you don't have a car or your license?

Do girls think it's a deal breaker if you don't have a car or your license?

Personally I like to live a cost efficient lifestyle, and cars are a money pit to me. So I ride a bike and it's been useful all my life, plus I save hundreds upon hundreds not hacing to waste money on gas, insurance and upkeep, bonus is that I can skip through all kinds of traffic.

I don't really care too much for dating but there is one girl I hAve my eyes on. I dont think she'd be too keen on me not owning a car, but it is what it is.

What do femanons think of men that don't drive?

Attached: 5. Nightscape.jpg (2560x1440, 2.64M)

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Yes you need a car
Yes you need an apartment



Oh well, guess it's FA for me then, lol

Depends on how old you are.

Hmm, I don't have a car, but I do have a license. A man should at least be able to rent a car for a weekend trip etc.

Early 20s, doesn't matter though, I'll be riding bikes into my 80''s and die, cars are are cancer

If you are legit self-sufficient and not constantly bumming rides and asking people to pick you up then no I don't think it's a problem.

But also, cars are useful for more than just looking good to women. How do you get to places beyond the range of your bike? How do you carry stuff from stores?

Public transportation.
uber, bus(most used option since I can attach my bike to the bus), taxi, whatever.

As for stuff like groceries, sometimes I have them delivered, and sometimes I walk to the store with a rolling cart, which is thankfully closeby.

Fucking bikeaholic

That depends on where you live.

Yes, it’s the minimum “adult” thing to have in order to get ass. My aunt tried to hook me up with a girl she met and the very first thing she said after hello was do you have a car?

>Personally I like to live a cost efficient lifestyle, and cars are a money pit to me.
Get some tools and learn how to work on them soiboi

What if you wanted to go out of town? What if you wanted to pick up furniture?

>Do girls think it's a deal breaker if you don't have a car or your license?
No car? Maybe. There are workarounds, but it'll be a hassle. No license, either? This kills the man. The unspoken rule is that being a certified driver is a modern rite of passage into adulthood.

OOF, looks like I'm not cut out for modern society then


Depends on wear you live. I live in one of the 5 boroughs of new york so its a little more forgivable. My dad is 53 never had a license but has been married to my mom for 30 years

this fuck all the spoiled brats whose parents bought them their cars.

Attached: stock-photo-couple-holding-hands-and-wine-glasses-at-cafe-351894584.jpg (450x319, 32K)

If youre poor and early adult hood, no. If youre fucking 30 yes.

Attached: tumblr_n8m0m9343y1r3qiawo1_500.png (500x353, 196K)

You can buy a decent car that runs for 2K

How fucking stupid are you?

I wish I could live like you. I hate having to drive everywhere. Fuck the suburbs.

not that user but buying a car for 2k never goes right, it will always break down.

I think it kind of depends where you live. Some places with public transportation there's no need for a car. I've had GFs as an adult when I didn't have a car. In other places though if you want to see each other, then you need to drive.