Convince me that it’s not cool to be a mysoginist

Convince me that it’s not cool to be a mysoginist.

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Misogynists are the saddest people lol

And misandrists aren’t?

>Shit smells bad
>And piss doesn't?

There's a middle ground here somewhere user

If you hate women you are becoming the bogeyman the left wants you to be
Hate whores instead

Depends if you mean real misogynist or fake.

Why would it be?

but it is cool, cool things aren't necessarily good
no-one ever said that
you know else is cool? Nuclear weapons, zombies, serial killers, scars etc. And none of those things are cool.

I mean, "none of hose things are good".**** Fuck


Anyone who validates their personal life choices by demeaning and dehumanizing other people are universally unattractive. You may find success in other areas and even attract all kinds of like minded people but at the end of the day your toxicity will prevent anyone from ever truly loving you. They'll love the things you stand for and the polarization that your vitriol causes but when the sum of your entire being is hatred and projection you'll always be somewhat empty. Decent, genuinely happy people can spot that emptiness from a mile away and will avoid you at all costs.

>Anyone who validates their personal life choices by demeaning and dehumanizing other people are universally unattractive.
Unless they have money, in which case they get elected president.

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its only cool to other misogynests, and most people either arent misogynests or think they arent misogynests so vast majority of people think you stupid and bad

Is there a specific reason you haven't killed yourself yet. It befuddles me that someone so allegedly obsessed with the benefit of society doesn't understand what a gift ending his life would be to the world.

>doesn't understand what a gift ending his life would be to the world.
You flatter me with the influence you attribute to me.

I still don't know what mysogy is. Saying women are on average shorter than men is mysogony by some.

I do hate whores and most whores are women. I cant help but hate a creature that throws away all sense of responsibility and logic and that's a trait the MAJORITY of women have

>most whores are women.
Actually, men are slightly more likely to support being a manwhore and they have a tendency to brag about it far more than women even now.
Degenerate sexual behavior, I would say, is not only a trait which isn't exclusive to females, but it's also more prevalent in men--although the gap is sadly closing in the wrong direction, and rapidly.

I think the main problem of female whores is that in doing something so contrary to what they're best at, forming social relationships and underpinning the family, they are doing more damage to themselves than manwhores do. A manwhore can still die for his country, but a whore can't be a housewife. The people saying "but women can do X too" miss the point. They're still acting like ersatz men rather than women.

On the converse side, men are more disposable than good women. That's why men have an impulse to risk injury or death to save a woman in trouble, especially if she's young. A nation can recover relatively quickly if even, say, 50% of the male population is killed off, but it's going to take a massive hit if 50% of the women are.

Basically, while there are slightly more bad men than there are bad women, in terms of overall worth to society, the ranking would be
Good woman > good man > bad man > bad woman.

It's boring and predictable

False equivalency. Most protective fathers are misandrists. Many other men are. Studies show that men who have daughters are more likely to become misandrists in general.

OTOH, no females are really misogynistic unless you consider advocating for/confirming to traditional gender roles to be supporting the oppressive patriarchy.