In about 7k credit card debt age 21 about to take a 3k loan to buy an iPhone xs Max and after work a wage job for the next year. Is this stupid?
Its retarded. You don't need that overpriced phone
in debt for a fucking phone? 7k cc debt on clothes? why? all these things are depreciating assets.
Let's say this most of people will see it a s retarded but i see it as go for it. Those mistakes are better if you do them yourself so you will learn.
So yea it is stupid but you should do it anyway so you will realize yourself that it's stupid.
I got approved for the loan I should say
No the cc debt is from random stuff I can't remember
Ur an idot
Very fucking stupid. You are not rich. Stop buying overpriced status garbage when you are a broke fool to begin with.
Hnghh okay what should I do with the loan then
>work a wage job
So why the fuck would you need the latest phone?
>Take 3k loan for an iPhone sx
That makes me want to scream on the inside.
You pretty much summarized whole western civilization.
I want the phone okay but I'm willing to reconsider and this is in Canadian dollars btw. How do I reply without posting an image wtf
Nothing. Stop spending money you don't have.
Or use it to go to trade school.
We are using hidden images. We are all posting images but no one can see them. This is why its called imageboard.
I don't think 3k will put the through trade school. So how do I post a hidden image?
Well, no everyone is a wagecuck. If you do something relevant, having a high end phone is perfectly justifiable and the price irrelevant. If user has no computer/laptop, there can be an argument made too.
Spending a big part of your inexistent income for something you wouldn't really be able to benefit (unless user plans to attract rich women with high quality dick pics) is more of an American than purely Western thing.
When you make a post you must write before post. /img_hide
>this entire thread
Grow a fucking iq you mongoloid
I don't have a computer/laptop I also have decided to keep the photos. I want to get the xs Max because I use snapchat alot. Yes I know I'm stupid.
>because I use snapchat alot
So how does this benefit your life long term, since you're willing to take a long term financial hit for it and all.
There is also way how to bypass captcha. If you write in your next post {cptch_bypass} username - It will remember you and you will be allowed to post without captcha.
Well the loan is only for a year. And my credit is already trashed so iidc that much.
Thanks I almost bought the pass
Dont forget your username and password too. Otherwise it wont remember you
you look like a shitty version of my cousin
Also, taking out a loan to buy a cellphone is stupid.
7k is still not that bad. If it were truly trashed no one would accept the 3k one.
I suddenly understand why consumer debt is so high
i thought you didn't have to make an account for this. How do I do that exactly?
It's just for captcha. You have to make account if you want to bypass it but if you dont want to you have to solve it. Which is very tiresome and none of us do it.
It's not a loan from a bank its from a 3rd party Easyfinancial idk
This is going to cause a Canadian deleveraging one day soon.
I bet you aren't even white.
Lol is it stupid? Why not just get the 7 or something ?
As you can see in the first photo I'm not white and I already have the 7. How do I make an account???? Poojit I believe
Here how do you make accout.
Write in your next post {cptch_bypass} YourName YourPassword. It will be hidden none of us will see it.
Take the loan and use it to buy a plane ticket back home and out of my country.
I was born here though
And I would leave but you white boys would come after me for not paying my credit card
>consumerist kid who can't even post, eager to waste more money to get a little kick of satisfaction
>a fucking nazi joined the fun
I love this place sometimes.
Not in the name field but directly where you write post. What you did now was to create unique ID.
I'm not a Nazi, I am just tired of more and more irresponsible foreigners in this country (I'm native)
We need to solve this problem and start removing people.
Ideally I came here for financial advice should I go post on the finance board?
The {cptch_bypass} was okay now add your username and password next to it. Not in the name field. Im really trying to help you since im veteran poster with six badges of honor and one from moderator but you are not making this easy for me.
Uhhh idk??????