I have two girls fighting over me and I don't know which one to choose to be with

I have two girls fighting over me and I don't know which one to choose to be with.

Girl A:
+Very sweet
+Is reserved but not prudish... We've made out but haven't done anything sexual... shes wants to be officially together before we get more physical.
+Really nerdy, reads a lot, very smart
+Plays the guitar
-Has a chronic sickness that has landed her in the hospital.
-Kinda dresses like a throwback, like shes from the 50's hair and all.
-unironically uses the word Golly which I find really annoying.
+Is an amazing cook... only girl who has cooked for me and its beaten my nostalgia for my mother's food.
+is very clean
+despite an Obsession with video games, doesn't have any hygiene issues like most nerdy girls I've met.
+hasn't nagged, or bitched, or shown any hint of any bitchiness.
-doesn't seem to like children... shes good with them, very good, but seems easily exhausted by them.
-owns a cat
-Obviously wants to be a housewife.
-Is more of a Glamping sort of girl (She has camped, and prefers comfort more than roughing it.
-At a recent hot tub party, was too shy to actually swim and just hung out in her regular clothes.

Girl B:
+Amazing Body... amazing face
+Party girl, a lot of fun... have had sex with already.
+Doesn't have hobbies, unless day drinking is a hobby
-Has drunk texted me some weird shit.
-Has asked me if I think I could beat up her ex.
+Is dumb but in a cute way
+Is very open to experiences.
-Has had sex with 4 of my friends
-Is 26 and hasn't had a job in almost 6 years.
-Can't cook, her apartment is a fucking mess and her parents pay her rent and food.
-Is very vague about her sexual history
+Wants kids
+Loves dogs
+Loves to camp (Though have not actually seen evidence of her ever actually camping or roughing it in any way)
+Dresses sexy as fuck.
-seems like an Alcoholic

Who should I pick?

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>+Is reserved
>-Obviously wants to be a housewife.
>+Doesn't have hobbies, unless day drinking is a hobby
>-Has asked me if I think I could beat up her ex.
>+Is dumb but in a cute way
Would be an instant no's for me but seem at least tolerable for you. Just pick the hot one as a fuck buddy and find someone else for more.

Go for A, but try to convince her of kids and camping. B seems like an annoying thot but if thats what you want

>very smart
does not compute.

Honestly neither.

We kinda are... I know she wants to date me though.
Its not that I know she doesn't want kids she just seems to get tired of being around them quickly... She never mentions children either.
She is both fat and intelligent.

Girl A, but un-fat her

Girl B sounds like a close psycho

if it's ever unclear between two then it's neither. at least if you're looking long term. if it's short term go with the hot one that fucks.


Girl A for sure,then make her slim

Girl A, just motivate her to slim down

>She is both fat and intelligent.


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Girl A.


B will just discard you, A will love you

future r9k users desu

Based, especially B likes the party lifestyle and says shit to make herself not seem like a slut
>vague about sexual history
>loves dogs
>wants kids (who the fuck wants kids)
>loves to camp
but lol:
>had sex with 4 of your friends
enjoy watching her ride the cock carousel made up of your friends if she ever leaves you. I strongly suspect she will, especially once she's tired of your not-wanting-to-party attitude (no judgement, I'm the same way), and/or starts saying some crazy female shit to you after a night of drinking. Maybe she admits she cheated on you - multiple times. Maybe she admits she doesn't love you. Maybe she admits she wants to fuck some other friend but also wants to stay with you
That's before even factoring in how bored you'll get of her once you're tired of getting her pussy
>no hobbies
ditch this broad

>future r9k users desu
Now that's just rude.

>who the fuck wants kids

Most people user

Neither, Op. Neither.

rude why?
literally suggesting to date, long-term, red flags: the woman
user gets dumped by her obvious whoring ways
gets upset
decides women are the worst
goes on r9k to wallow
it's the circle of life I guess

most people are gross

>future r9k users desu
>enjoy watching her ride the cock carousel

Attached: smug3.jpg (414x459, 18K)

If you read closer, the suggestions were to fuck her. Neither of the girls are LTR material.
Besides, it's not like most r9k users even had the balls to talk to a girl. Getting dumped would be a major achievement.

A is the better option for sure. I guarantee the not wanting kids thing will pass eventually. How fat though? Like obese levels or just kinda chub

> Kinda dresses like a throwback, like shes from the 50's hair and all.
> it is a minus
OP, you are fucking retarded.

>fat and sick

is neither an option because i am voting neither.

>Has had sex with 4 of my friends
That sounds horrible to deal with

How the fuck am I based?

What does Based even mean ?

If you had to choose A or B, who the fuck would go for B?!

>fat weirdo
>hot weirdo
Who the fuck would not pick B over A? At very least she's fuckable. A is friendzone tier at the very best.

whoops wrong tab.

>how the fuck am i based
look at those idiots picking B over A
That makes you based
don't be a sperg about it, sperg

Honestly the only reason I have to make a choice is girl A is bugging me to either make things official with her or keep it friends.

Girl B is fine with fucking around.

Bitch please, it's always the indifferent exhausted fat insecure nerds that dump you first because they're nothing but pretending to be nicegirls. Their social problems will get to them. They're just a different style of bad.

Girl A - Boring obnoxious annoying DORK
Girl B - Energetic obnoxious annoying ASSHOLE

Honestly OP, give me your addresses and I'll kill all 3 of you, free of charge.

Got sauce on that OP image?

A desu. Both of them are slightly eh but B sounds like she's gonna fuck the best man in the bathroom on her wedding day. Plus, she is alcoholic as fuck. A seems like more of a wife material and surely will come around to kids, just dont get more than 1 kid

B stands for slutty bitch.

>no hobbies
How that can be a fucking plus???


Don't be in a relationship with either. Just throw them the dick once in a while. You're retarded if you somehow think that you're limited to only two women.

Uh... neither. You don't seem too keen on Girl A even though she is technically wife material. And Girl
B sounds like a fucked up mess that will ruin your life.

Don't just date someone because you have the option to. Wait for a girl you're truly keen on. But if you really have to choose from this lot then pick Girl A.

How about neither? Just keep fucking bitches and don't settle. Both of them seem like a bad catch to me frankly


You Yankees are such illoyal, unfaithful degenerates! How can you unironically date two girls at a time? How can you go out with girl A, at the same time have sex with girl B, and not consider it cheating? The absolute state of American normies in 2018! KYS.

no girls talk to me so ur lucky pick the chubby one shes sweet

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mgtow pls leave

Mgtow is zero contact not no reltatio ships but with the occasional dicking

>occasional dicking
exactly what he was suggesting
mgtow pls leave

Go for Girl A. Girl b sounds like a hoe and will probably leave you for another guy.

I dunno if you should pick A but you definitely shouldn't pick B

Your an idiot

I was mistaken earlier
The most based answer is

>gets btfo on adv for giving shitty advice
>your an idiot
lol no u

I didnt give any advise. Not the guy you're calling a mgtow. A mgtow wouldent tell some one to fuck a girl. Theyre whole movement is about avoiding them all together.

Their whole movement is about not getting married though. And not making life about having sex with them.

have them fuckeach other

A, this is a no-brainer. She actually has a personality, goals, interests, and some emotional self-awareness. If her weight bothers you, encourage her to be active and do active things or work out together.

B has the executive function skills of an animal. Relationships are partnerships and you cannot share burdens with an alcoholic child.

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OP, you already know the answer. Fuck B a couple of times and then settle down with A.

make them fight to the death for your love. may the strongest win.

A for relationship
B for pump and dump

all of the negatives of B (which is pretty much everything you listed) completely outweigh any negatives of A
A is objectively a better person (yes, person, not pick, B is a waste of air)

>a better person
>not waste of air
Burgers should go to sleep already.

sorry retard, mgtow can and do fuck women

weight can be lost. being a basic bitch alcoholic with no interesting features is a permanent affliction
get a reality check, faggot

Statistically, it's pretty unlikely. Most fat people only get fatter.

Statistically unlikeliness of getting unfatted is still infinitely higher than changing one's personality and tendencies, which is of course impossible
fuck off retard

>changing one's personality and tendencies, which is of course impossible
Now that's just ignorant.

not as ignorant as thinking unfatting is so statistically unlikely that you are trying to imply that it is impossible kek

You should check more recent stats, man. I was somewhat surprised myself but losing weight is getting less and less likely with every passing year. Check modern data on effectivity of diets if you can handle even more negativity.

The chances of the fat chick getting here life in order aren't any higher than from the alcoholic.

Which is still infinity more than that slut changing her personality

It's still more likely than a slut changing her ways. I'm an ex fatty kinda similar to how OP describes personality-wise. Once I found a bf, I started losing weight immediately because I actually started caring about my appearance. Before, I used to just sit in front of my computer or read books, looks didn't matter to me. It's actually really common for girls to blossom when they're in love.

>It's still more likely than a slut changing her ways.
That's just being hungry for attention, which can be easier replaced than hunger for food. Though one thing we don't know is how fat the chick is; assuming the cartoon is even remotely representative, it does seem like there is still a realistic level of hope.
>It's actually really common for girls to blossom when they're in love.
Initially. After the high is gone, most people go back to their old ways.

And why do you think they're hungry for attention? This shit usually stems from deep psychological issues. I'm not saying they can not change, but it usually requires a therapy and self-discipline. Fat people, on the other hand, may just eat from boredom which is comparatively easy to change. Once you start eating healthier, it isn't hard to keep it up.

See >If you read closer, the suggestions were to fuck her. Neither of the girls are LTR material.
Here's the thing Jow Forums doesn't understand. Choosing to be single for a while is an option. I know that people who are that desparate cannot imagine it, but if you know the world you'll know that being single is better than being with the wrong person. Neither A nor B is relationship material by any stretch of the imagination. OP can continue to sometimes hook up with B while looking for a decent girl.

>mgtow can fuck women

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>This shit usually stems from deep psychological issues.
Almost all people love attention. She just sound immature due her parents being too dumb for parenting, so never learned how to get pleasure the more adult way and goes for the easy kicks. Assuming there is a willingness to change, it'd take just a few months. Now obviously there could be some deep seated issues that require therapy but let's not do distance diagnosing.

>Fat people, on the other hand, may just eat from boredom
These usually stop at chubby. Though just like with B, we have no idea whether it's just letting herself go or compulsive behaviour.

unless you plan on marrying A pick B

why do you even ask aftet giving that list

you already know the answer

A will be the better relationship choise

B will give you good sex but the rest will be abysmal