What’s the best way to shoot down a woman’s attempts to make you “open up” to her? It’s actually mildly insulting that they ask me to show what a pussy I am so they could dump me without remorse.
What’s the best way to shoot down a woman’s attempts to make you “open up” to her...
You're emotionally stunted, pal
Virgin hands typed this post
I've never had a woman leave me or cut me off for showing my feelings and venting my problems. Probably because I don't give a shit about people who can't open up to me and let me open up to them.
You're just a pussy afraid of showing your true shitty self and being told what a shit you are.
Because you’ve never been with a woman long enough for it to matter
Your need to fight back every time someone gives you advice just proves them right.
This is me in every relationship actually
I'm with the girl for some time and then we start fighting and then i always vomit the same story about how i truly feel and that the reason i fucking act like i do is because im fucking autistic and i lost my virginity at fucking 25 and only had 3 girlfriends so cut me some slack
Then they go like 'im not your therapist' and we break up
It;s so hilarious
Stoicism is a Jow Forums meme meant to further justify a life of isolation. Firstly, you're extremely retarded if you believe this shit. If you've ever had a relationship with anyone ever in your life that meant something to you then you'd understand that that a modicum of vulnerability is required. Secondly, stoicism is completely an option. You can even attract women being a stoic asshole but, in the end, the only reason they'll be with you is because your cold, withholding attitude reminds them of their cold, withholding fathers and you'll find yourself perpetually dating women who don't actually give a shit about you because their shitty dads never taught them how to give a shit about anyone. You also are probably emotionally stunted to the point that you don't know the difference between sharing your emotions with someone and dumping your emotions on them. The fact that you equate being emotive or expressive at all with the people you care about to being a pussy speaks volumes as to how fragile your masculinity is.
So basically you have an incredible amount of dysfunction and anger that you haven't ever bothered to work through and when you vomit all of that built up frustration and anguish onto your parter and they see what a pent up, emotional wreck you are they leave you? I'm curious as to which part of this process is perplexing to you.
Wrong. Women love you even more when you treat them with aloofness. No girl wants her affection & vulnerability to be openly reciprocated. Women love men who are cold, dismissive, and bored with them most of the time.
I thought it was bullshit too until I tried it out.
Sakura's just a masochist
What is the point man. It's never gonna be 'worked out' . I missed out half of my life. I could be discovering myself and making relationships but i wasted it all on vidya. Im 30. I've only banged 3 girls and prostitutes. Everyone around me is getting maried now. I broke up with a super hot girl i was dating for a year because i went autism mode and started playing vidya again. It's all my fault.
And i can never have a normal relationship now. I can't stand having a person constantly with me. I need alone time. If i dont get it i just get cranky and autistic.
They tell me to 'have fun ' by myself. I don't have fun. Ever. The only time i remember 'having fun' is when i was a NEET and i didn't give a shit about anything.
Im content now. I look good, i mog most people in fitness, i have a super steady job, i always have people to go out with and my own place. I don't have any relatives left, they all died. I can't 'have fun' or fuck around. I must find a girl and settle down ASAP, otherwise my entire bloodline dies.
Not even. She reminds me of every single girl I’ve ever been with regardless of personality. They worship you when you have almost nothing but contempt for them.
A stinking pile of bs, I acted aloof and uninterested and my gf left me because I was "emotionally unviable"
Just lie.
Is that what you think is happening? not that they want you to show some emotion and excitement in your life?
>Women love men who are cold, dismissive, and bored with them most of the time.
You sound no older than 20 years of age, and that you've dated "women" that were at most 17.
Women don't want someone who's emotional right away and asks them out with roses and a poem, they want to be with a guy who yes is at first cool and chill, but they do want to peel the layers for themselves and eventually find a romantic lover - not some dead-eyed autist.
Man I'm glad I'm not you with your weird expectations you've put on yourself.
Stupid, you’re supposed to toss her affection sparingly to keep her addicted to the emotional highs after the lows. Completely ignoring her is autistic.
I didn't completely ignore her, but I tried that gimmick you advertise and it didn't work out. I think it works only on damaged girls
I could have 0 expectations from me and be like the neet I was. now that I think about it, I haven't reallu changed. when I wAs a neet all I did was play vidya and work out, sometimes I send some resumes hoping id get hired with the shit I studied and hated. all I thought was I needed a job before I could applu for a girlfriend.
now I have a job but its the only thing I added to my neet routine. still, 3 relationships is a good track, ill add some more degrees and hobbies and I ll get a used up whore to marru in no time
>You sound no older than 20 years of age, and that you've dated "women" that were at most 17.
I’m 27. I don’t waste time with expired women over 25.
>but they do want to peel the layers for themselves and eventually find a romantic lover - not some dead-eyed autist
Wrong. After I got over my shyness, autism was asset for me. I’m emotionally closed off and can’t be manipulated. I dangle my heart over their heads like a carrot for a horse. When you actually allow a girl to eat the carrot, it’s over.
>27 years old with a mentality of a teenage incel
Yikes, cringy as fuck
I feel very, very sorry for anybody who actually thinks the way you do. You are 100% incorrect. There are women out there who are attracted to stoicism but, like I said, they're only attracted to you because you remind them of their shitty, stoic fathers. The reality is that no self-respecting, well-adjusted or intelligent woman would put up with being treated like that. The only women stoicism will attract are broken ones with daddy issues. These women are incapable of actually supporting you. Their only goal is trauma reenactment. They try to fix you because they couldn't fix their dads.
Sounds like you need a psychiatrist.
>self-respecting, well-adjusted or intelligent woman
Ok, where do I find one like that? Are you one?
you give advice to the other guy, why not me? I supress these thoughts daily, but every time I go through a breakup or other loss they come back.
can you give me the years I wasted back?
I did give you advice. You need a psychiatrist.
I am a man. You can find one of those very, very far away from this place.
This thread is a perfect example of why I unironically believe that relationships among humans are so bad that we sincerely deserve to go extinct or be nuked into the stone age so we can try again.
>all of humanity deserves to die because of like 15 angry retards on the internet
lmao basically the whole western world is like this at this point
This thread is the perfect example of why you shouldn’t use Jow Forums for advice
It's really, really not. SJWs and incels and alt-right are an extremely tiny but very loud minority
If you really think those are our only problems then you haven't been paying attention, friend.
Just don't tell her?
I actually don't want to know the ins and outs of your emotional warfare. I like romantic vulnerability but not anything outside of that.
Having a bad day is ok to share.
Work related stresses is ok. Conversational surface stress is fine.
But you start diving into your daddy issues and how depressed you really are (when you medically are not depressed) then I'm bouncing right out.
Fuck that noise.
That's right I haven't been paying attention to angry idiots on the internet. I'm better off.
6 year relationship, and two year one.
This is why I come to Jow Forums. It reminds me that no matter how much I find myself tfwnogfing, I still haven't become an incel.
Nigga I'm 30 too with a dead end job and had sex with one girl so far. Stop being a little bitch. Men can have kids at 40 and be fine.
Whenever I showed myself emotionally is usually when the end began in any relationships I've ever been in.
I'm sure there's women out there who can deal with it, but from experience, most people - not just women, but people - are pretty fucking bad at "being there for you" when shit is getting rough. Quite simply, they can't handle it, because they're too selfish too/"have enough on their plate" and apparently, even just the simple act of caring that you're down or listening requires effort of people, they have to "give something" by even just showing support or empathy. There's a reason people say shit like "women have a pussy already, they don't need another one". It's unfair, it's sexist, and it's a double standard - women complain about being valued for their bodies, but somehow think that being so fixated on a man's confidence, regardless of his current environment and issues, and judging him on that, is somehow virtuous and not shallow compared to men caring how well shaven her legs are or her waist size. Spoiler alert: it's just as shallow and arbitrary to care about "humor" or "confidence" or whatever the fuck over "looks".
But yeah tldr people are shallow and shitty and only care about themselves in general.
>put up with exe's bullshit without complaining
>asks me to open up
>open up and call her out as much as she calls me out
>it's now my fault that I have to "tear her down and oh user you know I have anxiety how can you do this to me"
Nope just keep it all bottled up. That way when you finally snap in a fit of rage they'll be really turned on and want to fuck
Course I'm sure I'll just be called "emotionally stunted" by all the roasties in this thread because they can't handle that men are fucking sick of being their emotional pillows because their own lives are miserable never ending messes.
Shit I think I might be projecting a little.
Every stupid bitch has anxiety or some other bullshit problem these days. I gave up entertaining that shit a long time ago.
Being a man is suffering
Too many women who expect you to feed them affirmation because their "anxiety" makes them doubt themselves(which is laughable because they can't understand having to be in control of their own emotions)
What the fuck is wrong with you. If you just started dating I can agree with you but in a committed ltr ?
Stoicism is one of the cruelest jokes ever perpetuated on man. Its sad because a lot of the "toxic masculinity" that men mock and deride feminists for talking about is perpetuated by other men. I often think that we are often our own greatest enemy.
Op was implying this girl is not his ltr.