Why would girls choose to go out with a serial killer over a guy who's just shy?

Why would girls choose to go out with a serial killer over a guy who's just shy?

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Because you're not shy, you're such a disgusting piece of garbage that girls would even take a serial killer over you.

Women seek power. Since they are powerless themselves they want to mate with strongest man. Serial killers defy laws of country. If you have ever killed man and will brag about it in front of girls be 100% assured that they will be wet as fuck. That's how women are. Worthless garbage.

Probably because the serial killer had the balls to ask them out while you bitched about them not going for you on Jow Forums.

Not true. Most of serial killers in prison gets 1000s of letters every month from ladies. There is even program meet the prisoner where women can meet them and talk. The prisons are always swarmed by young women every month in hope they get the "warrior" seed.

How many of them actually do? And don't even bother naming Mason, that nigga is basically a pop star.

Other than that, usually there is some story revealed about the serial killer. They can learn some intimate details about them and build a connection in their head, basically like people who fangirl over a fictional character. You on the other hand, don't even exist for them.

Manson isn't a serial killer. He didn't kill anyone. ;)

All of serial killers gets this even that guy who shot up church full of blacks.

because girls aren't dumb and know a serial killer when they see one.

You don't say no to serial killer you dumb mother fucker. They will kill you. I feel like I needed to spell that out for you.

Because they are publicised in the media. Like that user said, they are like a pop star and burn brightly as the world adds fuel to their flame but you are a ball of gas that doesn't even glow. You just stink.

I have already told you about prisoner program where inmates can have penpals. They are not publicised in media yet they get so much young women. Woman is just worthless garbage who doesnt care about technological impovements or healthy civilization. They just want to mate with most violent savages which might not even be white.

At least a killer isn’t a pussy. At least a killer can charm a girl into coming home with him. At least a killer has the balls to do what the fuck he wants.

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When people can choose between soft men and hard men, they will always choose the hard man. You think “civilization” was founded by peace loving twinks?

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They are obviously publicized other wise that program would never work.

Because the serial killer doesn't have confidence issues and is charming.

No but civilization wasnt founded by savages either. Of course a man has to be agressive in some aspects of life but modern civilization is more sucessfull if man can master those agressive desires. Women on otherside must master their desires too. They should procreate with men who can control themselves and not with literal mindless animals. If we ever want to colonize space we must condition our society.

They are publicized on some sites but you have to find them.

>They are publicized
There you fucking go then. LOL

>No but civilization wasnt founded by savages either
>Of course a man has to be agressive in some aspects of life
>but modern civilization is more sucessfull if man can master those agressive desires
Cuck. Look at the Spartans and compare them to the modern Swedes.
>Women on otherside must master their desires too
Women cannot and do not control themselves. They lack the mental facilities for such thinking entirely. That’s why men kept them under lock & key. They’d run wild if you didn’t. Like dogs.
>They should procreate with men who can control themselves and not with literal mindless animals
All humans are mindless animals. Enough of your pretension. If women chose to breed with docile cucks like you then we would go extinct within 1 generation. Nature is red in tooth and claw. Only the strongest and most ruthless survive. Even Hitler admitted this when Germany was burning.
>If we ever want to colonize space we must condition our society.

Fuck off with you discovery channel sagan/tyson bullshit. It is only blood and iron which turn the wheels of history.

Women LOVE ruthless bastards to breed with. Then they settle with weakling providers who will feed them.

So either do something about it or make way for those who were born to succeed in this biological system.

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You know when rome started they didn't have enough women? You know they solved this with raids and kidnapping?

>Spartans and compare them to the modern Swedes.
>faggots who lived in a dictatorship and died early
>highly educated people living in luxury and do what they want
If shit went back to ancient Greece, kids like you would be the first removed.

>believing a literal creation myth

>Woman is just worthless garbage who doesnt care about technological impovements or healthy civilization. They just want to mate with most violent savages which might not even be white.

Yeah golly jee why would any woman want to pass out on this shy loveable nice guy

Confidence / Ability to Provide & Protect

but you gotta search for them.

Being weak is worst crime in the nature. I have never said that women should procreate with weak men. Men must be strong and musclar but also they must be smart and in control of their emotions. Modern Swedes are unfortunate breed of men. Their women are very shallow and willing to outside forces meanwhile their men are in paralized and act very passive.

Well becasue the phone you are holding was invented by this civilization so was internet and so many other things. If you dont want to revert to the state where man comes to your home and punches your face as hard as he can then you gotta do something with it.

>Being weak is worst crime in the nature.
So how do you intend to answer for it?

dont know what the fuck do you mean.

>but you gotta search for them.
But they are still publicized. Try a dating app user, or become a serial killer and enjoy all the love letters in the world!

t. Sven

Surely being dumb would be the second fatal offence. It doesn't look too bright for you, mate.

We can have both. You nerds invent things, the Chads rape the women you invented them for.

being dumb isnt crime in the nature. Look at blacks.

They aren't doing to well with all the aids and famines and shit.

Smart does not disqualify aggression and cruelty. Of course real men control their emotions.

Your stereotypical barbarian was actually quite aloof. Even modern male criminals in high security prisons aren’t all that emotional in general. Just stone cold killers who do what they gotta do.

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Unlike you, they passed the "being strong" bit.

If black people were dumb we would have died off eons ago. Africa is no cakewalk for the unprepared.

>Just stone cold killers who do what they gotta do.
More of literal retards who struggle to predict the consequences of their actions.

They did not. Strongest men are from ural or slavic. Look at records.

We do not come from Africa its just theory. Also you dont need big brain to survive in warm weather.

1. Normal mentally stable women don't go for serial killers
2. Nothing wrong with timid guys, however Jow Forums shy guys are usually complete trash devoid of basic masculinity. Shy guys from Jow Forums are a very particular breed, unfortunately.

>Normal mentally stable women don't go for serial killers


>We do not come from Africa
I am legitimately amazed by this level of idiocy. How the fuck do Jow Forumsaks manage to get exponentially dumber?

Im legitimely amazed of this level of idiocy. How the fuck do you non-Jow Forumsacks manage to get expenentially dumber?

What do you about word "theroy" dont comprenehnd?

Gravity is a theory too. Care to test it from the nearest bridge?

>What do you about word "theroy" dont comprenehnd?
Stay in school.

>being this unironically retarded


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Same to you.

its all about a few mm of bones baby

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He looks creepy af

Still got more female attention than most guys ever will because jaw and cheek bones.

>1000s of letters
Lel. They get maybe a few a month. You incels are such delusional cuck fantasists.

Incel threads should just get auto-deleted

You roasties are pitiful creatures.


Depends on who's hotter.
Females would gladly choose a hot serial killer of a shy guy.

Only roastie whores would want threads of raging bitter virgin basement-dwelling incels to go away right?

He’s not wrong. The worst types of monstrous psychopaths are rock stars in prison. It’s jarring to see a meh dude who lives in a metal box get more strange pussy on the regular than you when you’re an average guy with a stable job and easygoing nature.

t. was a CO for 6 years

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>OP asks simple question
>every user proceeds to attack the OP and defend serial killers rather than question the judgement of women

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>Why would girls choose to go out with a serial killer over a guy who's just shy?
I've never understood this meme. Can someone explain this to me? Do incels actually believe this shit or is it some kind of inside joke?

>question the judgement of women
Exactly which women are you referring to? I'm unclear as to whether or not you actually believe that your average woman is attracted to serial killers.

How did a prisoner get regular pussy? Bullshit.

girls dont go out with serial killers. Appearantly Im one and im still rejected by average girls because im poor.

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Incels actually believe this.

Are you posting this from prison?


Dude, felons are allowed to date and have penpals. Sex occurs during conjugal visits.

I’ll tell you why. I’m tired of listening to incel crybabies bitch and moan about women being women. It’s obnoxious. Like listening to someone throwing a tantrum over their bird shitting on the carpet. Shitting is what birds do. Barking is what dogs do. Picking off bugs is what chimps do. Hypergamy is what women do.

Wow! Amazing! Now the fuck shut up. Do want somebody to wave a magical wand and make women stop being women or some shit? Stop pressing impossible standards onto women.

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>Stop pressing impossible standards onto women.
Literally what did he mean by this?

I guess I'll clarify; I'm not asking whether or not women who fetishize serial killers exist. I know they exist. What I'm asking is if incels actually believe this is at all a common occurrence; if they truly, genuinely believe that your average woman walking the street is sexually excited by rape and murder.

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>What I'm asking is if incels actually believe this is at all a common occurrence; if they truly, genuinely believe that your average woman walking the street is sexually excited by rape and murder.

They genuinely do believe that.

Ok, before we go any further I'd like to ask whether or not you know how to read.

Acting like women should somehow be your Disney dream princess instead of a functional human woman

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