You know what to do. You ducking larpies.
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you fucked me up real good and i want nothing to do with you. i have fucking standards, you know.
I fucked up big time. I fucking failed that exam. I'm so mad and tired at this point. Everyone else somehow managed to go through with this except for me. I wasted so much time to study and yet I failed.
Everything this fucking year has been failing. Everything that possibly could has fucking failed. This year is a nightmare and honestly the worst of my life. I keep trying to fight against the fate and reality and I keep losing. Like somethings just don't want to happen no matter what.
You're a selfish bitch and even though I really like you, I feel like I wasted way too much effort trying to be nice to you. It's good that I'm here when you need to pour your emotions out right? But otherwise you're just an asshole to me. Fucking christ, no wonder you don't have real friends. You're nice to every new person you're into, but eventually all of them will realize who you are. It's not like you're two faced or shady, but you need to put your personalities in order. And having BPD isn't an excuse, you know that. Whatever, I'll try to be your friend when you grow up.
Boo fucking hoo. Get over them. They are just a buncha roasties, one in a million, dime a dozen. yeesh
>And having BPD isn't an excuse
Actually, that is an excuse. They need meds more than likely to fix that chemical imbalance.
Good, you fucked me up too. I don't hate you or anything, but I get immense pleasure from seeing you become a sad cunt just because I am in the same room as you. Its like I have a power over you I never asked for but I decided to embrace it anyways.
someone talk to me please
I came from a degenerate family and am now VERY successful. I am a 20 yo virgin, not cause of no confidence or whatever but cause I want to get a good marriage to give my children a great future and don't want to risk getting attached to someone who's poor/didn't go to the right uni/shit family who isn't suitable long term. The rest of my family are criminals/dropouts/min wagers and this is something I take VERY seriously.
but every fucking day I just want tow fuck someone, it's getting ridiculous now. There's a 18 yo virgin who seems to be interested but she's just not rich enough or from the right sort of family. Rant over I know it sounds snobby but it makes me so confused and sad I really want a gf but want the best when I have children
How is making people sad something good, ever?
Depends on the person in question. Don't be so narrow minded user.
>but want the best when I have children
go for this girl that you say is interested, honestly
-you get to enjoy and have sex
-you learn a bit about relationships
-you understand what qualities you want in a woman and what not
-you gain knowledge about women and people in general, which is always good
-you can pass this knowledge to your children, which is something my parents havent shared enough with me and id say its pretty important because i could have a more fulfilling life if they did
But you're from a degenerate family yourself. How come you are an exception but not them?
>There's a 18 yo virgin who seems to be interested but she's just not rich enough
Uh. She is 18. Most 18 year olds don't have a career they just got out of high school. lmfao you retard.
This all sounds really good but what if I get attached and want kids with her? I don't think I could just break up like that....
Without wanting to sound too blackpilled here I go to an exceptional uni and get the impression most people were hugely helped by their parents. When I look at my friends from high school even most the bright ones didn't go to any sort of uni at all, it's a complete joke. Private schools , inheritance and stuff like this is just too expensive for me to afford alone if I have multiple kids, and something I really don't want to sacrifice on.
Damn you're so vulnerable right now. You're inexperienced with women. You're new money and your libido is raging out of control. You're like a fattened seal in the midst of a shark feeding frenzy. Be careful. Sex is a few minutes of pleasure that can easily end in a lifetime of regret and misery
I've asked if her family is rich and they're not. Wagecucking is obviously unrealistic to get rich before old age
I'm a hypocrite and don't care
She refuses to take meds, so.
just met my ex for the first time since we broke up last month
fucking horrible feelings, we’ done but I keep only good memories so it’s hard to say
I don't understand why my friend wants to date me. I probably weight twice as much as he does, but we've been on three dates and we've had a lot of fun on them, and I don't see how he can find me attractive.
My parents told me once that I wasn't planned, so they didn't really want me.
which... now knowing I was FUCKING ADOPTED
That's fucked up.
It doesn't matter how much you weigh. You're attractive to HIM. Maybe he likes you for all that you are, not just your looks. He doesn't see you through the insecure filter you see yourself. He just enjoys you. Don't overthink it
I felt like a mess.
I didn't have my life together and wasn't good enough and didn't see why a 29 year old man would take a 21 year old girl seriously. Even though I could see your feelings were genuine, I'm so sorry that I hated myself too much. It feels like life was so unfair. I want to be done suffering. I really like that feeling of serenity, just being happy and content. I want to live the rest of my life with you, even though time has passed, I still keep a hope that you'll return. I'll be aging another year again soon... it's always another year without you.
I stayed up until 2am last night smoking weed and playing video games, haven't done that for awhile and it was fun but not nearly as fun as I thought it would be. Slept in this morning for several hours. Sort of a waste of time but not the end of the world.
>I'm a hypocrite and don't care
So why would decent women waste their time with a hypocrite? You don't care, but they will if they have any decency.
He's taking me to dinner tonight, do you think he'll want to have sex afterwards? I'm worried that he'll see me naked, have second thoughts and not want to be with me anymore.
So what is your excuse for allowing people like that into your life, remaining in your life, and hoping they will change? You aren't their baby sitter.
>do you think he'll want to have sex afterwards
He's probably wanted to have sex with you for a while now. Do you want that? Do you want him?
Look if I was from a respectable family myself I wouldn't be as bothered, but I have absolutely no one to help with things as I get older (not in contact with parents). I'm also aware most people don't take stuff like this as seriously.
But most importantly they'd just never know I cared whether they came from a prestigious family or not so it doesn't really matter.
I would be skeptical. I am not saying that to be mean I am saying that because a lot of men will date a fat girl to fuck her, but once that is fulfilled they ignore and never actually make them their gf. Don't have sex unless you two are actually a couple and have been one for awhile. Just my two cents.
I'm a huge fucking coward that is in desperate need of some human connection. I'm to much of a fucking cuck to actually ask anybody out though so I'm stuck in this everlasting loop of loneliness.
So you have to be dishonest about yourself in order to trick a decent woman into being with you. Do you think its going to work? Has it worked so far? ;) What if decent women have the same standards as you and drop you based on your family? Would this hurt you?
It’s confusing to, at the same time, realize how selfish and mean and anti-social you were to me and how I should have stood up for myself long ago, but also miss you and need you. I wish we could’ve worked it out but, then again, you didn’t.
And; good luck hiding your family history from them when they never get to meet your mother or father. That is a huge fucking red flag.
Why wont he touch me? he can watch porn all the fucking time but if I so much as mention anything sexual, hes instantly pissed and its a fight because I ruined his night by bringing it up...I do everything for him. why wont he make any effort for me? why the fuck am I so worthless to him?
I just don't bring it up, what do you expect? Every time I've got vaguely close to someone before I faked a lack of interest which worked just fine.
>What if decent women have the same standards as you and drop you based on your family? Would this hurt you?
Not in the slightest, I'm not easily offended and understand that I'm "new money trash" (despite having very impressive academics) to a lot of people and get why they wouldn't want kids with someone like me
I'm not being dishonest I'm just not bringing up the subject.
By "for a while" do you mean since before he asked me out? I'd love to have sex with him, he's sweet and charming and he was gentle with me when we cuddled and kissed.
I don't think he's using me just for sex. He's been really caring and thoughtful on our dates and he doesn't seem like that sort of person.
he sounds damaged
I usually say they put me up for adoption very young so unfortunately I'm not in contact with them. No need to mention they'e all degenerates
>I'm not being dishonest I'm just not bringing up the subject.
But that IS dishonesty, darling. You are not being honest about who you actually are. You are a peasant boy in a king's garb. That will only net you a fool.
Men like you are why I wear a peasants clothes. You are shallow and it is better to gauge someone's true character and intentions when you dress and behave humble.
That sounds degenerate as fuck. Your parents were too poor to and too stupid to raise you, so they got rid of you. :^) And just where are your adoptive parents? You are just shooting yourself in the foot more and more.
I've exposed myself on my social. I may have been followed here. Asymmetric information is a very powerful weapon. Love Is A Battlefield.
Just don't hand him your pussy on a silver platter until you are actually a couple. Just sayan.
My anxiety has stopped me from doing so much stuff, I don't know whether I'm actually anxious or just autistic at this point. I've never been to a club or "Gone out" I'm too afraid of not being in control of a situation I don't like the idea of being drunk around people I don't know. I also don't like the thought Of being around people I don't trust so I only have to Friends. I don't feel like im socially retarded but everything leading up to this point makes me feel like I am. I'm 21, a Virgin and have 0 self confidence. I'm also to scared to end my life because I don't want to disappoint my family further....
>You are a peasant boy in a king's garb. That will only net you a fool.
What the fuck are you on about? I have a normal car (ford fiesta), wear normal clothes all the time and live in a normal house. It's seriously looked down on to be flashy with wealth in my country.
I don't hide my intentions, I'll be open about wanting marriage soonish and that I'm looking for "career women". Obviously cause of my age no one is really looking for this soon.
You sound like you have issues over this.....
All adoptive parents were abusive is the usual story. This is actually taken better than just having normal parents...
I missed a W in two says to friends nice
>I don't hide my intentions
Except when you do, like not telling them you are only interested in women who fit your standards, or when you hide your past. Hmmm.. I do have a problem with dishonest peasants. You see; a king can wear rags and still be a king, but a peasant wearing a crown can never be a king.
Your genes are clearly cancerous, so you have to hide it. You should know failure is genetic and your children are very much likely to develop the same addictive and abusive personalities your family has. You may not be like them, but their degenerate blood still runs through your veins.
Sounds like anxiety.
I was the same ar your age and only a few years have passed and not much has changed. Find ways to manage it now before it gets harder. And it's not your fault.
Do you think I shouldn't have sex with him tonight then? Just give him a hand job or blowjob? I've never been on more dates with a guy than I have with him so I'm a little afraid he'll get bored of me if he thinks I'm leading him on. I love the way he makes me feel when I'm with him and I don't want to lose him.
You are extremely snobby and insecure. Grow up.
>This all sounds really good but what if I get attached and want kids with her? I don't think I could just break up like that....
This is real life, welcome. 10% of what you plan actually works out, but this isn't the movies. "Shit happens" isn't a meme expression for no reason.
Thing is, we overthink this bullshit, I lived my entire youth overthinking. And guess how many opportunities I missed? More than enough. Don't think, act out. Go for what you like and want. Be honest with yourself most importantly. If you really like a girl, and your keep giving yourself excuses, it's not because the excuses are justified, but because you are insecure and afraid of life. Trust me I've been through this. "But she smokes weed" "But she lives far away" "She probably won't like me anyway" or even stuff that's unrelated to girls like "I'll probably never make it to the tournaments" or "These dudes won't like me most likely", don't doubt just go for it, be honest with yourself and people around you. And be clear with your intentions.
Just be honest with him, love. Tell him your insecurities, don't go full on boo hoo crying crazy cunt on him, but if he isn't willing to comfort and help alleviate those thoughts then he won't be able to handle a proper relationship. It sounds like you are a little horny for him, so it really is up to you.
Ironic for you to say that, isn't it? One whom hails from a line of degenerates. You won't be fooling anyone into passing down your degenerate blood except other degenerates. Sorry.
It doesn't matter. I'm sure all the adults laughed/looked down at me and my family for being chavvy growing up. They're not laughing now
If he's been on three dates with you he finds you attractive and has though about what he wants to do to you when he gets you into his bed. Have fun with him and do what you feel comfortable doing.
Oh, I am laughing. Everyone is laughing at you when you aren't looking. Your DNA is literally degenerate and there will be nothing you can do to change it.
You really shouldn't try to taint royal blood. It is just a selfish act on your end to get out of peasantry. You will never be able to escape your own blood. Your children are ruined by default of your filthy blood and so are you.
fucking message me back please
They will, just hang in there user.
Umm no sweetie try again. I have to deal with middle class adults insecure bullshit constantly if they find out. You sound very upset btw takle a chill pill ;)
Listen to you, using peasant THOT dialect. You really are ruined by your DNA. Hahahaha! I would say don't bother breeding, but what else are peasant slaves for?
I wouldn't say I was horny for him. I think he's good looking and I like how he touched me when he cuddled me, and I felt him get erect when he did and I'd like to see more of him.
He's thought about what I look like naked?
If you are worried about being used the answer is simple. Don't be used by him. If you are this insecure of him getting bored with you because you didn't put out and he actually does betray your heart because he couldn't get into your pants after a few dates, he isn't actually into you.
>He's thought about what I look like naked?
not the same user but as a dude, if i went on three dates with a girl you can bet your ass i pictured her naked, several times, on different occasions
Delusional lower class roastie
I've been like this my whole life, It's cost me jobs.
I left school and attended a tafe because I just didn't want to be around people at school (Cunts).
I fear everyday I'm going to fuck something up so I don't do it... I fear I'm going to fuck something up when I'm working in a new job so I quit before I can make a huge mistake.
I've been in situations where I've been able to lose my virginity but I leave because I have no confidence in myself and think "What if I cum to quickly and she tells someone and I get made fun of" and get myself out of the situation.
I'm afraid of relationships because I don't want to be in a position were I can't afford to take my girlfriend out to dinner or do fun things, So I just assume I'll end up being cheated on or dumped.
Whats the matter, did I strike a nerve? Keep on throwing your peasant dialect at me like "sweetie" and "roastie". Its only natural for you to have such a lower class mind and no originality. Surely if you throw shit at the wall enough times it'll stick.
claire has been in a lot of my illuminati dreams. Like the one she entered the sandman thing and others where we are sitting at a table on a date or something. Or the one where she was near a pool table and I asked here why she wasn't doing anything to help. To just message me or get me the fuck out of here.
It's clearly her or you guys are trying to make me think it's her. If it's not her, then stop putting her in the dreams. For all I know she is "totally in love" with my brother and they are getting married or something. Because before all of those she was in the truck with him, then went down saying "IM SORRY." and the one last night where someone (noi idea who) said "leave me alone." It could have been Maria, but then again you guys keep pushing her on me as well.
So.. yeah. Anyone that I have thought might be the person to get me out is because they told me it was them.
Doesn't help all of your fucking songs are about me. And all of Maria's paintings are about me. And she dresses up like my paintings.
If it was Brit, I don't give a fuck about her. She fucking was RIGHT THERE and did nothing. Justin was right there and did nothing. I don't give a fuck if they got together. The thing that pissed me off was that I remembered THEY WERE RIGHT THE FUCK IN FRONT OF ME, SAW HOW FUCKED UP YOU PEOPLE WERE MAKING ME, AND YOU SAID FUCKING NOTHING. That's why I remembered, that's what pissed me off.
The lil rule I made that if you're going to be my partner, if you know you are going to b e
I guess I'm insecure about losing him because I've never had a proper boyfriend and I've only had a couple one night stands that just used me, and he really seems like a genuinely honest guy.
Even if she was fat like me?
Unironically masturbating to the thought of you right now bossing me around and telling me to kiss your feet.You sound so aggressive and toasty. Stay toasted.
You told me not to insist because eventually you’d give in. I want you to give in, but I respect your request. I hope you weren’t playing games and wanted to see if I’d fight for you or some such bullshit. I’m dying to reach out to you every day, but won’t do that out of respect for your agency. I do wish you’d reach out to me, though.
>Even if she was fat like me?
Well I dont go out with fat girls but if I would go on 3 then the answer is yes.
Typical barbarian behavior, too bad you are stuck with pigs in the mud and someone like me would never even look at you in the streets. You at least have your degenerate imagination to keep you motivated and horny.
Have you considered that maybe he isn’t obsessing about that and might actually just like you? I personally don’t mind if someone’s fat, depends on how they carry themselves. Don’t sabotage yourself prematurely.
It is natural to feel some insecurities(lord knows everyone has some somewhere somehow), but don't let them corrupt you into making a stupid mistake and getting your own heart broken. If you truly trust him, then go for it. I am just one to play it safe. If you are this insecure of your own body, why not take up some dieting and exercise to become your ideal standard? And don't do it for him, do it for YOU.
I had a feeling it was Claire even before all of this started. Something about her seems like it would be a good fit for me.
That might be why they made it seem like she was getting with my brother or if she had a dick. They don't like me guessing correctly and would deliberately try to confuse me or misguide my information.
The times I said that "IF the shit they told me is true then I don't want to be with you." is just... they are IFS. If you've been a good little girl that doesn't have a dick I could probably click with you really really well.
Same shit for Bree. They tried to use her for bait early on and it didn't work. The things that were posted under her account are really gross and not the kind of shit I would want my partner saying. However, I don't know if it was her or not that said them. And you keep saying "Rabbit has a huuggeeee dick.
but Bunn is rabbit and Lucia is rabbit. So it could be any one of them.
I don't know and wish someone would fucking tell me. If you're wondering "Why the fuck would the US government spend so many resources just to get you a GF." it's pretty simple. They need to get me with an agent that will help integrate me into this shitty new fucking world. And if I have HIV or something... they don't want me spreading that shit so it would just be easier to find someone for me (especially if it's true that women fucking love me.) and hooking me with up an incredibly beautiful or famous girl would bolster that mystique (giving me more influence).
So whatever. Just tell me who it is. I don't want Maria, I really don't so I don't understand why you guys still keep pushing her on me. If it's her saying "leave me alone." then you need to tell them to stop doing the "FUCK ME NOW OR NEVER." shit about you.
I don't want to be with a prostitute. I will never pay for love, ever. And seeing how Maria gave me so much shit in the past... the only reason she would want to be with me now is either because $$$
You think I am going to open that? ',:^) Silly peasant.
WHo are you kidding lmao
Who are YOU kidding? I seriously didn't open them, and never will. Stupid egotistical degenerate.
>Even if she was fat like me?
He's though about caressing your curves, sucking on your fat tits, licking your plump pussy lips, cumming deep inside your cunt, and falling asleep with his arms wrapped around you, plus doing whatever his particular kinks and fetishes are. He likes you, accept it and enjoy your night of passion.
I've thought about it a lot but I've never had a guy like him show interest in me so I've been second guessing myself a lot. I'm going to go to dinner with him and I'm going to spend the night at his place and try to enjoy whatever we end up doing.
If we do stay together I'll see if he could help me lose weight since he goes to the gym, but I've been fat my whole life and I've accepted I probably always will be.
Apart from the cumming in me those sound great. I'll try to have fun tonight with him.
Should I shave completely or just trim my pubes for tonight?
Girl, you don't need someone to help you lose weight. That is 100% on you. I recommend fasting, not starve yourself into a twig kind, but a healthy fast can do wonders for your self control, lose pounds quickly and prevent a lot of health complications including cancer. Check this video out some time.
Thanks for the advice. I thought it would be nice to have him help me since it would mean we could spend more time together and he could see my body more and maybe like it more too.
Hey, diet and exercise is a great way to connect with someone. But don't let it be the sole reason you do it. Get into it for yourself and be like" Oh hey, we have another thing we can relate on lets work out together sometime."
I need you to be the girl I need you to be. Please. I will give you everything, security, children, everything. But I need to be completely loyal and I need to be a priority for you. Please don’t let me down, I’m putting so much trust in you
>Apart from the cumming in me those sound great
why not?
I'll do that.
Birth control isn't always 100% effective when you're 210lbs and I don't want an STD.
Aw, this is kinda sad. Is this for your current gf or a crush?
Sorry man, but love is a battlefield and if you can't fight you are just going to to lose me to someone who will. Peace only comes after war.
Awesome to hear. You are gonna make it.. And make sweet sweet love to him. ;)
Give me a sign at least.
Thanks. One last question, should I completely shave my bush off for him or just trim it? It's kind of thick and I don't want to gross him out, but I've never been bald down there before.
I say trim it, not like you are going to get hitched tonight.. or.. you could ask him what he prefers.
Girls don't want any of that, user. Not from you. You can't buy a girl by being the beta provider unfortunately.