How do I cope when a Jow Forums post legitimately hurts my feelings?
How do I cope when a Jow Forums post legitimately hurts my feelings?
at least you didn't put on a name/trip
By understanding that, on the Internet, no opinion has value whatsoever.
Now, grow some thick skin.
Either they make a good point or you're oversensitive. Why else would you care about random strangers on the internet?
lurk more and in time you too will be dead inside
Reeeeeee uncontrollably
Get over it
What post is it?
dumb megumin poster
That’s the beauty of Jow Forums, people don’t spare your feelings. Especially for advice you at least know nobody is trying to lick your ass, that being said it does require thick skin, you’ll probably get an “oof” feeling here and there, but that’ll pass, and eventually you’ll just stop caring, if you can’t do that then Jow Forums isn’t the place for you
Pretty much this. The beauty of this place is pure unfiltered opinion. Most brutal and savage no matter what.
go to Jow Forums4chan
you cant
Leave Jow Forums
This is why I come here. You won't get this kind of conversation anywhere else. It's no nonsense, this is what the person thinks at that point and time.
Even people whom I absolutely despised have said things to me on Jow Forums that made me realize they were right about something and I was wrong. It stings less when you learn something from it.
stop being such a sensitive fucking faggot
you cheeky fucking bastard
reddit is where the fags go to wipe their tears with each other's dicks
What can I do but laugh at myself? Everything else just makes me mad.
I actually think this is actually a really bad quality of the site
You guys act as if it's impossible to be completely honest to somebody without being considerate to their feelings. That's just simply not true. It's actually really bad for your social skills to get into the habit of blowing ppl up with really blunt opinions like this.
Sensitivity is not a bad thing. Thick skin however is a bad thing. By saying they should have thick skin, you're excusing the person who is saying something offensive and putting it on the listener to change when they're done nothing wrong. While the guy who acted offensive still gets to continue being a dick thanks to you developing a thicker skin.
We're all fragile human beings on the inside and no amount of toughening up is every going to change that. By toughening up you simply harden yourself up. Become emotionally detached and not loved by the others. It's just not good for your psychology to toughen up. It's honestly a form of trauma that you are toughening up so its more of an injury showcasing the your fragility being violated than anything else. That makes your intelligence worse because you need logic + emotion to be at your absolute best because that helps create a strong intuition.
So yeah. Don't be dicks to ppl. It's socially retarded. Bad for their psychology. And doesn't drive a point home any more intelligently or further than if you had said it without being a dick.
Imagine taking the Internet this seriously
I dunno. After years of this place I have fantasies about murdering and torturing other posters.
Become Anti-fragile or die.
>all the buttblasted fragilistas ITT
Fuck you, cunt. You’re fuckin worthleas trash.
This is the lowest common denominator of a advice fourm. If you want normal people opinions, then go on Reddit. Also, you'll get over it. Don't put so much credence on random people opinions
In real life it's the same for the most part unless they're an expert with first hand experience as well, and understand statistical information.
People like celebrities, their opinions are just as worthless as everyone else's.
Grow the fuck up faggot
>baw i expect society to punish people who say mean things
Found the sensitive faggot
Most of the stuff here is just dumb banter. If dumb banter managed to hit a soft spot, it's time to re-evaluate your position on whatever was being discussed
>someone is mean to me
>stop posting for a week
every time
I have been on this site for 12 years
No. It's really not. Even though there are no consequences to posting, I think there are two reasons this is false in practice.
First, (you)'s
Look at shit like BBC posting or include me in the screencap posts, 90% of posts like that are pure fishing for attention and recognition. Attention and (you)s tend to work pretty much like silent upvotes.
Then you have so called board culture. If everyone really posted their unfiltered opinion, there wouldnt be something like board culture. People behave very differently on Jow Forums than they do IRL. This site is notorious for edgelords, something which wouldn't make sense if people were pure and unfiltered. What would then be the point of being edgy? Or acting elitist? Do you think /lit/fags actually read books? People pretend to be way smarter, edgier, more self-aware, more redpilled, better educated, more contrarian and so on. People will always act in ways to appear in a certain sense. Every poster has at least some concern from how other anons will percieve them. It just happens that being edgy and brutal is the standard here. It's no more genuine than redditors being overly nice because they want to be liked [spoiler]Okay thats not true but you get the point[/spoiler] Even this post, I'm trying to look like I know a lot about board culture, plus this disclaimer singals how amazingly self-aware I am. It's not like I care so much about the discussion that I really want to correct you.
I love it when emotional children confuse their weakness with virtue.
It's sad that people have forgotten that these days.
Haha wow what a pussy