I need to move on from the girl I'm in love with, I need to block her completely but I can't bring myself to do it. Logically I understand that she's a shit person and is bad for me and she doesn't deserve my attention but when I'm about to press block all that logic fades away.
What do?
Blocking a person you love
Just Delete Contact and Ignore
I can never block somebody for more then a few days myself.
Move to rural Africa and find a nigger girlfriend. Bonus: you won't have any way to communicate with the girl because they don't have modern communication networks in rural Africa.
I'd just have a good long look in the mirror and ask yourself if you want to see the person who lacked the willpower to cut internet communications staring back at you, each and every time.
I already regret enough but I sure as hell don't have to ask myself if I can block someone on the internet. There are some things to deliberate on-- but others you just have to grab your nuts and give'r, truck forward at full speed.
Just delete her from your contacts and that's all.
Im in the same situation. Why doesnt she delete me first from social media? Does having my name on her followers list makes her feel not like a shit person for cheating?
I didnt do anything bad, why should I run away?
I dont want to run away but seeing her constantly happy on insta is killing me. I already silenced her but I need more willpower to delete her.
she doesn't give a shit about you that's all, she doesn't even think about having you on social media.
delete her for your own good
Block her and starting talking to other girls ASAP. Gets your mind off of this girl.
You're not running away, you're moving on.You're not a teenager, so don't act like one.
Been there user. It's worth it, trust me. It's going to feel like shit for a long time to come, but that will fade.
If you keep up the contact you will end up hating yourself rather than her.
The fact you can admit this to yourself before you block her is a sign you're on the verge of doing it anyway.
TRUST ME, do it and you will feel much better. Out of sight, out of mind and all that.
man i really relate and i know how that feels. listen, this is coming from a person who trusts their feelings and always goes after them and follows their heart. blocking her is the right choice. it really is. you don't really feel it now, but know that if you try to talk to her again or something, there's just going to be more pain. don't let yourself get to that point. i let myself get to that point instead of being logical. just block her and find a distraction or someone else.
it'a going to get worse user.
Just imagine being in my boat:
>Have had a long term relationship, with a girl who broke up with me 2 times
>Met a new really sweet girl and came together with her
>thought i was over my ex
>she talked to me friends just days ago, because she met them at a club
>Somehow feel bad about her being sad and even feel really really sad when i think about all the good memories that she threw away
I'm fucking devastated by the fact of how dumb i am to feel these feelings.
Seriously try to block and delete EVERYTHING from her, pictures and all that shit. It didn't helped me at all because i was still looking at her stuff on instagram, but i sure do hope that it's going to help you user.
Why is love so complicated
I think what bothers me most is that I still want her, and by not blocking her I'm keeping the one in a million chance I have with her alive. If I block her it means I let go of the hope of being with the love of my life.
You need to get her to ignore you. Call her a cunt or something
tell me your story. it helps to talk to people.
>start chatting with her 7 months ago
>after about a month of all day everyday talking start to develop feelings for her
>she has a bf
>realize it's gonna lead to lots of drama so become distant and cold
>she notices and makes me tell her what's wrong
>I tell her it's wrong for us to talk because I want her and she have a bf
>she says maybe she wants me too
>a month later we meet by accident in a mall, we go for ice cream
>I tell her I love her that evening, she says it back
>we get along perfectly, fall asleep at 2am on the phone every other day
>she doesn't have the balls to leave her bf so she decides to come clean to him and let him dump her
>she tells him half truths and basically says "there's this guy I've been chatting with and he loves me lol"
We've met 4 other times but I never got her to cheat because I wanted her to break up first before I kiss her or something. I want to go to her tomorrow one last time to try and kiss her, and if it doesn't work out have a big fight to end it all.
I've just got through the hard part. I'm generally pretty lonely, back then it was her and one other friend who I genuinely cared and could talk to. I really cared about her and she was one of the few things that gave me hope and made me feel less shitty about myself. The issue is that she'd always alternate between liking me and not. She'd be over the moon in love with me one day and as soon as I showed any real interest she'd be all distant and move onto the next guy. It really hurt, especially because she was the only girl in my life for a long time. This was on and off for a full year and a half until the final time things seemed really serious and she choose the other guy for the last time. My first reaction was "let's fix this" because I couldn't think of how I'd be able to function without her in my life. But I found myself feeling bitter and miserable every time I had to talk to her and hear her talk about that other guy. It takes time but it hit me that this situation was always going to stay the same, that she was just full of shit and that my faggot attitude was giving her space for her toxic behaviour. It's been a month now and sure, I still kind of miss her. Maybe what I really miss is not being lonely but I sure as don't miss feeling like shit. The longer I go without thinking about her the happier I feel. Trust me user, it feels hard at first but this is the best I've felt in a long time.
>Different user
You are one step closer dude, she couldn't make up her mind, and she's stuck with him. One day, something will happen, and you must stare forward and walk, never turn back and make her regret without lifting a finger. Good luck user, one day someone will accept you for who you are.
>That feel when I am somewhat in your position where a girl sends mixed signals, but has a bf.
>Relationship makes her a shittier person when I think about it.
> Has no idea if her facades towards me and her bf are real.
Do it, leave her, before you end up like me
She moved on cause you were shady af
Just hide her updates from your news feed, and don't make any effort to meet up. Don't organize anything, don't initiate conversations. If she talks to you, keep replies short and cut off any chances for extended conversations. Eventually you should drift apart and hopefully she finds someone else to talk to.
Keep her at arms length for long enough, you won't have to see her again.
Bad advice, just prolonging the suffering.
I'm having similar problems user, I found her spotify profile (so I deleted spotify which worked), and also her insta profile and her new bf's insta profile. it's so hard to not check but I finally went a full day yesterday without looking, and I'm having urges just to do it real quick. But every time I do I feel like shit. So I think I'm done, I just gotta keep fighting, I just hope it gets easier with time. It's like I almost feel guilty moving on from her, like it's almost a disloyal thing to not keep it alive in my heart. I know that doesn't make sense but that's sort of how it feels.
>It's like I almost feel guilty moving on from her, like it's almost a disloyal thing to not keep it alive in my heart.