this story just happened a couple hours ago, i'm gonna recall it here and hope that you guys and gals here at Jow Forums can help me make sense of it...
>be me a couple hours ago, heading to a university show with a friend.
>friend is a 8/10 qt3.14 who is dating another friend of mine.
>other friend has been telling me for a while how he wishes he had been with more girls before getting serious with the friend i am heading to this show with.
>i feel bad for the guy cause he won't shut up about it and he's too scared to tell his gf.
>decide to do it for him so i tell her how he's been wanting to see other girls for a while but still want's to stay with her.
>his gf/my friend is actually pretty chill and calm about the whole thing and actually has a solution.
>she text's him while we wait for our train, telling him that she would be open to a threesome since he wants to be with some other girls before settling down with her, and that this could be a compromise.
>whole thing actually seems like it'll end well until he responds.
>he's freaking the fuck out because he thinks she's a lesbian for offering to have sex with another girl in the room and he doesn't even want her in bed with anyone but him.
>both of us are literally too confused to respond.
>i get a text on my phone from him a few minutes later while she tries to explain to him that she is straight.
>"dude she's breaking up with me" is the best sum up i can give to what he said.
>he's flipping so much shit and both me and his gf are trying to calm him down over text.
>he's so upset he's stopped responding to both of us and i'm pretty sure his gf is considering dumping him now.
>what the actual fuck is wrong with my friend.
will update later if anything new happens, this was just over 2 hours ago
situation is legit fucked
You fucking degenerate normies are so fucking retarded! Why can't you pieces of shit just stay in a commited relationship? Is it really too difficult for you primitive rats? KYS!
literally no fucking idea, i'm considering just giving up on friends at this point and living in my room 24/7
He wants sex with other girls but is jealous and insecure and wants her to only ever want him.
Your friend is an idiot but what the fuck is wrong with you? He tells you his insecurities in confidence and you take it upon yourself to inform his girlfriend. What a shit friend. I hope you told him the whole truth about this.
friends with both of them, felt bad her bf wanted to dump her and fuck other girls but was too retarded to just do it
he actually wanted her to dump him so that he could be free (he literally told me that)
It’s his life. You overstepped your bounds and had no right to do what you did.
true, but she is my friend too. at that point it would be wrong not to tell her.
Since they were both your friends, you shouldn’t have gotten involved. You fucked over one friend to “help” another. Let them deal with their own bullshit.
You a whiteknight or something?? the fuck is wrong with you man stay away from other people's relationships
they wouldn't be together if it wasn't for me. guy friend is so socially inept i have to keep helping him without him knowing, i've literally talked her out of dumping him in the past multiple times because he keeps fucking up their relationship.
they literally can't, they keep confiding shit in me but don't tell each-other and it's fucking annoying. they stay together even though they hate each-other and only tell me.
It's their relationship not yours bro, live your own life and let your friend worry about his own possible relationships and dates or whatever
thanks, it'll suck having to find new friends but it was probably a bad idea to be involved like that.
Yeah, live and learn brother, live and learn
If they break up for such a stupid reason they would break up for some other stupid reason eventually, you only made it happen sooner.
You're a good friend OP. Not being sarcastic.
This, one of my best friends is a chick and if that shit went down I would sure as shit act the same way because she's been a good friend to me and I would think she would have done the same.