No one could ever love me
No one could ever love me
You might be able to
I don’t think so
Why not?
I love you OP
now which advice do you want ?
Because I’m ugly, and I worthless
And a major attention-whore too
Tell me something I don’t know
Worthless to who?
To everyone, to society, to humanity, to my country, to my family, to myself. I can’t do anything right
Jesus chirst, fuck off. Another uber faggot with a pity party. Either ask directly or clearly for advice or fuck off to your emo Tumblr blog
oh, ok.
How do I find a reason to live then?
Buy a plant and tend it. Or alternatively seek medical help. It should be more effective and helpful than attention-whoring on a Lebanese hamster tickling forum.
what matters is the love that's coming out of you rather than the love you receive. do you happen to love anybody?
My family, that’s about it.
Can you forget about everyone else for a moment.
Can you value yourself first?
What's something you have felt most proud of?
well, find something or someone to love. find a passion. buy a pet. i don't know. but try to love. you can't really do anything about not having someone love you, so it's better to focus on what you can do.
Not with that attitude. Fucking "woe is me" faggot. You don't even love yourself.
The average person is loved by someone despite not having anything to be particularly proud of.
Have you ever stopped to wonder that nothing actually matters? Genuinely nothing. The laws reflect our popularly accepted morals. Our family are only as united as we let them be. You can leave at any time, you can become a different person over night. You have complete power to do anything. Its free will.
If you accept this idea, then you are implicitly taking responsibility for your own life and everything in it. The way you look, the way you feel, the loneliness, the sadness, you take responsibility for all of it. Its your doing. You let it "happen" to you. Change your perspective, and your body will follow. There is absolutely no reason why you should be wallowing in sadness and not working to get to a happier place.
Maybe you feel its unfair that you're sad and no one gives a fuck. Maybe you go to work and youre upset, and you get irrationally angry that everyone else is acting normal and can only offer you "hey man that sucks" when you rant to them. But what would you do in their place? Everyone suffers, everyone cries by the self in their rooms at one point or another. Everyone needs to believe in hope more. Why don't you become that symbol of hope?
When things get tough, you continue being yourself. You don't talk about your sadness in a way that self pitying, but enlightening and therapeutic. You empathize with others and try to make them smile again. People like that in others
If nothing matters, why highlight the fact that other people value empathy? How do you make your empathy show when you have no one?
no one will love you. so what? fuck people
Because its self evident from your post that having people around you is something you value
You don't show empathy for the sake of it. You do it because you understand their upbringing, reasons, or excuses. You can naturally show empathy through the way you act around others. Helping people, not being judgmental, apologizing, being honest even when its uncomfortable, etc
Its a lifestyle, not an action
There’s a short list:
>Made a save/load system in batch
>I can play the 8 melodies from memory, and most of the time without fault (although I learned from a midi)
>in 6th grade I got praised on a poem I wrote
>people laugh
It still requires other people to carry out.
I really hate you OP
Get a dog. A dog will automatically love you.