Sad virgin girl

is it right to blow any opportunity to get to know someone on a deeper level because i want boys to actually be serious with me? i think i have blown opportunities with people i can't stop thinking about now, because they have made sexual avances and i know they just wanted to fuck and that's it, and i was afraid they only wanted that and would never talk to me again, and i don't want to be used. being a virgin already i would feel too ashamed to let someone do that and then let them go like nothing happened or like we're just friends, even if i enjoy it, even if i like this person. ESPECIALLY if i enjoy it and like the person. i don't feel ready for that casual stage. i really try to be casual but i can't. thing is, what if someone falls in love after doing that? what if these people i have COMPLETELY cut off wouldn't have made me lost my time as i think? what if they would have changed for me? something to notice though, the people i have cut off for this never really reached out to me after me cutting them off. i have been telling myself maybe it's because they were ashamed of being that horny person, or because they simply accepted my rejection (which isn't really a rejection... it's just me not wanting to suffer). maybe they just don't care and I'm the only one left unsatisfied. am i doing this right or wrong? should i give sex a try even though it's casual, as long as it's with people i like, or would i waste my time? i don't know, i guess sometimes i just want to be held and to be in bed with someone and stop caring about the aftermath or stop caring about finding the perfect person to do it with. i don't know, maybe I'm just asking Jow Forums how to become someone who isn't afraid to be casual.

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Other urls found in this thread:

reading your text maybe youre emotionally not ready/werent ready.
>being a virgin already i would feel too ashamed
why be ashamed of that ?

Being a virgin myself, id be more than happy to find a nice girl who is a virgin too and live life with her. you know, thats the dream. But i kinda lost hope in that dream and now ill just get a fucking masters and focus on career. I dont find women so whatever.

Op, how old are you and what mental illnesses do you suffer from?

>I'm just asking Jow Forums how to become someone who isn't afraid to be casual.
Why would you do this? it's completely degenerate and only harms your prospects for long-lasting and happy relationships. You should be asking why you think this kind of thing is good, anyway. The opposite is the truth--you should be waiting until marriage to do anything sexual. Note that I'll get a barrage of angry responses to this but my accusers never have anything of their own besides insults on my character.

Here are the sources:
>Bivariate results suggested that delaying sexual involvement was associated with higher relationship quality across several dimensions. The multivariate results indicated that the speed of entry into sexual relationships was negatively associated with marital quality, but only among women."
>"I find that premarital sex or premarital cohabitation that is limited to a woman's husband is not associated with an elevated risk of marital disruption. However, women who have more than one intimate premarital relationship have an increased risk of marital dissolution."
>"Both structural equation and group comparison analyses demonstrated that sexual restraint was associated with better relationship outcomes, even when controlling for education, the number of sexual partners, religiosity, and relationship length."

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oh fuck so i need to find a virgin to be happy ? fuck me, is it even possible

Basically, not only would hedonistic casual sex waste your time, you'd be investing your time into something that is actively harmful.

Put another way, if you want a guy who cares about you as a person and not as a sex toy, what's the best way to filter out the manwhores? Only give them who you are as a person, and not your body. The guys who are interested in the latter will bail quickly.
I won't lie to you--it will be very disheartening early on, seeing the number of guys who leave as soon as you mention it. But take hope in the fact that you have a real keeper with the one who stays.

in which way is this a question a mentally ill person would ask?

Nothing wrong with being a virgin especially for a girl. Rather it might be really calming towards virgin dudes.

The thing is you have to find a keeper, someone that shows signs of they will be their for the long haul. Odds are its not the perfect man your looking for but look for good qualities. Family builders.

Also cutting someone out is a clear sign that its over. Which is called ghosting. Shows that you will flake on a guy or will divorce him a few years later to take half his shit. There are guys that get terrified of a girl divorcing him, so they will never talk to you if you ghost them.

A relationship is more than sex, look into the Triangle of Love which for a long successful relationship you need at least two sides of the triangle.

>i need to find a virgin to be happy ?
The short answer is no.
The long answer is sort of.
Assuming you're OP, there are multiple factors going into this, chief among them that sex does not have the same neurological effect on men as it does women, so whether a guy waits until marriage or not has little bearing on his ability to commit or be fulfilled (whereas it does with women). However, having said this, if he isn't a virgin and expects you to be one, he's a hypocrite and a degenerate, and most non-virgins will demand to use your body--which will be negatively impacting your chances of happiness. Those who promote a double standard view things in a solely selfish light and end up harming society, which in turn ends up harming themselves.

You must also take note that this is a CHANCE--it's entirely possible that you will be happy or unhappy regardless of your decision, but if you want to maximize your chances there are certain things to do--among them is waiting. Conversely, having casual sex (or even "monogamy" in the sense of having sex within "committed" relationships before marriage) is a great way to dig yourself into a pit.

Finally, on the subject of guys bailing as soon as they hear you're waiting, while it can certainly be painful, don't fall into the trap of despair where you try to offer them sex in a bid to get them to stay or commit. Sex =/= commitment for men, and what you'll end up doing is getting a bunch of guys who use your body before leaving anyway.

>oh fuck so i need to find a virgin to be happy
Jesus, user. No. The poster you're responding to has never been in a relationship in his life nor does he understand the concept of correlation vs. causation. How happy you are is completely up to you, not a graph.

>ad hominem: the post

>nor does he understand the concept of correlation vs. causation
Yes I do, but apparently you don't and simply hide behind it to say that no correlation can be a causation. The right does exactly the same thing with climate change, and if you think you're not just doubling down on ideology, you're full of shit.
If you want to tell me the correlation is spurious, then go ahead and give a source for an alternative explanation. But you can't, because such a source doesn't exist, and you know this, which is why you probably have me filtered so you can just insult me whenever the name comes up instead of dealing with information you don't like.

>How happy you are is completely up to you
I suppose you'll tell people with clinical depression to just "cheer up". Blow it out your ass, you're only saying it doesn't matter because you don't want it to.
Also, I even clarified that it wasn't a strict causation,instead talking about rates, so you're the one being dishonest and misrepresenting things, not me.

The funniest thing is that you took the energy to insult me when my response said exactly the same thing you did--that you don't "need" a virgin to be happy. But I used facts, you didn't.
I called it. It happens every time.

>people who have sex more often are more at risk to contract an STD
Big if true.

I like how that's the part you decided to focus on.

How are you female...and a virgin? Unless you want to be?

> i want boys to actually be serious with me?
Because she wants to make sure that a guy cares about her first. Best way to do that is withhold her body and only show who she is.

Because all of those charts are retarded and like the other guy said, correlation doesn't imply causation. I bet you could find data that shows that married women who bought a certain pressure cooker tend to be in happier marriages and it will have just as much credibility as your chart.

a lot of girls are actually, and waiting for the right one. not that uncommon. I'm 20 btw, so still kinda young.

shut up hitler- you kille za jewz not here

That depends upon her age and the level of the guys eligibility. If she's young enough and the guy is alpha, she would not only open her legs...she would everything to trap him. Especially if she's ovulating.

>I bet you could find data that shows that married women who bought a certain pressure cooker tend to be in happier marriages
Despite the other sources posting controlling for factors including religion and giving the same result, there being a multitude of them, and the known effect of hormones in the pair bonding process.
Go ahead, find a source proposing an alternative explanation, but if you have nothing more than disingenuous hand-wringing, then just go back to exploring your own colon.

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>expect women to be whores
>complain about women being whores
What did he mean by this?

Does that sort of thing happen more than I'd like? Yes. But do I think it's inherent to women, that moral standards mean nothing? No.

i said youre litterally hitler you faggot, didnt you hear me ?

but hitler, women are sex toys.

I don't know you
Get in the oven

back to the plantation

wait until you meet someone worth giving your virginity too.
The more guys your fuck the less value you'll have to the eyes of actual worthy men.

Your data has to prove something first, dude. The entire point is that your charts are inherently meaningless.

> The entire point is that your charts are inherently meaningless.
Saying it does not make it so. What would make them hold meaning?
I can only assume, given your steadfast refusal to contribute sources of your own or indeed read those already provided, that the only thing which would constitute meaning to you is if they agreed with whatever asinine beliefs you already hold.
Go ahead, point out the so-called "flaws" that make them irrelevant. I had one guy accuse me of making up the term "microdata" because he doubled down so hard on denial, when a simple google search would have told him it's a real thing. But then again, that search would have also showed him that he's wrong, and he desperately wanted to avoid that, just like you do now.

will you suck my balls, too ?

Only if they're feminine and you wait until marriage

Suck your own balls bitch

There isn't any "flaws" as much as there just isn't any direct evidence of causation.
It's like noting that whenever the moon is in the night sky you can see more, so therefore the moon must be giving off light. There is a positive correlation, but it's not the full story.

For example, people who wait for marriage tend to be in more successful relationships, but it could also be because they are simply more invested in the marriage. That implies the mentality, not the sex, is the reason behind their successful marriages. The sex has nothing to do with it except girls who are more invested into a marriage tend to have had sex less often.
Essentially, the sex isn't the causation, it's the person's mentality.

i cant and i dont want to, thatd be gross.

i dont understand how thats possible.- erroer

>there just isn't any direct evidence of causation
It's extremely difficult to say "X cause Y" because you'd have to prove that any arbitrary Z doesn't. I do have, however, multiple sources showing the effect of hormones on pair bonding, differences in hormones between genders, and differences in pair bonding.

>The sex has nothing to do with it except girls who are more invested into a marriage tend to have had sex less often.
This is unsupported by evidence.
>"Several studies have now demonstrated that oxytocin plays a role in the development of the pair bond in the female prairie vole. Injections of an OT antagonist, a drug that blocks activation of the OT receptor, directly into the female prairie vole brain prior to cohabitation and mating inhibits the subsequent development of a partner preference"
Mind you, the same hormone is present in humans. Furthermore, testosterone acts as a suppressant of oxytocin, and "coincidentally" men don't experience the same drop in pair bonding ability women do as partner count increases.
Another interesting quote"
>"These regions [of the brain with oxytocin and vasopressin receptors] are excellent candidates for facilitating pair bond formation because they are rich in dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with reward and addiction."
In other words, "love is like a drug" is actually somewhat true. And need I remind you of the phenomenon of drug tolerance? Could it be that "love" (i.e. pair bonding, stimulated by sex) is something that decreases in potency the more you do it?
>" The results of these investigations suggest that romantic love and sexual desire are governed by functionally independent social-behavioral systems that evolved for different reasons and that involve different neurochemical substrates.
Love isn't lust.

You've done nothing wrong. If you don't want your first time having sex be a casual hookup that's totally understandable.
You shouldn't have to do what you don't want hoping that it will make the guys be interested in you for more than sex. What you can do is explain to them that you like them, but aren't ready for sex yet and you don't want a casual thing.
I wouldn't advise waiting for the absolute perfect person in order to have sex with them, as the first time isn't really the most special, but do what you want and makes you comfortable.

>correlation doesn't imply causation
This is such a retarded thing to say I don't even know how stupid you have to be to string these words together like they resemble any kind of argument. Holy batman.

>The sex has nothing to do with it
Except it does wich is what the studies prove and which is what common sense tells you if you were responsive to any.

If the only thing they wanted you for was sex then they were never worth it, don't feel bad OP.

Do not listen to the tripfag. He is an evil, despicable, morally corrupt being. Every post he makes is motivated by pure malice. As impotent as his posts are, making them is his only purpose in life: to try to spread misery and unhappiness.

>He is an evil, despicable, morally corrupt being.
Nice argument.
I bet you still don't understand morality.
>to try to spread misery and unhappiness.
I don't know how you can cling to that when encouraging prom

*when encouraging promiscuity objectively will result in greater unhappiness

>be ordinary person with some sort of sex life
>relatively happy
>be autistic tripfag incel
>extremely angry and unhappy and miserable

So I assume you are in a happy long lasting relationship right?

>Anecdotal """evidence"""
Still not an argument.

Here's my evidence, on top of what's already been posted:
>"measures of subjective well-being indicate that women's happiness has declined both absolutely and relative to men. The paradox of women's declining relative well-being is found across various datasets, measures of subjective well-being, and is pervasive across demographic groups and industrialized countries. Relative declines in female happiness have eroded a gender gap in happiness in which women in the 1970s typically reported higher subjective well-being than did men."

And this has to do with you being an unhappy incel... How?

no, you're doing alright OP. i'm in the same spot and lo and behold even crossed paths with someone who clearly wanted to get serious with me, too bad we parted ways shortly after because it became clear job-related distance would make anything serious impossible.

also on a personal note it apparently pokes their hormones to think of you as "his girl only", which in turn gets me purring too. don't sacrifice this unique dynamic for worthless fuckbois.

It doesn't, because me being an incel, a bored corporate executive, or a literal goblin is completely irrelevant to the information posted, although you've struggled to grasp this concept for a while.
I understand that it's all you can do, seeing as I'm right and you have no objective argument, but do realize that proudly posting logical fallacies isn't really doing yourself any favors.

>the first law of statistics is bullshit
Sure user

At the very least, use birth control.

>first law of statistics
Say what?

I think you’re overthinking things and need to just relax. If you’re curious of someone’s intentions just be direct and ask them what they’re looking for, sex or a relationship.

Grief, this isn’t rocket science.

Correlation does not equal causation. Murder rates go up when ice cream sales go up therefore ice cream causes murder.

Never heard of such a term. Neither has google it seems. Did you just make it up now?

Make up what term? Correlation? Causation? Google the words in the sentence bro, eventually you'll learn to speak English.

Are you stupid or pretending to be stupid? You said "first law of statistics". A term you made up.

Jow Forums is not one person, in merely explaining to you what user meant since you lack reading comprehension
Conflating correlation with causation is the most common fallacy people make with statistics come out which is why he called it that.

You are the one lacking reading comprehension. You made up a edgy term that doesn't exist. And then pretend people who don't understand your made up term are dumb.

I'm assuming you're an attractive person if you think guys only want you for sex. You don't need to jump feet first into a relationship, and you have some form of control even as a woman. If you find yourself interested and things get more personal, just let them know you don't give your body away that easily.

>making sexual advances = only wants to maliciously use you for sex
Seriously, why do girls just make this shit up and then complain when they're lonely? Like maybe if you didn't reject every guy that showed interest in you you'd actually have a boyfriend. A shocking hypothesis I know, but it's not as irrational as it sounds.

The post he was replying to literally said
>>correlation doesn't imply causation
>This is such a retarded thing to say I don't even know how stupid you have to be to string these words together like they resemble any kind of argument
Not sure if that was you but you're a fucking idiot for not knowing what that means

I relate to you so, so deeply. (femanon too.)
It's your body, it's your choices, no one should/can make decisions for you.

But. Here is my word.

please don't do casual sex.
not in this state.

Casual sex is fine when you are confident, stable, healthy, sure about it. But you're not. I really don't think you are.

I am in the exact same boat as you. Often times I think, just one night stand, just to numb the pain of being alone.
But I know, I just have this gut feeling, I know, it would make you feel ten times even worse.
Don't fool yourself, don't fall into fantasies. This isn't like shoujo manga, novels, movies, whatever-- This is real life.

Don't worry about being a virgin. When it happens, it'll happen. Okay?

I know what you want, believe me, I really do, I relate to you so much I can't even put it into words user, but for now try to bear with it until you meet the one. It's not about being ~pure~ or a ~whore~ or whatever, I'm not saying this out of politics/ideologies, I'm really saying this out of concern for your wellbeing.
Take it easy. Let time and the flow of life guide you.

or let's become sad virgin lesbian lovers together user

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You literally said "first law of statistics". Which is a made up bullshit term and now you are backpedaling and pretending you never said it. Just admit you were speaking out of your ass.

thank you..

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Any of you two want to be my gf?

don't thank me, just have some more faith and self-respect in yourself anonette. Do no shit, but take no harm.
I hope you can find love soon.

And remember, you're young, and sex and love isn't everything. There's so much more in life.

Sorry, I'm preserving my virginity till 30 to become a wizard and summon a hot big tiddy incubus bf/gf

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Sounds like solid advice to me ! Maybe it's weird that I relate to this even though I'm a guy. At 26 it feels like I'm expected to always be DTF because that's a "guy thing" and if I'm not then it's construed as me being "not interested / interesting" (or "gay af" as my brother says).
Feels like a catch 22 where my dates go nowhere because I'm not comfortable with my sexuality and thus can't flirt properly. My friends tell me to just do online dating but that sounds like a horrible idea at this stage, and I get the vibe they think it's weird I'm not into casual sex. I'm a bit lost.

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The one misinterpreting statistics is you. The other guy is playing with semantics, but you are assuming solely for the sake of disregarding evidence that because there is a correlation, there can't be a causation.
I have already provided multiple sources ITT which show the correlation holding even e\after controlling for various factors, and an additional source showing the neurochemical processes involved in pair bonding. Meanwhile you've continued to plug your ears and pretend this is a spurious correlation when it's not, and if you want to convince anyone besides yourself otherwise, you need to provide evidence.

>Casual sex is fine
Wrong, and if this is your underlying assumption the rest of your post is wrong too. This "just bee confident, it doesn't matter" mentality is exactly why society has gone to shit, because degenerates encourage each other in a race to the bottom.

> It's not about being ~pure~ or a ~whore~
>I'm not saying this out of politics/ideologies, I'm really saying this out of concern for your wellbeing.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume this is true. Nothing you've said has any statistical support, and the only reason you are relaying it is your social exposure to these beliefs--in which case,, while YOU may consider yourself apolitical, your behavior, and your advice, is steeped in ideology, and a destructive one at that.

You want my source on why casual sex is always degenerate, aside from the half dozen already here?
>"The happiness-maximizing number of sexual partners in the previous year is calculated to be 1."
Note that this does not say "have one partner a year", it says a STABLE partner is optimal. And guess how you get a stable partner past your youth? Marriage.

You just outed yourself as underaged.

Not an argument.
Informal arrangements collapse at a far higher rate than marriage, and if you aren't a whore (i.e. you actually wait) marriage has at the very least an 80% success rate, going up to 90% with other factors like length of waiting, age gap, and income taken into account.

And yes, if you want to have a stable sexual partner after you're a wrinkly old fart, your best shot by far is through a long-lasting marriage.

My parents are watching football together in the other room. They've been together for 28 years.

Go be bitter elsewhere

ah the one that says if you dont have a partner you sleep around more on average. always makes me chuckle

Or the one that says of those who have only had one sexual partner ever in their life, 98% have never cheated on their spouse.

I'd imagine that falls under the category of 'emotional cheating', or there were a few liars in there that forgot to be consistent. My bet is on the former being more common.

shut up about statistic and come suck this statisdick

>maybe it's weird
It's not, and even if it is, that's ok.
>feels like I'm expected to always be DTF because that's a "guy thing"
Totally get that. It depends on region/culture and whatnot but overall yeah I feel like generally speaking, males are more pressured to have sex and whatnot.
But don't give in to pressure regardless of your sex/gender. You know yourself and your own body best.

If people talk shit about your choices, dude. Let them talk. Stop worrying so much what people think or don't think. You can take it into consideration, yes, but you don't have to abide 100% to whatever people say.

Give yourself time, introspection, figure yourself out first. When you're more confident and all, there are more chances the right person will come along.
Age doesn't matter. we all have our own different paces.

I'll repeat this again. Sex isn't everything there is to life.

If you really feel this is harming you and weighing you down and drastically affecting your life, see a therapist, counselor, sexologist.
But really, take it easy brother.

OP, you don't need to do casual sex. If that's not your thing then don't do it.

Plenty of people get into relationships when they shouldn't because of sex, so you're avoiding a minefield there.

It sounds like maybe your'e conflicted about sex. It's totally normal to want to have sex, and it's totally normal to want to feel safe and secure before you do it.

I would say have sex when you want to have sex, not because you think it would be some objectively good thing for you.

You really fucking dense baka I already told you Jow Forums is not one person

Well, to add on to most of the posts here:
You should really wait. Frankly, I believe most guys are ass hats, and I'm a guy. Still a virgin, in college, hate all the relationships around me, since they focys on the *ahem* "intimacy" I want to unscrew all their necks for the amount of pda I see. They were nice people before, but they lost who they were once they got in relationships. That's why I want to be me when I'm in one.
So be yourself first, a decent guy wouldn't focus on your body first, being a virgin is a plus when finding a guy, but that makes you more of a target to ass hats. I couldn't care less if the girl is a virgin or not or even if she would be willing to fuck me, but as long as she is "her" outside the relationship and in it, I'm happy after seeing people put on masks depending on whether the SO is there or not.
Love is fickle, but yet patient. Don't let guys take advantage of that crushing loneliness to make you use the v-card, you might regret it one day.

Can you virgin girls pls fucking tell us in what country you live so a virgin guy like myself can meet you and if we connect we can take thinks a step further?!
I'm sick and tired of being a virgin yet I don't want to commit to some thot/ normie slut. It'd be the same if I lost my virginity to a whore and what I am actually seeking for is a relationship.

@OP "femanon" would you pls give me that info?

>hit mental puperty very late, wasn't even interested in sex until 19
>as long as I'm not flirting, finally having casual sex seems like a good thing
>everytime there is a chance to do so I chicken out because It doesn't feel like the thing I wanted or I don't want to give the guy false hopes
>friends advice me to just do it so finding a partner gets easier
I kind of want to find someone I really feel a special connection to but there's the chance that'll never happen.
I think the ideal way for me would be to have a 'test relationship' with someone for about a year so I get the chance to really fall in love with that person. Basically old fashioned marriage. Sadly the guys I met always got dissappointed really quick as I said I'd rather wait more than a few weeks and I don't want them to feel frustrated just because my slowpoke feelings.

What country are you from?

sexual advances don't leave the impression of the guy wanting anything more than that. or he's a manchild. either way, unwanted.

not op but rural bavaria, germany

Well, fuck em. (No, not like that)
I see where you are coming from. I frankly think that is the best way to find a lasting relationship. I like the way you think, I pity those who choose the easy way out by offering sex as part of the relationship. I think that way as well, and I'm sort of prudish to females compared to modern male examples. A rare breed of thinking nowadays, and I'm pretty young to say the least
Ah, that one. They are not you, don't compromise your values based on someone's'll hate them later if something goes wrong by following it. A complete special connection is unlikely, but a partial connection is possible without using your body.
Why the fuck would a guy complain about waiting if he wants to be with you. I swear most guys nowadays just get in relationships to fuck, barbarians I say.
>I'm someone who also had the whole "emotional immaturity" thing going to adulthood.
>Feeling more isolated due to being the only person who wants to be friends with a girl first before trying to go further.
Put what you want first, but don't lose yourself in trying to gain it.

Ne Bayerin, jö. Wenn du in der Nähe des Bodensees wohnen würdest, wäre das toll. Jedenfalls auf dieser anonymen Seite kann man nie wissen wer am anderen Ende sitzt und leider kenne ich keine andere Möglichkeit jemanden wie dich zu kontaktieren ohne persönlich Infos anderen weiterzugeben. Evtl. ein wegwerf E-mail.

virgin girls don't want a desperate slobbering beta who uses terms like "thot/normie slut" and "whore"

virgin girls most likely don't want someone who wants them just because of their virginity

get fucked robot

Not the same user, somewhere in the Pacific ocean, Guam. I just wanted to post that
Well, frankly as a guy from a guy. You sort put yourself in a group I would not to associate with. I mean there is trying, but if you want to be with someone, you have to make them want to be with you

Sorry, ganz andere Ecke, bin weiter nördlich (fast in Thüringen/Sachsen).

I hate society for creating this "DTF" mentality, it makes everything seem meaningless. I feel that this is just creating a bigger divide against the reserved and aggressive dating styles and a good occupier for me is 2d anime girls.

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Is taking nudes for unknown future partners in case you'll hit the wall before you find them retarded?

Schade wäre in der Schweiz ansässig

I’m another man that really, really appreciated this post, for some reason. Thank you.

That’s dishonest so I wouldn’t approve of that. I doubt you’d still want to do this by the time your current nudes are old. Genitalia doesn’t go bad until you’re much older I think? Not sure about boobs tho.


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>The more guys your fuck the less value you'll have to the eyes of actual worthy men.

Don't listen to this crap, OP
Any worthwhile partner will not hold any importance on # of sexual partners you have or haven't had. But do be wary of those who ride the double standard of "I've been with other women, but I don't like dating women who have been with X number of sexual partners (even if it is the same or less than them)" this is a big huge red flag, it means they are not worthy partners and likely to be a gross manchild.

My personal anecdote is that I didn't have sex until I was in my early 20's, later than most of my friends.
I don't regret waiting that long as even then I felt a bit naive, but what I do regret is that my first sexual experiences were with someone I no longer had any sexual desire for.
I haven't had many sexual partners as I am much pickier since that first bf. I will only have sex with someone who I have a mutual loving relationship with, both sexually and emotionally. I want to feel safe with them and I want them to feel the same with me. That mutual care is so much more of a turn on than anything else, in fact I have no libido without it. This does mean that I have to date the person for a while before we have sex. I'm upfront about it and I've found that those who think I'm worthwhile don't give a shit because they want the same things that I do in the long run.
I do agree with one of the other anons who said not to wait for someone perfect. Everyone has flaws, but you must keep a certain standard all the same, like whether they are respectful toward you.

>I do agree with one of the other anons who said not to wait for someone perfect

Heyo, that user here. Yeah, decent partners would not care for the most part, but don't just give it to anyone, it makes you look bad, if not desperate.
Okay, after multiple posts, a general piece of advice I can give before i sleep is just to find a balance, in life, love and anime tastes. Don't bleed into the water for there are sharks in there.

Sincerely, The awkward user

>actually good advice
>caring & supportive
>suck this statisdick
bless you, user.

you should just have sex with a guy you like without worrying about what it means just to get it out of the way. dont go through a slut phase though

How the fuck can virgin girls be insecure about being a virgin, doesn't that make you more wanted?
I mean look at this thread
Not a single insult towards OP, but if he were a guy it would be nothing but insults and he'd be called a whiney faggot
>trying to meet your virgin waifu on Jow Forums
>tfw you will never be this based

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