Ask me for girl advice

general tips
>have good hygiene
>exercise/work out
>have a decent fashion sense. this includes hairstyle/facial hair
>have a job and car. your own place helps as well but isn't essential
>have confidence. literally just enough to walk up and talk to her. even if you're shaking and stuttering and she says no.
now ask me stuff and I'll help you

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I'm going on a first date today, how do I not fuck it up

you already made it this far, and you know her better than I do so you should have a general idea of do/don't do

compliment her outfit and say she looks nice. ask her about herself and her interests. nothing too personal. don't bring up controversial topics. take some extra cash with you just in case. where are you guys going? come back to the thread afterwards if you want and let us know how it went

We're going to a flower festival in the evening. I'm planning on getting food and chatting, then going to the comedy night that's happening afterwards at the fest.

I don't really have any trouble talking to her as a friend, but I was wondering if I should mix it up somehow?

sounds fun. "mixing it up" would be complimenting her appearance which is probably something you didn't do as a friend? also, hold her hand. I'd say to go in for a kiss but you'll probably make that call better on your own.

where is the "best" place to find women in a city of around 2 million?

How to tell if a woman you know is or isn't interested?

Holding hands sound fine but I don't know if she'd be okay with a kiss. How do you tell?

shopping places probably
most surefire way is to just ask her out
say "I'm in the mood to get (coffee/random food place, whatever) wanna come with me?" and see if she says yes or what her excuse is for saying no. if she says no, then play it cool, as if you only asked in a complete innocent and friendly way. its just to test the waters to see what she says and how she says it
you'll have to make that call yourself. some girls like taking it slow and you know her better than I do. I think long sustained eye contact, especially during a moment like the goodnight, is a good "inviting" sign. don't hold the kiss for too long though, that'd definitely be weird

I talk to this girl online sometimes. She lives in another city an hour away. How do I know if she's interested?
Hard mode: She dated my friend but it didn't work out.

again: just ask. don't "look for signs" or you'll drive yourself crazy trying to analyze.
feels iffy though that you say she lives an hour away and its online but especially that she dated your friend. I suggest meeting her as soon as you can in person if you actually start dating

We both don't want to enter a relationship so her needs align with mine.

How do I ask? What do I say?

wait what? you want to know if shes interested in a relationship but neither of you want to enter a relationship? I am confused

We want to fuck.

ask to hang out during an odd hour of the night for netflix
she'll get the idea


How would you start talking to a girl that you might be interested in in a lecture hall? I don't want to immediately jump to asking her out, we've never talked beyond greetings.

ask if you can copy some of her notes from another day because your pen died or something
strike convo from there

This isn't gonna lead anywhere. You have to like do a bunch of shit to make her like you.

Not really, I'm a girl and it didn't take much for me to fall for my boyfriend.

So I was messaging this girl I work with earlier, and I asked her out for a drink and she never replied back. wat do? She answered other messages.

Also as a woman, would you look down on a guy asking you out via text/messenger? I suppose I should stop being a bitch and just ask her out in person.

shes not interested. sorry man.

At least you shot for it!

How do I overcome my fear that the more a girl gets to know me she can only be disappointed? In a sense, I reject women because I'm afraid they'll reject me.

well, why exactly would she be disappointed? is it things you objectively need to work on, or more like subjective little personality quirks you have?

How do I stop being the cute/adorable little brother type to every girl? A lot of girls think I'm a great friend and think I'm cute. It doesn't help that I'm 5'3 and I've got curly hair that they like patting.

Like wooo boy, I like being the really nice guy but jeez I at least want someone

Do you need a job when you are a 20 something student ?
Do you need a car when you live in a city with good public transport ?
What is your opinion about male curly ponytail + facial hair combo ?

Also, eurofag here.

I'm not used to indirect approaches but I'll give it a shot.

I'm not instantly trying to make her like me, I don't know anything thing about her except that we sit next to eachother in a class and she's cute.

Haha, you genuinely made me laugh.

A girl I'm not in a relationship with is fine with touching part. Like we'll get close to each other sometimes, knee touvhing, that basic stuff. How do I get past that?

when you decide you like a girl (really like her, not just attracted) let her know immediately. pick carefully so you don't end up making it weird with every pretty girl you meet
you need money, mainly. savings will be fine, as long as she sees you're doing something with your life and not lazy
I guess it depends on the girl, but you're really gonna take a girl on a date on a bus? maybe its different in europe but I'd at least call for a uber/lyft
generally NOT good. ponytails are cringe. MAYBE you can pull it off (or europe is different idk) but you should ask a female friend or family member for her opinion

I feel like some women's first impression of me is that I'm tall, handsome and intelligent, but really I feel that I'm shallow, boring, awkward person. Many women have shown interest, but I have ignored them all because of this. It's a crippling fear and I have never been in a relationship because of it. I've went on a couple dates with one woman, but I have never let it go further than that.

>indirect approach
If you want to be more aggressive and just ask for her number, then by all means go for it. I just thought you’d want to test the waters first and get comfortable
Past it how? Like getting into a relationship or 2nd base?
Well I think you should actually let the women decide that on their own. Maybe you just need to find a woman you’re comfortable with and you can loosen up around. You sound too uptight about being impressive instead of just having fun with the woman

What I'm trying to say is that touching is obviously a sign of her being comfortable. How do I just get into a relationship or second base or whatever. The touching is an indicator so y'know

I don't want to go straight for her number but asking for notes I don't need is rather indirect. I'd consider a direct approach to be saying hi and asking for her name and giving her mine and leading a conversation from there.

If you interpret it as comfort or interest then all you gotta do is ask. I always like my “hey I feel like getting (x) wanna come” line. When she says yes, ask for her number so you can set it up

Then there you go, seems like you got it! Don't overthink It, girls can generally sense your intentions.

Well asking her number is pretty much the same as asking her name or whatever man. It’s “hey I think you’re cute and want to get to know you” basically. I assumed you’re more on the shy side so I gave you something safer and more slow to work with. You can talk to her while taking notes and if the exchange goes well then you get her name and maybe number. I’m at the store so sorry if I sound rushed or incoherent

I don't really have a car though so it'd be pretty lame asking that without offering to pick her up.

>you're really gonna take a girl on a date on a bus ?
Yeah, or by foot. Maybe I'm in the wrong here, Would need some eurofag successful with girls to confirm/infirm.

>you should ask a female friend or family member for her opinion
I've had compliments and people say (both male and female) that it was an improvment over my previous hairstyle (which didn't take much, as my previous hairstyle was just semi-long disorganised curly hair).
Anyway, thanks for the answers.

Alright, thanks guys.

Well if she already is interested then I guess it’s your call. I’m just giving general advice, some girls may not care for these things

How much touching do you do on a first date?

I don't even know if she likes me

holding hands, maybe a kiss goodnight. you can put your arm around her as well.
if you're already going out with her, chances are she likes you

OP. Would you date someone who's language skills are not as good, but someone who can relate to all of what you listed above?

depends on exactly how bad her language skills are. she can always learn. that CoD player who dated the Mexican weather girl had some language barrier differences I think.

And what will girls provide in return?

>be me 18, senior in high school
>friend says that girl in my class likes me
>I like her too
>Ask her to hangout in the park
>She agrees
>We talk not much happends
>Do this a couple more times
>Go home not making a move again

I'm thinking about just asking her out to the park again and just straight up asking her if she likes me, is this a good idea?

well how did you plan on asking her?

how do I find a woman who wants to diddle kids

French (Paris) fag here. Here it is usual to go on date via bus. If the weather is nice enough, I like walking better.
Main problems to avoid in public transportations are that they may be overcrowded or that the rides takes too much time
If the walking or bus don't seem good, just meet never your destination

>literally just walk up and talk to her

I've almost got this part down but what am I actually supposed to talk about?
My mind goes blank after the first topic is exhausted and I dont now what else to say and everything goes silent.

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seconding this

i have/do all this and no women

what else do you have to do?

well if you give me an actual scenario, I could give you an idea. but if you followed the rest of my advice and look half presentable, and she likes you from the getgo then it won't matter much as long as you aren't overtly weird or offensive
hmmm don't know dude. I'd have to know you in person to really say whats going wrong. how often do you approach women you like?
btw I'm finally going to sleep now but will be back in roughly 12 hours

I'm back and it went well enough. We hugged and I also realised she's not a touchy feely kind of person.

Not sure what to think of her. I sort of didn't enjoy the night since it was a bit boring (in terms of conversation, comedy was great), but I didn't fuck it up.

Here's a newsflash for you. Women are boring

questions for you OP.

1 - I'm initially very cool with women, confident, likeable, but once I start to get into them, I get really nervous and self-conscious. it's a temporary period, so I try to tell women that I get over it in time, but I know it turns them off. So what do I do when I start to really like someone that I've been dating for awhile?

2 - where can I meet high quality women besides church? I want a long term partnership with someone who has integrity and matching values. Do I just pick someone who I think lines up and then check them out for 6-12 months before deciding, or is there a way to weed out incompatible girls first?

welcome back, glad it went well man. maybe the conversation will liven up as you get more comfortable with each other.
>it's a temporary period, so I try to tell women that I get over it in time
so how exactly does it even come up? do you start like shaking or something or just bring it up to them yourself as a heads up? and what exactly do you start thinking that makes you so nervous or self conscious? this is something that is gonna need to worked on yourself on a mental level, which is why I need a bit more details so I don't give you lame generalized advice
2- high quality women? I assume you mean chaste and conservative since you gave church as an example? if you're an actual Christian (which I am as well btw) then church is the ideal, or you could try those christian dating sites
>Do I just pick someone who I think lines up and then check them out for 6-12 months before deciding, or is there a way to weed out incompatible girls first?
I suppose you can do both? just pick girls that attract you and decide through conversation if they're compatible. theres no set time though like 6-12 months, you just kinda gotta use your own judgement