ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments. This means people who ask questions too! You will be bullied out of this thread.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>I'm an insecure/suicidal/anxious person who doesn't leave home
Fuck off, this is not your personal blog

>I'm insecure because of my penis
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

>Why am I the only one who makes these threads?
Quit your bitching, no one's holding a gun to your head.

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Do girls like the taste of cum?

Honestly how often do girls get wet in a given day? I'm not talking about being full on horny, just a tingle.

If a girl who has a bunch of mutual friends and interests similar to you sends you a text about classwork, and then continues the conversation for a couple of hours about other things, but then acts completely disinterested and normal the next day in class... what the hell does this mean? I feel like I'm getting mixed messages. What course of actions should I take?

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I found out my ex has had a bunch of plastic surger work done after we broke up at the beginning of the year. Is it at all related to the break up as to why she did it? Shes starting to look like one of those plastic surgery gone wrong types

Act like you don't give a fuck, don't appear. fazed. Keep doing what you're doing over text you must be doing something right.

Depends, could be near every time I see something I'm attracted to when I'm ovulating
I try to stay home and avoid men as much as possible then

Omg, did I just see that man's sexy ankles from his cuffed jeans?
Is that fucking chest hair?
Is that the smell of old spice?
Is that a man?

Little things like that will make my vjvj clench like a mofo or ooze a little
My panties will feel like I took a piss in them

I look a woman in the eyes as I speak to her.

She starts to screw up speaking a bit.

What does it mean? Am I overly intimidating?

I kinda thought so. What about other than that time? Does unusual (non-sensual) stuff ever do it? (ie getting startled or something)

How cool is it to not be soicuck? Is your life just awesome 24/7?

Means literally nothing.

Rarely ever. But then I don't have guys throwing themselves at me on the daily. When I had a lot of male friends who vented to me about their evil ex girlfriends withholding sex and shit then I'd get tingly.
Now it only happens when I think about fucking my crush.

>Being in a relationship is the only part of life I enjoy
You have the mind of a dumb Stacey Thundercunt.

Sounds like an extreme version of the classic post-break-up hair color change.


Don't want

Wat do?

As long as there are more than two people, there will always be drama. And even then, that’s only partly true

Don't date an immature brat with immature friends.

I feel that many women are attracted to me although I feel I look like pic related. Many women look at me, smile at me, or are shy around me. How do I tell? Is it just my self confidence?

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Do I tell my girl bestfriend that I like her? She has someone else and I don't want to be disrespectful to the guy but it's also really eating at me. I'm not expecting anything, I know I don't have a chance but I don't want to be one of those guys who are miserable because they didn't say what they felt.

We always seem to initiate a conversation about school stuff because we're both interested in it, so I guess I'll do that occasionally and see what happens? I feel like this is still in the "a female human talking to you does not mean she's attracted to you" category and I don't want to read too much into what probably isn't there.

Halp Jow Forums. I fucked up.

This week, I met a cute inexperienced girl who is really into me. We went out on a date this Thursday and kissed(her first kiss). 2 days later(today), after changing 3 venue
s, I somehow managed to get her to my place and we made out on my bed for an hour. She said no sex(plus I don't have condom) which I sort of expected since it's only 2nd dat
e. I persisted and was just generally being handsy(she grabbed my hands and said no), only to actualize the inevitable. I would make her my girlfriend in a heartbeat if that
's the game she's playing. But from what I read online, apparently I missed the escalation window and it's basically impossible to get her alone again. What should I do now
without sounding desperate?

user!!! I’m telling you this right now. DON’T DO IT. I did this a few days ago and it just came to bite me in the ass a couple hours ago. Do not do it. Please for the love of god. The pain I’m feeling is so much worse than before I told her. Don’t. Don’t don’t don’t.

Did she already come on to you and you rejected her? Or left it open for debate? If so, yes, and post results.

Girls, all your friends are garbage.
All your guy friends want to fuck you.
All my friends want to fuck you.
All our friends just fuck up our relationship needlessly.
Do we really have to keep out friends if they’re going to be gone in the end anyway?

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nah, she already had a boyfriend when we met

She's talking to you, it stands to reason there's some interest there. Either that or she just likes the attention. If you're interested in her, you should go for it. Sounds to me like she's testing you rn, what do want her to think user?

what happened, if you don't mind me asking

Its always somewhat moist there, it shouldnt ever be totally dry. If something happens that makes me think of sex I will feel that Im slicker, its rare I just randomly get wet, I think it tends to happen around ovulation when it does happen.

What do you do if your partner goes to a houseparty without you and didn't ask if you were okay with it and didn't tell you they were going until the were already there?

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Why would they need my permission to go?

I'm pretty reserved for good reasons and I'm the type of person who'd rather get to know someone first. She's really laid back, pretty and interesting, and when I look at her I wonder how someone like that could be single. I don't think she's doing it for attention because she runs the Shakespeare club at her school, is super career focused, and really has just a small circle of friends. It doesn't fit her character to do it just for attention.

I want to be authentic, and I want to show that I'm interested I guess.


fuck user, that's really complicated. what are you gonna do now?

>house party
Oh. I wonder why he/she is going to a house party. I wonder if it’s to get drunk, flirt with every guy/girl there, and most likey have a sloppy hookup. xD

If your girlfriend/boyfriend is going out to parties without you, it’s a big redflag.

Because people on here can't deal with the thought of an independent partner that they can actually trust

Seriously, if you can't trust your partner enough to let them go to a party by themselves, you shouldn't be together

Then do just that. Keep doing what you're doing, unironically be yourself, and if you are interested, my god man don't hide it.

>If your girlfriend/boyfriend is going out to parties without you, it’s a big redflag.
Only if you don't trust them, and if you don't trust them, you have no business being in a relationship with them

I’m going to try and reconcile with the girl I hurt, express my displeasure to the girl I had confessed to, and see what happens. I already apologized to the boyfriend, who while sympathetic of my situation, was still overly pissed with me. But... I dunno.

But I don't want drama.

I don't even have friends. No friends, no drama.

Trust them? If there at the party, they’re already breaking your trust.
If they’re out at a house party, it’s pretty evident what they’re there intending to do even if they don’t actually end up hooking up with someone else.

So what you're saying is that you expect all humans everywhere to always get along and literally never have conflict of any kind?

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Are you confusing parties with literal orgies or something?

sounds like a start user. good luck. our situations are same but pretty different but I feel for you pal. just know that there's one user here for you

What makes someone trustworthy? Is it behavior? Temperament? Habits?

Most cheaters never get caught. Most people that get cheated on trusted their partners. Are you just too smart for that?

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This is simply incorrect. You need to look at it from the other point of view. If she is going to a party, why would she not invite her bf? Is it because she doesn't think he would fit in? That would only be a valid excuse at a girl's only party. Is the embarrassed to show who she's dating to the people she knows at that party? That's a bad sign. The only other reason is that she is intending to flirt with other guy's there and that's why she doesn't want him there.

tl;dr unless the party is only girls it's a red flag for her to go without him.

Because they are your property and you are their property.

What is the reason to attend a house party without your significant other when they're available and would want to go?

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That would be ideal, wouldn't it?

Why let your significant other out of the house at all then?

Drama-free friendships are one in a million, I honestly wouldn't believe in them if I didn't have one myself, so drama-free relationships seem completely impossible to me.

Anyway, if all you want is physical affection and sex you have to pay for it if you're a guy. If you're a girl you can look up cuddling groups, they always have unbalanced gender ratios so you'll have no problems finding dudes to cuddle.

It would be ideal for a billion dollars to magically fill my bank account but it's not going to happen. If you refuse to do anything until the miraculous, impossible, perfect situation arises then you may as well kill yourself now, because it's never going to happen.

Are you perfect in every way like you expect everyone else to be?

Don't try to move goalposts you fallacious fuck

Shit, sorry not everyone is as insecure and untrusting as you are.

Why can't you answer my question? Why would you consider willingly excluding your significant other for no discernible reason from an activity they want to be a part of to be a healthy thing to do in a relationship?

Why do you feel that once you're in a relationship, you have to do everything together?

And now ad hominem, stop replying to this white knight, he has no argument to give.

>Dodging extremely logical points in favor of random insults

Sounds like you're the insecure one. Are you feeling defensive because everyone's making valid points about the mechanism you use to cover up your infidelity?

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Do I really have to break it down?
What’s at a house party?
Liquid retardation.
>drunk people
Retards flirting with each other.
Everyone’s looking for a hookup. Why the fuck else would they be there? Are they happy with the one their with and their day to day life? Of course not, or else they wouldn’t be engaging in some shitty houseparty, drinking fruit punch and vodka.

Even if they didn’t have drunken sex, they were still there for the opportunity.

>Are you perfect in every way like you expect everyone else to be?
That's not my mindset. It is: I'm perfect for someone and someone is perfect for me.

>If you refuse to do anything
How am I refusing to do anything?

You're expected to share major aspects of your lives and not partake in activities that are based around meeting members of the opposite sex.

Going clubbing on your own if you have a boyfriend is not okay. Full stop. Going to a strip club if you have a girlfriend is not okay. Full stop.

And you know what's actually even worse than all that? Being so cowardly that you can't have a conversation with your significant other about the boundaries and expectations of your relationship. This shit shouldn't be ambiguous or up in the air. You ASK. If they have a response that you're not okay with, then you talk about it. If you can't compromise, then you break up. You don't guilt them and make them feel bad for having different expectations and desires than you, and you certainly don't sneak around behind their backs then claim that you're deserving of trust. Not how healthy people function dude. Get fucked.

You're refusing to have friends unless those friends are perfect in every way and never disagree with you

Yeah I know my situation is pretty unique, but I’m glad there’s someone that at least kind of relates to me. Best of luck to you too. Don’t make my mistake

Actually, I don't have friends anymore for other reasons, now, you made me think... Would I have less than perfect friends? I can't really answer this because I haven't tried it for a long time.
My initial question was about >tfw no gf

Do girls get oneitis beyond just wanting to bone?

Since when does having a oneitis involve just wanting to bone?

I guess I mean, do girls get cold oneitis? When girls get oneitis there's always this vibe they'll iust throw themselves at said guy.

Yeah unfortunately

How do I get a femdom facesitting gf

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If i ask out a girl and she later says that she had 2 midterms that day, do I still have a chance? She came to my place for a bbq party, not sure if i should ask again.

Do lots of high fives mean you’re in the friend zone?

yep lol

What does it mean when a girl calls you beautiful?

She wants to ride your dick

i dont think theres anything wrong with them going to a houseparty
however not telling you until they are there is a red flag (kept a secret so you had no chance to say no)

so then ask yourself, why is s/he keeping it a secret? i used to think they felt their partner was controlling, but with my last girlfriend she moved in with her ex boyfriend behind my back and told me after it was all arranged and i made a conscious effort to never control what she did after the things she told me he did


If I ask your number, you give it, agree to hang out in a few days, and sporadically text back and forth with me in the meantime, what should I expect from our hangout? I've mostly just been friendly and interested in my texts, but I want to make it obvious that I find her attractive without being creepy.

>hang out
Don't leave it so vague, make specific plans, come to an agreement on what you want to go do and then go do it at a time that works for both of you. "Hanging out" and simply being with a person comes a little later in the relationship.

If a guy calls you just to say hi and every time you talk its for at least an hour, does that mean he's interested?

Not necessarily

yes, definitely

ask him

for background he told me he liked me and we went out a few times but he moved away two months ago. We've managed to talk nearly every day.
I'm just trying to figure out if its a sign he's still interested in me.

Oh, we're getting lunch.

I do that with my friends of both sexes when bored or sad.we cant know whats his motive

You went on a few dates and you're wondering if he's into you?

Then you're doing fine! Get to know her and ask her questions about herself. Girls love to prattle on about themselves and if you have things in common she'll jive with you. Let it build naturally.

he wouldn't be talking to you everyday if he wasn' interested

He explicitly told you he liked you... are you retarded?

How much conversation and information do you girls want from a guy on a dating app before arranging to meet in person? We've got most of the basic info out of the way so the conversation will get a bit boring, but she seems like the type that doesn't want things to move too quickly.

lmao fucking idiot

Should I read into her texting habits? I guess we're both busy with our own lives, but sometimes I feel insecure about how infrequently we talk. Then again we only just met so it's not like we're going to get on famously right now.

Could a girl randomly giving you a gift mean she’s into you?

Only if you're a shittily drawn cartoon character attending high school in Japan.

What's the gift?

A kung fu movie and a box of extra small cheese and onion flavored condoms.

does the condom have layers

Have the same issue with this girl I had 3 dates with so far. We rarely text but it's no issue in person. We meet at her place next time so I guess I'm doing something right.

What does it mean that me and this girl have been dating for almost 3 months and we haven't had the "define the relationship" talk yet?

She seems to be pretty into me, and from what I can tell, she spends a pretty huge chunk of her very limited free time with me. I haven't brought it up yet because I was told I should wait for her to ask, but...

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This is the user of the original question. The gift was a box of chocolates

Chocolates could be promising. Was there any kind of special occasion for them, and did she give gifts to anyone else?

Girls like to keep you on social after curving you for the ego boost right? Or so they dont feel bad?