Jealous of son?

So many teachers at school have noted that my son is very athletic and fit. Not something I was told when I was young. They have told me that I should sign him up for some sport. But here is the problem. I wasnt succesful as an athlete so I dont want him to be, I could not stand it. I just cant watch sports in general. Because it reminds me of my failure. That lucky shit got good genes from his motherd. It requires nothing else. Born not built is the right thing. Fucking cunt.

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The easiest and best solution:

Ask him.

Does he want to do some sport?

Sign him up.

Does he not want? Then don't.

But I dont want him to say yes!

Lmao, imagine being this much of an ego-driven failure of a father.

You’re a fucking failure of a father. Fathers are suppose to want the best for their sons you fucking bitch. Stop whining and encourage him to be the best he can be. Fuckin cunt.

wow are you for real...


I know that feel bro.
Just beat him up and remind him you are the alpha male of the family.


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The first thing you need to have done is a DNA test. There's likely a good reason you hate the kid because he's not yours but some ball player your wife/gf was fucking

Be his son instead

OP you sound like my dad. He tried his best to fuck me up and beat the shit out of me. As for sports my mom gave me the ok to sign up. The better I played in a game the harder the beating afterwards. He constantly tried to fuck any girl I brought around so I stopped bringing them around him because they all thought him a creep. Whenever I did well at anything he said it was the worst day of his life. My mom finally divorced the spineless asshole and I have't spoken to him in years. FUCK YOU OP

No you were probably just a weak, lazy runt. If your son wants to do it then let him do it, he's not a beta like you.


Here's your (You)

The ultimate boomer mindset. Fuck my children and future its all about me!

Get over yourself, faggot. I never joined boy scouts or did boxing, even though I think it would have made me more masculine, but I'd have my son do it.

Bad father is bad.

OP, that might be the most pathetic thing I have ever read. He's your son, not your rival.

Do this first.
Then become a real man and do what is in his best interests.

Hope your son rebels against you and come out as a gay tranny who want to do tennis and play like Serena Williams. As a father you are suppose to nuture his talent and pave his future, not sabotage it. You're acting like some shitty deadbeat Stepdad. Fix your shit or quit.

Yeah that niggas gonna rebel against you, just let him live his life

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You were not meant to be a father faggot!

I wouldn't be suprise if his son was more capable of being a father too.


Theres something deeply wrong with a man who doesnt want to see his son succeed at something. You need to fix that shit before you give him some sort of complex

Learn to live vicariously through him like other sports parents, his success is your success, get that ego moving.

I hope you’re joking.

As a father of a 13 year old, I can already tell my son will be bigger, smarter, and stronger than me. Im totally okay with this. If you dont take your life and pass its lessons onto your kid, so they are indeed better than you, you've failed. Stop being an insecure faggot and realize parenthood was you signing up for something bigger than you. He is your legacy. Now shape up or fucking neck yourself.

You're a failure and will always be a failure. I hope your son puts you to shame.

you don't deserve to be a parent if you're not joking

I wish would have smacked his fucking talented ass even harder.

He should be happy!

who? the kid or the kids real father or maybe you should be smacking the mother for fucking around on you

He wont because ill beat his ass.

Lol he wont do anything neither will you

maybe now but when he's about 16 or 17 he'll beat the shit out of you in front of everyone and you'll fucking beg like a little bitch not to kill you

Maybe should start with those pills. Makes sure he wont do anything.

Shape up? He was a lucky guy in talented sense. Not who is his father. Its all balanced

Let him be, suggest whatever you want but let him make the decision