At what age does me being a kissless virgin who's never touched a girl become a problem if ever ?
At what age does me being a kissless virgin who's never touched a girl become a problem if ever ?
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Does it bother you?, its not really a problem if you dont make it a problem.
It kinda does
I lost my virginity at 21 and I've been doing fine since then.
that's for kissless
for virgin I would say 30
but then you're a wizard
Only real problem is why are you still a virgin?
Having sex is no big deal, its not hard to put your penis inside a vagina.
Getting to that point is harder and probably subject to circumstances/luck/your personality.
A better question/problem would be why are you still a virgin?
There could be solid reasons for being a virgin tho
I'm mostly the same except no attention from women ever and mid-20s. What should I do?
There are people like you who just havent found a girl yet. Its not an abnormal situation, it just happens.
You could meet your future wife/gf literally anywhere, its not like after graduation your life is over. Hang in there friend youll eventually find someone, live your life and enjoy it.
You don't need women, but it is questionable why you aren't randomly falling for one at a given moment and taking the dive. Maybe that comes with experience- IDK.
Anyway you can just live your life better and chase a rainbow when you think you see it.
Or not, whatever.
why you aren't randomly falling for one
Mostly because nothing I do puts me in a position where I would be required to socialize with women. I'm not in a hurry to find anyone but I fear I will die alone if I have no experience by some arbitrary age.
Don't lie you're in your thirties and married and have had over a dozen partners
Personally user I don't plan on having kids until I am 40. I could get married and get the white picket fence young, but I feel I have more to contribute before sacrificing my life for family.
But it's not about children. It's about being completely clueless about what to do on a first date in your 30s.
I would never consider it a 'problem', it's only a problem if you think it is. But i think what you mean is more in the sense of, at what age would it be weird to still be a KV?
>kissless virgin
Generally speaking, people expect you to have kissed a girl by the time you finish high school, so like 18 y/o is considered pretty standard to lose the kissless card. I would say it becomes weird at the age of like 21 to still be kissless. This is the age where people would actually frown their eyebrows at you if you still haven't even kissed a girl. Just my personal take on it though, these age limits i'm giving you are very arbitrary.
I am falling for women, but women never fall for me.
I meet plenty of women regularly and socialise actively, as well as putting a lot of effort into my appearance, but I just never get any attention from girls.
>but I just never get any attention from girls.
What do you consider attention? Like having these girls compliment you or something?
Are you actually asking women out?
Not him but willingly talking to me is what I would consider attention.
Yeah, I guess attention is anything outside of the boundaries of regular social interaction. So touching, flirting, opening up emotionally, direct compliments, etc. I never get any of that.
I don't ask girls out cause none of them give any signs that they would want me to ask them out.
Depends on how much it bothers you or how much attention those around you give it.
I have a friend who's almost 30 and never had a gf, never fucked, or never kissed a girl. Most he ever got was a clothed boob grab in high school from an ugly black chick.
He's incredibly immature though, and is morbidly obese (about 350+).
Do you fall into any of these OP?
It's pretty fucked up if women don't even like talking to you. Idk man maybe your social skills suck shit. You don't need to be a chad tier dude to get girls to enjoy talking to you.
You're reversing cause and effect, as everyone does when it comes to Virgins™:
It is not that you have a problem with it because you are a virgin, it is that you are a virgin because you have a problem with it.
Stop caring about what people think.
See, you are doing it again. You don't wait to see if a girl likes you to ask her out,you ask her out because YOU think you like her. If she says no then it's NOT YOUR PROBLEM, because she is missing out on you. Grow some balls, get some confidence and all your issues will be fixed.
I guess. I do have male friends that seem to enjoy my company. How can I make myself more pleasant to women?
I'm a 28 khv, had abusive childhood, mental illness (usual two), and was disinterested.
'Sorted' my life years ago but the disinterest remained and only wore off in the last year.
Is that bad? I'm kinda assuming since disinterest is the main reason i'm just a late bloomer?
>You don't wait to see if a girl likes you to ask her out,you ask her out because YOU think you like her.
That's all fine and good, but I don't really know who to ask out.
Like I find a lot of girls attractive. I wouldn't consider myself picky at all in terms of appearance. But I just literally don't know who to ask. If a girl showed interest in me first then I would know who to ask, because she'd make herself known to me as a potential partner. But because no girls do that, I'm just kinda lost
I found that women love it when you don't pedestal them in conversation. What i mean by this, is that you should talk to girl without being afraid of saying something she might not like.
If you are talking to a girl, be willing to disagree with her on certain things and tease her a bit here and there. Girls hate talking to guys who are obviously shy and who are afraid to say something wrong. Being unfiltered in conversations also simply leads to more interesting and funny interactions.
So where does one start? Girls obviously don't talk to me, so what excuse should I have to talk to them?
Depends on the situation. In social settings you should find yourself talking to people regularly i suppose? It's not much different than talking to a dude.
It kind of is, because no social settings I partake in include any women.
This. 20 is the point of no return
Jesus Christ, you have to do the first step and talk to them.
You are acting like a girl and that's why you don't get one.
Well yes but I don't really have the confidence to just start approaching girls blindly. In order to get that confidence I need a girl to show interest in me. But they never do that
To clarify, I do approach women in a social context and converse and make friends just fine. But I just never make romantic or sexual moves, and they don't with me either
As I said, you are acting like a girl.
Girls always care what others or "the group" says.
Men don't care. Men just do their own thing. Sounds primitive but that's just very simple biology.
What you need is not 'a girl showing interest in you first' (=approval from others), but practice and self-sufficient confidence
>But I just never make romantic or sexual moves, and they don't with me either
Because YOU are supposed to initiate. If you act like a friend, you are treated like a friend. If you act like a potential romantic partner, you will be treated like one.
>Because YOU are supposed to initiate. If you act like a friend, you are treated like a friend. If you act like a potential romantic partner, you will be treated like one.
Okay, I can understand this. It makes sense. It probably is true. I literally never make any forms of moves on girls nor do I ever even compliment them. I even went through a phase of never smiling at girls unless they smiled at me first, I used to just deadpan stare at them and nod as a greeting lol.
But the reason I do these things is cause im scared. Im scared that I'll flirt and the girl will freak out and be disgusted. Or I'll smile at her and she'll just ignore me. If I never flirt and never smile, I never have to face rejection, I am in control. But I also never get what I want, which is intimacy and affection. So I am always sad
Just read this:
Also important is
Read those and hopefully it'll turn your head around and help you (it did for me!).
>>Because YOU are supposed to initiate. If you act like a friend, you are treated like a friend. If you act like a potential romantic partner, you will be treated like one.
Why do I and only I have to be the one to initiate? Are women empty vapid husks with no emotion or desire whatsoever? Why do I as a man have to do all the work?
So subhuman women (femoids) just wait and do or say nothing even when interested in you till you make the move and if you don't they'll just wait for the next person to walk up to them?!
Seems I'm describing a dried up brown coloured leaf in autumn being blown around by the wind not caring where it falls only then to be picked up by an upwind and tossed somewhere else.
How can I respect something like an NPC then won't react until I give it a raw_input()?
Pathetic really!
>why don't girls approach me?
Either this whole thread is bait, or you're not op. For your sake I hope it's the latter.
I'm not OP and were thos the only things you got out of my text? Would you liek to contribute or answer any of my questions?
Alright then. Women don't ask men out because men want relationships more than they do. Would you go out for dinner if you were constantly delivered a wide assortment of food every day?
Yes, if it meant I could freely choose what to eat instead of picking the best out of what's being brought to me.
You're right, if you were the cream of the crop, some more desperate but somewhat confident girls might as you out. But then again, if you were that great surely you'd have asked someone out if you like them?
Women and men aren't the same. Stop this nonsense.
I'm 24 and a lost cause but that's due to me being legit autist so it is not like I had much chance to begin with.
My previous gf was a gigantic catholic or one of those because she didn’t wanna do anything before marriage.
How weird is: 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30? Or after 30? I suspect opinions differ a lot of this.