how cringy is this message?
"sorry if this feels sudden but I wanted to tell you that you're the most fascinating person i've met in years"
It's been 48 hours or so since our first date
I'm a dude btw, she's a girl
how cringy is this message?
"sorry if this feels sudden but I wanted to tell you that you're the most fascinating person i've met in years"
It's been 48 hours or so since our first date
I'm a dude btw, she's a girl
Very. You come off as an overly apologetic clingy faggot. GG
"hey. I just wanted to say..." don't apologize you fucking faggot
Please don't
I've had men tell me this and it just makes me feel under pressure to live up to the expectation he has, considering all the ones who told me that hardly knew me.
If you value any future contact with this woman, do not send
Don't listen to the virgin faggots here, OP, do what feels right.
then what's the point of this board
Got it
What should I do next then? I was thinking of telling her this since she's a writer and she showed me some really good shit during our date, should I even text her at all? should I wait more to text her? or should the next time we talk be in person? We go to the same uni
I don't have a lot of experience in dating as you can tell
why haven't you talked to her yet
thats a yikes for me :)
if you actually have that crazy feelings for her, just tell her that you felt good while spending time with her. no creepy mentaly clingy shit please
we talked again later that same day but very little
Also I don't want to seem desperate
You fell in love...
Put your energy into setting up a great second date.
Take her to an aquarium or a tea house or something of the like.
>sorry if this feels sudden but I wanted to tell you that
Delete this nephew. Come on strong or don't come on at all. This middle ground shit makes it more awkward not less.
>you're the most fascinating person i've met in years
Is something a confident man would tell a girl he finds interesting.
>sorry if this feels sudden but I wanted to tell you that you're the most fascinating person i've met in years
Is what a creepy neckbeard says to the cosplayer he's been stalking.
did you ask her out for the second date? just say something like 'hey, I had a great time, let's meet again on Friday" or something
don't sperg out on her until at least 3-6 months in.
Makes sense since I'm an ex semi-neckbeard I guess
Yeah that's awful OP, you can send that if you enjoy being ghosted.
If you can, always let the girl chase. Give it a few more days and see if she reaches out to you.
If not, the next time you want to take her out for another date, send her a message a day or two before hand and something like "Hey i'm thinking of doing x, you can come along if you like."
it comes on way too strong, and like others have said it's needlessly apologetic, and it's really something that you might say DURING the date when she's talking about how she's studying nursing or whatever, not as a random text 48 hours after the date.
How cringy? I give it 8 pickle ricks out of reddit
"hey girl youre pretty fine ;)"
thats it dont write long shit
he already went on a date with her lmao
sounds like something I'd say when I was 14 to a girl I played team fortress 2 with on steam.
how old are you?
Why don’t you send her a message about something she showed you during your date? Like “hey I was looking more into X and it’s been really cool etc etc.” It’s a way of starting the conversation and also telling her you appreciate her without being an autism about it.
It's basically an outlet for confirmation bias
WELLLLL as a an actual girl I've be flattered if you told me that. That you find me interesting and it shows genuine interest
If she's into you, it's not cringy. I have tons of female friends, and when they're into a guy, that guy can pretty much say and do anything and they'll love it. One guy texted my friend that he wants to rape her, and she thought it was cute and just a way of showing how attracted he is to her.
So it's hard for you to act like a lady because you're a whore?
>I'm a dude btw, she's a girl
Wow really I couldn't tell