>both me and her have huge crush on each others >so huge its pretty much open secret to everyone >we both spilled spaghetti and go red-faced when people poke fun at our mutual infatuations >but when I offered to help her with her works she ignores me and acts like an ice queen >Asked her out 3 times, each time turned down >So I started ignoring her, don't want to be her orbiter >she retaliates by flirting with my friend in front of me >I respond by flirting with her friend in front of her >she actually gave me a death stare full of hate and rage
You know for certain that she actually has a crush on you?
Alexander Ross
You fucking weebs want tsunderes all the time but we you get one you complain
Cameron Torres
Jordan Williams
She has autism, probably. If not than she's kind of spoiled. I hope her older sister sees this and does her best to console her. It sucks being the responsible one. Double that weight if you're poor. Egyptian slave that weight if you're constantly trying to improve your skills and lost all your friends because of it.
If she actually thought I was a weeb cause I fucking lied about watching anime in hs then thats her problem for believing rumors instead of talking to me normally.
Angel Richardson
You are both equally awkward, subversive, and petty. If you want to change things, have an actual talk with them. Otherwise, stop playing games with them and ignore what they do.
Samuel Nguyen
I had a girl like this, good luck OP. She was awesome. I had to move before I could wear her down enough to be accepted by her, but she did all the things your girl is doing.
I'd say keep asking her out. And spend time with her. You're not really orbiting, girl like her just takes time.
Isaac Sanchez
I actually tried to talk to her in person but if its my fault, yet again, sure whatever im used to being the sacrificial lamb. Making some overly exaggerated narrative on social media proves that maybe she shouldn't have played with my feelings, then depended on twitter or whatever for answers. That's what you get for playing games. You regret the way you treated that person and cant get them to forgive you. The worst part is that she lied about many things just to brag and get popular. Its wrong but at least I can make shit out of it and sell it as a book or something :)
She always smiled and looked very excited whenever she watched me gave a presentation. She kept looking at me when she thinks I don't see her. She kept hovering around me and standing next to me whenever we're in the field. When i want to ask her something or she had to talk me about she often gave me body language that I often noticed in all my exes. When she gave a presentation and saw that I was watching she looked overly excited.
Carson Lewis
OP here. Posts above are not by OP but kinda same experience in a nutshell.
Tyler Brooks
lel now that I thought about it, she IS an asian with red hair.
Fuck. Am I shinji?
Jack Powell
Nothing here is a clear indication for crushing on you.