Good Evening, Anonymous! It's that time again! Need advice on job/career? Sex and relationships? Or you just want to stop by and say hello?
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Good Evening, Anonymous! It's that time again! Need advice on job/career? Sex and relationships...
I have a strong feeling that I'm being played.
Explain pls.
I have an interview coming up in 2-3 weeks for a job that I really want.
I'm also lonely as fuck. Usually everyday I go out to some random event and try to meet people there and make friends. This has never resulted in any friends. But whenever I don't do this, I end up regretting it and telling myself "Man if you just went out today you might've actually made a friend"
Should I stay home, cook some healthy food, and study?
Or should I go out, eat some fast/restaurant food, and go out about the city?
You need to strike a balance with both options.
There are days when it's comfy af to stay home, and cook something good.
You can set aside a day or two each week where you do go out and interact with other people. That too, can be comfy af.
On Wednesday my friend is trying to get me to go for Girl A, telling me how much she's into me and telling me it's an easy run.
Girl A is attractive but I'm not entirely sure I'm into her.
That night Girl A starts flirting with me over text out of nowhere
I ask a different friend for advice (but omit all of the above info) who also happens to be a close friend of Girl A and she said Girl A is just flirting and not to take it seriously.
That night Girl B (who is even closer to Girl A) comes into my work (we work together) and starts talking to me out of nowhere. Girl B has a long history of manipulative behavior and sometimes can get Girl A on board.
Girl A starts being even more aggressive and forward over text and I stay kinda neutral because I have a suspicion that this is a prank. I tell girl a that I'd rather talk irl about all this and she says ok.
I go out with her twice and both times she almost completely ignores what's been going on over text even when I directly bring it up.
After the second time she starts being explicitly sexual over text and I ask her why she's all of a sudden talking when she was quiet about it irl and she says some excuse about how she was nervous. ( This may be true because I think she has self confidence issues )
Sorry for wall of text, I tried to keep it as compact as possible if you need more details in one area or another then just ask.
I'm lonely like everyone else here,
Got over my gf who dumped me 3 weeks ago,
I'm taking dance lessons and there are cute girls there but I don't want to get too crazy with trying to date everyone, I need to get to know people first before deciding. That way I don't get a reputation as a horndog player.
I also bombed several tests which means now the highest grade I can possibly get in my class is a B, with C being more likely. First non-A grade in a year and a half ever. Fucking hell man.
Sometimes I feel like I'm screwing things up for myself.
I went on a date with a girl yesterday and it seemed to go really well. We walked around my college campus for about a good hour and sat and chatted at the student union for about half an hour, she was laughing and smiling most of the time and asking me stuff, at the end of the date we hugged and she accepted my kiss on the lips. Is that a sign she is interested in me?
You're taking way to much on at once. Get your schooling regimented so that you can take care of you work without stressing. And let your relationships with those women develop naturally
yes you fucking retard
Girl A sounds a bit unstable. Proceed with extreme caution.
She’s bad about texting though and sometimes doesn’t respond for hours, she is a bit of an introvert. Is that nothing to worry about?
She very much is. She also dressed really slutty when we went out and it made me kinda mad that she didn't even though she was doing it for me. Is this irrational of me? How can I ask her to dress more conservativly?
if the texting game isn't going well then just invest more into facetime. Don't chase her over text, and don't respond instantly if you don't think she'll do the same for you.
I suggest you get it together with your schoolwork first. But that's just common sense, really.
Alrighty, but based on the in person experience it sounds like she is interested?
thank you for the offer user
She's been flirting with me for months and telling everyone she's been too. She is always trying to get me to touch her and she's always playing with me hair. She complains when I don't hang out with her and she's usually down for whatever I suggest despite the fact I always split the check and drive her around in my shitty car.
Maybe this means yes or maybe it means no idk I've never been good with girls and haven't started getting female attention until last year
So I’m kind of deciding between two girls right now. One of them I’ve been pursuing for a while and she’s absolutely my type. Tall, dark hair, medium tits, nice thighs, cute but rebellious. But two nights ago I met a new girl, and I think she was flirting. But she’s not my usual type: short-ish, dark blonde hair, but BIG tits, and nice ass, also she has a super adventurous personality. Help me decide pls.
To ask her to dress more conservatively is a very tricky thing. Especially since I don't know how she was dressed. And I don't know hoe you'd like her to dress. If she wants to express an interest in sex, that's usually a good thing..
The one that's more loyal and trustworthy. All that shit means nothing if she cheats on you or abandons you when you need her .
How hard is it to get a waiver for depression in the USMC?
I attempted suicide when I was 14, was prescribed meds which I didn’t take for long before quitting them, went to consouling, and had to stay at a hospital for six days
Should I just lie to the recruiter?
She was wearing extremely short shorts and a "shirt" that was basically just a big rubber band wrapped around upper chest covering basically just he massive tits with nipples hard and visible through them.
I'd prefer she dress like she does at uni when I see her.
Just go convince a doctor you're cured
I think you replied to the wrong user, I’ve got women problems too
She's interested yea. Women don't just kiss anyone and you would definitely be able to tell if she wasn't enjoying being with you. You're in a good state but don't scare her away by being too aggressive but don't lose her completely by being too cold. You have to kinda bait her into opening up and then match whatever she offers emotionally. Introverted girls are like a tightrope.
Hello and welcome!
I could tell you to flip a coin, but that might be perceived as.....flippant.
You arrested probably already leaning more toward one than the other. Take inventory of the reasons why and see what you think.
Honestly, I don't know much about the military, as I have never been in it. I can tell you lying is probably a bad idea.
sorry my bad
Will that get me a waiver? If I gave the recruiter a signed paper by a doctor saying I’m cured
That’s what I’ve been doing with texts is if she hasn’t responded to one I may send another 4-5 hours later and then see, I used to spam girls with texts like an autist and it scared them off.
This is a thread worth observing.
Ones like these tend to be pretty comfortable.
Get a doctor to say your cured, don't lie to your recruiter but don't mention it either. If they specifically want a real answer from you tell them you've been cured and have the documentation to prove it.
Never ever double text. 24-48 hours minimum before you send another text unless it's extremely urgent
Then you might consider getting together and stuff like right after class, when she's dressed more modestly.
Hi dc!
Alright, does it have to be the original doctor or just any doctor?
Thanks dude, you’ve probably just saved my ass
hi, how are things going?
That would probably work actually
But I still can't shake the feeling that she's messing with me or using me but I still can't figure out how. He friend does it for entertainment but I've never seen Girl A be manipulative unless she wants something material
any doctor but make sure it's a real doctor
Also if your origibal hospital discharge papers from the hospital say anything positive about your improvement then you should get those too
Your taste in women is superb. Pour yourself a glass of your finest bourbon on me.
Alright, I’ll schedule an appointment with my doctor tomorrow
Hopefully next time I’m on here I’m an US Marine
Very nice voice
having a girlfriend isn't enough i need a dominant girl that can help keep me centered that i can be a friend with and have a long term relationship that is into my fetishes and likes me enough that their attraction is also a fetish. what do?!
I'm good, I went hiking, as you know. Had a good meal and a nap. Later tonight, I'm gonna hang with some friends, and watch movies, and sports highlights!
As I read your post, I couldn't help thinking of this girl I grew up with. She had very restrictive parents. They frowned on makeup, any any sort of provocative dress. When she grew up, and was on her own, she kind of went full retard. She went off the Deep end with sluttydress and attitude. She eventually struck the balance between dressing sexy, when appropriate, and being regular. Maybe this girl is going through a similar stage?
Good luck user
For me, it's a nice cup of coffee! But thank you!
talk to a therapist because your problem isn't a sexual one
maybe, and I mean that's entirely possible I don't know much about her upbringing only that she's had a typical multiple sibling Latina childhood
I crave romantic contact so bad. I just want someone to hold hands, talk, and kiss with. Honestly, forget about the sexual shit for a minute. I just want to connect with someone. How could I assert that more when I meet girls?
do women like this exist?
Talk to women and don't stare our even notice any of their sexual features.
thanks. I have been doing too much. I've been sort of insane actually, moving nonstop for the last 3 weeks with last Thursday being my first night off.
I can't take back my last 2 tests, but I can buckle down and study for the final which is this week. I blame my first test on the breakup, since it was almost immediately after. The most recent test was because the 'practice test' only covered about half the stuff in the actual test. So I was probably screwed there either way. I'm going to talk to the instructor about it to see what else I should study for the final.
It's going to be a week of nonstop BS, but at least I'm mostly emotionally stable now.
It sounds like you're having a pretty good day.
Technically at least a few are bound to exist.
How long has it been since your last relationship?
Alright thanks user, she’s dorky as fuck and socially awkward too so I’d think she’d understand but I’ll play it safe for now
My gf would always ask if I was ok and check on me, but not ONCE! Not a single solitary time did she ask if I needed space. I appreciate that she cared but sometimes a fella needs some alone time.
In a word, yes.
They are out there.
a year
how do I get over my inability to trust women
I've never even been cheated on
I hope everyone is doing well tonight. I hope you don't mind if I ask for some advice. How do I stop the negative self talk besides will power? Sometimes it's hard to stop it. I'm trying to get better at socializing and I get pretty impatient with myself.
I've talked to plenty of therapists it won't do much. I know what my issues are, I just want an emotional and physical outlet, a situation to feel comfortable in. I even know why my sexual interest in dominant women is due to my sexual abuse as an child from ages 3-5 and later attempts(attempts because they were failed because i was grown enough to stop them) in my tweens. The lack of a motherly figure being surrounded by man hating and abusive women as a child and the sexual abuse of a woman have set me up to desire this dynamic. I look like a normie, I'm well socialized, mentally stable and fully aware to not talk about these things in civilized society but I just have these interests and desires that I would prefer to decompress in a meaningful relationship without it being abusive. So I would agree my issue also isn't "sexual"
I'm sorry for assuming. I was projecting myself onto you, as I also have a deep unwavering desire to meet a dominant woman. I've asked around on slot of boards on where to find them but no one else seemed to understand so I guess I just let my anger out on you.
dominant women exist. I broke up with a girl a year ago in part because we weren't compatible sexually - we were both dominant
The old saying is true: do the things you enjoy doing, and one day when you least expect it and are not even looking for it,someone will pop into your life.
To get at the bottom of this, I would want to know where it all started. A professional therapist can help you work this out. And give you the tools you need to stop it from influencing you.
do you eat fish or only play with them
I want to believe that saying so bad but I don't know if it's true.
oh it's okay you weren't being that aggressive, i appreciate you saying that though
sorry to hear that user, in what way was she dominant? how did that make you two incompatible
when I was in 2nd grade I always chose to hang out with girls because they seemed more friendly but starting the year after I grew more and more distant until middle school where I would actively push away any woman who would even approach me because I was certain they were just trying to play stupid tricks on me. I'm not sure what initiated this shift or maybe it's been repressed but I find that unlikely. In my memory it just happened.
Starting in 2nd grade I had fantasies about dominant women though.
Old habits die hard. You've probably been doing this for a good while. Admitting the problem is the first step. And small steps is all you need to take right now. This cycle of negativity didn't start overnight. And it won't suddenly change overnight either. Be patient with yourself.
You have some insight into this, which is good. I still suggest you sit down with a therapist.
I can't bring myself to trust a therapist either, even if I did get myself past that I am still deathly afraid that having seen a therapist will affect my later down the line when I'm trying to get a job or something
Why do you think it won't work That way?
Im 19 and have never had a girlfriend
Hm thank you koi. I'll try to do that more often.
You're right. It became a bad habbit. I used to not fight it all. Thank you Mantis.
Confidentiality between therapist and client is a thing. And it has to be a thing, otherwise, no one would go to them!
You're welcome!
That's not as unusual as you might think.
I've been with my gf for years but Im afraid I'm falling out of love with her. I was never hot for her, but I came to love her for her personality. She needs so much foreplay that sex seems like a chore. I find myself thinking about other girls now too.
She's definitely picked up on this, but she hasn't said anything. How do I rectify this?
what do you mean it's not unusual?
don't most men have at least one female relationship before they reach maturity?
should I focus on trying to solve my present problems as they come or should I solve my personal fundamental philosophical problems and use that to fix my present problems
you need to personally confront what you don't love about her and decide whether it's possible to love those aspects
And have you reached Maturity? Be honest.
This is the first time I've heard thathat type of problem. Do you think you and she can sustain this relationship with minimal sex, with the focus being on her personality?
I suppose it's not really possible to reach maturity without having a relationship
Maybe I'm afraid I will never mature
I'm the guy who was sexually assaulted. I just want to talk
I can live without too much sex, but she wants it more often than I do. The foreplay takes too long and doesn't do anything for me. By the time I actually get to fuck I've lost interest. I just want to cum and go to sleep, but she keeps bothering me for sex.
Hi. Welcome back. How are you doing?
You sound a lot like me. I have tried it both ways and it really depends on the person and situation I think. Your personal philosophical problems are important and you'll regret it later if you ignore them for too long. At the same time present problems can be sometimes fixed quickly with out needing a philosophical analysis of yourself and you can focus on your more personal problems when they're out of the way. I'd say trust your judgment on this one. No one knows you and your situation better than you do.
I burned myself out with my classes and stuff this week. Haven't made any progress on the other front as a result
I miss you pretty girls poster
Therin lies the heart of the matter: how much are the two of you willing to compromise? Are you willing to do the foreplay she needs? Is she willing to accept less foreplay in exchange for a stable, loving relationship?
Like I told someone above: be easy on yourself. You had a good, solid week of schoolwork? There is nothing wrong with that. Progress, not perfection is the key. It's gonna take time for you to work through all that you have been through.
But how can I determine if my judgement is sound? Within my own mind I am nothing but a echo chamber with no checks on reality
how do I learn to be more responsible with things that only affect me
Maturity can be measured in degrees. Each experience that we learn from, we move a little further up the maturity mountain.