Met this really cool girl on tinder talked a bunch of social media before meeting up (firstmistake) but eventually ended up fucking her the 2nd date. It was ok sex. i didnt come and she actually bled a bunch (redflag?) either way kept in contact and continued seeing her, Ended up to agreeing to beta shit like (lunch) dates and other dates that never led to sex. She ended up talking about other dudes when we hanged out (another red flag) but i just sorta allowed it but also talked about other girls without being butthurt. We ended up making out one day and she was soaking wet but kept saying we werent having sex, she sucked my dick but i couldnt push pass lmr. She ended up giving me the LJBF the next date i tried escalating again. I Laughed it off and didnt show butt hurt but decided to ghost her for a week. She freaked out and was wondering what happened. I just told her i was busy. She scheduled a meet up, I made sure she knew it was a "date" she agreed. Thought I was in the clear, obviously not, I made the same mistake of playing into her frame and doing lunch, she pretty much bounced right after and didnt give me any chance to escalate or come up to my apartment. tried for another date and defined it as a date and that we werent friends even more explicitly, she agreed. ended up having a great time but she went totally deadfished at the end when i went in for the kiss. I played it off and said my goodbyes. She later messaged me that night as if nothing happened. Decided to tell her "Hey i had a fun time tonight but im not really looking to get to know you just as a person but as a woman, let me know when youre interested. she got emotional and asked if that meant i would ignore her if she decided no. last message she said was "ill think about it"
Friendzoned aftersex
tldr: fucked a girl, caught oneitis, fell into her frame, she puts me in ljbf, in attempt to regain frame tell her no thanks and am currently in no contact.
this shit stings guys. im young and i took the redpill but learning from this experience i definitely havent fully swallowed or internalized everything. I fucked up and showed some weak behaviors, this is what killed the attraction i can only assume. If she reaches out idk how i should even go about it. maybe just fuck the shit out of her.
im really not sure
this shit is painful.
it was hard for me to even set that boundary and saying "i know what i want and i know what i dont want"
im currently moving forward
how do i protect myself from this shit in the future, and what do i do if she reaches out?
Maybe if you stopped using retarded acronyms you would have more success.
That's a really weird situation, I suggest you part ways because you both aren't on the same page. There's no reason to lead each other on
Didn't you make this exact same thread with that exact same picture before?
yes but i thought i escaped it after defining it was as date.
back in square one now.
Stop talking to her. Why is this not obvious?
What is a ljbf? Is this some new zoomer lingo?
Yeah that seems like zoomer lingo. Im getting to old for this shit
you were either bad or tiny dicked, also bleeding wtf?
she will think about it, you said what you wanted, thats a win, regardless of outcome
you could skip the dating phase and the listening to about other guy because thats cuckoldry territory
have you prepared for when she asks you if you only want to fuck her?
>im not really looking to get to know you just as a person but as a woman
fuck you
Is this a proof for a machine take over? No way a human could write this shit.
Wtf is wrong with that? It's showing romantic interest without being so fucking sex starved. I actually thought I had a good connection with this girl. I wouldn't text or hangout with some I just wanted to fuck. But it's painful for me to get rejected by someone that I really am attracted to personality wise and physically.
Also I wordded that wrong. I said I want to get to know her as a person not just as a woman.
Wkops NVM switched that around again .I'm actually the biggest dude she's been with.
Yeah I definitely fell into cuckold area. Always scheduled around her. Huge mistake. Yeah I'm definitely prepared when she asks if I just want to fuck her. I don't introduce girls"that I just want to fuck" to my social circle. I don't involve girls into my life "that I just want to fuck" she probably has this idea running through her head. Most definitely
Have you tried just straight out asking her why she doesn't want to have sex withyou anymore? Maybe it's just something stupid you could change.
>agreeing to beta shit like (lunch) dates and other dates that never led to sex
You're a fucking piece of work OP. You want nothing but sex from the girl and complain that she likely knows this and won't give in when you try to "PUSH PAST" her NO. Fucking asshole
Me, me, me, me and my feelings. You're not as clever as you believe. She can see that you are just pretending to like her and the dates you reluctantly take her on upfront payment for sex. You don't give a shit about her feelings only your fragile male ego. How fucking dare she not want to fuck you again.
Its comical but pathetic you men really believe you deserve pussy from a girl because YOU want her and get mad when she doesn't want you.
This comment is based and redpilled.
OP you just got btfo.
Lol nice try. I never demanded or said I was owed sex. Just like she doesn't owe me that I don't owe her emotional support or validation. I just told her what I want. It's called communication
Is a guy not allowed to complain when he gives a girl what she wants but doesn't get what he wants in return? From what he's said it seems like OP made it clear he wanted sex and she's just using him for food/emotional dumping.
What would you suggest he do? Continue to see someone as a friend that he clearly doesn't want just as a friend?
Reading all these angry replies, if a woman is allowed to complain when a man only wants her for sex, why isn't a man allowed to complain when a woman wants him for emotional shit but not sex?
Yeah fuck you. Im putting me and my mental health first. I'm not a fucking doormat. I'm not a lunch buddy. I'm not option 2. If girls were treated like this by a guy it wouldn't even be a question what to do.
Me, me, me, me and my feelings. You're not as clever as you believe. He can see that you are just pretending to like him and the dates you reluctantly agree to go on upfront payment for his commitment and money. You don't give a shit about his feelings only your fragile female ego. How fucking dare he not want to date you again.
Its comical but pathetic you women really believe you deserve attention from a man because YOU want him and get mad when he doesn't want you.
Most of your OP says otherwise. I understand you cannot see it but she can. Keep on with your clueless whine. I'm sure she is kicking herself for not getting to know you a little bit more before having sex.
I suggest he move on. He feels entitled to her pussy especially since she was foolish to give it to him in the first place. So let me get this straight. A girl accepts a date and tells you a bit about herself so you are entitled to pussy?
Women feel they're entitled to men all the time
Lurk some black women forums and see how they complain when black men ignore their ugly loud asses for other women
White women complain about the same shit when white men go to Asian women
Don't make this a men issue you all are just as fucking guilty of the exact same shit
Fucking golden.
A girl sucks your dick on multiple occasions says shit like I miss you and I trust you and I like you... And than literally 180s. This isn't normal behavior
It's called being an asshole who sees women as fucktoys and has no idea how to relate to or connect with other human beings on a personal level that doesn't immediately benefit you. Get bent.
It's called being an asshole who sees men as emotionaltoys and has no idea how to relate to or connect with other human beings on a personal level that doesn't immediately benefit you. Get bent.
If it were the first date I would agree, but they've already had sex and this point she's obviously just using him.
He should have ditched her by now, but you painting OP as the villain goes to show you've done the same as the girl and your passive aggressive posts are your way of justifying to yourself that these actions aren't a form of manipulation.
If she was bleeding the sex probably hurt and she wanted some time before doing it again. Instead you revealed yourself to be an asshole. Nice job.
Lol 2 months. Fuck off. Nice try.
Lol women collectively view men as disposable, when men adapt you cry like a bitch? Hahahahaha
such an asshole
Oh my fucking God there is no possible way a mammal wrote this. Somebody dox this machine and let's break it, it's obviously malfunctioning.
My God, how do we allow these robotic cavemen to exist?