Any advice for fighting off multiple people at once? Im not weak and ive been doing mma for years but im not sure I can take 3-4 people, I robbed some gimp dealer for an eighth, and as in "robbed" I mean he passed me it, I said "nice one" and just walked off on him and he didnt do or say fuck all about it, this guy is in his thirties and im 19 which is the funniest part. Should I go for dirty shots to win, or should I fight head on with my pride?
Any advice for fighting off multiple people at once...
>with my pride
You already lost your pride when you started interacting with drug dealers.
>Fighting street thugs
>Without a gun
What is gonna happen is at best you get a lucky shot at the first one, assuming you don't pussy out immediately from niggas nigging you and then you are gonna get shanked/stomped and left for dead.
GG kid.
They're white trash mongs lol luckily they arent black. Thanks I guess pray for me i'll need it. Im confident I could take him and two of his fuckbudies by themselves but some of them are brothers so that defiantly wont happen. but as I said 3-4 on 1 is a bit too much for me to handle, I have a friend who could even it out but hes not always with me so it's more or less likeky ill be on my own
Im in the uk too so no guns
Put your mouth guard in before you fight. Nothing more intimidating than someone who actually knows what he's doing.
I don't give advice to crooks, sorry.
OP, I think you might be mentally challenged.
I probs am otherwise I wouldnt have done it lol
you have plenty of ego but little pride
>interacting with drug dealers
You deserve to be shot
Your best bet is to make it up some how or call the authorities that you are in danger. Fighting outnumbered is lethal. Your mma isnt going to save you. You need to let the drug life go. Thats what you need to understand. You are in over your head. Make it up or call for authorities. Maybe they wont take you in. Dont cross people like that again. Please stay safe.
What a stupid thing to do
Yenno, that second to last comment sorta put me off getting high. Its probs time to put this childish stuff behind me.. But I can't call authorities or the repercussions for grassing would be much worse, as in everyone including dealers from different turfs of thr town would wanna batter the shit out of maybe. Im gonna stand up to them and take what's coming. Thank you, ill try my best to be safe.
Me* not maybe, ignore the bad spelling im not the most academically gifted
>im not the most academically gifted
No shit, you samefagging retard.
Well OP certainly go for it. Dont listen here to any of those losers. You can fuck 4-5 of those drug dealers. They wont do shit.
Move side to side, constantly flee, get strikes in when possible, don't wrestle, don't let them surround you, and DON'T CHARGE.
BTW you fucked up.
Wats a "samefag"? And yeah charging in probs isnt the best idea tbf, I arnt about to let them surrond or "wrestle" me tho fuck that shit or I won't have a chance. I doubt ill get stabbed or anything desu so the worst thatll happen to me is ill get knocked out, I just want to make a good stand and show them im not gonna fold over and get scared cus thats probs what they want. At the same time im hoping they will just decide it isnt worth the hassel
I fucked up but it was still funny tho hahahaha
That's the word of man my man. Fight those drug dealers. Indeed the worst that can happen is you being knocked out. No one on this site has been in fight. I have fought drug dealers before and they are just pussies. Fat and weak. When you meet them you have to attack first.
Thats a good idea, as soon as any of em try coming within arms distance ill snot them and hope for the best
Update: apparently he's put thirty pounds out on my head lol what a fucking muppet only thirty quid? Who'd even fucking bother coming to find me for that much
Always fight dirty when outnumbered, don't do reactive fighting because there isn't enough time, take out as many as you can as fast as possible.
Be proactive, inflict damage, but don't surrender because they'll kill you.